"The Punisher" One Bad Day (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Why didn't frank kill billy?
naweendyawick19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All was good uptill the moment where Frank had a clear shot at Billy and didn't take it. Nevermind that, Frank could have just walk right i front of Billy with that disguise without a sweat and just finish him off.
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alexm-3208619 January 2019
Jon Bernthal deserves a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Frank Castle this episode from start to finish is completely brilliant, I'm really hoping Netflix doesn't cancel this one! Every episode unfolds like it coming straight out of the comics, just pure epicness!
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Good ending to a good episode.
mashriqik831 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why Frank didn't take the shot but this episode made me actually feel bad for Billy. He really forgot everything and that ending where Frank takes off his disguise just made the episode for me. Hopefully the rest of the season is this good!
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Come get it, Jake
Barry_Garrick26 January 2019
Seven episodes into this season and I think it has become clear what this season has been lacking for me. Sometimes programmes like this just need periods of pure intensity to keep the audience enthralled.

This episode had three sequences in particular that I enjoyed a lot, but so much time is wasted on side plots which are significantly less engaging and could be used more effectively. Jon Bernthal's and Ben Barnes' respective performances were the strongest points of this episode for me.
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And then...
songod-950038 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This season so far has all lead up to the moment Frank faces Billy. The intent is to kill Billy. So the moment comes. And... Frank does nothing. He could have shot him regardless of the odds (he tends to beat them) and instead the two spend what seems like minutes staring at each other. Billy gets away. I mean, this aspect of the show could have ended right there. Other matters are at hand (the Russian connection to Amy's problems, Pilgrim, etc).

Nothing new in TV. Happens all the time. Kill the main antagonist and poof there goes the show. But in this case, no. Billy Russo is more a side plot than the main plot. He is left over baggage from season one.
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A masterfully directed episode; sheer brilliance
DVD_Connoisseur20 January 2019
"One Bad Day" is a tremendous episode. There are many moments to enjoy in this rollercoaster instalment.

Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio's terrific portrayal of Marion James is wonderful. "Have you ever had anyone, a stranger on the street, tell you to cheer up?" she asks a permanently scowling Madani.

When there are moments of humour in the series, they're few and far between but they hit the mark like one of Castle's bullets.

Floriana Lima delivers another strong performance as the troubled shrink, Krista Dumont. There's a very believable chemistry between her and Ben Barnes' Russo.

This episode leaves the viewer desperate to view the next one. Heart pounding televisual goodness.
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Face to face.
juanbks1522 January 2019
And here comes episode 7 of Punisher series.

This episode proves the show can stay on feet without Amy's story. I am still thinking her case should have ended on episode four or five, and then the show could have been slowly introducing Bill's stuff after that. But, anyways, as I said this episode is focused only on Bill and his first work as criminal, with Frank following his steps to finally take care of unfinished business. I liked this episode, stunning performance of Ben Barnes, really doing a good job to fit the character.

Wait for it, people. Because the end will let you wanting more.
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Madani's moods and morals
paultapner23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know how Madani hates the fact that she had that unprofessional relationship? Well just in case you forgot, this episode spends six and a bit mins at the beginning reminding you.

Once we're past that, she Frank and Curtis have all the usual conversations about doing what you have to do and actually doing it or deciding to have moral qualms at the last moment.

Meantime Dr. Dumont starts to go off the rails ever so slightly. Which in hindsight does kinda work.

No sign of whatever the girl's name is in this, although she does get mentioned. Which means that storyline is going to get dragged out for a bit yet.

All the above is actually good adult drama, but it's dull and over familiar! I get yelled when saying I'd much rather watch dc shows, but they are so much better at pacing things than these are.

Hold your horses though, because in the last ten mins, we actually get some action! A tense robbery stand off is good drama. Then we get a glimpse of a character called the Punisher. Odd he barely appears in his own show. But he punishes every bad guy bar Billy because there's still six episodes to go so he obviously can't kill him yet.

Ends on a decent cliffhanger mind.

Has it's moments, but stop the chat and start the punishing!
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Face off
Calicodreamin25 March 2021
This episode shifts focus fully to Billy Russo and it's a bit of fresh air, with Frank bringing back that badass punisher persona.
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The show keeps it slow and boring
puzgolac21 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised at the high score and rave reviews for this episode. We get more of the same - slow pace and meaningless talk, then a bit of action that feels crammed in just so that there would be some action. We also get a scene of a very dysfunctional sex between Russo and his therapist, who is as big a cliché as they get. Madani is her usual annoying self: do it - no don't do it, it's morally wrong; let's kill Russo - no don't kill him, it' morally wrong. The character, as portrayed in season 2 is obviously not fit for active duty, but not only is she back on duty, they also made her head of a unit, which is ridiculous. She is unable to identify John Pilgrim from his prints, and then asks CIA's Marion James for a meeting, but not to ask her for help in identifying Pilgrim like any sane person would do. Instead, she just meets her for more meaningless talk that leads nowhere and boils down to Madani showing (and pretty much saying) that she's a mess and doesn't know what to do. Speaking of John Pilgrim, after killing a bunch of people and threatening Madani that they'll meet again soon, he kindly decides to do nothing in this episode, because, apparently, after an episode of being a super killer, he needs an episode of whipping himself off camera to recharge his superpowers. Then comes "the big showdown" as some have called it, between the Punisher and Russo which is ridiculously stupid. After seeing that he was wrong to let Russo live and promising that he will "put him down", Frank decides to play the showdown as follows: he slowly unveils his Punisher vest to Russo, and then, while Russo is having a mental breakdown, Frank goes on to just yell at him again and again, instead of putting a bullet in his head. He then proceeds to shoot almost everyone in Russo's crew except, of course, Russo, who keeps having his breakdown for a while, and then manages to escape. Also present in Russo's crew is an army sharpshooter who is unable to hit Frank using a marksman's rifle with optical sight, while having a clear, unobstructed view of him from a distance of about ten meters. The episode then ends ridiculously abruptly in the middle of the car chase with what was supposed to be a cliffhanger, but instead looks like they ran out of space on the memory card in the camera.
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One Bad Day
bobcobb30122 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Curtis and Frank alliance is interesting, but outside of one scene really this was not one of the more epic or action-packed episodes.

I am hooked on the show, but standalone most episodes aren't delivering.
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Quite something
Leofwine_draca26 February 2022
Unlike some I enjoyed this episode. A good sense of momentum seeing it through alongside some returning faces. The heist set-piece is the suspense highlight and the climax quite something.
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I don't understand the good reviews
HassantakeR25 January 2019
This show keeps getting worse every episode. I mean the dialouge is boring and useless. Every scene is 5 minutes when it needed only 2 minutes. Cheating us with an exciting ending won't change the fact that this episode was so bad. I miss season 1.
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Scathingly boring
albazak5 February 2019
One bad episode. No drive, no energy, no storytelling. Season one was perfection, and what should've been an excellent follow up is shaping up to be a slow-burn piece of mediocrity. I honestly hope that all this build up ends up in any satisfying fashion.
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