"Midsomer Murders" Dressed to Kill (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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People need to calm down!
angelamb0931 January 2023
Some very triggered people in the reviews that need to get out more and stop being so sensitive 😂 I thought this was a really funny episode, some great comedic moments in it and Jamie Winter is a fantastic side kick in it as always!

Fleur is brilliant, one of my favourite Midsomer characters of all time, and I am really enjoying all these new seasons.

They'll never compare to the old John Nettles ones but that's just my bias because I grew up watching them! But they're still great and easy to watch and if people would just lighten up and stop expecting it to be some powerhouse of plot and acting then I think they'd enjoy Midsomer, and life in general, more than they do!
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Can We NOT be so PC?
kall669517 March 2023
Featuring the world of Drag Queens and Politically Correct phrases such as cisgender (Had to look that up) I didn't find this one as entertaining as some classic Midsomer Murder episodes. For me, having seen every episode, if I view the episode more than 10 times, it is a great episode. I've seen this one once.

I'm kinda tired of the increase in racially diverse characters as I don't think they are representative of the population of a typical Midsomer village. And we are more likely to see drag queens and transgender, cisgender, etc. In London or other large cities. While I appreciate that the producers of Midsomer Murders have to add more diverse people to the mix, it makes the show less fun to watch.

For those of us who have watched MM from the start, we want to see the little villages and the quaint shops and idyllic landscapes. We want to see castles and mansions. Viewing drag queens with underarm hair is not appealing.
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Really enjoyed
margelischannelise16 January 2023
I do not really understand the bad reviews, because my twinsister and l enjoyed immensly the case and the macabre murders in it: it is why we love Midsomer Murders so much, the black macabre humor on it.

And contrary to the other reviews, we liked all the actors in it, they were more than watchable, and we love to see actors we regognize from other beloved series and can say: oh look, who is playing in it We can watch an episode like this over and over again because it's exactly what we want: to just be entertained without questioning it too much, to think if it's possible, if it could happens.
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A desperate attempt to be relevant.
altereggo12312 March 2023
I enjoyed Midsummer Murders in the past not because it was realistic but because it wasn't -- it offered a world of charming villages, quirky events (fetes on the village green, druid meetings in the woods), and bizarre crimes in which the victims and suspects are generally adorned in Barbour and Harris tweed.

I don't watch to see political arguments and Twitter controversies acted out in the British countryside. I knew I was in trouble with this episode when, one minute in, a drag queen struck a pose that highlighted his/her/their underarm hair. Was I " triggered"? No, though I did spend a moment trying to add up the number of interest groups and fetishists that scene pandered to.

As with other recent episodes, this show is abandoning its roots and its core appeal--macabre crimes committed in idyllic settings--and creating just another crime show highlighting contemporary social issues "ripped from the headlines." Call it Law & Order: Midsummer.

I'm a longtime fan, but all signs point to this show changing to the point where it is no longer recognizable or worth watching.
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Careful, your slip is showing!
feverchant26 April 2023
Wow, a lot of people seem to dislike the theme of this episode but I enjoyed it. It was a fair representation of feelings towards Drag Queens good and bad but dealt with a tasteful humor.

The likable characters were just that and the less likeable, played their role well. The only thing I didn't like was the mother/son scenario because I felt I'd seen it in another episode, though I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

The title was on point. Loved the tongue in cheekiness of it.

No, I am not a queen but I am not against a good show, Drag or Midsomer Murders. Can't wait until the next episode.
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Painful to Watch
brady-235-3817996 January 2023
Wow, was this episode bad. So uncomfortable to watch the actors try to take it seriously. It felt like a farce instead of a crime drama. Exaggerated stereotypes, forced topical messaging, annoying characters. It was like Midommer Horror Picture Show where everyone ends up in some form of women's lingerie even though it makes no sense for the character. I think it was intended to be fun but it ended up coming across with weird, awkward vibe like you walked in on your dad wearing your mom's clothes and lip-synching to Whitney Houston's version of "I Will Always Love You" while looking at himself in the mirror. Lastly, the murder weapon was a high-heeled shoe to the head as if the skull is weaker than the heel of a shoe, and I'm not sure why they wasted Clare Hingott on the part of the victim.
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veryoddmother13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While this episode wasn't the greatest, the tease of seeing Jamie and Fleur as the drag team Ava Heartburn and Morgan Donor, they're doing Nick Hendrix and Annette Badland dirty. They absolutely need to show their performance at the police charity event after such a tease!

