
36 Reviews
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La bandera (1935)
Bridegrooms of Death
12 September 2020
The Spanish Foreign Legion this is set in was founded in 1920 modeled on the French one to be an international vanguard to crush an uprising by Berber tribes of the Riff mountains in Spain's Protectorate of Northern Morocco. They called themselves the Bridegrooms of Death, 10,000 killed in its first 20 years. Francisco Franco was first Deputy Commander, then Commander, it was said, could terrify murderers with just a glance. It has never been as international as the French, usually 90% native Spanish, in the multinational mix in its history an ex-Texas Ranger, Australian undertaker, Cambridge law student, Polish count, Sikh from India. It acquired a reputation for brutality, in training and combat, worse than the French.The film's climax was based on an actual incident. The actual Legionnaires filmed here a year later went into the Spanish Civil War on Franco's side,, few surviving. It crushed an uprising in the Spanish Sahara in 1957-1958, left there in 1976, served in U.N. Peacekeeping missions, with NATO in Afghanistan. Reports by two British deserters of brutality in the 1980's led NATO on admitting Spain in 1987 as conditions to curb mistreatment, not to accept recruits from member nations. It was closed to non-Spanish in 1987, opened again in 2000, draws non-Spanish recruits from Africa and Latin America, and garrisons two fortress enclaves on the Moroccan cast, Mellila and Ceuta, dating from the 1500's the Spanish consider their soil Antonio Banderas' character Galgo in the third Expendables movie sings and talks about being in the Legion.
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Terrific "Teaser"
19 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the two-minute pre-title "teasers" ending a story but NOT the previous episode of this series set in the 1950's-early 1960's (ironically now considered the WORST period for Batman requiring radical revamping to save it) are pretty bad but this is the BEST, Batman and the first Flash chasing the Scarecrow bent on Halloween horror (though he actually came a little after timeframe of series), should have been an EPISODE, hallmark holiday viewing. The episode is one of the BETTER, Batman back in time to 1800's London for supernatural struggle featuring Mari Devon, Summer Gleeson from THE series delivering accurately accented line as Victorian victim.
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Justice League Unlimited: Divided We Fall (2005)
Season 2, Episode 12
Lois and Summer--Sort Of
7 August 2020
Crowd scene ONLY animated one with Lois Lane and Summer Gleeson, though far apart. Lois had speaking part, Summer did not, unbilled but NO mistaking her. Nice Summer was included--she was cruelly, cynically, cast out into animated anonymity when disappointingly dumped from the feeble follow-up New Adventures of Batman, 1997-1999, the ONLY character from the classic Batman TAS, 1992-1995, terribly to be. JERK Ryder robbed her reporting role, dull DUD atrociously at it, to become DC's sunk-in-six comics catastrophe from 30 years before, the Creeper to help right-out-Ripley relaunch debuting same time as new show but it failed --AGAIN. Significantly Creeper noticeably NOT in the DC crowd of characters, only fair for what he dreadfully did TO her. The only "other" time Lois and Summer "together" online comics sequence they captured, tied, gagged, by thugs, left with bomb, Lois defiant, Summer scared, would have made for a World's Finest sequel. Questions left: DID they survive? HOW can Lois ever SIT DOWN?
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TOO Secret
5 August 2020
Nothing to add that hasn't been said already about this wonderful show. But, sadly, it is now largely LOST. The company making it went bankrupt from the pioneering HD, and its has been since hopelessly tangled in legal knots over the rights, why never continued in repeats, VHS, DVD. The ONLY place you can find it now is on You Tube.
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3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THIS version of THE epic World's Finest team-up on Supeman TAS years before is UNWATCHABLE because of what done to Lois Lane--not Luthor, THE ANIMATORS. It overshadows the episode, what one--with regrets--remembers most, nothing memorable as before. She is defies-description-DREADUL, ghastly gaunt, agonizingly anorexic as women wretchedly were depicted in this series, head like wigged, painted, skull, toothpick arms and legs excruciatingly emphasized in a TOO-short skirt, the WORST done TO her in 70 years of comics, animation, TV, film. The team-up this time in Gotham could, SHOULD, left her behind, NO real reason for her., not HER town. It would have been better for NOT to have been here to look like THAT. It was cruel to such a beloved character, at least should have put trousers, coat, on her. Vicki Vale had similarily suffered in series' spin-off film feature Batman Versus Dracula, warning should have been taken here for Lois., Since series set about decade before THE series one is grateful for Summer Gleeson NOT to have been in this for fortunately HER beauty always appreciated unblemished.
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The Batman: Bird of Prey (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
