
4 Reviews
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If you don't feel like sitting through 26 episodes...
13 August 1999
then watch the cliff's notes version. Death is basically a recap of the most important events that occurs in Evangelion episodes 1-26 with some new animation strewn about. It's brief but will give you the information you need before you go on to watch End of Evangelion. But I think the best way to experience Eva is to watch every single episode. It's still good nonetheless. Rebirth is really the first 25-30 minutes to End of Evangelion(it is called Air in EOE). This is good to watch if you've never seen the series.
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"Wouldn't it be nice if everyone would just die?"
13 August 1999
End of Evangelion should only be experienced if you've seen every single episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion. It will give you complete closure over the series unlike the last two episodes gave. And it is also a sight to behold with amazing animation quality especially in explosions or the Third Impact. This movie is great and I can't stop watching it. Also (if you have every single EVA tape) try watching them from beginning to end, it is a fantastic and intriguing experience.

If you've never seen the series before don't even bother trying to watch this because you would be so totally confused and probably frustrated because you would have no idea what was going on like why is Asuka in the hospital in the beginning or what the hell is Rei and Gendo Ikari doing with that huge person nailed to the wall. This is probably an Eva fan only movie and would only be appreciated by most Eva fans.

I hear Manga Entertainment has picked this up for release here. I hope they bring it to DVD because it would look fantabulous on that format.

Well, enough of my praising. See-ya.
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The Slayers (1995–2009)
Could this get any funnier?
13 August 1999
If you want to laugh out loud then quickly picked this and the original Slayers series up. There isn't a moment where it gets boring. In fact it gets funnier as the show progresses. The movies Slayers Perfect, Return, and Great are also as hilarious as the TV shows. See this now.
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Evangelion: the Ultimate Mecha Drama.
13 August 1999
When I first watched this show I thought it was just another "boy turned mecha-pilot within the first 30 minutes" show. While it was that kind of show for the first 8 or so episodes it slowly turns into a very intriguing, and at times confusing, drama that happens to have a robot in it. As the show progresses you learn exactly what the hell is an Evangelion, you learn of each cast members screwed up life and learn why the Angels are attacking. It is excellent entertainment. Even the last 2 episodes are pretty entertaining even though it doesn't answer a single question you might have when the show ends(luckily that's what the movies are for). See this now, preferably subtitled. The dubbing is good but the japanese acting is so much better(as usual) and their emotions seem to pour out when the characters' emotions do. Actually, I just don't like english dubs and prefer to watch my anime the way the japanese did. After seeing this show, try to look for fansubs of the movies(which is probably kind of impossible now that Manga has the rights to them).
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