
118 Reviews
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A Netflix original that is finally okay to watch
30 June 2024
This series consisted of 7 episodes. The first one the message was basically don't abandon your parents when they get old. You don't know what can happen to them. The 2nd episode was basically trying to say don't get too greedy or it can cost you your life. The 3rd one was I guess basically saying good things come to those who wait The 4th episode had no message but it was good it was titled poems and pain. The writer eventually found out that she had a twin sister. The 5th one I guess the message was basically don't live in the past and accept your fate. The 6 episode was kind of weird because the man got hypnotized instead but then towards the end was selected for a secret mission. The last one was a reporter who had been searching for her sister for five years only to discover than she had been eaten by some alien beings I guess and that episode is was where all the episodes came together and all of the victims became super heroes or something. Most of the episodes were good except for the man and his obsession with the old movie theatre. I guess its worth the watch. What else can I say except that for once Netflix made something half decent.
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Hierarchy (2024– )
First Netflix makes K-drama crap and now they are making teen original craptaculars as well
17 June 2024
Where do I start here. This was the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Please don't waste your time watching this. This story is about the lead actor going supposedly undercover to expose the school because his brother died of a supposed car accident. The problem here is that he tells practically everyone what he is going to do. How dumb is that. Then he can't even defend himself. Why then does he act so tough when he can't back it up. Then they flash back to when his brother gets hit by the car and the culprit is the hot teacher who was messing around with the other student. The dead student actually got what he deserved. If you noticed the only ones getting bullied was the friend that tried to help the male lead, the principals son and the male lead. The other scholarship students did what they had to and weren't bothered too much, so why didn't the brother do the same? What business of it was his to get upset that the hottie teacher was getting it on with the male student in the staircase. She was even nice to him. I really don't understand who wrote this garbage. In the end the male lead gives the police the video evidence and the responsible person goes to jail and then he becomes friendly with the bullies and that is the end. As for the casting of this crap. He-Ra should have been the lead instead of the other actress. She is more attractive and has a better way of carrying herself. The only reason I kept watching this is because of her and the hottie teacher and also hoping that this would get better. Unfortunately it did not. Netflix please Do not renew this garbage !!! Please bring back girl from nowhere and mafia princess. It seems that Netflix only renews garbage. I think that a cleaning house in the Netflix organization is in order.
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A good Idea that could have been better or perfect. tvn does it again
9 June 2024
Finally !! A k-drama that has a female corrupt villain. Not only is the female antagonist good as a villain but she even does her own dirty work. This series focuses on the two female leads the villain and the hero. A military 2 star general that has her hands into corruption outside the military. The fight scenes are okay but a little too exaggerated. The story goes on to show you what the female general is willing to do to get to the top. As for the male characters she has this thing with them and is looking to take them down as well to ascend to the top. In the end as with all k-dramas the hero prevails. What would have made this better is if both female leads would have battled it out in a fight to the death scene at the end . You have to commend the makeup artist as they were able to make the general look older and more ordinary than what she looks like. All of the other characters played their roles as well. What I don't understand is the review by Bibliography stating that it was stereotyping black people who rob and listened to rap music. Either he was watching something else and mistook this for another title or there is another version of this drama elsewhere?
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Helpless (2012)
This movie like the title was helpless.
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of the reviewers here tried to compare this with the vanishing and spoorlous. This was in no way similar to these 2 movies. This was about a man and his fiancee who was traveling to his hometown to meet his parents to inform them that they were getting married. She disappears and the search is on The Man who is a veterinarian uses his assistant as well as his relative who is a former police officer to find her. What they do find is that she has assumed someone else's Identity and probably killed her. Later on he finds out her real name and that her father had owed money and mobsters were looking for her to satisfy that debt which in turn made her do the things that she did in order to avoid these people. She basically killed the first girl and was on the verge of killing the second one when the police and the vet caught up to her. Now here is the spoiler that the others won't mention she jumps off the parking garage and kills herself and the vet goes into a meltdown. The end. It was okay but nothing to brag about.
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This would have been better if the order of the stories was changed
26 May 2024
The title is very misleading as it is titled about Buster Scruggs. He was in the first story and it only lasted 15 minutes as he was killed at the end of the story. The other 5 stories I only remember the decent ones. The man avoids getting hanged only to get captured again and can't escape his fate. The old gold miner who fakes being dead while being shot in the back to kill the person trying to steal his gold and finally the young lady who shot herself in the end when she thought that the indians had killed the man trying to save her. The other 2 stories I don't remember because they were pretty bad. For those of you who only want the buster Scruggs story the good thing is that it is the first story so you can shut it off after watching the first 15 minutes which is how long it is.
