
18 Reviews
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What a surprise!
5 March 2020
So I went into this movie knowing the mixed reviews except I never read them because I wanted to go into it and once it finished I could voice my opinions, which I'm about to do. I think the best thing about this movie are the 2 actresses who are stuck in this cage because they absolutely carry the film especially when 85% of the runtime is literally just those 2 characters Lisa and Kate. When it comes to horror movies Lisa and Kate are now in my top 10 characters (non killers) because theoretically I should be incredibly bored just watching these characters sit about but it was extremely tense, emotional and engaging to watch. As shark movies go I have only watched 3 and they are Jaws, The Meg and 47 metres down which are all incredibly different. This film is similar to Jaws if that was all set underwater. I think that this film successfully encapsulated the feeling of running low on oxygen and trying to conserve air whilse panicking because of extremely vicious great white sharks circling them at all moments! I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves a good thriller but if your someone who loved The Meg because it was full of action or your simply looking for a high octane horror/thriller then you will most likely be very disappointed because that's not what 47 metres down is going for. I couldn't praise the 2 main accesses enough and it was nice to see the actor playing Benjamin was from Scream season 2 aswell.
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Mortal Kombat X (2015 Video Game)
Excellent and 2nd best entry in the MK franchise!
4 March 2020
Besides MK 11 this was at one point the best MK game out because it has such a fast and fluint gameplay style to it that it's impossible not to have fun! Although a common complaint that I have heard is that the game sucks because people have to idea how to pull off any combo's in the game even though it's all trial and error and those people are clearly just very impatient. Now a great thing about Neather Realm games is that they make you go through every single character to find out who fits your play style and I think that's always the most enjoyable part is when you fall in love with a character, for me that was Sub Zero and now The Joker in MK 11. Same goes for Injustice where it was Ares for the 1st game and Harley Quinn for the 2nd. Phenomenal games please try them out especially MK X because it still has a bulky player base!
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Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 Video Game)
Takes me back to 2013 every time!
4 March 2020
Injustice God's Among Us will always be a fan favourite of mine because it was what got me to be in love with superhero games along side the Spider-Man tie in games+Batman Begins game. This one always stood out among the rest because it had such an amazing selection of character's ranging from The Flash all the way to Ares, honestly I fell in love with the lesser known character's like Ares and learned how to play him very well so that when wonder woman came out I knew who he was solely because of this game. It's just very unfortunate that the games online is completely dead now but thankfully it has a plethora of single player content if you are playing this instead of the better sequel. I'd have to say this is completely worth a buy in 2020! Can't believe it came out 7 years ago.
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District 9 (2009)
What a surprise!
4 March 2020
So I had heard about this movie being very highly regarded and after my first viewing of District 9 last night I can now say this is probably in my top 5 movies of all time, it is absolutely phenomenal! I mean seriously how the hell does someone make a movie this brilliant. I can't talk about District 9 without spoiling it so I'm not going to talk about plot but what I will say is the main character in this film is absolutely outstanding I believed absolutely everything about him, completely incredible performance! Let's all hope District 10 comes out in the next 20 years. P. S. If your looking to watch this film it's currently on Netflix as of March 4th 2020 :)
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Remake well deserved of an upcoming sequel!
3 March 2020
So I have read some reviews for this film and seen alot of but-hurt people talking about how "this version" isn't as good as their beloved original movie. I'm here to say that this movie is a very powerful film and extremely well acted by absolutely everyone! Tom Bates is one of my all time favourite actors and he plays a very funny and charming character which from his introduction onwards I realised what a joy ride this movie would be, and I was correct because that's exactly what it was like. The only reason that I can't give Murder on the orient express a 9 or 10 is because I just can not remember the names of these 30's characters + there is so much story for each character linking to a murder that I am not sure what the killers motivation was because I completely forgot lol, but the reason such a big problem like that doesn't ruin the film is because of a revolation that unfolds which I can not discuss as it would then become a spoiler filled review which would completely ruin the experience. I would completely recommend you watch this film as it's pretty damn brilliant and Daisy Ridley was wonderfully full of Emotion throughout the whole duration of the film!
