
6 Reviews
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Long Live the Royals (2014–2015)
Honestly boring
21 December 2023
I remember watching this show as a young teen. I thought it was boring and pretty unoriginal. Almost all the character tropes are extremely overdone especially the punk rock moody teen sister and average overlooked male main character (literally just mix Mordecai from Regular Show, Wirt from Over The Garden Wall, and Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon and you'll have the main character of this show. Except all the other character's I mentioned were much better written.) The plot is pretty boring especially when compared to other cartoon network shows. None of the jokes land or just are not that funny, I think this show is supposed to be comedic but even rewatching it there is no real humor in anything the characters do or say.
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The Grinch (2018)
not the best...
11 December 2023
The pros: The animation and colors are nice and smooth, the characters and character designs are like-able.

Cons: some painfully unfunny jokes including a butt joke, and a dead meme: the screaming goat (3 times), and the overdone slow motion "whoa" moment. Changing an iconic character like Cindy Lou Who from a sweet girl to a hockey loving tomboy felt unnecessary as well. Changing the characters and adding extra ones made this movie feel like it would've been better with a completely different storyline instead of "retelling" The Grinch which the live action already did better. The writers also could not let the movie just speak for itself, not only is there a narrator but also The Grinch narrates everything to his dog (and therefore also the audience.) There is a scene where he is covered in icicles and he says "It's getting really... c-cold, oh goodness!" I don't see why they had to add this line, it doesn't even sound like something the Grinch would say and I think just having his teeth chatter would have been enough to get the message across. The music was also not good Imo, especially since it was modern pop/rap music with little to no Christmas sound to it in a christmas movie, my least favorite song was the end credits. The only song I thought fit the movie was the acapella carolers but even that song was (imo) not the best choice, especially since it blatantly says the Devil's name which is a little off-putting in a cheery Christmas movie. Also there is a scene with a missing sound effect and another scene where a character's singing abruptly cuts out which was a little weird and made me think "did anyone rewatch this movie for mistakes before releasing it?" Honestly it was a little boring, especially if you've already seen the live action and the old classic movies.
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this movie is so boring and terrible
4 December 2023
This movie is so boring there is literally nothing noteworthy except at the very end. The first time I watched it I turned it off after they chop down the giant tree because I was that bored with it. Also the title implies they go on vacation yet they never do, they are in their house for pretty much the entire movie. The main movie poster also implies that the main character/the dad gets electrocuted when, from what I remember, he never gets electrocuted but Idk because I literally forgot half of this movie's scenes two minutes into the next one, that's how uninteresting it is. I can't believe this is a christmas classic, it's too boring for adults and too inappropriate for kids. And why was it trying so hard to be American Psycho in some scenes? It wasn't even funny, just confusing and weird. This movie is all over the place and in the end the very unlikeable and annoying main character gets rewarded for no reason, he did nothing to redeem himself except whine "that's no fair" to his boss.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
An Awesome Movie
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm upset that this movie did so poorly because it really is much better than 90% of the movies made today. One reason it did so poorly was because of the criticism from a feminist viewpoint, but as a feminist myself I don't really see why. Many feminists will say because of the costumes (which include short skirts and tight clothes) but aren't women allowed to wear cute outfits because they like them and feel confident in them and not just for male attention? If the criticism is about the sexualization then why does the movie portray every man who sexualizes the women as the bad guy? Why are we never shown Babydoll's dance? Why are the women shown being badass fighters? Because it's about empowerment. This movie also shows a character who appears to experience a daydreaming disorder (like MADD) which often gets overlooked. I find this movie to be interesting, sad/creepy, and creative.
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yeah.. it's bad
7 May 2022
I'm actually surprised so many people in the fandom dislike lagoona, I liked her up until this movie. Her personality is so annoying in this movie, they changed her hair texture and model but why? She looks so bad in this movie. Also why is Claudeen purple and why was she the only one who changed colors???? I had a big mermaid phase when I was younger so you'd think I'd like this movie but no, it's a total flop. Kinda seems like they slapped it together to sell the toys which I'm pretty sure would've sold just as well if not better without this movie.
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I... actually kind of liked it..
7 May 2022
It's not the best and it was a little disappointing to see the characters had changed But! I loved Frankie's personality so that change was good and she seems a bit adhd coded in this movie <3 I also thought making draculaura the main character was an ok choice as she is the fan favorite. Also lagoona's design was so cool. As for background designs.... they were pretty subpar in my opinion. Still better movie then what Barbie has been putting out recently.
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