3 August 2020
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If EVER there was an episode of THIS series that should have been in THE series it was THIS. This would have just perfect FOR SUMMER GLEESON. It was the ONLY appearance of a WOMAN reporter--series set a decade before THE series Batman just starting out in his 20's, females not yet much evident yet in broadcasting with the unbilled rat faced reporter and aged anchor dully doing it--doing Day in the Life of Bachelor Bruce ending in a wild brawl wrecking Wayne Manor. Would LOVE to heard the Penguin CREEPING out Summer, rubbing flippers, "Ah, my be-u-ti-ful FLA - MING - O!" Except Catwoman the animation of series made women agonizingly anorexic as here, painfully pale, ghastly gaunt, toothpick legs excruciatingly emphasized in TOO short skirt though actress decently delivered lines. Alfred and the Penguin were actually BETTER here, there Alfred great for drool Comment in the Cave couldn't carry himself outside it too wispy, Paul Williams so soft spoken could get drowned out by music, action, here Action Alfred CAN, Penguin has squawk life A BUZZSAW the two together GREAT from ancestral antagonisms between the Cobblepots and the Pennyworths.
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Superman: The Animated Series: Solar Power (1997)
Season 2, Episode 11
Lois and Angela--OR Angela and Lois
3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The hostage scene fell flat Jimmy sharing it with Lois, TOO predictable a pairing, would have been more interesting WITH ANGELA CHEN. She was the show's Summer Gleeson who NEVER GOT KIDNAPPED, just brief broadcasting, in more proportionately 1/3rd to 1/4th for Summer. According to the show' s website, never shown, there was ANTAGONISM between her and Lois and should been made the centerpiece here--"I want in on this." "Look, Gossip Girl, IF I hear Luminous is dating a movie star I'll let you know." They run into each other sneaking into his hideout--"Angela, go find some desk to READ news behind while I REPORT it." "I wonder, Lois, which is bigger than the Planet building, your ego---OR YOUR MOUTH!." They get ZAPPED, hung up, "Well two NOISY than nosey reporters," Luminous laughs mockinngly while they gagged GLARE at each other. After rescue each reports SHE caught Luminous despite the OTHER's bungling, Lois smashes, kicks TV, breaks foot, Angela tears up paper rams fist into wall, breaking arm. As they sit GLARING across reporting room at each other in casts, Clark too nervous to move, gets show stopping from behind, "Excuse me, I was asked to come over from Gotham to substitute for Angela until she recovers," Clark turns around--SUMMER GLEESON!
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Batman: The Animated Series: Heart of Ice (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
Best Served ICE Than COLD
31 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the series' TEN BEST EPISODES. The beautiful, haunting, animation with wonderful wintery scenes.. The Emmy-winning script. Batman ALONE, "Its my concern." Michael Ansara after Mark Hamill as the Joker the most brilliantly played of Batman's enemies, had a MAGNIFICENT voice (did the Outer Limits classic Soldier the writer sued the Terminator movies claiming plagiarized it). Summer Gleeson showing what she COULD do for an episode WHEN she go the chance, excellent at reporting then beautiful in blue KNOCKOUT at climax party raising the DRAMA of it. This episode of excellence is WHAT first clued in adults that was as much for THEM as kids, repeated in evenings for them. If this at its BEST demonstrates how the first series was so FIRST rate, Cold Comfort showed at its WORST woefully why the second series aimed solely on Saturday morning for NO adult audience was so SECOND-rate--the lowered level animation,, terrible writing turning truly tragic Victor Freeze into 1950's filmatic fiasco They Saved Hitler's Brain like frozen fuhrer head jarringly in jar, infantile infant Robin impersonator DIM Drake and phony poseur BRATgirl ruefully reducing Batman to Bat BABY SITTER, dreadful DUD debut of media mediocrity JERK Ryder shockingly showing sadly Summer GONE wretchedly with insult-to-injury for already appalled audience HamilDULL Hill STAYING, awfully as ALWAYS drearily droning, ONLY the voice work of Kevin Conroy and Michael Ansara retaining the original's quality.
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Batman: The Animated Series: Make 'Em Laugh (1994)
Season 3, Episode 7
NOT Laugh for Joker or Summer
30 July 2020
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Unfortunately for once the Joker DIDN'T, lame, limp, entry for him, The Condiment King STEALING the show. This strangely recast Joker as failed comedian, how would be treated in recent film as. Mark Hamill will always be THE Joker ---NOT that painted face petulant pouting Joaquin Phoenix. Summer Gleeson as TOO often usual disappeared after short reporting bit, the series' GREAT mistake wasting her like that, should have covered comedy competition, been grabbed by Joker to throw her from roof, "I know its someone ELSE'S line but since everyone's stealing material tonight, RIDDLE ME THIS, what is it that ALWAYS comes after Summer? FALL!" He shoves her to swinging save by Batman--c'mon, didn't want to see that ONCE?