Regarding the episode itself, it was a bit more over the top than usual, but not necessarily in a negative way given the setting IS a drag show, but the side stories that play out, particularly the Munchausen by proxy, the trolling of multiple characters, the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community at large and in a small village, give real human drama and depth to counter the frivolity of the drag show and domino competition.
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What did I just watch?
volare1229 January 2023
Wow. Where to begin? The current season of Midsomer has not been the best. The first three episodes have all been less than stellar. But Dressed To Kill, the fourth episode, is just..... awful. No, let me rephrase that: WHAT. A. HOT. MESS.

The story is all over the place and nothing seems to make sense or go together. It's set in a small village where apparently lots of people are into cross-dressing, so we get an upcoming drag queens' night which was voted to take place over some bizarre production of Romeo And Juliet that was going to feature an in-his-fifties washed up actor making a comeback as Romeo. Right... (and speaking of bizarre, the would-be Romeo and his mother are played by actors who appear to be the same age.) Then we also have a domino festival, championed by the first murder victim, which falls more in line with the "quirky suburban" activity typically found in Midsomer - but it gets hardly any screen time at all and winds up being basically irrelevant. And last but not least, a strange case of Munchausen By Proxy syndrome coupled with child imprisonment going on in one of the local families.

It's unfortunate that Sophie Stone was given such a drecky story in which to appear - she is such a good actress that she manages to make her character not only credible (something no one else in the cast is able to achieve) but even almost sympathetic, no mean feat considering how unpalatable her plot line is. Her talents notwithstanding, the episode is pretty much unsalvageable. Watching it, it felt almost as though Barnaby and Winter weren't even doing any real investigating at all, they were just perfunctorily going though the motions of trying to look like they were, while everything just sort of happened around them. And really, is there anything M. E. Fleur *hasn't* done in her life? Now we find out that she also has a drag persona in her past. Sure, whatever...

I would advise anyone considering watching this one to observe the self-counseling mantra of George Costanza from "Seinfeld": "Think of what you would normally do, and then do the opposite."
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Midsomer gets its mojo back
lisbethinsydney21 May 2023
Now we're having fun again. Dressed to Kill is full of camp humour, plot twists, revelations and some genuinely moving moments, the confrontation with the killer being especially so. All those having conniptions over drag queens in the village need to revisit the first ever series of Midsomer Murders, which featured a transvestite, a camp undertaker uttering a barely disguised four letter word and a pair of elderly hash cookie bakers.

In this episode, Felix Kai steals the show as the young, charismatic Malik, a drag queen with a past. Sophie Stone is a revelation and a wonderful talent to be able to see. (I was expecting John Barnaby to dust off his psychology degree and diagnose her character with Munchausen's by Proxy but he seems to have given that away these days.) The magic of the theatre is a theme with the old thespian finding a new lease of life and the power of Shakespeare to capture and express our deepest feelings. (Oh and the history of the theatre is full of cross-dressers, by the way.) The action is a little uneven, rather like the camera work in the first scene, but stick with it and you will be rewarded. Winter's weirdly asexual, wooden character finally cracks to reveal a sense of mischief and the scriptwriter even slips in an apt reference to Some Like It Hot at the end.
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What a hoot
victoriajayne-3328014 May 2023
An absolute ball from beginning to end and almost as much fun as reading all the pearl clutching reviews from the miserable old daily Mail readers who,still think woke is bad ...it was a hoot with a clever little murder storyline tie in. All the guest stars were fabulous and finally we have a utterly mixed bag of black white young old rather than stale pale males. Congrats to the writers of reflecting real small town life in 2023 finally rather than recycling tired old stories. My only compliant is just not enough of the Barnaby family esp Sikes and Betty who helped distinguish this from the dull Joyce and her awful,daughter.
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Midsomer Murders has lost its way.
annhilton-4932323 April 2023
Sadly after watching Series 23 of my once favourite tv show of all time " Midsomer Murders" I find it has lost its way.

