"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Indiscretion (TV Episode 1995) Poster

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Dukat finds his daughter
Tweekums18 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When Major Kira learns about the location of a Cardassian ship which was transporting Bajoran prisoners including the man who recruited her in to the resistance she is determined to go and search for survivors. When the Cardassians learn of Kira's discovery they insist on sending somebody to accompany her as they want to know what happened to the ship as well. Kira isn't too pleased when she discovers that the Cardassian who will accompany her is to be Gul Dukat. When they find the crashed ship they also find several graves, including that of a Bajoran woman with whom Dukat had been involved with many years before, in fact she also bore his child. Kira is shocked when she finds out that he plans to kill her in order to protect his family and position back on Cardassia. When they discover the survivors they find that they are being used as slave labour by the Breen. When they liberate the prisoners Kira must save Dukat's daughter. Back on DS9 their is a secondary story concerning Captain Sisko's potential girl friend has been offered a job on Bajor and might be moving on to the station... until his response isn't quite as enthusiastic as she would have liked.

I really liked the main story, Dukat's determination of find and kill his daughter reminded me of the John Wayne classic "The Searchers" even if the motivations are different. Nana Visitor and Marc Alaimo do well as Kira and Dukat; while the characters don't like each other the actors work well as the two antagonists. The second story was far too soapy for my liking although it only took up a little time so didn't spoil the episode.
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B plot highlights the character problem of Kasidy Yates
romkevdv1726 November 2021
Most of the reviews are focused on the A plot, so I just want to discuss the B plot because it is relevant to our lead character in the show, Sisko. Introducing a new love interest is a great idea in a series like this but then you also have to develop their relationship and their chemistry, which is absolutely absent here. In just a few episodes they went from talking, to dating, to her possibly settling into the station permanently living near him. All of this happens in the background, by reference or exposition. Worse than that, Kasidy Yates never had any time to develop a personality in the series so far. All we know of her is her first meeting, where she's pretty much just the protagonist's mirror image and she likes baseball. Very lazy and her being 'opinionated' as Sisko calls it is no more a mirror of him as well or just any bland character archetype. After their first meeting they're already in love. We don't have anything to invest in their relationship besides their common interest in an extinct sport. The chemistry between the actors is lacking, Sisko's actor is doing his best as usual but the actress just comes off as bland. Especially disappointing because previous love interests, his wife Jennifer, and even a short-term love Fenna from Season 2 Episode 9. Fenna was a telekinetic projection yet still had more chemistry with Sisko. Even in the short scenes with Jennifer and Sisko their love is obvious. What makes it worse that in this episode Kasidy comes off as whiny and quite childish. I guess it's not atypical for a soap series to have the girlfriend or wife overreact and get angry over nothing, it is a pretty common trope. But that Kasidy Yates can't even imagine that Sisko might be scared about commitment seems pretty selfish and arrogant. If you want the audience to engage with the relationships in the show, you have to try to at least make them sympathetic towards the love interest or establish that they are right for Sisko. Neither seems true at this point. It just makes the scenes with them dull and sometimes irritating. The 7 is for the rest of the episode, this was just to highlight the B plot which the other reviews skim over.
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Dukat and his little 'indiscretion'....
planktonrules28 December 2014
While they are a VERY unlikely duo, Major Kira and Gul Dukat are both sent on a mission together to try to locate a long lost shuttle. The planet on which it crashed turns out to be pretty awful but they find evidence that SOME of the folks who had been on the shuttle are still alive. However, Dukat hides a secret--he wants to find the shuttle survivors because one could be his illegitimate daughter--one he fathered with a Bajoran! The Major, on the other hand, worries that Dukat might try to kill the girl in order to hide evidence of his indiscretions.

This was a decent episode and establishing Dukat's predilection towards Bajorans will turn out to be very important later in the series. However, my problem with the show is that it was just too darn easy to infiltrate the complex in which the survivors were being held prisoner--way, way too easy. Otherwise it's watchable and worth your time.
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Underrated episode
michaeljimmcdonald8 August 2019
This is another episode focused on the aftermath of the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, in this case the personal ramifications for Major Kira and Gul Dukat (mostly for Gul Dukat). In my opinion episodes in this vein were what made DS9 great; rather than moving on to new problems every week like the crew of a starship, the characters and their cultures actually had to live with consequences of the past. This episode in particular does a great job of complicating Gul Dukat (and helps makes it especially annoying for the viewer when they turn him into a cartoon villain in the 6th season); by the end any viewer's opinion of him will drastically have changed. The episode is entirely driven by character development; there's no action and only one moment of real suspense (another reviewer criticized how easily they infiltrate the compound, but I'd argue this is actually a strength of the episode - with only so much airtime to work with they decided to focus exclusively on the characters rather than show a pointless "gotta fool the bad guys" sequence). Not to mention this is another Major Kira-centric episode, which at this point in the series is always a good thing.

