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All show, no depth.
25 January 2022
They tried to sound smart by using scientific terms or whatever while ending up not explaining a single thing. What happened to the island? Why are the creatures so big? How is everything alive, kept in spot and beautiful if it keeps sinking? The show is very inconsistent. If the insects were that big, you'd see alot more if them. Riding a bee without any hostility? Ok.. No bee buzzing that you'd hear from a mile but the attacking hawk cries for suspense. Great priorities. The movie had a PG 13 feel to it as if no harm could come to the characters. The close calls didn't feel like close calls. The submarine from 150 years ago looked like it was from the future. They pick up their partners and the edge of the island but went under it to escape the falling debree. Why did the reoccuring sinking and rising of the island end with the island imploding this time? Skipped all the final details and went straight to the end and setting up a sequel, apparently, to the moon... Make a good first film without all the plot holes and dull scenes with basically no plot, then you can make your second movie.
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Animal World (2018)
Is it kaiji
18 January 2022
This is a Chinese live action knock off of the anime Kaiju. The film has some merit on its own but isn't as developed as it's predecessor, making it a random thriller instead of an actual story. Although with a sequel I can see this going somewhere. I like some of the changes made or the way it was shown and the film was a good watch. However adding in the visions of the clown felt unecessary and could have been executed better, yet not the worst.
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Joker (I) (2019)
en-capturing film
19 August 2021
I enjoyed "jokers" realistic performance taking the time to break the character over time in stages till he finally snapped, it it could get boring in between those scenes.

I do not get what was with alI of the batman references, i almost couldn't tell if this film was a parody or an actually well done side story to batman for a bit.

It was only near the end with the jokers stunt where it got redundant for me. I found the ending didn't have much of a point and reinforced my thinking that this is a parody when they killed the Wayne family in the alley. If they had made a proper ending, alternated from the batman reference or made this a batman side story, this could have been amazing.
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For Life (2020–2021)
16 August 2021
I found "For Life" to be an interesting series that built your connection with the characters throughout. However, the acting wasn't the best in some cases (police chief woman) and it didn't transition through the scenes properly in a few cases, the show also felt a bit forced. Other than that i did enjoy the show and hope for a proper ending sooner or later. I only seen 12 episodes on Netflix, apparently there is more.
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2 August 2021
For what it was, it was decent and interesting. I just did not find it particularly funny, the story wasn't anything special and the ridiculousness of it all bored me, although i do like when the main characters are OP. Definitely something worth checking out whilst tripping.
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The A List (2018–2021)
A bad series in disguise.
25 July 2021
The series had an interesting concept that went absolutely nowhere with bad / dull acting where nothing ever happens, just drama. 1st season gets a 5/10 it had potential for a great second season, the second season was just a horrendous pile of cliche plot where good wins over evil in the most stupid of ways. The end.
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Knows hot to keep you entertained!
15 July 2021
A very entertaining film with a intricate plot that connected the main story with the side stories through various interactions throughout the film, in a somewhat ironic but realistic way. The movie balances its comedy, action and story pretty much perfectly and keeps it realistic with how the circumstances play out. Nobody here was "the terminator" and all their actions had consequences or hidden twists that played out.
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The Bob Father or the God Focker? *-*
12 July 2021
The film was only decent as a comedy, but predictable. Things wrapped up pretty well in the end, beside for the fact i feel Owen Wilson deserved an apology he didn't get. His character just felt forgotten / random. I don't even get why Greg treated him so bad, jealousy? In the end i don't know if i found this entertaining or not.
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Headline for my review!
4 July 2021
I avoided this movie for a while passing by it every time it was in the list on Netflix. So i decided to give the film a shot this time and i was pleasantly surprised.

A couple things to point out. He didn't even try to hide the fact he could read minds, legit answering their thoughts all the time which would get suspicious over time, espicially with how he stole her ideas, over and over again. Pointing out problems in the work she just thought of and was about to say.