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Batman: Hush (2019 Video)
SUMMERtime Again?
29 July 2020
The red-head "Reporter" (Pictures 39, 41) though not billed as such is identified in DCAMU-WIKI as Summer Gleeson, miss her trademark bow, Tara Strong leaden with lines compared to voicing verve Mari Devon brought to the role--she indifferent irritated didn't do Batgirl? Summer sadly has been in animation anonymity since disappointingly dumped from the feeble-follow up New Adventures of Batman in 1997-1999 for JERK Ryder to become the 1960's comics catastrophe Creeper, DC cynically using show at sacrifice of her to sell second series FOR HIM but it failed. Lois with Clark, Bruce, Superman, Batman been THERE, done THAT, so should have had "Reporter" AS SUMMER accompanied Bruce to Metropolis to to story on Superman borrowing crew from Angela Chen's sister station, get kidnapped with Lois by Poison Ivy squeezed, strangling, in vines, Mari Devon rightly recalled redoing role. The ONLY times two "together" crowd scene Justice League episode Divided We Fall, online comics scene they captured, by thugs, bound, gagged, left with time bomb, wonder DID they survive and how can Lois ever SIT DOWN? Or could have been VICKI VALE, been historic, first REAL meeting with Lois, only "one," EVER, comics, cartoons, was at crazy "cast party" conclusion to Batman Brave and the Bold.
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The Batman: JTV (2005)
Season 2, Episode 8
Better Here Than THERE
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An episode one was grateful was NOT in THE classic Batman series--there would have been Mayor HamilDULL Hill and creep cop Harvey Bullock kidnapped, Rene Montoya to rescue, Summer Gleeson buried at the bottom briefly broadcasting. Adam West as Mayor Grange was better, Lloyd Bochner as Hill dismally droned a;ways awfully paralyzing the plot , though STILL dim dullard what IS it with Gotham voters. Sad in first series Joker had only one episode WITH Summer while wasted TWO on Hill, as ANY episode with him WAS. The Joker, after Batman THE crucial casting of ANY series here is quite good in his own right, wilder, rightly does not attempt to compete with Mark Hamill, unmatched for THAT laugh. The SUPRISE here is Cash Tankinson actually funny, better than Bullock's blundering attempts at comic relief. He should have become regular but appeared only once more.
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Callie Comes Along
25 July 2020
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HISTORIC --Callie Shaw went WITH the Hardys on the case. In 1929 she had said, "Boys have all the luck. They get to go. Girls just have to stay home." She for decades was Last-in-the-Cast Callie, or LOST didn't even APPEAR in the book this based on Clue of the Screeching Owl, made niece of missing Captain Maguire to bring her along. She was chased in woods by wild animal, trapped in fire, BUT missed the climatic confrontation, disappointingly displaced by dumbbell Chet MORON. It was UNFAIR--she had the RIGHT to be there, to save her beloved uncle. Makers realized there was not enough time room, for both Callie and Chet so HE got the-- literally-- bums rush, one walk=on after. . Callie was MORE important here and in season then she EVER was in the books until then, and for a decade AFTER until the great Casefiles Series (1987-1998), n occasional regular notably #112 Demolition Mission, 1992, bound and gagged ONLY time in it in trunk of junker Joe at the wheel of in a demolition derby. It was too bad she was NOT in succeeding seasons, especially Campus Terror, could have least guested undercover in sorority kidnapped, bound, gagged, been HISTORIC, had NEVER happened in books until then, until Casefiles #8 See No Evil, 1988.. Sadly strangely, she has been GONE since 2005, when he encountered Frank out jogging, surveyed the vandalism of Bayport High, "We said our goodbyes" Frank narrated and she jogged off to oblivion, not a MENTION even of her SINCE.
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Batman: The Animated Series: Joker's Wild (1992)
Season 1, Episode 42
Casino CHAOS For Summer
24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
G-O-O-D episode but could have been BETTER had Summer Gleeson had MORE then book-end broadcasting bits, sadly her USUAL role. Delightful Mari Devon--as in D--alphabetically at top as Guest "Star," she could hardly be called THAT, even over Mark Hamill--as in H--could never disguise sadly Summer with a few exceptions was more woefully "with", "and," "also" at LAST-in-the-Cast part-plotwise as HERE standard Set UP the Story Scene then NOT in it, at least prettily, pleasingly, performing necessary function voicing with verve, made one wish MORE for her. One realized how one so had took her for granted later with woefully ruinous at reporting dull dud JERK Ryder sadly stealing her spot in second second-RATE feeble-follow-up series, how missed her. WASTING chances like here for her was awfully always THE mistake of otherwise brilliant series. Lois Lane NO question WOULD have investigated a Casino dedicated to Lex Luthor and Summer HAD reason to angrily also, Joker trying to kill her, blow up train he KNEW her Mother was on (Christmas With the Joker) so give her chance to EARN "Guest STAR" status:

