
21 Reviews
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The end is not exciting!
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately.....this is not a continuation of the Equalizer's an excuse for the ending of it! The movie bogs down into a simple story of a small town.....terrorized by the mafia......and Denzel comes to the rescue. Some scenes make no sense.....the movie is 15-20 minutes too short....because the action scenes are too short. Seems instead of killing off a lead character.....they decided to retire the character into a small village situation with idyllic surroundings. That's fine......good for the retired......but not good for those looking for action and adventure.....little of which you get here!
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65 (2023)
Confused with poor writing and ridiculous story!
15 April 2023
First of all.....why do these leading actors in movies look homeless.....with the long, greasy hair....more John Wick? So the camera work, make up, special effects, animation, and the acting are fine......the major problem that makes it a disappointment is the writing....and it took two writers to come up with this ridiculous story line! Aliens who look, act, and talk like humans crash land on Earth....amazingly one day before the mass extinction event, 65 million years ago, that killed all the dinosaurs! Huh? Further....there's zero story beyond crashing.....being chased around by dinosaurs....and taking off again. That's it fact this 90 minute movie would have been 85 minutes if they didn't throw in another chase scene at the end. Everything in this movie is preposterous from the crash and how the pieces of the vehicle end a dinosaur turning the escape vehicle into its proper launch position! If there had been more of a story....there would have been 15-20 minutes more to the movie. This movie rushes through the nonsensical script.....never taking time to set a mood.....and a plan.....for the next move. Lastly.....there are some woke elements....which is bizarre for supposed aliens.....and the acting is a bit melodramatic at times.....probably used as a time filler.
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Nothing but mindless, animated violence.
30 March 2023
I understand why this movie is getting 8's because all the other movies out there are garbage! That's really not a good reason to give a movie 8 stars but that's the mess we're in today! This movie really is about nothing other than one scene of shooting violence after another.....prompted by an obscure company....supposed rules.....and obscure families competing with one another over nothing. The main character looks like a homeless person in a borrowed suit the entire movie......who can barely utter simple words like a caveman. This character gets attacked and shot at 50,000 times without injury until some silly duel the writers used for a conclusion. What's disturbing is how a dark movie.....purely composed of violence can get this many stars simply for that....and for an actor that belongs in a surfer movie. I give it 5 stars for the stunts, camera work, and animation.....because that's all there is.
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The Lair (2022)
Degrades into bad camp.
21 January 2023
This movie starts well but quickly devolves into camp and dark comedy at best. It's one of those movies you start asking why about events happening very quickly with poor development, bad acting, implausible story line, and ultimately amateur writing. What they did here was attempt to revive and copy Resident Evil....hoping to replace Milla Jovovich with Charlotte Kirk. Bad costumes, makeup, and accents only add to its demise. If this movie was made to be a dark comedy it might work....but they played it a big fail. The only thing I liked was the color of the many films make it too orange or too purple.....this was just right.
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Moonfall (2022)
Woke Nonsense
30 November 2022
This movie is actually an insult to science fiction.....mainly because there's no science......just woke ideological fiction.....and juvenile drama. As others have said.....they took ideas from other The Matrix......added their godless ideas of creation and reality.....added mindless dialogue and unrealistic CG action......and you end up with a headache! It's mind boggling how writers can be so uneducated about the creation of the universe and its celestial bodies.....and at the same time pretend to be intelligent and sophisticated! This is the problem we have today......big egos combined with limited knowledge and integrity.....everything old repackaged as new age!
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Dreary bunch of blabber!
12 April 2022
I can see why this movie barely rates a 6......bunch of endless blabber.....disguised as a spy thriller! Zero action.....just endless dull and lifeless excitement.....script so basic and predictable you figure out halfway through what the ending will be. This is what movie making has become.....use a name actor.....spend as little money as possible with dreary dramatic blabber instead of action scenes and locations......sell it as a big budget spy thriller! I should give it less stars for deception! One last thing I find particularly annoying about these newer movies......where are the photos of Trump as president in govt. Buildings??? In this one you see a cameo of Obama as president.....but not Trump......obviously the Left is trying to remove Trump from history.....particularly disgusting to infuse political bias and propaganda in movies and tv shows!
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
Stuck in the mud.
6 November 2021
It's a shame that Scott Eastwood never learned from his father how to pick the right movies to show his strengths. Why he plays an impotent action figure in this one.....playing to the whims of a confused psychiatrist is beyond me. What a waste of talent and stature!