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A school that is too strict is not necessarily a good school
26 May 2024
In this series it starts with the smartest kid falling into a shallow puddle of water and being saved by a pretty girl from another school. He then proceeds to try to win this girl over as he has feelings that he never had before when it comes to the opposite sex. The principal who is the father of the boys best friend uses his son to try to get the boy to not pursue the girl and later on uses the son to convince the boy the dissuade the other students from pursuing their love interests. In the end the girl helps him get back into the school and he tells the students that it is okay to fall in love and that the school should change. The father tries to dissuade but his old nemesis was there and told everyone how he was once in love as well. The school wound up changing and everyone was happy. This is a nice and clean story and I recommend it not too much drama but enough to make its point.
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Goodbye Earth (2024)
The Netflix craptacular machine continues. This was a total disaster
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It first starts off with news of the asteroid going to hit south korea and nearby parts of that region. People are selling their children and bribing others to get on a plane to the safe zone. Then it veers off with the side stories. The first one about the priest who turns out to be corrupt and steals the church funds to get on one of those flights out. Then you have the captain who I thought was good but is not credited in this series on the website. Then you have the female lead who just wants to do things her way and the captain is always bailing her out. Then her fiance who is a wimp. It goes from forward to reverse and back again. That's why this is so confusing and then the end the female lead kills all of the child abductors in the club and then you see the night sky and then the credits. The end. No meteor and No dinosaurs that where shown in the promo. I got ripped off of 12 hours of my life. I do not recommend this nonsense to anyone even my enemy. Terrible.
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First it was Rumpy pumpy and then Hanky panky. This is so funny.
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of the father who falls asleep on the wrong bus and winds up in 2024. He tries to get back to 1986 to prevent his daughter from doing rumpy pumpy. He is so hilarious when he catches the daughter in the bed with a boy. She is the one being the aggressor and the boy just lays their helpless. He also meets his granddaughter in the future and finds out that he and his daughter died in a big earthquake. He tries very hard to figure out a way to keep his daughter from dying and not caring if he sacrifices himself. In the process he also meets his great grand child while also learning how to be a better person. This is definitely a must watch. The reason I only gave it a 9 is because the ending is inconclusive. This definitely needs a second season. Maybe the writer missed this but there is a way of keeping both of them from dying without changing the future. All they have to do is not to get on the train back to tokyo and stay there for awhile.
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Another Tokyo Broadcast system hit. Ripe for the picking.
28 April 2024
Here we have the lead actress who is already 30 and is still single and hasn't had any sexual experience while her co-workers have. She seeks out someone to engage with to fulfill her wish of this desire. The first person tries but she then pushes him off. Later on she meets the copy machine technician and after getting to know each other through dates they finally try to have intercourse but it was too painful for her. They both confess to each other that it was their first time and finally were able to finish the deed. They seemed to love each other as the male lead wants to better himself for her and he explains this to her. Also the side stories with her co-workers were good as well. The best part of this was that it was short and to the point and the ending was good. A definite must watch. For those others that like to make 16 episodes or more dramas they need to see how this stuff is done. Not too long and they get their story across very well.
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Welcome to Samdalri (2023– )
When supporting actress Kim Mi-Kyung is the only bright spot you know that it's a Netflix Craptacular
28 April 2024
This is your typical korean drama. Everyone doesn't say anything because it seems like the cat got everyones tongue. This should not have been more than 16 episodes. Too many flashbacks and the series just stretched too far. The only bright spot here was supporting actress Kim Mi-Kyung. She has made a career of doing supporting roles, and I don't really blame her as those parts are probably a lot better in her eyes than doing a sub standard leading role. The ending looked like it was going to be much better but then they ruined that as well. I don't like incomplete endings and that's why I gave it the rating of 5 plus the fact that it took way to long to tell a story that should have been done in 10 episodes at most.
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Much better than Meteor Garden. This was also funnier
28 April 2024
To be fair I first watched Meteor Garden. Then after I watched this drama. The fans of MG kept saying that this was more violent. I totally disagree. The violence was just the same amount. The violence here though was carried out by the rest of the school in order to be looked upon favorably by F4. Whereas in MG the male lead directed his violence at the female lead. Also Jang di is much more convincing and looks the part of a poor person much more than Shancai. The family of Jang Di is also more convincing as poor gold diggers. The way Jang di acts especially at the beginning when she runs with the pot of rice into her room and locks herself in to eat it all is just hilarious. This is just part of the series. This is a must watch for anyone who saw Meteor Garden as this was a bit better and funnier and more convincing.
