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Gunsmoke: Quint-Cident (1963)
Season 8, Episode 33
Top 10
20 March 2024
This has got too be one of THE best episodes by far. People complain about Quint but they don't look at this the right way. Watching this as a stand-alone film, with no bias brought over from other episodes and it is a superb film.

~ This has got too be one of THE best episodes by far. People complain about Quint but they don't look at this the right way. Watching this as a stand-alone film, with no bias brought over from other episodes and it is a superb film.

~ This has got too be one of THE best episodes by far. People complain about Quint but they don't look at this the right way. Watching this as a stand-alone film, with no bias brought over from other episodes and it is a superb film.
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Kidding (2018–2020)
4 January 2024
Carry is so filled with hate it is a perfect example of what TDS does to leftists. Ever wonder why lefts have no sense of humor? Just look at what TDS did to this POS. Carry is so filled with hate it is a perfect example of what TDS does to leftists. Ever wonder why lefts have no sense of humor? Just look at what TDS did to this POS. Carry is so filled with hate it is a perfect example of what TDS does to leftists. Ever wonder why lefts have no sense of humor? Just look at what TDS did to this POS. Carry is so filled with hate it is a perfect example of what TDS does to leftists. Ever wonder why lefts have no sense of humor? Just look at what TDS did to this POS.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Nobody should watch this.
2 July 2023
"Nobody" is a cheap nothing...

tccandler16 April 2021 A low-rent "John Wick" rip-off with absolutely none of the cinematic panache or thrills of Keanu Reeves' franchise. Odenkirk fails to deliver a character that we can believe is capable of such single-handed destruction. The supporting cast is riddled with clichés. "Nobody" is a cheap nothing... lacking cool... lacking joy... lacking thought.

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Perhaps the Lowest Point in Odenkirk's Career osamaabdullah-301764 December 2022 I don't get it how a really bad action movie like this can get the rating it has here. 90 minutes or so of my life I won't get back. The story is incredibly cheap and rehashes stories and movies you have watched since you were a kid about the bad Russians and the heroic American bad ass ex-special forces. If you are not into action movies and want to watch this movie just because Bob is in it, then don't watch it, your image of Bob will change forever and believe me you will be very disappointed. I watched many film and series that featured Bob, this one came to me as a shock, it is a low point in Bob's career, unfortunately.
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The English (2022)
Do Not Believe The Bad Reviews
23 December 2022
This is a great mini series and not only is the cinematography great it is a great story. Some people just do not have the patience or skills to discern what is happening and therefore because of their dimwittedness they bad mouth a very, very good film. Please do not read the bad reviews, judge it for yourself. I cannot express how many films I have had to go back and watch because I used to read the low reviews. If there is woeness or politically. Correctness in a movie I will pass, but this contains none of that and you would do yourself a great disservice if you do not watch the entire series.
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The I-Land (2019)
It was pretty good, with exceptions.
5 December 2022
I like the series and I think if they developed to story more and got some better talent they would have something here. Some of the actors were good, but not many. They just seemed out of place for their characters and as if they were just going through the motions, and not really committing to their characters. Gabriela was probably the best out of the bunch. Kate Bosworth was really bad. And Bruce McGill was atrocious. So in rounding up, I guess this was like a pilot series and I hope they do bring it back, they really have something here despite the many flaws, and lease loose the porn filter.
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29 September 2022
Oorah Devil Dogs! Never ever give up, never give in, this enemy that has overtaken our government will be defeated and routed from every nook and cranny of every agency. Today is The Feast of St Michael and this could not be more relevant:

Feast of St Michael today: Revelation 12: 7-12 7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

"Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah.

For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!

But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you!

He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

Chesty is commanding officer of St Michaels Army in Heaven!
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Mindwarp (1991)
Yoopers delight
24 July 2022
Ha, Gay, MI. I wonder if they hung out at the Gay Bar? Things get pretty boring in the early spring/late winter in the middle of nowhere, but there is always plenty of booze and stupidity; ewhich gave us this fine pice of Yooper cinema.
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The Oak Room (2020)
Another 25 minutes in...
22 July 2022
It seems up to this point it may have been going somewhere decent but the Oak Room bartender portrayed by former Blockbuster counter attendant, lol, now actor in training, Ari Millen, really throws the ole wrench in the works and brings any expectations from the 3rd floor to the sub, sub, basement of any hopes of a decent movie. Will I continue watching..., I have absolutely nothing better to do so here it goes. If nothing else it will prepare me for bed.
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Finally, something decent to watch
3 July 2022
Compared to all the complete garbage being put out, this is a fine film so I gave it an 8 because all the woke garbage this is everywhere is setting the baseline. There you have it. It started of kinda slow but got more interesting as it progressed.
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What is that stuff?
2 July 2022
It appears there is BBQ sauce all over the walls and actors and their clothing. This is 2022 correct? I know that fake blood looks real nowadays so what gives? I know, it is made in China like all the other crap and jobs the democrats have shipped overseas to be made to enrich themselves through lowered labor costs by using slaves. And now because of the plandemic, another democrat/chinese joint venture and the supposed shipping glut, yet another democrat/chineses joint fiasco, you cannot get the fake blood right?
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The Boys: Glorious Five Year Plan (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Imagine if you will...
19 June 2022
A place and the where you can ignore simple things like being electrocuted by smashing the breakers in a breaker box with a steel crowbar and not worry about being fried to a crisp. Now I realize this is a show about supes and all, but this should have at least been realistic. Other than that it has been a pretty good show, and that's saying something as I generally detest marvel comic films and its genre.
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Sweet Virginia Challenge
3 February 2022
Yup, fifteen minutes of this boring art was about all I could stand. Do you want to take the Sweet Virginia Challenge? See how long you can last and post your times in a review with the same title. I came locking for action and was met with lethargy.
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Eden Lake (2008)
29 January 2022
Well at least the bike gang leader doesn't (1:10) litter! ROTFLMAO. I only watched because I saw this actress on Britannia and she is gorgeous. Punks need to run into Dirty Harry and make his day.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
Bull-istics are back...
14 January 2022
So, I was kinda liking it, then they determined the, "ballistics are back, it was a 9mm k5, Korean standard issue," handgun by the bullet and that right there is absolutely impossible let alone stunningly ridiculous.

With that said I give it two thumbs down.
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No withdrawals?
2 January 2022
Fist off, no one is having withdrawals from microdosing and secondly, microdosing is not going to get you off oxycodone or prevent the horrific withdrawals and these are just two things horribly wrong with this garbage.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Do you need a headache?
26 November 2021
If you do not have a headache, this garbled monstrosity will give you one in short order. It took lees than 5 minutes to give me a headache as I waited for the stupid visible thoughts to stop and revert to normal human interaction but it didn't.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Parallels perfectly with what's going on in America right now!
9 November 2021
So, this is simply a metaphor for the kool-aid swilling leftists/democrats/liberals/progressives, they're all the same thing, Communists.

The priest is the current administration and the parishioners are the lgbt-whatever get over yourselves and the afore mentioned cuts of the same cloth. Go ahead, keep drinking the kool-aid.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Now you know.
16 August 2021
This first 52 minutes or so kiddos, as my mother used to address us, is what is called the beginning to a bad trip.

It has evoked in me a night around a campfire in a remote cedar swamp of Northern Michigan, with no one around for what seems like hundreds of miles, and a few too many beers and a few to many, very potent psciolcybin mushrooms.
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Utterly Stupid
11 August 2021
This has got to be the most horrendous movie I have seen in ages. A complete diservice to the men and women in our armed forces and a complete lack of talent. It was if they were trying to make it bad, and well they succeeded.
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