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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
Surprisingly Good, Why all the Hate?
4 February 2024
Given the low rating wasn't expecting much, but turned out a very good Black Mirror episode Yes we've kind of seen this before in movies, but not with the social satire that was spot on Found it engaging, well executed, great acting, great direction and great story Unless you've seen spoilers, you won't know where it's going Actually only reviewing this episode because I can't understand all the hate towards it So much crap coming out of Hollywood and people giving such a low rating on this one is beyond me I'm not even a horror fan, +90% of horror movies are sickening to the brain This however is good and worthwhile.
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Interstellar (2014)
A Complete Disappointment
16 October 2017
2001 is my all time favorite movie Blade Runner is one of my all time favourites too I pretty much loved all Nolan's movies except for the Dark Knight Rises So, theoretically this should have been a great time and great movie... it wasn't The story, the science, the pace where all wrong in so many ways. I even gave the movie a second chance at home, but things just didn't improve I just can't believe this has such a high rating, it just doesn't deserve it
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Good Entertainment. Really Don't Get The Low Score
13 October 2015
Sometimes I really don't get IMDb and critics I avoided this movie like the plague as it had such low ratings by users and critics, so I thought it would be a complete waste of time But I've upgraded my home projector recently, and it supports 3D, and since then, I'm having fun in trying this format. Wachowski's always make great visuals, so I jumped into it because of the 3D, but with very low expectations regarding the movie To my complete surprise, it turned out the movie was very good, in the sense it was highly entertaining The story has it's flaws, like any regular movie, but it's not a complete nonsense like some people try to sell you Can't understand how rubbish movies like Fast&Furious 7 and Iron Man 3 make millions at the box office and have such good ratings, where this one flopped and has such poor ones I mean even complete trash like Godzilla, Robocop (2014), John Carter and San Andreas have a higher score than Jupiter Ascending!!! What a hell is going on with you people?
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The Blue Max (1966)
It's Hard To Believe It's Almost 50 Years Old
1 August 2014
This is the best WWI Airplane film I've ever seen, and not only that, it's also great covering other aspects in WWI The flying and fighting scenes are spectacular, but also, remarkably, the script is very good. It almost looks like it was written today, with adult situations and dialogue, and not just those cheesy Hollywood lines, one's used to mainstream movies from those days. I'll try to see more of John Guillermin work, as I think this one was superbly directed I can't understand how this isn't more known even among film historians. It's easy to find great dramatic movies from the past, but also hard to find something that's both good and highly entertaining. Recommend to anyone who likes airplane movies, WWI movies or just a very good movie
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It's Not What You Think!!!!
1 July 2013
A movie with Disney stars, and in a genre described by IMDb as "Comedy"? Yeah right, like that will ever be on the top of my list. But it's not that at all, not even a light comedy. When I gave the movie a chance, I already knew the cover had little to do with the content, but never thought it would be this different. To see this film you must first forget it's Vanessa Hudgens or Selena Gomez on screen. I'm European, and so many scenes seemed gratuitous at first, and dumb as many American school movies, but when I got the tone it, they started to make sense. The only thing I knew about Selena Gomez was she starred in Disney and was girlfriend of Bieber, and pictures of both always reminded me of how much the World we live in, is artificial. Having said that, I was pleasantly surprised by her, she had a good presence and showed great acting skills. Franco was believable as a gangster, Hudgens really seemed a crazy slut, and the rest of the cast where OK too. The movie isn't perfect, but it's well filmed, has some strong points, so in my opinion, it's well worth watching. If you liked "Kids", you'll probably like this one too
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It Was Great....When It Finally Ended!!!
26 May 2013
It' been a long time since I got so disappointed at a Theater. After a very good Iron Man 1, and not so great Iron Man 2, I wasn't particularly anxious to see the final sequel. But when the great reviews started to come up in IMDb, Rottentomatoes, great supporting actors in Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsley and since it was directed by Shane Black, I thought, hey how wrong can it be? Well, it was worse than that, and Iron Man 2 is almost a masterpiece next to it. In the initial 45 minutes I was always excusing what was happening up to that point, giving it a chance and expecting it to get much better Then I realized that wasn't going to happen, in fact it only got worse, the script was everywhere, it had so much idiocy it that I went into desperation. I even think Tony Stark never even make it to the set, it was all completely unrecognizable. What I used to get through the last hour was to remember the great spectacle I had seen a couple of days earlier at the big screen for the first time, the restoration of "Lawrence of Arabia" in 4K. Every time I thought of it was "Wow", then I looked ahead and it was "Uhh" As a heads up, the only other sequel that I found similar in such poor quality, was "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" It's not as bad, but it gets pretty close. You've been warned
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A Solid Entertainement. What's Up With The Critics?