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Meteor Garden (2018)
Okay, but could have been a lot shorter and the ending better
7 April 2024
Where do I start. Let's start by comparing it to boys over flowers. I had to be fair so I watched this first. The lead male role. Si vs Pyo. The edge goes to bof. Daoming Si was more violent to shancai. The violence against Jang di was inflicted by the students of the school who wanted to be on the good side of F4. What was really violent was when Si hit Shancai with the box of food that she delivered to him. That was really bad. When Jing du got attacked by the whole school she was mad and made a comment of wasted ingredients which was funny. Edge goes to Pyo for not attaching Jang di directly. Now the female lead. The actress that played Shancai was much too beautiful almost goddess like. Even when she made the dumb and stupid facial expressions she still look too sexy. Whereas the actrress who played Jang di really looked and acted like a commoner. The funnies part was when she was eating just like a commoner and ran off with the pot of rice and locked herself in her room. The edge goes to bof. The male leads Si vs Pyo. They were both about the same except that Pyo never hit Jang Di while Si did hit shancai with the food. Edge Bof. The supporting cast F4 from MG was just really a group of kids that pretended to be tough whereas the F4 from bof was the real deal. Edge bof. The famous kick in both series. The flying side kick with the running start is much easier to do than the jump spinning back kick from a standing postiion, plus Jang Di did the same kick but even higher and also did a side kick holding it in place. Edge bof. The family This is where bof really separates themselves form MG. Shancais famlly is too refined more like uppper middle class as they were able to pay for her tuition whereas Jang Di's parents where really gold diggers which added some comedy to it. Edge bof. The best friends of the female characters edge equal they are both beautiful. The einding edge MG they actually had a wedding which bof didn't I don't think that the actress at the time was underage so no excuse there. The ending Edge goes to MG, They showed Si's mother at the end trying to cook whereas the bof ending didn't show either sets of parents. This was very close to call but the overall edge goes to bof. Why? MG should have been done in 30 episodes at most. This was stretched too long and I was about to give up. I made it to the end but it was a struggle.
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The last voyage of the ship whose destination was london
24 March 2024
I don't understand the low ratings and terrible reviews. I guess these people didn't read the book. If the other reviewers would have read it they would understand why the movie was made this way. The lead actor as well as the other characters were very good in this movie. As for Dracula, he look the way it was described by the woman on board the ship. Dracula is a beast after all. As for the part that people were complaining about on how to kill Dracula. If you have seen previous versions or even read the book everyone at first thought that people were dying from a rare disease. The only person that kind of figured it out at the end was Clemens. That's why at the very end of the movie when he was asking the lady at the bar for directions to the castle she told him it was best to travel during the day because of the conditions outside. He answered that it was his intention to do so. That right there told the audience that he had figured it out. A sequel has to be made to bring this to its conclusion. Otherwise I will come back and adjust my rating accordingly.
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Ready, Set, Love (2024– )
An okay Thai drama.
17 March 2024
Set in a time when there was few men and almost all women the men were protected and used for a game show to mate them with an ideal match which was corrupted in the way it was run. The lead actress is drop dead gorgeous and she can act on top of that. The problem I find with this is that if this was for real why not just let the men run loose and mate with as many women as possible to re-populate the country with more males. This doesn't make sense to me. There is probably going to be a season 2 in which they are hunted down by the lady who runs this whole sham and wants them bad. This should not take more than 6 episodes to wrap up this whole thing.
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House of Ninjas (2024– )
House of Ninjas another 2024 Netflix Craptacular Series
17 March 2024
This really has to be some sort of parody of a ninja series. The acting wasn't on par with other ninja entries this was really terrible. Sho Kosugi must still be vomiting in his bathroom after watching this garbage. This is what happens when you don't have a proper budget for this type of series. The male lead for example should have been played by sho kosugi and the female lead should have went to cynthia luster. As for nagi that should have went to the actress that played high kick girl. The son i'm sure they could have found someone from the local karate school who would have been much better. The fight scenes were terrible. They look like they were dancing and not fighting and most of it was done at night I guess to hide the fact that it was that bad. They are also managed by an agency? What kind of nonsense is that. The only funny part is when the husband and wife ninja started to have sex at a traffic light that's basically the only good and funny part of this. Forget about a season 2 and spend your budget elsewhere like bringing back season of girl from nowhere.
