
5 Reviews
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Lost: The Constant (2008)
Season 4, Episode 5
The best episode of Lost so far and a timeless one among series
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I usually rarely write reviews for episodes, but this episode of Lost is a phenomenal masterpiece that will shock and amaze you even in 2023 because it's timeless. Jeremy Davies and Henry Cusick gave such an incredible acting performance that I almost found myself going back and forth in the story, just like Desmond. In particular, the scene transitions of the episode were one of the creative parts that impressed me the most, secondly, the arrangement of the background music, and finally, the fact that it had a scenario that aroused the audience's curiosity. After the first twenty minutes of the episode, I started to feel like I wasn't watching Lost, because apart from one or two episodes, this episode is way above the standards of other ones. Although it feels like they couldn't quite tie the ending, overall, Lost proves to be a series that still manages to surprise the audience 19 years later.
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The best Marvel movie since Avengers: End Game
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and 2 were absolutely amazing in terms of plot, creativity, acting, cgi etc. And I knew Vol 3 was also going to be legendary. It's probably the best Marvel movie after End game and maybe, even better than End game at some point. As an animal rights activist, the thing that caught my attention the most that it is a movie that captures how animals are captured and experimented on, and their lives are ruined by humans. This brutality is well explained through Rocket's story. Kudos to Chukwudi Iwuji - he might be one of the best villains of Marvel ever, even better than Thanos and Kang. I hated his character so much that, I guess this is a win for the actor and his acting. Zoe Saldana is a great actress and she really made me feel like the character she was in the first movie, but this version of Gamora is even worse. Adam Warlock's character, his teenage ignorance and alienation is well portrayed by Will Poulter. Unlike Multiverse of Madness, there was a plot and unlike Love and Thunder, jokes were actually funny. As a whole, it was a bittersweet journey.
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The Boys (2019– )
Finally a +18 superhero series
22 July 2022
Realistic in so many ways, it doesn't stop from giving the audience what they actually need. What I like most about this series is that it represents real world issues such as what's actually going on between corporations and its representatives and people supporting liars and murderers or things that covered up just to not cause any conflict on media. I'm on season 2 so far, and it's going really great, and from what I've seen, season 3 is also a banger, can't wait to watch!
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
The best episode so far
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the preivous episodes were amazing but this episode was phenomenal! The way they switch back and forth between past and now and upon seeing Darth Vader stopping the ship and fighting with Reva only using force, this episode is best of the best so far!
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Astonishment, Gore and Madness
7 May 2022
This is the scariest Marvel movie ever made and the movie we've seen the strongest of the Scarlet Witch. With Sam Raimi's style, a mix of horror, brutality and bewilderment, this movie is a strange, frightening and fast-paced adventure where we see what Wanda is capable of as the Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange is still a burgeoning wizard with a lot to learn. The events are moving so fast from the beginning to the end of the movie that you may not have time to breathe, it is a very fast and very compressed movie. Also, we don't get the Doctor Strange vibe that much, it was more like a Scarlet Witch solo movie. While watching the movie, you can experience emotional changes very often and you can come across scenes that you cannot believe your eyes in, such that some scenes are really unbelievable, your brain cannot decide whether it's ridiculous or incredible. It's definitely a good movie for Marvel fans and those who don't get their expectations too high, but it's too messy in terms of the script and the course of events.
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