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No Time To Enjoy
9 October 2021
Sorry but even the theme song in this movie is bad....moany....whiny.....dreary......not the dynamic worldly opening we expect.....which then changes to "All the time in the world" at the end....for good reason! Not a fan of Craig as Bond....not the right type, look, and the character has changed from good guy to vodka-guzzling psychopath. This movie is fully intended to get rid of....and emasculate James Bond.....why the reviewing fans are cheering this is beyond me.....must be the cast and crew reviewing! The pathetic villain and plot are only used as filler.....much too long.....for the intention of removing Bond.....and bringing in another 007.....a black woman who feels like a 5th wheel throughout. Those with a brain know this is more of that brainwashing culture of artificial thinking. I'll leave it at that as I believe censorship lives here as well. Bottom line is this is the worst and a pathetic send off to the wonderful character of 007......woke culture is bent on destroying everything fun, natural, and exciting!
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Bond Meets Woke!
9 October 2021
I've never really cared for Daniel Craig's Bond.....partly his looks (more thuggish than hero) and partly what they've done to the character (once a good guy with a healthy sex drive.......morphed into a vodka guzzling, egomaniacal psychopath......getting everyone around him killed). This Bond movie was not about anything other than the fascist Woke culture getting rid of Bond once and for all......the villain and plot are just filler.....and too much of that....some of it senseless. No this Bond becomes a doting husband/father figure......and it's all very contrived towards his demise......essentially emasculating the character completely. You'll see that the reviews avg. Vary from 5-7 stars......and that would be the difference between those reviewers who have historical perspective.....and those who don't. Say goodbye to Bond.....hello to Woke!
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Cry Macho (2021)
Clint does it again!
18 September 2021
I wasn't sure about this movie in the beginning......whether Clint could pull off this character at his age.....but it came through with its warmth, humor, simplicity......transcending race and culture with what is important in life.....relationships and experiences! The other beauty of this movie is in revealing the close connection humans have with other creatures of this Macho. I actually think this movie could have used another 15-20 minutes to further develop these relationships....and added more opposition to it (bad guys). This movie exposes what's missing with most CGI movies.....with lots of noise and bang.....but little meaning. Bravo!
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I See You (II) (2019)
B grade drivel.
12 September 2021
Take a has been actress....throw in 2 settings....a house and a forest....make it seem like there's something supernatural happening.....with long, drawn out, ridiculous and boring scenes....add music that makes it more dreary.....all to get to a predictable end without a motive. Have movies gotten so bad that people actually think this was good? 4 stars was being generous!
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Nonsensical and implausible video game movie.
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watch the beginning of the first movie...where the experienced player says he's played many times and if you don't win...."a guy walks in and let's you out". Really......when the entire purpose of these games is for disturbed rich people to watch people die? But that's just the beginning of the inconsistencies and implausibilities for these movies.....that are far too rehearsed, orchestrated, and regulated to make one feel like it's happening real time. The characters magically pull clues and answers out of thin air......just in the nick of time to solve the puzzle.....emotionally confused actors becoming rocket scientists! Then we get the ridiculous sacrifices......let's see now.....we could go under the car.....or just let acid spill on our bodies......well what did the writer call for......maybe let's dive into the quicksand? Or how about the mother who trusts her sick and twisted husband, a designer of the death traps, not to lock her in the burning sauna? So implausible is this movie that somehow this escape room company manages to take over and use a public subway system for one of their designs! So many dumb things to mention's only worth a look for the sets and a video game.
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Confused and juvenile attempt at martial arts action/fantasy fusion.
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The lead male character acts like a clueless and/or crazed zombie most of the film.....the lead female character is not engaging....both in looks and acting ability. Half the time we don't know where we are or who is who. The martial arts action scenes are basic....usually ending with someone stabbed or shot. Then you get these bizarre and disconnected the mindless violence at the antique store.....the lead female beating up the lead male who saved her life (there goes that love story!)......or old men dragging the lead male character through mud for no apparent reason....or how about a cemetery at night with football stadium lighting? Finally a guy who gets run through with a sword.....but has to save his honor by finishing the job with hari kari by the same sword....really? Summed up.....this is a juvenile and mindless attempt at a martial arts fantasy flick....without the necessary special effects and martial arts choreography.....without a deeper understanding of Samurai culture and Japanese gangs.....without a reason to empathize with the lead characters......without continuity....and finally....without knowing who actually killed the family we're supposed to care about....which is the revenge motive for the movie! A bizarre letdown....and virtually everyone is either dead or seriously wounded by the end. Nobody wins....especially the audience!
