
71 Reviews
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A must watch for everyone.
8 July 2022
An amazing documentary, thought provoking and a must watch for everyone. What Is A Woman? It's such a simple question with what should be a very simple answer, to watch so many people tying themselves in knots to avoid giving that answer was hysterical. To hear the facts of what these people are doing to our children was chilling and quite frankly terrifying. Thank goodness people are starting to speak up and question the reasoning behind this worrying trend.
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Lightyear (2022)
Boring waste of time and money.
8 July 2022
I took my niece and nephew ( six and nine) to see this at the weekend and they were bored stiff! I found myself checking the time every five minutes just waiting for it to end. I'm not sure who the target audience is for this film but it has very little for children or adults. The original Toy Story is so good how can this film be so, so bad? This film is devoid of the charm of the original. I would say to anyone thinking of watching this - save your time and money. It really is a terrible film.
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Lucifer: Goodbye, Lucifer (2021)
Season 6, Episode 9
Worst ending ever.
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What did I watch? It wasn't Lucifer that's for sure. What happened to free will, choice? When did it become better to grow up with one parent than two loving ones? Why is calling/work suddenly more important than family and friends? When did fifty years become a blip to a human? Chloe is a rotting corpse but at least her soul is in Hell and this is a good ending? Lucifer is stuck in hell all alone for a million years giving therapy to scum. Why would Lucifer and Chloe not just tell Rory to get lost, she is a terrible character who really, really needs to change.

Why did I waste time and money watching this awful season, I really wish they had ended it in season five. This was just painful to watch, I will never trust these people again.
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Lucifer: The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar (2021)
Season 6, Episode 5
Another boring episode.
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why did they have to go down the old time travel route? It has been so overdone. And with a murderous daughter too! Groan. What has happened to this show? Lucifer would never abandon a daughter if he knew he had one. Why did they feel the need to make the husband gay in this? What did that achieve? Do the writers just shoehorn in a certain number of gay/bi characters each season whether they fit the plot or not? Very slow boring episode.
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Lucifer: Pin the Tail on the Daddy (2021)
Season 6, Episode 4
Best episode of the season so far.
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode felt a bit more like the old Lucifer. Massive plots holes, yes but not bad at all. Lucifer and Chloe working together to solve a puzzle and find a missing girl felt like old times. Quite nice to watch an episode without being preached to too much!
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Lucifer: Nothing Ever Changes Around Here (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
Slow start.
22 October 2021
Nice call back to the pilot episode but overall this was a slow start to the season. I know it must have been difficult filming under Covid restrictions so I did try to view it with that in mind. I do think the writers seem to have lost their way a bit, we need more of the humour that made Lucifer great.
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Lucifer: Buckets of Baggage (2021)
Season 6, Episode 2
Not as bad as the previous episode.
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At least this one doesn't have cartoons, which is actually the best thing I can think of to say about it. Did quite like Carol in this one and his little double act with Lucifer was okay. The drag queen act with Lucifer was good. I did find the preachy tone a bit too much, too woke. Way to hit us over the head with the message, I know Lucifer is never exactly subtle but still. I did find this to be another slow episode.
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Lucifer: Yabba Dabba Do Me (2021)
Season 6, Episode 3
Very poor episode.
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season seems so odd in relation to the previous five, almost as if it were written by a new set of writers. The characters all seem off too. The cartoon bits were just stupid and really took away from the story. Linda is writing a book about Lucifer? Her client, using his real name? Would a therapist really do that? Seems like a bit of a filler episode to me.
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Lucifer: A Lot Dirtier Than That (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
Not Lucifer at it's best.
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this one a 5 out of 10 because of the amazing acting and the wonderful duet at the end. Tom's has a beautiful voice and the girl playing his daughter was a great match for him here. The actual story line didn't really resonate with me as I am not an American. I agree with some of the other reviewers I am tired of being preached to and lectured by TV shows. Yes, it is an important issue but I watch Lucifer to be entertained not educated.
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Lucifer: Partners 'Til the End (2021)
Season 6, Episode 10
No!! You can't end it like this.
14 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that this is it. What a terrible way to end this amazing show. How can Lucifer have his free will taken from him, be forced back down to Hell and never even get to hold his baby daughter, never see her grow up, never see Trixie grow or be there to help her cope with the loss of her father. What a horrible, cruel thing to do to the characters we have grown to love over the years.

