
10 Reviews
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Great Concepts, Great Score, Beautiful Visuals.....Underwritten Characters and Poor choices.
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Prometheus is an anomaly of a film. Aesthetically speaking, it's perfect, and the concepts involved are well done. However, this movie has a lot of issues, specifically regarding characters and their decisions. The obvious standout here is Michael Fassbender. The man can act like a robot so well it's frightening. Bravo, Mr. Fassbender. However, I cannot say the same for the rest of the cast. Many characters like Idris Elba's had potential because of the actor but left more to be desired. The protagonist, while not being a bad protagonist, isn't exactly a good enough protagonist to want to follow.

Also, the characters in this movie are so stupid, especially since they're supposed to be scientists. Somewhere about 2/5ths through the movie two characters approach an alien like it's a cat. You've gotta be kidding me.

Overall, Prometheus is a visual masterpiece, and it's score is fantastic. However, the characters (excluding David) and their decisions are so poorly written it's hard to route for them. 5/10.
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Se7en (1995)
Se7en gets a seven
28 January 2023
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A well-made, interesting, good film. Unsettling when it's supposed to be, great acting, and an overall good mystery. However, the plot twist is extremely overhyped. Many describe this movie as having one of the best plot twists of all time, and while it may just be me, when I hear that, I assume it's going to be a satisfying twist. Having watched this film earlier today, I can say that I am disappointed. The most satisfying plot twists are the ones that the film builds up to for most of the movie, this one is only presented in the last 30 minutes. The twist is good, don't get me wrong, but I cannot say that I am completely satisfied. Se7en gets a seven.
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This isn't a good movie.
9 October 2022
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Nor is it a good adaptation, however, this was the most entertaining maze runner film. I read the books before seeing these movies, and I loved the books. They're amazing. So of course, I wanted to see what these films did with those stories. The first one was alright, but the writers took too many creative liberties. The second one is awful. They removed the entire concept of the entire thing being a test from the movie. So naturally, the bar for this movie was very low. And it exceeded my expectations, which is kinda sad. However, this film looks beautiful. The cgi, action, and set pieces are easily the best part. That opening heist was great. Glad I watched it, but never want to see it again.
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Us (II) (2019)
I honestly really liked it.
29 August 2022
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After seeing Nope this summer I decided to watch Peele's other two movies to see if I'd like them as much. And I'm happy to say that Us is really good (in my humble opinion) yes, I know, there are a lot of plot holes. However, I really enjoyed this movie. Unfortunately while I was watching it in Biology Honors (our teacher let us take our phones out) one of the kids I was working with spoiled the twist so that sucked. Us also has more of a rewatch-ability than Get Out, so that elevated my viewing experience. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed this film either way, especially that last shot of all the tethered hand in hand across the mountains. It was beautiful.
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Nope (2022)
This was my first horror movie, and I'm happy it was.
25 July 2022
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Nope is the first horror movie I've ever seen and second rated R movie, and it's great. This movie is a gift to sci-fi fans and horror fans alike. Jordan Peele's style of filmmaking is so different, in a good way. The Gordy scene is considered the scariest scene in the film by most of these reviews, but I'm my opinion, the part where the woman was being digested by the alien and she was screaming was genuinely horrifying. The thought of being digested while still being alive frightens me. But anyway I do recommend this film, and I'll be watching Peele's other movies soon.
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It's mid until the end
8 July 2022
So as most people know by now Kenobi isn't very good. The show is average until the last two episodes, which were fantastic especially the finale. If every episode was like those two the show would be perfect but they made 4 mid episodes leading up to those. However I do agree that Vader is awesome in this, and that Leia's character is very well acted.
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May not be the best Batman, but it is the best Batman film.
30 June 2022
Man I love this movie. The combination of Ledger's joker and Nolan's storytelling is pure awesome. Aaron Eckharts performance is also criminally underrated, and has a well thought out motivation for two-face. Overall, I recommend this movie to all Superhero fans.
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Signs (2002)
I didn't like this film when I first saw it
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One day after school, my homeroom teacher who is a film geek introduced me to two of M. Night's films, (Signs and the Sixth Sense). The weekend after that I would watch both on Prime Video, I loved the Sixth Sense, but I didn't really enjoy Signs. But it didn't take long for me to understand the genius of this film. Signs is one of those movies where everything comes full circle and all the dots connect, which is the main reason why I began to love this movie. The screenwriting by Shyamalan is perfect in this movie and it shows that he CAN make great films. The concept of there being something more than a coincidence is great, it may have taken me a bit, but I was soon able to see the SIGNS.
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Tenet (2020)
Ah yes.
15 June 2022
This is probably one of the most confusing films I've ever seen. Admittedly, I thought it was bad on first watch. But after thinking about how well made it truly is Tenet grew on me. The problem with this movie is it's better on rewatch, since your first viewing may not be as enjoyable.
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Songs of War (2019–2022)
The Lord of the Rings of Minecraft
15 June 2022
While I am upset there won't be a season 2, this is probably one of, if not, the best Minecraft series I've seen. The voice acting and animation is incredible, same goes for the music and story. Thank you, Black Plasma studios.
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