IMDb Polls

Poll: Oscar Best Picture Nominees and Women

Much has been said about the absence of racial diversity in Oscar nominees over the years. Fortunately, the 2017 Oscars did a much better job recognizing the accomplishments of minorities. What about women in movies, though? The Bechdel Test measures the presence of women in film. It tests a very low bar and yet many movies fail it. The criteria: 1) Are at least two women (named characters) in it? 2) Do they talk to each other?... 3) About something other than a man?

Below are the nominees for the Best Picture Oscar from 2012 - 2017, that pass the Bechdel Test (27 out of 54 films passed and most just barely). Some, it could be and often is argued, pass the test only by "the letter of the law," rather than the broader intention: Are empowered women represented in the film? Which nominated film below do you think passes the spirit of the Bechdel Test the best?

Discuss here.

Results of 1,772 votes:

  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.

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