Please tell me there is going to be a movie at the very least, something to fix this . This can't be the end.
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Really good interview.
29 July 2021
Tom never disappoints and here he delivers again with a really good interview. He is always so open and honest, so refreshing to see someone down to earth. Nice one Tom, can't wait for season six of Lucifer.
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Terrible, simply terrible.
29 July 2021
Why did they even bother making this rubbish? It is terrible, so boring. I really don't understand why people want to ruin things in this way. Avoid this like the plague and don't waste your time on it.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Slow and boring, don't bother.
23 April 2021
Quite possibly the dullest film I have ever watched. Slow doesn't begin to cover it. I manage to watch the first hour but then had to give up, I did fast-forward to the end and the climax, if you can call it that, was exactly as I expected. Don't waste your time watching this, if I could give minus stars I would.
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Love the One You're With (2014 TV Movie)
3 April 2021
Don't bother even trying to watch this, it is awful. So boring, slow and dull. D. B. Woodside makes a plank of pine look less wooden. Love him in Lucifer so can't understand why he seems to be sleepwalking through this.
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Don't bother.
21 February 2021
Dire, dull avoid at all costs. Not sure what age group would get anything from this, under one's maybe. Childish rubbish.
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Bridgerton: Diamond of the First Water (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
12 February 2021
Saying this show is drivel was the nicest thing I could think of.
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Lucifer: BlueBallz (2020)
Season 5, Episode 6
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Took them long enough, it was starting to get silly. Well worth the wait to finally see these two get it together. Another amazing episode.
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Lucifer: Detective Amenadiel (2020)
Season 5, Episode 5
Another great episode.
22 August 2020
The season is back on track after the previous filler episode, loved this one.
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Lucifer: It Never Ends Well for the Chicken (2020)
Season 5, Episode 4
Not the worst episode I've seen but it's close.
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a bit of a mess, dull and pointless, a simple short conversation could have given us the information we needed. I did give it a high rating only because I have waited years for a nice bit of Trixie/Lucifer bonding and at a games night no less, perfection. Would have been nice to hear Tom sing in this one and not just whisper a few lines, he has an amazing voice, hopefully we get to hear it again in the next part of the season.

I am not a fan of black and white anyway so maybe I am being a bit harsh but if you are going to skip any episode make it this one. It does come across as being a little bit self indulgent, maybe after so many amazing episodes the cast and crew can be forgiven this one.
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Lucifer: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
Another winner.
21 August 2020
Episode two and this season just gets better and better, Michael really is a dick and Chloe is amazing, great acting from Lauren, I cheered out loud at one point. Clever detective!
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Lucifer: Really Sad Devil Guy (2020)
Season 5, Episode 1
Amazing start!
21 August 2020
Wow, what an amazing start to the season, funny, sad, thrilling - all that and so much more. Will have to watch it a second time to really catch everything.
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Such fun!
20 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
These were the good old days of fundraising, entertaining and silly but not as self serving as it became in later years. I loved the Miranda cast in the dance studio piece. Such fun! The routine at the end of the sketch was a real hoot! They are all pretty good dancers too. Check this out on YouTube if you missed it the first time around.
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Miranda: Excuse (2009)
Season 1, Episode 5
Another gem of an episode.
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another great episode, Miranda's comic timing is impeccable as usual. I love Dreamboat Charlie and can't wait to see him in more episodes. The on again off again party theme stopped just short of all out farce, which was good. As an added bonus, we got to see Tom Ellis/ Gary in full Pride and Prejudice costume, and doesn't he look handsome!
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Miranda: It Was Panning (2012)
Season 3, Episode 1
Another gem!
25 March 2020
Another gem of an episode, all of the cast are perfect in their roles, every second is such fun! Miranda is funny without the need to resort to crude or cruel humour. Not sure where the new character Mike is going to fit in but I think I am going to like him. Could give the "will they, won't they" thing going on between Miranda and Gary a push in the right direction.
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Simply wonderful!
16 March 2020
What a beautiful little film this is. So romantic, funny, touching and with a twist I did not see coming but was really hoping for! Tom Ellis and Kaya Scodelario are as impossibly beautiful as the scenery. My one complaint, I wish it had been a lot longer, I could have watched those two and their adventures all day. Simply wonderful!
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