Episode 4 of Series 23 had no magic or resemblance to Midsomer Murders of what it once was.

Brian True May created a unique escape environment for the viewer. We were catapulted into Ideal and picturesque English villages . We were enveloped in truly puzzling murder cases and in depth insight into the stories characters.

Now it's a throw all you can " diversity stew" that is very boring to watch. Yes we have a cast from every continent and sexual preference BUT we have no gripping storyline.

Sad to say Midsomer Murders is now the latest victim of Murder. It has been murdered by the new wave of trendy writers and producers who have no knowledge of what its essence was.

To my fellow similar thinking Midsomer Murders fans... we will just have to accept the great episodes of Midsomer murders are now a thing of the past.
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I'm sorry if you're too boring for this
federicasegreto-0811618 March 2024
This was so much fun!! Great writing, good actors (shout out to Felix Kai, I hope to see more of him anywhere!), tight plot, fun costumes... a ball!

The side stories were original and entertaining (Sophie Stone is always a guarantee, and her part was wonderfully played), I loved them all in different ways. The happy tears for Mr Dawlish and his daughter! The reveal was the only part a tad too overplayed. Seriously, there's a time and place for Shakespeare, and this is definitely not it.

Things I particularly enjoyed: Personally I love Winter, finally a sergeant who doesn't get flustered with every little tease or indiscretion, though Jones did make a valiant effort to be honest (and Scott was smooth too, but in a creepy way). Also, Fleur is her usual delightful self. The drag show was cute, and the happy ending was edifying. Did you catch the "Someone likes it hot" reference at the end?

To everybody who is provoked by the 21st century being its sparkly, varied and colorful self: I pity you, your worldview must be gray and joyless. Have a laugh, there's plenty to cry about in real life, and being cheeky isn't a crime.
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Simply awful.
twylaedgell9 January 2023
I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed in this episode. It seems like the writers were checking boxes of all the sensitive or controversial subjects they needed to address this season, and loaded them all in one episode.

I love the show and have watched every episode of every season multiple times, but this one should have never made it to air. Even the talented cast couldn't pull it off.

Poor Winter looked uncomfortable the entire show, as did Barnaby. The plot line was laughable, and not in a good way. Fluer was her usual over-the-top self, but at least she was slightly believable.

I truly hope this wasn't the "jump the shark" episode for the series.
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Same people probably
dumbassgreg15 March 2024
Admit it was average episode. Most of people troubled by Drag Queens probably Don't like all the different skin colors on show. Imagine many miss the very white old people show. Lmao Yes story was not one of strongest but had nothing to do with drag queens. Would felt same about episode if it had all white straight cast. I can never understand people watching show if upsets them.

If don't like a show don't watch .It like netflix the newest movie is watch by most people regardless of subject. Happiest person Adam Sandler. Very few people would go to theater to one of his comic masterpieces. The tiger show was on right time do to covid . Month earlier only I will watch anything new on netflix crowd watched;.
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Ghastly Episode - Lacks Appeal on All Fronts
vintagegeek6 January 2023
This episode is truly ghastly. The script is awful. The characters are c players at best. They're flat, unattractive, dull, with not an ounce of any feeling. The only high point is the Doctor. She provides her usual wit and humor which really is the only redeeming part of this episode. And one couldn't help notice the lack of traditional Midsomer type characters. A trend this year for sure. It seems they're trying to win some diversity award. I use to blame the stodgyness of the last couple years on Covid protocol. But that's long gone. Now it's just lack of effort. Going back to watch seasons 1-16.
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Scipio_the_Younger11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For most of this show's run, the villages and the residents were part of the charm, and even if the story was weak, I could still enjoy the episode to some extent by soaking up the atmosphere. In recent series, most of the episodes could take place in a London suburb, and, in some cases, it's not very plausible that the events would take place in a small village.

