IMDb Polls

Poll: From Scores to Tropes

Some original movie and TV scores* reached such an iconic status that they became classic standards defining very specific situations.

Which classic movie/TV score would you say is the most iconic?

After voting, you may discuss the list here

*(which unfortunately disqualifies 2001 and The Sting)

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Chariots of Fire (1981)

    Running in slow motion / final sprint
  2. Vote!

    Dragnet (1951)

    Impending doom
  3. Vote!

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

    Duel stance / final showdown
  4. Vote!

    Rocky (1976)

    Sport or competition training
  5. Vote!

    The Magnificent Seven (1960)

    Heroic ride on horses or in a Western setting
  6. Vote!

    Psycho (1960)

    (murder theme) Brutal, savage murder or beating
  7. Vote!

    The Twilight Zone (1959)

    Something mysteriously scary
  8. Vote!

    Jeopardy! (1984)

  9. Vote!

    The Benny Hill Show (1969)

    Running in fast motion / a comical chase with many protagonists
  10. Vote!

    Jaws (1975)

    Menacing presence, getting closer and closer...
  11. Vote!

    Mission: Impossible (1966)

    Planning an improbable, difficult or amazing task (generally collective)
  12. Vote!

    The Pink Panther (1963)

    Heist / sneaking into a house

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