The movie felt a tad long to me probably because of how direct mel gibson was throughout. Plus it was a longer runtime which definitely could've been cut short but the way it ended felt like they wrapped it all up to quick.

That being said the film did leave you invested in some of the characters and stayed funny throughout. .
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Collateral (2004)
It started off good but ended up just being OK.
18 June 2021
When i first started "Collateral", there seemed to be something special about it, while the plot is simple, the characters made up for it. Judging from the beginning scene, i would not of minded if this had been a romance / comedy film, the way they showed the interactions and portrayed characters intelligently, felt real. While also adding in some nice comedy - After watching a murder, it took a toll on the main and actually messed with his train of thought, it didn't just wear off immediately but kept haunting him throughout the film.

A few things i found to be over-dramatic. At the club during the shooting, the civilians seem to be legit just running in circles around the club, screaming the entire time. In actuality the place would have been cleared pretty quick and not have stayed packed for the whole shootout, there was not many gunshots so the screaming would have been minimal and not sound like they are the ones getting murdered. It's also funny how they were flashing their guns the whole time, even took someone hostage as he moved through the crowd and nobody seems to care, yet on shot later and everyone is screaming like little girls while running in circles.

I found the last forty-five minutes of the film to be lacking. The ending seemed random and forced, it basically went like this - A pointless reckless suicidal move that lead to fighting a professional hit-man, where he somehow ends up winning, only to get the girl they showed for five minutes during the prelude. I feel this ending could have been made into something unique based on how the film went previously, instead we got this.

My rating gradually decreased as the film went on but it was still an enjoyable watch, the ending is was a real letdown.
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The Vanished (2020)
A good type of different.
18 June 2021
"The vanished" is a film focusing on a couple doing all they can to find their daughter when they find out she is missing and how they cope with it. You are left in the dark on what happened until they introduced enough evidence to pinpoint a theory halfway through. The film takes you on a journey that steadily drags your attention to the characters great performance as the they deal with the stress of it all, especially when things got a tad on the dark side. The show had a different and nice feel to it IMO and that's without the fast ball twist they flicked on us at the end, i did not see it going down that way.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Seemed like it had top rate production, budget and character potential at first glance...
18 June 2021
Nothing worth noting here. Prolonged story that they rush at the end. Potential for memorable characters that fell short. Terrible actions scenes and CGI.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
It was all for the corn!
16 June 2021
Unknown manages to be a good thriller with great potential for the story-line and cast that keeps you interested, however i found the connection of scenes to be forceful and the film didn't seem to have much of an impact once finished. I don't even think they revealed his real identity (name) in the end.

Within the first half hour of the movie i had already deciphered the potential background of "Dr. Martin harris" by the clothes he wore, the habits he had, his thought process, his interactions with certain people, it was very detailed in its hints. Judging by his memories with his wife and how she portrayed herself as not knowing him and nobody recognizing him so blatantly only lead to back my theory. They try to keep you questioning yourself with some twists and turns throughout and they keep you intrigued but it doesn't add up in the end, so it was a dead giveaway.

I found a few minor elements unrealistic: The high speed chase, mostly when they were drifting through crowds and not hitting anyone and the fact it took too long for the cops to be called. When buddy was sliding down the rails of a metal ladder fast, without wearing gloves, a three story high drop.. But nah, that doesn't burn.

Thanks to these inconsistencies, the obvious plot and forceful connections i cannot say this is a great movie. I did however enjoy the film.
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It's OK.
29 May 2021
The show was pretty decent for showing some interesting information. The ranking system and results were horrendous. The narrator got tiring to listen to after a while.
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would be a good spoof, if it was funny...
25 May 2021
Army Of The Dead bores you with, getting the gang together, making peace treaties with zombies and creeping past "sleeping" zombies. Even when the zombies were "awake" they mostly just gave the humans a graze, the special ones aside. The scene where that girl jumps through two zombies, pushing between them. You know dead weight and twice in a row but still didn't even have a scratch. Then when you think, "wow, since they shown her survive all that BS, she should make it." As the woman's partner? Just stood there aiming but not shooting until the very end. Also how she didn't shout out and rat on the other buddy was pretty stupid... she has the motivation, for revenge and to help the team. Etc, etc.

