
4 Reviews
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Accused: Jessie's Story (2023)
Season 1, Episode 14
Poor Betsy Brandt
15 March 2024
Betsy Brandt, who plays Kara is famous for being on Breaking Bad, arguably the greatest TV Series of all time, surrounded by one of the best ensemble casts of all time.

Here she is surrounded by a pathetically untalented cast, terribly directed, and inane dialogue, I mean people don't talk to each other like this!

I would suggest that everyone try the original Series, originating in England, better written, directed and better acting and writing.

Some of the American episodes are remakes from the original Series, none of which were improvements.

A very uneven Series, this is one of the worst episodes easily.

I give it 5/10, four stars earned by Betsy Brandt.
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The Isle (2018)
Award winning independent film trashed by who?
23 September 2023
Here is a film that has an eighty three percent Rotten Tomatoes score, five awards and twelve nominations at multiple Festivals, positive reviews by many PROFESSIONAL film critics, and we have negative reviews on here, mostly recent ones trashing it for being boring.

Never mind the excellent cinematography, realistic sets, acting, direction and atmosphere, and slowly building sense of dread.

Never mind the satisfying ending, but because there are no hatchets to the head, bullets to the heart or slit throats they are BORED!

This is a well made atmospheric horror movie.

So please watch Chucky, Freddy and the like, or maybe Rambo so you aren't bored.

Thank you.
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Empire Games: Brutality of Celts (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
Ver- sin - jet - tore - ricks! 😤
3 May 2023
In this episode supposedly about the Celts, we have 40 percent of the show about the Romans war versus the Gauls, led of course by Julius Caesar. Thankfully the pronunciation of Caesar is correct. Unfortunately the pronunciation of Vercingetorix, leader of the GAULS, is obliterated by the "experts" and the narrator, with the narrator changing the mis -pronunciation three times! This supposed documentary would have us believe that every European who is not Roman are Celts! Once we arrive in the British Islands the pronunciations of historical figures continues unabated. Now the other five episodes are not nearly as bad as this one, they are certainly not accurate. A very disappointing series indeed.
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The Cursed (2021)
Filming in Darkness is Cinematic???
23 January 2023
Why has it become acceptable to film in the dark? Another Green Knight, moving from one shadowy scene to the next, then a nighttime scene that is almost pitch black, then back to a morning scene grayer than creature haunting the mire.

Sorry to say this isn't "artistic" cinematography, it's eye straining!

It's too bad really, because the cast is excellent and the story builds to a satisfying ending. The gore and special effects are decent when you can see them, but just how many times do we have to watch this family eat at the supper table?

Historically accurate although the opening scene has the the German soldiers wearing WW2 style helmets in WW1 trenches, I would give this film a higher score if I could see more than half the movie.
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