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Injustice 2 (2017 Video Game)
Truly an outstanding classic!
2 March 2020
This game to me has become a classic since the day this game released as it has incorporated absolutely everything brilliant about the first game but brought it up and beyond the best Mortal Kombat games in my personal opinion which many others seem to share, and you don't even need to like DC to enjoy the fluent amazing silk smooth combat system and brilliant story! Truly a masterpiece of gaming!
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Deadpool (2016)
Nailed It!
2 March 2020
This film absolutely knocked it out the park, Ryan Reynolds has absolutely changed the superhero genre to serve to an adult audience with outlandish jokes that you would have thought could never pass for a superhero big box office flick! I'm trying to keep this short but it's hard to not praise Ryan Reynolds ever single second because HE IS DEADPOOL!!!
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Absolute Perfection!
2 March 2020
So I have to straight up say that for all of you who are cautious of seeing this film because of the negative articles about it's box office failure, that doesn't negate the absolutely outstanding talent behind this movie. It is honestly one of the best pieces of cinema I have ever seen it just completely blew me away no matter what was going on + it has the 2nd best soundtrack I have ever heard in a film in my opinion just getting beat out by Speed Racers terrific score! To finally end this review I just have to give massive credit to Margot Robbie and gang, especially to her because she isn't Margot Robbie in the movie. She is literally the embodiment of Harley Quinn! Oh and just to let all of you know Joker is in this movie for about 3 seconds aha :)
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Peter Rabbit (2018)
2 March 2020
So I understand that some people seem to have a grudge against this movie for it being alot different than it's source material, now I will be honest in saying I have never read anything to do with Peter Rabbit so I was just able to completely fall in love with the story and characters who are extraordinarily voiced by an astonishingly charismatic cast who are an absolute joy! I would recommend this comedy to nearly anybody for the pure enjoyment and talent that in entails. The CG is amazing plus the acting is superb especially from Daisy Ridley it's some of the best voice work I have ever heard if I'm being truly honest!
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Absolutely Astonishing!
1 March 2020
This movie is totally incredible but I just want to keep this review at a rather brisk pace, all I have to say is 3 words. Hospital, Kitchen and restaurant. I obviously can't explain why I'm saying those select words but once you have scene the movie you will understand why everyone is so blown away by this modern day classic horror film! P. S. Elizabeth Moss is absolutely outstanding.
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1917 (2019)
Absolutely Incredible!
1 March 2020
1917 is simply a modern day masterpiece. I was blown away by every single frame of the film and to think they have managed to create the illusion of the whole movie being 1 single shot is absolutely phenomenal which is why every award given is completely well deserved! I'm not even a fan of war/historic film or TV but I can't stress enough how brilliant 1917 is and why all of you should see it in the next week while it's still out in cinema's/theatre's!
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Gibi ASMR (2015– )
1 March 2020
Alrighty so I'm on YouTube a whole lot and decided to check out what the hell asmr is and one of the first people I watched was Gibi and her personality makes listening to each video in the background of writing rather enjoyable.
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1 March 2020
All you simply need to do is listen to the song and your immediately hooked to whatever is on screen as the whole Ad is visually stunning!
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Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
Lives up to the movies!
4 February 2020
Okay so I want to start this off by saying I am an absolutely massive Scream fan so of course I am going to be critical but here's the thing, there's nothing to be critical about because this is more or less a near damn perfect series! Scream TV as I'm going to call it has 2 seasons dedicated to a certain cast and story but the third season is more or less a complete reboot with a new cast and story which is way more similar to the early scream movies although it does remind me a fair bit of Scre4m. I would have to say that the gore is absolutely spectacular in these 3 seasons (especially season 3). I understand that people have put off watching Scream TV because of the first 2 seasons not using the original Ghostface mask or robe because it instead uses a mask that was supposed to keep someone's face together instead of falling apart which I can't lie is a bad-ass back story for such an iconic mask! The third season on the other hand goes full on ghostface killing everyone in a bloody psychotic rampage on some teenagers! If you are a fan of Scream you will adore this and even if your a new comer I'm sure you will start falling in love with this+the main line series aswell, I'm always coming back to watch Scream TV which is my favourite horror series of all time!
