When Was The Last Time You Felt Really Safe???
28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so Ep2 Starts with whiney Allie sending her WIFE in to look for clowns. Clowns are hiding everywhere! Thanks to that Twisty Comic. That's all Allie can see. Ally says 'I think there might be something wrong with me.' Gee. You think???

But the kid is seeing them too. He sees Twisty coming to get him and locks himself in the bathroom. Twisty breaks in the DOOR. What's the kids name? I don't even know. Oh he's yelling but when the MOMS run into his room he's having a bad dream.

Ahhh OZYMANDIUS , THATS THE KID'S NAME. What a name. Oz for short. The Moms get all upset when they find OZ across the street visiting with the new neighbors and their BEES. They keep BEES. And of course the neighbor, Harrison, confronts Ally immediately about being 'Miss Snoopy Pants' over there looking in their windows.

And then the fountain of knowledge that both couples start spouting. OH MY GOD. Harrison and Meadow, Harrison is gay, and Meadow has cancer. Wow share more please!!! I mean when i first meet someone hell i expect them to shovel me their whole life story in one big heap!!

And then back at home, but someone tripped the alarm at the BUTCHERY, and Ivy is gonna go but Allie says she's gonna go instead!! Yeah sure. It makes sense. Send Allie who has been seeing clowns everywhere she looks to go check out the alarm!!!

-1 Star for letting Allie go check out the Alarm.. Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

So at the BUTCHERY, ALLIE OF COURSE sees someone she knows hanging in the meat locker. But of course, we skip to the next day, where bars are being installed on all the windows of their house and a security system, and the WIFE brings in Allie's doctor. Oh the guy who got murdered in the meat locker was Roger their employee. But now she's got home security, barred doors and windows, and the neighbor Harrison gave her a GUN!

This is a great time for KAI to visit. He's running for city council!!! He has a plethera of information that he wants to share. Information that he has gleaned from FACEBOOK.

+1 sTAR for KAI FOR CITY COUNCIL! And he scares the hell out of Allie. Haha.

But at the end, the alarm goes off, someone is in the House! And Allie grabs OZ and they make a run for it!! But someone is at the door and Allie BLASTS THAT FOOL RIGHT IN THE FACE!!! Allie she ain't afraid of NOTHIN!!!

+1 sTAR FOR ALLIE not being afraid OF THE DARK!!!

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