Summer fumes FURIOUS at opening, confronting Kaiser, "What's this about dedicating a Casino to Gotham's most notorious criminal who tried at Christmas to BLOW UP MY MOTHER and then DROP ME IN MOLTEN LAVA?" "Oh, come on, you're STILL on that? Get OVER it." Kaiser says, walks away.

When Batman reaches Kaiser's office FINDS SUMMER THERE ALREADY, had told guards she needed another interview. Overpowered by guards they're dropped into Joker's hands, smiling at Summer, "Well, ONLY April but already Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!"

While Batman tied to revolving roulette wheel Joker dangles Summer SCREAMING pretty head off from the roof. Where Perchance to Dream brilliantly borrowed last line from The Maltese Falcon (Warners owned both film and show), Joker channels Casablanca, "Ah, Christmas, THE memories, chestnuts AND YOU roasting over an open fire. You know the problems of three little people don't count for a hill of beans in this crazy world--UNLESS I'm one of them and for OTHER two its, phfft," slashing gesture with thumb across throat. "But we'll ALWAYS have Christmas.

"It's been great but all good things MUST come to an end--I know I make SURE they do--and, As Time Goes By, seasons change and always after Summer, COMES FALL!" He DROPS her to swinging save by Batman. Summer finishes reporting Kaiser caught, Casino closed, Joker back in Arkham, "Yes, it IS Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas." starts singing confusing control room while criminal crazies of Arkham joyfully joining in, Joker, -hand-in-chin irritated, "Fools! It's APRIL!"
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The Batman: Topsy Turvy (2005)
Season 1, Episode 10
RIGHT Story, WRONG Series
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Should have been in THE series, Joker making Summer Gleeson--what else?--Queen of Hearts in his crazy card collection. Ellen Yin was a sub-par substitute, wooden, slob in boring blue jeans, vanished after second season with appearance of Batgirl come the third left no room for her. The Joker only kidnapped Summer in Christmas With the Joker, IF you count it the illustration published with announcement of series debut in 1992 in TV Guide, she tied up over carnival dunk tank WITH BOILING ACID, Joker preparing to throw BOMB NOT BASEBALL, Batman diving to the rescue, thought it was actual episode waited for it--in vain, got instead all-time awful Be A Clown. Mayor's whimpering wimp kid in horrid top hat.
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Goddess Gleeson
22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Rare rescue of a woman WASTED on unappealing, unsympathetic one--Maxie's girlfriend, built like linebacker, bore in brown, accessory to his crimes, sees he's mad STILL sticks around and gets what she asked for tied to ray writhing embarrassingly in TOO short skirt. Drop her for brother, Maxie sees SUMMER GLEESON on TV takes her for Aphrodite The Goddess of Beauty (who wouldn't? THE WRITER!) kidnaps her, has her done up like ancient Greek in silk robes, hair, WHAT a sight THAT would have been, NOW one tied to ray for rescue, had made all right episode into GOOD one as she always did the all-too FEW chances she got.
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Summer Shines
