"American Horror Story" Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Very Repetitive
iworzel12 September 2017
Did you watch the first episode? Well, then you understand what happens in this episode. This entire episode is just a bunch of clown attacks and cheap jump scares. The only saving grace of this episode is the ending. But yeah, get ready for more screaming and crying from Sarah Paulson. The season has some potential, but the slow story and political references are destroying taking that potential. I hope this season gets better as it progresses. I gave it a 6/10 because I am hopeful that it will get better.
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nagyovamonika29 September 2018
Can someone please slap that women, no offence i like this actress she is brilliant in every season but her character now is so annoying scared of her own shadow !!!!!
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Sarah Paulson acting skills aside, everything else seems awful and pointless
hamedazad21 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that makes up a good show is not just acting. There should be story, narrative, and cohesion. This season is still hopeful, since Sarah Paulson is excellent. But her constant jumpiness and nerve state is getting disturbing. In fact, it got disturbing right from the first episode. We need some background on her, her marriage, and her phobias. Even vague or blurred scenes are good to keep us hooked. But none of these seem to be happening.

This episode was basically some clowns running around doing pointless actions, a blackout, some mediocre political junk, and MANY MANY SCENES of Ally being afraid. This is not healthy and would lead us to boredom. This paragraph seems to be containing spoilers, but it's really not. We've seen all these in the previous episode. I checked the spoiler box only for the sake of mentioning the blackout.

Also other characters, Evan Peters and Billie Lourd. What's the deal with them? shouldn't they provide some background on them as well? What about Alison Pill? There are no back story on the wife. It seems that she is just in the show to provide a safe feel for the main character (Sarah Paulson).

Last but not least, cut the political acts. This is not good for the show. Of course now everybody know Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But what about in 10 or 20 years? If people don't know politics of these times, putting them in the center of the show makes it boring for later generations. No one would want to see this season later, because they don't understand what was going on.
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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
NDbportmanfan21 September 2017
I don't know what to really say about this episode because when the credits rolled, I was left saying "is that it". The plot never seemed to progress but instead we were given new characters and the same screams and scares. Everyone outside of the Mayfair-Richards is at least interesting or has the potential to be interesting. Ally continues to scream and heavy pant while her wife just puts up with it.

This episode did a poor job at balancing screen time. A small amount of Ally is fine but having her continually being in fear the entire time just becomes boring. I don't think I can put up with that the whole season. Would it be so bad to add some personality to Ivy? She just seems to be filler so far.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark is just a filler episode, lets hope the third episode adds more to hold my interest.

Episode 2: 6/10
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Darkness is Cruel
ZegMaarJus8 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with Ally, she screams when she sees a clown in her bed. Ivy sees that there isn't a clown in the bedroom. Oz sees Twisty. Oz hides himself in the bathroom, but it was just a nightmare. Kai was badly beaten and brought to the hospital a week ago. Winter tries to kiss Ally, but she failed. The lights got turned off. Ally screams when she sees a clown. Ally shot down Pedro accidentally. Solid episode of American Horror Story Season 7, what a shock. Ally thought that a clown came in to here house but it was Pedro. Will Pedro survive this?
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When Was The Last Time You Felt Really Safe???
wandernn1-81-68327428 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so Ep2 Starts with whiney Allie sending her WIFE in to look for clowns. Clowns are hiding everywhere! Thanks to that Twisty Comic. That's all Allie can see. Ally says 'I think there might be something wrong with me.' Gee. You think???

But the kid is seeing them too. He sees Twisty coming to get him and locks himself in the bathroom. Twisty breaks in the DOOR. What's the kids name? I don't even know. Oh he's yelling but when the MOMS run into his room he's having a bad dream.

Ahhh OZYMANDIUS , THATS THE KID'S NAME. What a name. Oz for short. The Moms get all upset when they find OZ across the street visiting with the new neighbors and their BEES. They keep BEES. And of course the neighbor, Harrison, confronts Ally immediately about being 'Miss Snoopy Pants' over there looking in their windows.

And then the fountain of knowledge that both couples start spouting. OH MY GOD. Harrison and Meadow, Harrison is gay, and Meadow has cancer. Wow share more please!!! I mean when i first meet someone hell i expect them to shovel me their whole life story in one big heap!!

And then back at home, but someone tripped the alarm at the BUTCHERY, and Ivy is gonna go but Allie says she's gonna go instead!! Yeah sure. It makes sense. Send Allie who has been seeing clowns everywhere she looks to go check out the alarm!!!

-1 Star for letting Allie go check out the Alarm.. Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

So at the BUTCHERY, ALLIE OF COURSE sees someone she knows hanging in the meat locker. But of course, we skip to the next day, where bars are being installed on all the windows of their house and a security system, and the WIFE brings in Allie's doctor. Oh the guy who got murdered in the meat locker was Roger their employee. But now she's got home security, barred doors and windows, and the neighbor Harrison gave her a GUN!

This is a great time for KAI to visit. He's running for city council!!! He has a plethera of information that he wants to share. Information that he has gleaned from FACEBOOK.

+1 sTAR for KAI FOR CITY COUNCIL! And he scares the hell out of Allie. Haha.

But at the end, the alarm goes off, someone is in the House! And Allie grabs OZ and they make a run for it!! But someone is at the door and Allie BLASTS THAT FOOL RIGHT IN THE FACE!!! Allie she ain't afraid of NOTHIN!!!

+1 sTAR FOR ALLIE not being afraid OF THE DARK!!!