In this episode, about 1/2 the residents of the village are drag queens and the other 1/2 enjoy watching them perform. I felt like I was watching a Monty Python skit, which would have bee appropriate if I had been watching a Monty Python skit.

The episode was overall dreadful for reasons that others have cited. Silly characters, silly and implausible behaviors, etc.
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Worst episode of midsummer
kmariano-101039 January 2023
I have watched ever episode of midsummer multiple times, this was the worst episode I have seen. Horrible writing bad acting . No plot , the only episode I was about to turn off because I was so bored. The past few seasons have been bad but I didn't think it would get this bad. I knew it couldn't compete with seasons 1-16 but how could the writers put this out and think that this was actually good. I am glad to see we are not the only people to think this. This is nothing like the old midsummer which was the best show on television. Now they are just throwing in diversity and wholeness just to say they are " all inclusive" . I hope they realize how boring it is now and start to make changes like the good old days.
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aarondyer-36-69877125 May 2023
Midsomer Murders suffers, like most series, from episodes that are turkeys. It also is influenced by trends in the television industry, just like other series. What keeps the viewer loyal is a genuine effort to be true to the premise that hooked them in the first place. A show about the drag queen culture fails this contract on two counts. The drag queen culture that expands beyond the walls of gay nightclubs has little in common with traditional drag that we've all loved and which serves altogether different purposes. Almost no one is interested in the former. Second, the artistic constraints of MM is the quaint English village. It's not always easy to succeed but you know where you are. It may be marginally plausible that a London drag queen ends up in Midsomer County, but the rest of it lacks any believability. This episode asks the viewer to do all the work. It's not a rewarding effort.
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Really bad
tonyandsilvia19944 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching Midsomer Murders since it started. I've always loved it, in no small part due to the fact I was living in the Chiltern Hills (the setting for Midsomer) when it first started. I have a great affinity for it and will happily watch repeats whenever they're on.

For several years, probably since the great John Nettles left, I've viewed it as a curiosity, looking forward to see what crazy way someone can be killed off (the wheel of cheese and the electrified roulette wheel are still may favourites). Here? Death by corset with a stiletto in the head.

Whereas previously it was a quaint take on a village murder mystery, it's now become a parody of itself, an embarrassment. Dressed to Kill is Midsomer Murders nadir. It such a shame. There are good actors in this. Nigel Lindsay is great in Victoria, and shows he can do comedy, as seen in the hilarious Four Lions. Suzanne Packer is also a good actress, notably a great turn in Brookside back in the day.

But this story is ridiculous. There's actually a point where someone says they weren't taken to hospital because they were too sick. And here's me thinking that's where you go if you are sick. Someone blackmails and commits criminal damage....no arrest. I figured out the illness about 5 minutes in, and both the ill kid and the main drag queen were poor actors. Nick Hendrix also looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. Neil Dudgeon? Well, he's just the same character in everything he appears in.

Unlike others, the drag aspect didn't bother me. I did wonder what the whole dominoes thread was about and maybe it was just a red herring.