Army Of The Dead was action and gore over substance that was counter parted by a monotone, dragged out plot. If you're here just to watch the fight scenes, you will still bored for a good hour throughout.
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Arena (2011 Video)
Not bad.
25 May 2021
The movie felt off starting it, the vibe it gave (especially with buddy saying he was gonna cum to the fight -_-) and the fight scenes didn't seem great. For what it was the film kept me interested enough but the fighting could have been a lot better. Plus it seemed like everyone had to be evenly matched in fights to keep the fight entertaining. A few times it showed one side overpowering the other decently well.

A few things didn't add up until the end where i was surprised by a small twist connecting the story that also upped my rating by a star. The other part i enjoyed is Samuel Jacksons whimsical comedy bits.

"Arena" is a fine film to pass time with.
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Tower Heist (2011)
19 May 2021
Watched this a couple weeks ago, it was fine. All i can really remember is the fully gold car on top of an elevator going down and then it went up still with the car on it. I'm sorry but there is a weight limit people themselves can reach let alone a fully gold car. Unrealistic. So there plan would have failed unless they came up with another way but it wasn't implemented so...
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Alpha (II) (2018)
Good for family night but unrealistic IMO
12 May 2021
I enjoyed the movie somewhat. It was a nice telling of the bond that can be formed between humans and animals. However i found the movie a slow burn and was uninterested by the end of it. That and the fact he fell of the mountain twice and ONLY broke a foot which he walked / ran on right afterwards... sure he cracked it back in place and made some support for his foot, doesn't mean he can really use it.

He makes his way all the way back up the cliff he was flicked off... In the cold, with a broken leg, hungry and parched from murky water, but walked up a 500ft tall mountain... and soon after he fights and gets his leg bitten by wolves, then carries the wolf, which would be a really hard feat in the first place back to shelter.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
Endless standoffs with unlimited resurrections.
29 April 2021
I found the first season to be interesting and after that it became very repetitive. Most if not all of the female cast disgusts me with how arrogantly narcissistic they were and the way they acted. Most characters felt textbook crazy, didn't feel real. I do have some favorites however, the riddle, enguin, the guilty chief guy.

The main disappointment is the fact all the characters are basically immortal, they die and resurrect usually with new powers, (rolls eyes) someone died twice and came back with new powers both times or they'd get shot ten times and be fine... also felt like injuries healed too fast. The Joker is an iconic character so it is fine with him and having a few reoccurring villains would be ideal, but you don't need to kill them off and bring them back all the time as a "twist" when you could add in a bunch of other side criminals stories with interesting charters in the mix to make it feel more realistic or just show interesting cases and how the villain intelligently gets away.

Every battle that unfold inevitably becomes a standoff, when in reality these random criminals would shoot first and ask questions later when in these situations instead of, lets aim at the sudden guys jumping us and even if we get the quick draw lets wait for the other to point their gun in my face and talk it out... Some situations call for them but not nearly this many.

With the appearance of supernatural events it was a letdown from the more realistic batman feel ik and the overused corny dialogue, some didn't even make sense, almost everything they say later in the series made me roll my eyes, everything is so predictable. It felt like i was watching a soap opera like the days of our live.

I am very dissapointed with how the series turned out but if you can shut your brain down for 80% of the show it can be entertaining.
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The New Guy (2002)
Goofy fun.
11 April 2021
Going into the film you can immediately tell the comedic and art style was spoofed. During the first part you may cringe until it's funny and the rest of the movie may seem to be a long run. The comedy is decent throughout the movie, a lot of it is cringe worthy, however if you can get into the characters, their interactions with the flow of the story, it is done well enough to immerse you into the world.