21 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Notable, noticeable, for Summer Gleeson's only full-blown co-starring role. She is SO good, bright, lively, it makes one wonder what the makers were thinking--or more NOT--in not giving her MORE. The reviewer who says "this could easily have been told without her," misses what she brought to the climax confrontation, MADE it, Bruce having to take beating to keep from revealing himself to her , Robin having to figure out way for him. Alfred by comparison brought nothing to sequel sequence Day of the Samurai. Summer was the WASTED character of the show, just 22 episodes, mostly last-in-the-cast brief broadcasting bits, showed WHAT she could bring TO an episode WHEN she got the chance KNOCKOUT at party attacked by M. freeze (Heart of Ice), visited only time by Batman for information (Baby Doll), beautiful even in gas mask raising drama with delivery (Last Laugh), fright under fire then coolness with camera (Shadow of the Bat), run-ins with Bullock (Bullet for Bullock), kidnapped taunted to tears by Joker (Christmas With the Joker), again saving Lock-Up from dreary disaster of old men getting grabbed as well one of them terribly the defied-description dreary HamilDULL Hill the series OTHER mistake treating HIM as more important. Mari Devon always voiced with verve made episodes better while Lloyd Bochner as Hill droned dismally NO episode the better for him, the worse. . She was cruelly, cynically, cast OUT of the second, second-RATE, Batman show (1997-1999) for JERK Ryder, atrocious at ruinously reporting, made one appreciate TOO LATE just how GOOD she was, to become a comics CATASTROPHE from 30 years before the Creeper, to help a comics comeback but that failed AGAIN.
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Creeper Crawls AWAY
19 July 2020
TWO MINUTES' pre-title token "teaser" of The Creeper has been--and CERTAIN to remain--his ONLY speaking appearance in the DCAU after he as Jack Ryder had ROBBED Summer Gleeson of reporting role in the second, second-RATE, Batman show, 1997-1999. He was a comics CATASTROPHE of the 1960's lasted six issues. Although he was REJECTED for the first, classic show in 1992-1995, after repeated rewrites couldn't produce suitable script he was put into the second one, 1997-1999, because DC was, incredulously introducing a NEW Creeper comics and awfully using show to help it at the sad sacrifice of Summer. Both show and comics debuted SAME month (September, 1997). Ryder COULDN'T handle reporting, dismal, drear, dull DUD, and by the time he became Creeper, next-to-LAST episode (November, 1998), the new comics HAD FAILED. The episode was ranked by critics at just 14th of show's 24 episodes, panned as lame disguised Freakazoid episode. Ironically, here, he was the the next-to-LAST character to be introduced in this series with just a half-dozen episodes over THREE seasons to go while the likes of B'wana Beast, Metal Men, Kadami, and Doom Patrol WERE STARRING WITH BATMAN. THIS time, TOO late, he actually WAS the original conception of the character, NOT faux Freakazoid. After this he had only a dozen seconds of unbilled walk-ons on Justice League.
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Red-Headed Rivalry
18 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This should have ditched BRATgirl, infantile Robin impersonator, Batman had ENOUGH freaks to deal with, included April O'Neill and Summer Gleeson, rival red head reporters--

"You DO know April comes BEFORE Summer?"