7 April 2013
Well, after seeing such low ratings in Rottentomatoes and Metacritic, I was thinking in missing this one out, but I'm glad I didn't. IMDb isn't usually the most reliable source, but at a 7 and with it's casting I decided to give it a go. I went with a low expectations, but it turned out to be a very entertaining flick. Great actors, good rhythm and a pretty good story. Sean Penn looked like it had born a gangster, and the action scenes where solid. Really can't understand why critic's wise, it's regarded as nothing worth, specially considering on how bad so many celluloid is coming out of Hollywood. IMDb is spot on this time, it's a straight 7, and a good one!!!
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Good... But Unfortunately Not Great
2 August 2012
I've gotten used to enter a Theater, and knowing that if it's a Nolan's movie, I will most likely see a highly engaging and intelligent scrip (for Hollywood standards), asides the overall good pace and direction. This movie has it's moments, very good moments, but unfortunately I felt several times along the 160m of TDKR, that it was just a regular Hollywood movie, not a "Nolan's Hollywood" special. All the acting is good, but I think the characters could have a better flown. What I mean is that certain scenes just seemed happen to get something out of the way or to get a scene going. Catwomen is the most at ease character, Bane was good (Hardy is a great actor), but it needed more time and insight. Many others, however, seemed to go a little on hiccups, and the one I felt most apart was the Batman himself, I didn't cared enough for him, and I was sad for this. It's not to like it's a bad movie, in fact it's better than the average, but when you compare it with the previous 2 entries, and Nolan's previous work, you know they should have got something more out of it. PS: I wished there was at least a small reference to Joker
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Great Entertainment. The First True Modern IMF
30 December 2011
I loved the 60's series, and I always thought the movies adaptations where either dull (MI1), ridiculous (MI2) or OK as a movie but poor as an MI adaptation (MI3). When I heard a 4th MI was coming up, I thought, "Why do they even bother?". Then I found Brad Bird was the Director, and it was "Hmmm, that could be good. He's great in animation, but can he do it in real motion?". The good reviews started coming up, and when it was mentioned that the action was bit old school, I thought I would give it a go I'm glad I did, because the result was fantastic. For a long time have I not been in the Theaters watching a more than 2 hours action flick without having felt the time go by. It's engaging from the first minute, it has a great rhythm of action and tense scenes, and it's the best Blockbuster action flick I've seen in the Theaters for several years (in terms of pure entertainment, that is). The action is kinetic, in the sense you feel it's real, and not a bunch o CGI thrown in making it a video game. It also feels authentic, original, never a bad copy of Bond or the Bourne movies. Although it isn't a thriller like the series, as it could never be, it has right amount of tense moments that are as good as them, not letting you even blink an eye when they're on. Tom Cruise finally seems to have born to be in MI, and the rest of cast, specially Jeremy Renner, are great too. In the end, I think it's the first well made modern Mission Impossible adaptation, with a right balance of action, story and tension, good acting and a great direction. Well done!!!
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Not a Regular Bollywood Movie.
17 October 2011
I'm from Portugal, and I usually like to see Bollywood movies for their beauty, joy and choreographed music. This one (name is too complicated) has some of that, but its quality comes from a well written script, good directing and very good performances by all the actors. You care and relate to which character in different manner, and feel the great sense of friendship that unites the main ones. It's not a typical Bollywood movie, in the sense that it could be made in any country in the World, which, meaning it's Universal, is always a good thing. I had great fun watching it, and felt, besides being sad for it to end, that I had just seen a very good movie

PS- It has nothing to do with "The Hangover", not a tiniest bit. Thank God for that
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I'm Glad I Saw This....