Ultimately, really bad. And stealing a line from Some Like it Hot was criminal.
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Solving the murders seemed secondary.
vitoscotti3 September 2023
As bad as the writing was it was mildly interesting until midway. Then the wheels fell off. At midway I had a sense the ending would be a disaster. And was I right. I don't mind unusual theme topics but this was so over done it totally dominateed the story. DS Jamie Winter (Nick Hendrix) on taxpayer dime participating in the theater production and annoying Fleur pushing him into cross dressing was very awkward. What was the bucket for? We get too close a look at Fleur Perkins' (Annette Badland) dental problems. Token quick squeeze-in appearances of Paddy the dog and a silent Betty. Sarah Barnaby (Fiona Dolman) thankfully is given involvement but disappears. A bedridden terminally ill character miraculously gets out of bed and shimmeys out a second floor room from his window then the obligatory blurry vision and collapse. Ending was was one of MM's weakest of the series. Positives were Sophie Stone and LJ johnson shining despite a weak script. Shame, the stinker episode ended a streak of very high quality episodes. Takes away some of the enthusiasm from seeing upcoming season 24.
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Midsomer Murders days R numbered
jazzyphipps-568572 June 2023
Definitely not the same. Acting is too over the top. Quality is seriously lacking. It's time to go back to the drawing board. Stories are lacking in quality and too obvious. I've tried to be open minded but it's difficult to do so when you are turning out episodes that's a far cry from it's earlier days. Don't want to compare but I love me some John Nettles. I cannot tolerate John Barnaby's wife. She's a busy body. I'm not sure if I'm up to next season episodes. Neil Dungeon has evolved. Getting better. His sidekicks are a little better. I like Nick Hendrix. I guess the show must go on. Thank you for letting me rant. Appreciate. Representing California.
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Too Many Issues in one Episode
kbjb6268 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode could have easily been 2 episodes one focusing on the Queens and Dominoes and a 2nd on the Munchausen syndrome by proxy and infidelity issues. As it was there was so much crammed into one story, rushing from issue to issue there wasn't time to empathize with any character. Oh, and another thing the casting of the mother for the actor playing the straight Drag Queen was awful, she looked younger than him. It just wasn't as enjoyable show as past episodes In addition, my husband and I both find the Fleur character extremely annoying.

You're making Sarah Barnaby into a Joyce clone, another annoying character. Please don't ruin one of my favorite shows. I'm sure the writers are imaginative and talented enough to create interesting characters and stories.
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Sadly did not like it.
harrykivi2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 23th season of "Midsomer Murders" has not been the greatest with "The Blacktrees Prophecy" starting off promising and then becoming more dull as the episode went along. "A Grain of Truth" was not very good episode as well to , only "Debt of Lies" has been an episode in this season that I have enjoyed quite a bit.

"Dressed to Kill" is unfortunately not very good either and I am saying it with a sincere regret. The episode had a solid premise and I did enjoy Maria Ward's previous story "The Witches of Angel's Rise". "Dressed to Kill" though has quite a bit of problems.

Let's start with the good aspects, shall we?

. The production values of the episode are great as usual. The direction's decent and the music fits the scenery. Out of the disappointing cast Ace Bhatti, Suzanne Packer and especially Sophie Stone fare the best. Stone gives a very good performance indeed.

. The murders are clever and there are some humorus sequences here and there.


. The acting is at times not good enough. LJ Johnson and Baxter Westby have to improve as actors, because their line delivery is not always spot on. Nigel Lindsay does not make much of an impression and Felix Kai's performance is just too much.

The characters in this story are mostly lifeless and the narrative feels padded for the most part- there was too much attention given to drag queens. After a fine start, the story sadly becomes dull, the dialogue feels unnatural too. The solution (Olivia being the culprit) felt flat at best.

Overall, I just did not like it. And believe me: I wanted to.

3/10 HK.
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What this
davidlmiles-083572 July 2023
Turn it off and can I say I been watching this show from it started and I never turn it off in the middle before until now Jesus what way this show going. I no the world changing but have they got to push it so people have to watch this. Ever one in the world has the right to live and do what they wish and turning it off was my way of living. This is one of the best crime shows on television and do this to people enjoyment of a great show. As I say we have all to understand this world changing and I understand that tv has to show the changes that happening but don't push an hour and half down people lives.
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