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Presenting Netflix's latest dump Dr. Slump
17 March 2024
First off what happened to Park Shin Hye? Her last good performance was in Alive and then it went down hill from there. She also looks physically different like she hasn't eaten in awhile. Had this ended after episode 10 I would have given it a better rating as this was unnecessarily stretched out for 6 more episodes. The ones who stole the show in this series was the other couple. The actors that played Dr. Bin and Hong Ran were much better. The actress that played Hong Ran was only credited with 1 episode? She was in more than one episode. This couple was much better than the lead actor and actress and the flow was nice and smooth. Would I recommend this. Not really unless you have nothing else to do. Lastly Park Shin Hye lost her best physical asset which is her legs they are not longer what they once were.
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Chiem Doat (2023)
First time I have seen a viet series on netflix and it was okay.
10 March 2024
The story here is about a female that gets a job as a nanny for a rich woman's baby. This nanny is secretly having an affair with the woman's husband. At first I didn't know why but then it all came out. The nanny was out to get revenge for her brother who was almost killed in a fire in his restaurant and it was labeled an accident conveniently by the powers to be. The husband did this because he found out that his wife Ha was still seeing her ex boyfriend behind his back even though they were married. He then proceeded to cheat with the nanny I guess for revenge and Ha caught him. Here is the problem I have with this. They mention every aspect which almost puts the pieces of the puzzle together except for one thing. Did Ha really cheated on the husband or did she go there to tell her ex to leave her alone. Why would she get married if she didn't love her husband and had his child. This is why the rating was an 8 instead of a 10. No conclusive ending or complete main part of the story.
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The ending pretty much destroyed the potential rating of a 10 for this series.
10 March 2024
Some of the reviewers here seem to have a problem with the situaton here. Hello this is the 21st century. Japan frowns on this but they have pretty lewd sex shops in the city ( Tokyo ) which don't even exist in some of the major U. S. cities here. The teacher and the student fall in love. Their feelings grow for each other as the years pass. This isn't an infatuation but really love. After 3 years if it really was an infatuation they would have moved on . The mother was really more worried about what people would think not so much for the sons sake as he didn't care, but for her own reputation. The mother wasn't really a good mother to begin with. First of all she deprived her son of contact with his father and then she says that she made a mistake falling for a married man with a family. You can't compare the 2 situations as the teacher wasn't married nor had any children. Then she continues to torture the boy. Then the boys so called friends . With friends like that you don't need any enemies. Runa was jealous but what was she expecting for him to love her. It would have been a disaster. Also Shotaro, he expected her to be in love with him when you can tell from the beginning that she wasn't. Then that character Joffe he shouldn't have gotten involved in famly matters as he was not the boys father, he even helped the mother to keep the father from contacting the boy. He was just as criminal as the mother is. People need to understand that age is just a number. The acceptable age gap to me is 10 years and no more than that. The only 2 people that were for the relationship were the boys father and the ex's boss she was in favor of that also. Everyone else was just too behind the times. The ending was terrible as the scene should have shown the mother giving Hijiri her blessing for all of the pain that she put the girl through. People think that she was a predator but if you noticed in the entire series she remained faithful to the boy and didn't entertain the thought of anyone else. The ending should have been longer. Most of the stars were for the actress she is dropped dead gorgeous in a sweet way.
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Another Netflix Craptacular.
18 February 2024
If you don't have the money to hire good actresses please don't feed us this garbage Netflix, we don't want to watch it. Netflix should have never given the fake ass WWE half a billion dollars for their fake show as this is what we are left with. Chu Ai who is the lead actress of this should not have had the title role. The role should have went to the actress who played Chu Wei as she is much more sexier and would have been believable as a sex talk host. Then the supposed sexual content was 90 percent gay and a small percent straight. They should have just changed the title to what they really wanted the message to convey. The only funny and entertaining thing about this is the way they say mother f in their language and the motorcycle shop owner who also says the mf word and the way he talks. The mother is the only other person that is attractive in this. I would only recommend viewing this if there is nothing to do and you are bored to death.
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This was okay I guess.
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The title makes it sound eerie, but I am going to break it down for you. The actress suddenly inherits some burial ground from a supposed uncle who is really her father that the mother took her away from. Then from their a supposed half brother also lays claim to the burial ground and he is a nut job just like the deceased father. So people start dying and then they blame the half brother since he does have a motive for these actions and then you have a third party that is anxious for the lady to get the burial ground so that she can sell it and buy a building from one of the men who make her believe that it is profitable and that he is only selling to finance his daughters wedding. The friend of the seller also gets shot and killed by the mystery killer who turns out to be the half brothers mother. The mother and the father turned out to be brother and sister who had the man out of an incestous relationship they had together when she was kicked out and he followed her to protect her. She kills herself going after the son at the end and that's it.