5 July 2011
....on my 15.6'' PC screen. Sorry, but it really doesn't deserve better than that. I only watch movies from cam source when I suspect they won't be very good, and unfortunately, I was more than right about this one. Only some directors get me to a Cinema these days, but I also enjoy watching good CGI movies there, for the spectacle we get with sound effects. Transformers 1, although with flaws, was a movie I enjoyed watching a lot in the big screen. Transformers 2 destroyed the good feelings I had for the first movie. Transformers 3, makes the 80's cartoons I used to love as a kid, look like Citizen Kane. The story is almost a copy of the previous movie, and it's so, so bad. It goes from one set to another, with no sense or point. We never care for a moment about any caracther, not even my beloved Optimus Prime. Man, in the cartoons even the Decepticons had a lot of personality. Megatron was tough, but Starscream was a badass, I always loved the disputes between him and Megatron. Michael Bay seems to wannabe a James Cameron like director, but it's far from it. In Cameron's movies, we always have a link to the caracthers, then we get the action and CGI as a part of the process. It's like building a house, you've start at the foundations, and only then you place the nice design on top of it. He also seems to add now a few elements of slow motion, alias, Zack Snyder style, but again, it just doesn't add up If you liked Transformers 2, you should go and see this movie, as it's almost a rerun of the same. If you think Transformers 2 was a empty soul with a overdue makeup, skip this one into TV or PirateBay. Getting a ticket for it is just asking Hollywood to make them more like that. My wish is that the series get a reboot in 10-15 years from someone like Cameron, or even who knows, Christopher Nolan, that would be asking too much, but great nonetheless Shame on you, Bay
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Super 8 (2011)
Huge Disappointment
21 June 2011
One thing is to create a good story which JJ clearly can do, another is to direct and make good movies out of them. I always thought MI3 sucked, just like MI1 and MI2 for that matter. So, when Star Trek came out, it was a good surprise to me, and started to consider JJ a director I should pay more attention to. Now, he made a dull, flat movie again, where even the story is empty, and don't know what to think of him again. The similarities with Spielberg exist, but only with the modern one, that in the last decade only managed to make half decent movies (except Munich, which is good), and not the 80's Spielberg, that would leave us in magic and wonder in almost every scene. I can't understand how it got such a high score at IMDb. Hope JJ does better next time
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Why Is It Being So Spanked?
7 April 2011
I had some fears in going see this movie after reading the reviews, but I'm glad I did anyway. Why everyone is trying to give it some deep inner meaning and stating it sucks because it has no meaning, is beyond me. It has a meaning, just a very simple and straightforward one. It's a plot in a madhouse, but movies in mental institutions exist by the dozens, so this one takes that premise and goes to another directions to give lots of fun to the viewer. It's a great ride. Movies like Inception or specially Brazil revolve around alternate universes created in our mind, and this one too, why is it being so bashed because of that, I don't understand. It's a journey of imagination, where all that a grown kid loves put together in awesome visuals: World War I and II, Robots, Samurais, Dragons, a Cabaret and hot girls. Movies aren't only supposed to be exactly the same has the real world, they are supposed to take you to new Worlds too, and this one does just that. I really enjoyed it, and recommend it to those seeking action fantasy with lots of fun, charm and great style. 7.5/10
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Jonah Hex (2010)
What is Going On With You People?
3 December 2010
I felt like posting a comment, not because this movie is one of my favorites or something like that, but only because I don't understand how it's getting such poor reviews. I like several types of movies, and rarely go to the cinema to see commercial ones. The only thing that makes me buy expensive tickets to the cinema these days, are directors like David Fincher, Darren Aronofsky, Terrence Malick, Christopher Nolan and not much more. At home, I'm also peculiar selecting movies, but I also like seeing now and then, a movie that is just cool, simple, not too serious, but also not too stupid. So here's the key-point, too stupid, and although this movie isn't like genius, it isn't that stupid either. Why is being treated like if it was, is beyond me. I don't know if it's just in the States, or also in Europe. So Megan Fox is miscast, yes, but her character isn't relevant to the story anyway. She's just in it because she's hot, and to bring some publicity to the movie. When she's with Josh Brolin, he compensates her lack of performance, and when she's alone, she's showing off her legs and body, which is a good thing too. I don't understand how really dumb movies like Transformers 2, Wanted, Blade, Terminator3, Lara Croft, XXX and even Scary Movie have higher ranking than this one. Is this a great movie? No. Is it a worth watch movie? Yes. This one is simple: if you liked the trailer, you'll like the movie, if didn't liked the trailer, skip the movie.
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