7 Reviews
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13 September 2023
The people who are criticizing the bad acting and unrealistic writing are missing the point!! You are forgetting how cringe children at that age are - they're experimenting with swear words and acting as though they have a lot of sex and it's no big deal. That's what kids really do!

This is such a REAL movie. It's hard to categorize it as horror, because it's such a different type of horror (until the last 15-20 mins). But it stays with you because of how raw and real it feels.

I love the portrayal of Amy and Megan's friendship. It feels so realistic to me. Friends who were so close when they were younger but one of them is growing up so much faster.... A tale as old as time.
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Sorry to the haters but this slaps
12 May 2023
IS IT CAMPY AND DUMB? Yes. That's the beauty of it. People don't appreciate dumb movies enough. Too many movies have to be "good" or "well-made". Those movies are fine, but bad movies are too. Treat yourself to a nice garbage movie and watch this masterpiece.

But seriously, I think that the people in the reviews saying "Pamela Anderson must be hurting for money" are missing the point. This movie is campy and fun to watch. It's silly and no, it won't win any awards. But it's a decent plot with good acting. Highly recommend.

I gave it a 6 because I mean.... It's still not a perfectly good movie....
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V/H/S/99 (2022)
Am I the only one who loved Ozzys Dungeon?
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As many before me have said, this is not the greatest in the VHS franchise. The first short was honestly unwatchable - the music was unbearable, the characters deeply unlikeable, and just a dumb story line.


I absolutely adored Ozzys Dungeon. It was the only short that I found actually scary. The best part is the footage of the old show. I got chills when the girl gets injured and the host says "gonna need a bandaid for that!" Idk, I just found that terrifying. The second half of the film does revolve into torture, but I actually thought it was a pretty compelling story about revenge and the lengths that people will go to get Justice. The ending was dumb though - I'm not a fan of supernatural stuff and this would have been better off as a revenge tale.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
How are these people not dead?
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has plot holes galore and, if you think about it through any critical lens or falls apart immediately, but I'm still giving 8 stars because I found it thoroughly enjoyable.

The scenes at the Clown Cafe were my favorite - great spooky atmosphere that gave me chills. Art the clown was as a scary as ever - the actor behind him is truly talented.

I wasn't a fan of the addition of the little clown girl; she didn't make sense to me. Was she supernatural? The guy at the laundry mat couldn't see her but sienna and Jonathan could?

Also HOW ARE THE MAIN CHARACTERS NOT DEAD? They sustained enough injuries to kill them about 10 times over but we're still standing at the end of the movie. Just not believable.

At the end of the movie, it becomes supernatural in a deux ex machina kind of way - like they couldn't think of another way to save Sienna so it became supernatural? Not a fan. I guess maybe this was supposed to represent the connection to her dad that the brother alludes to all movie? Idk, I didn't get it.

The goriness was similar to the original movie; no real surprises there.

Again, there's plenty to pick apart but I still really liked this movie. I think Art is a great villain and I was genuinely scared during my watch!
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Absolutely Terrifying
3 July 2022
PLEASE watch this movie! It is so fabulous. I am a long time horror movie addict, and it's been a very long time since something really scared me. This movie had me terrified!

The kids' acting was not great at the start of the movie, but once Ethan Hawke comes in it gets better (or maybe you just forget about it haha)

One of my new favorite movies!
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Knives Out (2019)
Accent ruined it
3 July 2022
I'm sorry, I don't want to be mean, but Daniel Craig's Southern accent ruined the movie. It was so bad and so distracting that it took away from an otherwise very fun and well done movie.
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Senior Year (2022)
Extremely enjoyable
17 May 2022
I don't know why this has such a low score! I thought it was a super fun movie. Will it win any Oscars? No. But it was highly enjoyable and hit my nostalgia bone perfectly. Worth a watch if you like this kind of movie.
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