The New Guy ended up being a satisfying watch even though i almost dropped it right after i started.
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A captivating film.
2 April 2021
The pursuit of happyness leads you on an emotional journey as a father endures one hardship after another which ends up tearing his family apart and bringing him into debt, left with no viable means of supplying an income. Through all of this he manages to take care of his son, hold up an internship and deal with the mass horde of misfortune that lay ahead.

Will smith played the role perfectly outlining the characters immense determination, his ability to adapt, along with his unbound kindness shown multiple times.

I found the film was realistic and conveyed the anguish the main cast felt astoundingly well as he prevailed through it all. While watching the movie i kept thinking about the similarities and feels from the film "The system". I would recommend watching both.
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Everything sucked!
28 March 2021
The plot: Terrible. Animation: Horrible. Characters: Tremendously flabbergastingly bad.

They ruined pikachus character with a wanna be gangster. The other characters are bland and annoying. I've seen better animation in the 1990's, it looked like some Pokemon were wearing costumes or are just plain stuffed dolls , i noticed it the most at the very beginning. The "story" drags on. It had some OK comedy at the beginning and a little throughout, but mostly bad.

This was a total disgrace to the franchise. I haven't watched Pokemon recently but was a fan in the past and this does no justice for it. It felt so fake, forced, they changed the whole worlds rules, capturing mew-two was overly simple, easy and stupid, etc. Of course they had to add the cliche "twist" to the ending to make it feel like SOMETHING actually happened yet it ruined the movie even more. I wouldn't even consider there to be a story.

Do not watch, not worth it.
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Johnny Test (2005– )
An OK watch if your dying of boredom.
19 March 2021
Johnny test is a kids show. It verges on the edge from teaching lessons to completely ignoring them right after they made it, making it pointless. They seem to encourage bad behavior at times.

Every episode is a one shot that has repetitive jokes of the same style and even overused majorly. The characters were all pretty dull and could get annoying fast, especially johnnys unchanging personality. whilst not all the comedy was a miss, most was slap-stick style and repetitive which does not go together well.

repetitive like Gil never remembering the twins even after a platitude of encounters every episode, or johnny breaking in to their lab to borrow items daily, the vehicle race they repeated 5 times. Bling bling never giving up on Susan, the constant "villain takeovers" (same villains), etc.

The opening theme song I found catchy but not great.

The main reason i watched through this show was because it was a blast from the past where I've only seen random episodes, was bored and saw it on Netflix. The show actually wasn't horrible, some episodes were better than others but those two reason is why my ratting isn't any lower.
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Poor transitioning between scenes. facts / opinions felt bias.
19 March 2021
So far 2 episodes in and the series is a total mess. Besides the inaccurate bias interpretations of certain events the consistency of the story's are all over the place. Near the end of a Ivan and the immortal and all of a sudden your flicked into another with no relation, without even an introduction. Only to be flicked back afterwards to see the 1 minute ending which was then less interesting. I di like the main narrator, the others were fine, but i found myself constantly correcting or De-buffing there explanations that the show just became about that action instead.

Hardly any details are given with each myth and it is harder to keep track of the details when it consistently switches story's at random intervals. Stuff covered by one narrator was left out by another and so on... honestly i have been getting into watching science / history related stuff recently so i began watching this series as a break and to digest earlier info cause it's about myths and i shouldn't have to take it as seriously.

However that was not the case here, the poor interpretation and messy transitions made me judge it more than on the previous videos. The myths are mostly up to your own perspective what you take from the stories yet they took there own view too far at times.
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Shazam! (2019)
A change of pace.
4 March 2021
I liked this movie, it had a different view on the superhero concept and was pretty funny. However the main character constantly being a wuss while completing the stunts that he did took away a lot from the movie.
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