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Get Gone (II) (2019)
This movie needs to "Get Gone"
4 February 2020
Alright so I'm not exactly sure how to begin this review so I think I'll start off with the plot. Get Gone is the story of 6 hikers going up to this lovely forest area with a tour guide for 2 or 3 days as a group. Although living up at this beautiful area is a deadly family who are willing to kill anybody who dares to walk over their land! Unfortunately other than Lin Shae (sorry if that's spelt wrong) this movie is boring and horribly acted although for this director's first movie I'm pretty god damn impressed since Get Gone has won 6 awards some how, I guess for a first feature film it's impressive. I did enjoy the performance of a couple more cast members who looked like they were having a good time trying to make an entertaining horror flick. Get Gone seriously reminded me of the 2017 movie Leatherface which I thoroughly enjoyed even thought most people disagree on that. There are some hilariously bad Edits and camera work throughout this film but as I said this guy is a first time director so I can't be to hard on the man. I would say you should give this movie a watch one night to see what you think about it but don't go into this expecting a good movie because it's pretty bad but worth watching for certain fun aspects. The killer (Apple) has a brilliant first kill which is just extremely fun to watch although I just wish it was shot much better. So overall I'd give it a 3 out of 10 but possibly a 4 if I watched Get Gone with some friends.
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Well done Smosh!
3 February 2020
Alright so I gotta start this off by saying well done to smosh for making a pretty great action comedy, and I do understand the majority of reviews for this movie are actually bad but let me explain why a smosh fan should watch this P.S I wouldn't recommend someone who isn't a fan of Smosh to watch this movie as I don't see you getting much enjoyment out of it's 80 minute run time. Smosh The Movie is a simple story of 2 best friend trying to get an extremely embarrassing video off of the Internet or more specifically YouTube by going into the website itself. Sound pretty cool to you, well obviously it does because it sounds like one of Ian and Anthony's idiotic skits where laughter is always a guarantee! I think there humour (Especially Ian's) Is pushed to the max for this film because I found myself in tears while watching this. It may be offensive and completely stupid humour but I can assure any fan of smosh at least a good time!
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Better than the average horror flick!
3 February 2020
Okay so where to begin, this movie is obviously a pretty cheap low budget horror flick but I have to give whoever made this movie some credit for making a rather fun slasher film. So after hearing about this movie I googled it to see what other movies the director had made previous to The legend of halloween Jack and then I found out this is the man who directed all 5 Robert movies! I know you all must be as shocked as me because if you share my opinions on this movie then you would agree its rather insane to realise that. The plot for this movie is pretty damn simple because its about a man (Jack) who has been wrongfully accused for murder by a few men who believe that they are right in every way about Jack being guilty, after they torture Jack he rises back from the grave to seek revenge on them who wronged him that halloween night. The kills are pretty fun and there is one particularly fun scene of mass murder at a disco which is extremely memorable to me! I hope you all go watch this above average horror flick that's got a memorable and pretty cool slasher villain who got his own sequel 1 year later.
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Seriously give this movie a chance!
3 February 2020
So I know at a first glance Sinister Squad just looks like a plain and simple Suicide Squad knock off with bad acting and rubbish special effects but I can tell you that after watching this 90 minute long movie it's the opposite of what I expected! This movie isn't perfect by any means but its an absolute blast with pretty solid acting and even when the acting is a tad off the whimsical nature of every character (especially Mad Hatter) makes it blend in perfectly. I seriously enjoyed nearly every last bit of this movie but of course there is a few flaws such as Tweedle Dee and the Underworld special effects but other than that this is a fun blast almost the whole way through and I would seriously check it out and maybe give it a watch with a group of friends who love superhero films! This film is also pretty fun to watch as it's whimsical and magical while also being Gory and Dark at many points throughout the movie, please give Sinister Squad an open minded viewing.
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