"But Summer LASTS LONGER?"

"Ditch the bow, you look like my grandmother."

"You look like my canary, DIED a long time ago."

"You hang around with oversized escapees from a pet store with Renaissance Italian painters' names? Are you CRAZY?"

"Says someone with a whackjob in tights who thinks he's some flying bloodsucking rodent."

They argue even over who's got the tougher enemy,

"YOUR guy hides his face because he's embarrassed getting his head handed to him BY TURTLES."

"YOURS looks like a fugitive from some third rate carnival."

The hooded hostage scene would have worked MUCH better with THEM. They end tied back-to-back, gagged, at Ace Chemical rescued at conclusion, still tied squabble over shoulders angrily about WHO got them caught.

"Stumbling Summer!"

"Amateur April!" .

"IF I know Summer, this could go on FOR HOURS."

"We KNOW April and it WILL go on for DAYS."

"What should we do?"


They order, chow down, WHILE...
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Justice League: The Enemy Below (2001)
Season 1, Episode 6
Yes, THAT'S...
18 July 2020
If wondering at the hospital missile attack scene, DCAU-Wiki says, yes that IS Summer Gleeson, listed as among "other characters." She had no doubt other unbilled walk-on in the crowd scene Divided We Fall episode. Sad how she had fallen into animated anonymity dumped from the second, second-RATE, Batman show so DC could use it to help comics comeback of its 1960's catastrophe the Creeper but it failed and he too was disappeared by the DCAU, deservedly.
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The Batman: Strange Minds (2005)
Season 2, Episode 12
Should Had Summer
18 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This should have been done in THE series, Summer Gleeson one kidnapped by the Joker--Ellen Yin was a sub-par substitute, stiff, wooden, slob in boring blue jeans. Summer was on screen kidnapped by the Joker only in Christmas With the Joker, technically in press packet announcing series; debut in 1992 illustration of her tied up over carnival dunk tank WITH BOILING ACID, Joker about to throw BOMB not baseball, Batman diving to THE rescue.
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Beware the Batman: Instinct (2013)
Season 1, Episode 11
17 July 2020
Beware the Batman 2013 computerized catastrophe Cartoon Network quickly pulled from prime Saturday morning slot ran out-of-sight after midnight, only Batman series TO FAIL, episode shows WHY. Set decade before THE series, Jim Gordon not commissioner yet, no Robin, Harvey Bullock, Summer Gleeson at least not HamilDULL Hill and Batgirl. Supporting cast unmemorable, no episode up to Christmas With the Joker or Trial TO START WITH, would watch those again before any here. D-List villains dominate, and as commentator realized, makers didn't, "D-list villains are D-List for a reason." The computerized imagery unbearably ugly, characters look like pressing faces against the TV screen, Pyg and Toad together too much, makes one sick. Hard to care about fool fashionista victims. Been better back if Calendar Girl on return-revenge-rampage, Summer covering Fashion Week got caught--as - in - CAUGHT--up in the action, SOMEone to CARE about.
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Beware the Batman: Broken (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5
Computerized Catastrophe
17 July 2020
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From brief Beware the Batman series ran on Cartoon Network in 2013 ratings so poor pulled from prime Saturday morning slot buried rest of run after midnight. Set a decade before THE Batman series Gordon only a lieutenant why no Robin, Harvey Bullock, Summer Gleeson, missed, HamilDULL Hill, Batgirl NOT. Computerized imagery made one Beware THE SERIES, ugly, distorted, as times so dark couldn't see the picture. Series largely went in for D-list villains like Humpty-Dumpty here smarted up to accountant from sub-par 70 IQ Arkham asylum inmate created only in 2003, why show D in general, F with viewers.. Chess piece captive scene wasted on appalling albino African American crime boss, not worth it, saving, like Hill so awfully always was, should been back in THE series with A-lister Mad Hatter and as chess piece captives there Gordon (King, naturally), Summer (Queen, of course), Robin (Knight, need to say it), Bullock (PAWN!)
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Beware the Batman: Games (2014)