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A Time Called You (2023– )
This went from finally being a netflix blockbuster to being another netflix craptacular.
18 February 2024
For the life of me I don't know why either Netflix or the writer who wrote this story messed up the ending as well as other things in this series. The beginning was pretty much non existent until the end of the series, the rest of the story wasn't even explained well. For example The lead male actor was in love with the new min jun. She was actually the little kid whom he defended while playing video games. Min jun was in a different dimension. When Jun Hee finally saved Min Jun what it was never explained at the end when they both run into each other what happened to Min Ju and In Gyu since they both finally got together after he saved her. The ending had no closure not complete at all and the person who she did fell in love with didn't exist because Si Heon actually took over Yeon Jun's body. We don't even know what the real story was with the real Yeon Jun. Too many missing pieces and an inconclusive ending. Justice was not done to main actor and actress as they performed their roles flawlessly. It seems like somebody is trying to sabotage Hyo-Seop's career. This is the second time he has been involved in a drama with an inconclusive ending. The first one being Business Proposal. I wish netflix and this writer would get their heads out of the part of the body where the sun don't shine and write a better ending.
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Blacula (1972)
William Marshall made Blackula believable
29 January 2024
To think that they originally wanted to make this a jive Dracula movie. Thank you Mr. Marshall for making the changes and adding refinement to the character. This is one movie that is worth watching and William Marshall doesn't disappoint as Blackula. I couldn't sleep for 3 days after watching this as a kid that's how convincing this was. The dracula movies of late are boring and put me to sleep. Gary Oldens Dracula movie I could not stay awake that is how bad it was. These old movies should be greatly appreciated for their acting as well as the visual special effects of that time. If you want to watch something in the Vampire genre worth while this is it. Too bad that the vampire movies and programs of today are really bad as in they suck. Lastly I don't understand the low rating as they don't make them like this anymore.
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Justice not done to Rudy Ray Moore
28 January 2024
This was okay at the beginning, but then it just started to go down hill afterwards. Eddie Murphy as Dolemite, please. The only thing that made him funny was his stand up comedy which I didn't watch. The only 2 movies that I really thought Eddie Murphy was funny in was Dr. Doolitle and the talking animals helped him with that and the Nutty Professor where the Buddy Love alter ego was hilarious, other than that I really don't find Eddie Murphy funny at all except for his funny looking face. If you noticed this was his first appearance in a long time wonder why. This movie should have incorporated another actor to play Rudy Ray Moore, now that was a funny man especially when he made the Petey Wheat Straw the devils son in law movie. That was funny. Netflix could have done a better job with this to honor Rudy, but they failed again, not surprised at all and now Netflix has bought the rights to show WWE you can forget about getting quality anymore.
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This is a wholesome family movie
14 January 2024
The crocodile was so cute and adorable when he was purchased by the owner of the house. Then after 18 months he got really big. This is most geared to families with kids and it is very good. The main character who initially acquired Lyle has more tricks up his sleeve when it came to dealing with the grumpy neighbor. At first I thought the actor was Paul Giamatti as he resembles him. I think that would have been a better choice for the role but the actor did a serviceable job being a grump, then you have the primms which consist of the other male actor and Constance Wu whom I still have a crush for. She was okay in her role and surprised me with her dancing ability. Too bad we don't see much of her anymore after the comments she made about fresh off the boat. She should have just paid her dues like everyone else. The kid was good also and the other extras were just as good. What I don't understand at the end is when it was discovered that the grumpy guy stoled the documents to the house why wasn't he put in prison, that is a pretty major crime if you ask me. My final thoughts is that this is a family friendly film and is worth the watch with your kids.
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Miss Shampoo (2023)
Very funny , even the mature content was funny.
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised at this . Very funny and all of the actors did very well in their respective parts. As for the mature content. That was something that you would hear 5th graders talk about so it wasn't that bad as a matter of fact it was very funny. The lead actress was supposedly a very dorky hairdresser trying to get her license while the gangster that fell for her is trying to change. I love this movie especially the ending where everyone thought that he had died. As the saying goes he is indestructible and can't be killed. This is a worthwhile movie to watch if you want a good laugh and forget about your everyday problems. I can't for the life of me understand the low rating, this should be a 10.
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