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3 September 2021
Pure garbage....beginning to end.....poor shots and editing......absolutely zero energy and thought put into anything!
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Gladiator (2000)
Poor casting and dreary.
31 August 2021
Again Hollywood doesn't seem to care about appropriate casting.....just name essence they're saying to the! It could have been an exciting and historically important view into the Roman past.....but what we ultimately get is a puffy Australian actor with depression as his main mental state.
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The Protégé (2021)
It tries to be sophisticated....but falls short.
31 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that wants to big a big budget, slick, and sophisticated assassin flick....but falls short. Maggie Q gives the film credibility with her refinement and elegance......but then we introduce the poor casting......Sam Jackson and Michael Keaton.....both around 70 years of age.....playing assassins as well.....really? Jackson normally plays a big mouth thug.....and Keaton is better suited as a neurotic personality with insecurities. The movie is further cheapened by the introduction of other thuggish characters and an American biker gang led by another has been actor.....which makes no sense in communist Vietnam. The brief affair between Keaton's character and Maggie's also lessens her character's credibility and integrity. As for Jackson's character.....he supposedly ages 30 years in this movie but doesn't look any different! This movie has slick writing, bits of dark humor, good camera work, and the director manages to reign in Keaton and Jackson......but slick also means you need to catch every second or you'll lose who's who and what's what!
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Well acted but poorly written.
21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fairly low budget drama/mystery pretending to be a horror/thriller. The director is also the writer and usually they're not good at this case the writing fails miserably.....while trying to be slick. The problems are poor story and character development. The motivation for the killings are not made clear and don't make sense.....further that a 65 year old elderly woman is terrorizing a town as a serial killer is not believable....while the town and its people are not represented at all. Also.....the MO of the killer is scene it's a knife...the next a gun....the next a shard of glass.....and this killer amazingly knows where all her victims are at any one time.....even getting to a gas station bathroom well before an elderly lady stranger, who looks similar, gets there so that the killer can kill/deface by mutilation, and switch identities! The Sheriff is both smart and clueless....asking the main character how she slept....after watching her the night before sleepwalk and claw in the dirt! Scenes like that and suggesting the main character kills the adoption worker with an axe are how the writer manipulates, and disrespects, the audience into believing she's the killer. The scene at the end where the main character walks away with someone else's baby makes no sense either as it's clear to the police whose baby it is. Well acted....good camera work and special effects.....but again.....poor story and character development.....nonsensical actions and behaviors....along with rushed murder scenes. I'm not sure if the writer is even aware of this.....but the main character, the killer's daughter, is actually guilty of aiding and abetting kidnapping and murder. Does the writer/director think that this ending is a happy one when she gets away with that and taking someone else's baby? Kinda feel cheated, disrespected, and manipulated after watching this.....that's not slick.....that's deranged and poor writing.
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Beckett (2021)
One other thing.
14 August 2021
The other thing is this movie reminds me of Stillwater.....which makes you want to get behind a character.....but fails to tell you why. Ultimately writers today have no clue what they're doing!
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Beckett (2021)
Love the locations.....hate the story.
14 August 2021
Love the authentic locations and production crews who put this together.....the problem is that the story is implausible....the main character a bungling idiot.....and the audience is totally disconnected as to why they should even care! One more thing.....why is Beckett the only black person in this movie.....and in Greece? Makes it a little difficult to blend least give him a chance.....or is it a racial thing with the production team?
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Stillwater (2021)
Drama with stereotypes.
13 August 2021
There's really not much to this're expecting a little action along the way....alas it's a dreary drama. Obviously they took some of the story from the Amanda Knox case....but it's not even that interesting. In fact this movie is so boring I wonder what the point of it was.....just to stereotype an oil worker from OK as some kind of non-feeling idiot? Unfortunately that backfires as well as Damon's character is the only one with common sense! Movies these days are filled with political propaganda.....I suggest it's here as well!
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The Vault (2021)
20 March 2021
This is the type of movie you hope is cleverly cast and written.....with a smashing end.....but...alas....not here! There's little chemistry between characters.....much of the writing is improbable.....and the end makes no sense. We're supposed to believe that a 500 year old treasure ended up being buried.....where?'re kidding.....right?
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