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Happy/Laughing at how scared I was!
Mcrice127 September 2017
I feel like that's what the point of this show is -- to enjoy yourself and actually feel afraid and then realize how much fun you're having while being scared for the characters and scared of what these freaky messed-up clowns are going to do next. In my opinion, this season has not been as scary as some other seasons, but it's still so much fun to watch.
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gollum122926 November 2018
Do not let yourself get too distracted by the strongly imbalanced user rating, give this AHS season a try! Look closer for the overall message rather than leaning into the political aspect too much.

It is definitely worth it if your taste ranges somewhere between modern and classic horror elements. Brutal, uncomfortable and twisted. Throw in a handful of current world affairs and let fears appear in almost every form.

Also some great acting by Sarah Paulson and especially Evan Peters who perfectly lets his character dive into raging madness.

Every episode contains surprise crossover moments from the past seasons which lets the viewer hype up the nostalgia feelings.

There might have been a couple of overly dramatic scenes but it fairly blends in with the rest of the drastic elements.

A modern angsty and quite frightful season to watch.
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well this is pointless
prinde_oaia19 September 2017
This feels like a school kid watched AHS, the news and The Purge and decided to write a new season and the producers just went with it cause it sounded hilarious. These are random words in order to be able to submit my review. CAR, WHALE, DOLPHIN, BIKE, GORILLA, STUFF, THINGS, WORDS, other stuff and letters.
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clowning around
jackDee-565652 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the episode, the season should have stuck with the clown cult stuff that was scary and horror, the ending scene with the co worker was too predictable and I like Sarah as a actress no disrespect at all but literally every season her character gets more and more annoying as it goes on, you feel bad for her at first then by the end you end up hoping she never portrays the character again
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Dumb and annoying
tylertylerberry6 October 2020
Sarah Paulsons character is unbearably annoying. Could not get into this season because of this episode.
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S7.E2 - In The Dark [9/10]
panagiotis19938 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S7. E2) My Live Reaction / Review for American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 2 ''Don't Be Afraid of the Dark''. The previous episode was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. The new neighbours act a bit weird. Someone killed that guy at the restaurant. I wonder who could it be? It seems like Winter really likes Ally. Does she want to destroy this family? She scares Oz and she does everything in her power to create problems. She is a manipulative psychopath. The power is out? That's not good. She accidentally killed that dude? Damn, that sucks. Overall this episode was good and I enjoyed it. My rating is 9/10.
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Not what I was hoping for
jajmarshall-3147125 September 2017
It seems a shame that such a great series for so many years has decided to use their ratings to make a political statement. Not being American, I have no right to comment on the current political climate, however, I do feel that I can make a review of what should be entertainment? Which I believe is meant to distract us from the realities of the real world, otherwise, make a documentary. I have loved this show for at least the first 5 of the past seven seasons, because it was entertainment of the surreal without having any other purpose but to give me a wonderful distraction. I love Sarah Paulson, but I'm not sure if I can sit through another season of incessant wailing and blubbering. I'm very sure that both She and Evan Peters are capable of so much more. If There is to be a season eight, I implore you to go back to the formula that made you so special in the first place! Thanks
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A Claptrap Waste of Time
huntergerald-3477114 September 2017
Until this season, I found American Horror to be either wonderfully done or, at least, pretty good. After watching just two episodes of this season's offering, I've decided to quit watching. All this has been is one woman seeing killer clowns and screaming, while her no depth of character, long suffering wife exists on screen only to comfort her. A hodgepodge of characters and situations that simply don't meld together in a cohesive manner, amid stereotypical I've-seen-it-before storytelling sinks this stinker.
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michelleflaherty4 October 2018
I'm going to try to get through episode 3 as I saw it got a higher rating than ep. 1 and 2. So far i'm not impressed. *yawn*
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Omg enough with the screaming and freakouts
mmccauley-5230912 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horror shows have a lot of screaming, I get it. But horror screaming is fun because people are getting slaughtered. This episode (and the one before it) is just one extremely annoying woman screaming her guts out because she can't stop imagining clowns are chasing her. Even her wife says she can't take it anymore.

This season so far is just irritating.
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Politics and Entertainment Is Like Oil and Water
When will writers realized that politics does not belong in a show? Although this is only the second episode, the season seems like it's all politics. I laughed when I heard in this episode " It's scary to be brown these days" because I am myself am Hispanic and do not live in fear. What the writers chose to do with this season so far is simply feed the fears of those who identify with the anti-Trump and leftist movement. Don't get me wrong the man is not PC but I'm not here to get into politics, I'm here for entertainment. I am hoping this season improves but not counting on it. I had the same hopes for last season, season six, but they chose to continue down the path of a reality show and disappointment. But that was last season and this reviewsp is for this episode. So fingers crossed that show gets better this season.
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volpato-lorenzo14 October 2017
...........I still remember season 1,2,3,4,and,at least 5.

They were good shows worth of being calling horror story.

Then it came out season 6 ,with all that unbelievable switch between a real horror story and a reality show.nothing worth watching.............. But this season.............if Donald Trump had won the elections I suppose that the most part of Americans did vote for him. But here comes the communists...........ruining a show with their crazy thoughts and their stupid fears.Anyone has the right to expose his own thought .............but not in the way to ruin a seven year long TV show just to make bad and silly politics. At this point,I just hope that this abominium of season will be the last one,in order to let us make think at AHS (at least the first seasons) as a good horror TV series,far away from the stupid commies politics.
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