The B-plot has some minor character development for Sisko and is pleasant enough but doesn't really add much (but it doesn't get in the way of the A-plot either).
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Humanizing the Cardassians
kaue-6052531 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
On the upside, it was amazing to learn that Gal Dukat had a family, took another woman during the war, and had conflitant feelings inside him. Kira also learns how to leave her prejudices aside and trust an old enemy (that now is a new ally). Great storyline!

On the downside, it was so infuriating to see Sisko humiliating himself for that useless Kasidy Yates... If it was me, I'd have dumped her several seasons ago. He could do much better with any other woman. Dax herself, the most interesting woman in the place, showed some level of interest for him already.

Overall, details like that makes me regard Sisko as one of the weakest captains of the franchise (but, well, this is just me being subjective). At the same time, seeing Kira in action like in this episode makes me regard her as one of the best First Officers ever portrayed.
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Rescue Mission
Hitchcoc20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Kira and Dukat head off to a planet where, during the Cardassian/Bajoran conflict, some refugees crashed. Kira is looking for an old friend who was on that ship. Dukat has a different motive, involving a daughter he sired during a tryst with a Bajoran woman. The secondary plot has to do with Benjamin and his love affair with the freighter captain (I can't help but think of her as the evil wife of the President in the series "24"). This is a rather tiresome part of the ongoing plot.
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A Very Touching Episode Starring Major Kira
jseph1234-262-61748830 July 2022
To put it out there, I LOVE all of Major Kira (Nana Visitor) episode because she is always intense, honest, good-looking and funny to watch.

Now to this particular episode has some AMAZING byplay between Kira and Gul Dukat and really brings to the forefront WHY so many men are infatuated with Major Kira.
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Dad returns from his 6 year journey to get cigarettes.
thevacinstaller24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A well executed episode that adds another dimension to the complicated Dukat character. Nana Visitor/Marc Alamo are both at the upper tier on DS9 when it comes to acting so it's no surprise that they work well off one another. The episode leans hard into Dukat being sympathetic but one has to wonder if his love for the Bajoran woman was genuine or some Cardassian power fantasy taking advantage of a situation.

The B-Plot is a 90's NBC sitcom situation about Sisko being reluctant to settle down with Cassidy yates. Turns out he wasn't scared about settling down but he was working through the fact that his starfleet job resulted in Jennifer being killed. I have no strong negative or positive feelings towards the Sisko/Yates subplot but I do wonder if she got that Bajoran freighter job because she is dating the Emissary. Well, everything worked out and we learned a valuable lesson about not giving into fear.
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That'll be the day
snoozejonc22 July 2022
Gul Dukat and Kira go on a mission to locate a crashed Bajoran ship

This is a strong episode with good character moments.

The best aspects of this story are the exchanges between Dukat and Kira. One that takes place in the runabout is for me the highlight. I also like the revelation about Dukat's backstory that is carried over to later episodes and sets the foundation for a series long arc. The dramatic conclusion here feels a little bit clichéd, but is nevertheless enjoyable and a great tribute to 'The Searchers'.

The sub plot involving Sisko and Yates is okay but feels very much like it's in romantic comedy territory to me. It's not a negative if you like that type of story.

For me only scene that doesn't work is where the writers use slapstick for the purpose of two characters bonding. It feels too out of sync with the general dynamic between them. This is not the fault of Marc Alaimo and Nana Visitor, who are on great form throughout the episode. The director should have seen it did not work and either reshot it or just cut it out, but that's just my opinion.

For me it's a 7.5/10 but I round upwards.
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Good episode
Filmreader21 June 2020
Good episode. Just ignore the boring Penny Johnson (the useless Kasidy Yates). I skipped rapidly all scenes with her.
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bnangle-2089422 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It opens up with gal dukat explaining why kira was the new bajoran. Tough and not weak made with cardassian steel. That they deserved what the cardassians did to the bajorans. Knowing the great freedom fighter that kira is she should have stabbed him right there and said " that is cardassian steel". Granted that was 1995 when it was written, but come on. Completely undermined kira character. And the fact they gave her a new do and looks this season. The episode only gets worse from there. And the b plot with Ben and his new gal. Like something that should be on wb. I like kira episodes but this was bad.
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Reminds me of Abraham and his son
bbraat20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So Gal Dukat holds a gun on his daughter, announcing he is going to kill her to hide her illegitimacy and race-mixing, she prays to her god waiting to die, but then changes his mind and ALL IS FORGIVEN????

The daughter hugs him and Kira smiles that he changed his mind (about killing his daughter).

One might think that the daughter and Kira would be a little hesitant to think well of Gal Dukat at the end of this episode.

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