
11 Reviews
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First Movie Without Dean Martin
18 April 2008
At age 10, I kept my fingers crossed en route to see this movie. I loved both Martin and Lewis, was shocked at their breakup and truly wished them both happiness and success.

The movie did not disappoint me and I sensed that Jerry would be OK. Jerry's next movie, " Sad Sack " was much funnier; I thought - although I do remember having a huge poster of Liliane Montevecchi hanging in my bedroom for at least two years after seeing the movie - and perhaps "that" had something to do with my preference LOL.

The rest is history of course. For those in my age bracket, I also think it is worthwhile to mention how many times Jerry Lewis chose Kathleen Freeman to co-star in his movies. She was, of course, one of the two actresses to portray the maid in the 1953 TV series " Topper " which starred Leo G Carroll.
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Topper (1953–1955)
The Ghostest With The Mostest
16 January 2007
That phrase was how the introduction described Marion Kirby, wife of George Kirby. The Kirbys', along with the ever faithful alcoholic St. Bernard dog Neil, were killed in an avalanche but returned to their home to playfully haunt the current occupants, Cosmo and Henrietta Topper.

However only Cosmo Topper could see and hear them. The ever formal Cosmo and Henrietta ( Leo G. Carroll and Lee Patrick ). Talk about contrasts.

Born in 1947, I am giving away my age of course; but I never missed an episode. In fact I cherished them. Who could not be drawn to the antics of George and Marion. What 8 year old male couldn't be totally absorbed by Marion Kirby. Knowing they were husband and wife in real life made the attraction to their characters even more pronounced.

Where are these episodes ? Probably the powers that be have long concluded that the show would be boring by today's standards. Not so says I !!
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Mike Hammer (1958–1959)
Mike Hammer
27 February 2006
This series ran from 1956 to 1949; which means I was age 9 through 12 at the time. Yet, despite this, I remember it as one of the most impressive Private Dectective series ever. A much younger Darrin Mcgavin took part in a great many " physical " encounters with the bad guys. Unlike the stereotype " good guy ", with Mike Hammer, anything goes. I mean chairs, tables anything. Those stunt guys had their work cut out for them. So it was truly a joy to see that this actors' career continued successfully. In fact, Jerry Lewis" first movie after his split with Dean Martin, " Delicate Delinquint " starred Mr. McGavin. When he showed that he could comedy as well ( " Christmas Story " ), it was great. Of course most people will remember him as " Kojak " - and I truly enjoyed that series. But for me, he will always be the very feisty Mike Hammer.
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The Sad Sack (1957)
Jerry's 2nd Flick after the split with Dean Martin
14 January 2006
OK, the second Of Jerry Lewis" films after the split up with Dean Martin - and I was only 10 years old when I saw it. So naturally I wanted to see Jerry succeed ( as well as Dean of course ) in his now solo career. To my Mother's shock and amazement I hung an 8 1/2 by 10 inch photo of Liliane Montevecchi ( wearing that black sexy outfit from the movie ) on my bedroom wall. Raging hormones at age 10 ??? Maybe LOL

But seriously I thought the movie was a riot. David Wayne and Joe Montell cracked me up as did Peter Lorre. Never stopped laughing. Funny thing though; I've never seen this movie repeated on TV. This is disappointing. That photo of Liliane stayed on my wall until it darn near wore out. Jerry's first movie after the split up was Delecate Delinquint which starred Darren McGavin.

The type of humor is probably dated by today's ( yuk ) standards but I can tell you for a fact that the entire theater audience laughed as hard and as long as I did.

So, if you get a chance to see this movie, I recommend it. It is in black and white but that's OK.
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Got to me - the first 10 minutes
15 January 2001
Almost missed it. While visiting friends in Philadelphia sometime in the early 1980`s, I was channel surfing after everyone else went to bed. It wasn`t just Bogart he was obsessed with; but rather the entire era of those old flicks those of my age know so well. Add to that a plot liken to The Maltese Falcon - where so many different characters were interacting with Sacchi - and you have a piece of art as far as I`m concerned. About ten years later it appeared on TV and I taped it. >
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The Blue Max (1966)
George Peppard`s best performance
15 January 2001
The way George Peppard captured the character stands out as much as the flying scenes themselves. A must for any aviation buff. Unlike others, I thought the movie did reasonable justice to the book. Just as important, the movie depicts the German aviators as being not too different than their allied counterparts. Unfortunately, I don`t believe Mr. Peppard ever got a character to play afterwards in which his performance would be praised as in The Blue Max.
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The Train (1964)
Not to be missed
15 January 2001
I`ve never paid too much attention to critics` reviews. But "The Train" is unique for me in that after seeing it the first time, I thought it was fair to average. After reading a review of the movie which stated it was truly magnificent, my curiosity was so aroused that I went to see it a second time thinking "what did I miss'? It is the ONLY time in my life I went to see a movie a second time for that specific reason. God - was I asleep the first time? Don`t miss this one.
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memorable forever
15 January 2001
Although never rated a "ten" by most, I was 10 years old in 1957 when my mom took me to see this movie. Quite naturally I immediately fell in love with Debbie Reynolds while hoping to wind up looking something like Leslie Nielsen at the same time. One`s age at the time a movie is first seen determines a lot. She was sweet and innocent, the song very beautiful and the leading man, although a little unsure of himself, was honorable. That was 43 years ago and of course we have all had a "reality check" - but, what can I say?
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Special effects classic with a great script
15 January 2001
For 1953 - are you kidding? Nothing since King Kong in the early 1930`s came close to this one. My Dad took me to the old New York Paramount in Times Square to see this - I was six or seven. Like King Kong, even a seven year old knew that this animal was simply out of his element. A necessary but sad ending. This was a great time for a seven year old as "THEM", "WAR OF THE WORLDS" and "THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS" all came out within, I believe, two years of each other. You`ve got to see all three!!
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The Lady Eve (1941)
A must to see
15 January 2001
My kids would probably say "it`s in black and white and dated". Too bad for them! Barbara was never more beautiful. I still don`t how the censors overlooked that scene in the cabin with her lying in the bed and Mr. Fonda sitting right next to her on the floor with his back against the wall. Only two truly great professionsals could have pulled it off. GREAT STUFF!
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one of the most memorable films I`ve ever seen
14 January 2001
Picture this: A 19 year old away from home for the first time attending school on the opposite side of the USA - near Carson City, Nevada. One night, during a heavy snowstorm we find a fellow student with a car and drive to Reno. I was truly taken. My first exposure to a classic French film (with English subtitles). The mood of the film - two professional parents (widow and widower) who meet through their children`s school and fall in love knowing all the complications that face them - completely got to me. I hope this film never gets the label "dated". P.S. This occurred in 1967.
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