Season 1, Episode 18
Belonged Back in THE Batman Series
17 July 2020
Promising plot wasted here in this 2013 computerized catastrophe the Cartoon Network half-way pulled from prime Saturday morning slot to finish off out-of-sight after midnight. It was set about a decade before THE classic series,why here Gordon had only shortly BEFORE become Commissioner, NO Robin, Summer Gleeson, Harvey Bullock, thankfully at least ALWAYS the least HamilDULL Hill. The characters are so distorted they terribly looked like they're pressing faces against the TV screen. Calorie challenged (as - in - CHALLENGED) former accountant-turned-adversary Humpty showed what critic meant when he said of show, "D-list villains are D-list or a reason," creep African American albino crook NOT worth episode, NEW Mayor still the same OLD usual dreary drone, Katana TOO crazy for companion. This SHOULD have been in THE series, been terrific there, A-list adversary Riddler running Murder Mystery Game, Summer and Bullock joining Gordon and Batman perilously playing, BUT - NOT - HILL., would paralyzed the ploy as awfully ALWAYS did.
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View-Master Batman Animated VR (2016 Video Game)
Summer is Back
6 July 2020
Game based, animated , on the classic Batman animated series, 1992-1995, copies correctly its style, including her first appearance in 20 years, SUMMER GLEESON. She had been the WASTED character of it, just 22 episodes most of them bottom of the bill broadcasting bits, did show when she got kidnapped (Christmas With the joker, Night of the Ninja, Lock-Up), other chances beautiful reporting in gas mask (The Last Laugh), KNOCKOUT at the party attacked by Mr. Freeze (Heart of Ice), runs-ins with cop (Bullet for Bullock), visited by Batman fo information (Baby Doll) even without lines displaying fright under fire then coolness with camera (Shadow of the Bat) showed what she COULD bring to an episode WHEN she got THE chance, made viewer wonder what the makers were thinking--more to the point NOT--in not giving her MORE.. She had been banished, except for unbilled walk-ons, from Batworld when she was unfairly, unjustly, dumped from the second, second-RATE Batman show (1997-1999) for JERK Ryder robbing her reporting role, atrocious at it, to become a failed 1960's comics character, the Creeper, as DC disappointingly sacrificed Summer to use show to sell comics comeback only to have it fail AGAIN. Here she interviews Scarface, unaware who he(s) were then never met him(s). Her still after DECADES delightful delivery was a resounding REBUKE to Ryder's ruinous, made viewer realize how she had been MISSED.
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Batman: The Animated Series: Be a Clown (1992)
Season 1, Episode 11
Hill Horror
1 July 2020
The series' very WORST episode. It is not simply bad, BEYOND that--unbearably UNWATCHABLE. "The infamous CHILD episode ," an online series' commentator called it. Blame is on that little fool, freak, in horrid top hat AND moping Mayor HamilDULL Hill who completely KILL it every nauseating nanosecond they're on screen,, appallingly, awfully, written AND performed. Terribly together TOO much, they OVERWHELM the episode undermining even THE JOKER, maudlin, mawkish, their dreadful-dancing last scene SO excruciatingly embarrassing it actually makes one CRINGE. So sad for bright, beautiful, Summer to count for NOTHING to such story sinkers. Wasting her as here brief broadcasting bits was THE mistake of the series, given chance like Night of the Ninja showed what she could DO for an episode but got few such. The OTHER major mistake woefully was Hill, as here, should NEVER been back after THIS, no episode EVER the better for him, the wretchedly WORSE. In comics Hill was HamilDANGEROUS, corrupt, ally of crime lord Rupert Thorne, enemy WITHIN, interesting, even tried TO MURDER Bullock, actually FIRED Gordon fortunately forced to reinstate, but in show indifferent intoning plot paralyzing drear dullard. Ironically the press announcement of series' 1992 debut in TV Guide carried illustration which would NO question would have made BETTER Joker funhouse of fear episode--SUMMER tied up over dunk tank WITH BOILING ACID, Joker about to throw BOMB, not baseball, Batman diving to the rescue, thought it was ACTUAL episode, waited for it--BUT - GOT - THIS.
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