
26 Reviews
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Six (2017–2018)
Horrible Characters - Nobody to Root For
4 June 2024
This series is a dark take on the special operators of the US military. In the first moments of the first episode the leader of the team murders an unarmed American who is on his knees begging for his life. Ummmmm.... Ok. How is this justifiable in anyway?

This is produced by the History channel. I only hope this is a far fetched dramatization of actual events and not based on real intel. If so, this operation should be brought up on charges and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

It's almost like this is a propaganda series put forth by the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. I have it 3 stars to be fair. It's not a horrible production, and I can see how it can be of interest to those with darker and more morbid tastes, but there is little heroism or valor from my perspective. Heroes don't murder unarmed prisoners. That's what Nazis do. That's what terrorists do. That is what we are fighting AGAINST.
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Decent Film, Lacks a Moral Compass
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the beginning of the film which looked to be authentic real life footage of BUD/S training. I thought the film was well cast, Taylor. Kitsch brought a humanity and toughness to his character that drew interest.

The cinematography and action scenes were fantastic, realistic, and intense. I could feel the fear, the adrenaline, and also the courage these men had while facing such a worst case scenario.

The part of the film that ruined it for me was the scene where the four "heroes" contemplated murdering innocent civilians and children in order to conceal their position. At that point the SEALs are no better than the terrorists they are fighting against. Willing to murder civilians in order to support their cause.

Mike Murphy's father by the way calls BS on the story and says Luttrell is full of S. He says Luttrell told his him a different story before writing the book, and also claims his son would have never killed civilians or put that up to a vote.

Either way, true or not, the characters in the movie were not heroes, but self preserving murderes who wanted to kill civilians to save themselves. Aren't heroes the ones who are willing to lay their lives down to protect civilians?
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The American (2010)
Depressing Tragedy with no Redemption.
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind dark films, but this one just no meaning or redeeming qualities. Sometimes darkness can make you appreciate the light. This one just makes you want to forget it.

I'm the opening scene, the protagonist, played by George Clooney murders his own girlfriend. After a gunfight he tells his lover to run home and call the police, as she does so, he shoots her in the back murdering her. That is your hero. That is your protagonist. You have 2 more slow hours of watching a heartless cold blooded murderer plan on murdering more people, or helping people murder more people.

The worst part is the casting of George Clooney. He is known for having a broody humanity to his characters. The movie is advertised and sold as an action/thriller with George as the dashing hero, but he is just a piece of s-- murderer with no compassion and no soul.

If you at least went in knowing what to expect, I think you might be able to appreciate this dark tragedy. My review, bowser is partially reflected on how the film was promoted and sold.
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Perfect Movie; Beginning to End
15 December 2023
I have seen a few flawless movies in my life and this is one of them. Just perfect from beginning to end. I saw it in the theaters 35 years ago when it came out and I laughed throughout the movie, and 35 years later it comes on Showtime and it's still just as good. It hasn't aged poorly at all and is still hilarious! The movie is so well written, acted, and directed. Michael Caine and Steve Martin are absolutely perfectly cast in their roles. I compare this comedy to other greats like Ghostbusters (the orinal 1984 film) and Groundhog Day.

The primary plot is a sophisticated and regal Lawrence (Michael Caine) is running scams to get money from corrupt rich women traveling to France. He has his routine worked to perfection and is able to scam tens of thousands of dollars off rich women and fund his extravagant and aristocratic lifestyle. On a train ride, he meets young American scam artist Freddy who tricks women into providing him free meals and taking them for $20. The two eventually compete to see who is the best scam artist.

The script and plot twists are brilliant. I guarantee you will love this film or my name isn't Dr. Emil Schaffhausen!
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
More Entertaining if you Know Little About Pro Sports
13 November 2023
The casting, acting, and directing are all good, and it's an entertaining movie, but the script is really far from believable. The protagonist in this story is a professional football general manager who is in charge of hiring, firing, and drafting the players on the professional football team he manages.

The movie takes place on the day of the draft, and he is just beginning to do work and research that any professional would have already been done months ago. Furthermore, he makes rash decisions based on this lack of knowledge that are unfathomable at this position and unimaginable in real life. It is the equivalent of a president declaring war on a country without knowing anything about the country or the conflict in question.

His decisions are so professionally unforgivable early on in the movie, that it becomes hard to watch through the end, because nothing he can do can possibly redeem his mistakes.

Imagine a parent gambling and losing their familly's entire life savings on a game of poker. That parent could spend the rest of the movie trying to get the money back but that will still never redeem their hugely irresponsible act,
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365 Days (2020)
Well done eroticism!
8 September 2023
Look, there are so many great action movies that are really silly and unrealistic when you think of them in terms of what would really happen in real life or what is truly ethical. Same goes for comedies, musicals, and other genres.

I wouldn't compare India Jones to Schindler's list, and I would compare Happy Gilmore to Saving Private Ryan.

This is an erotic film. It is a sexual fantasy. And for that, it was well done. It is absolutely unrealistic and unethical as a plot, but it's a fantasy. It's the type of thing you would role play with your lover, but never actually want to happen in real life.

The film is very erotic, and focuses on a classic dominant and submissive relationship with some BDSM included. If that type of thing is a turn on for you, this film is worth a watch.
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Enjoyed the sequel more than the original
30 August 2023
There was a family dynamic in this film that created an emotional impact that was missing from the first film. Very few films accurately depict young people well, but this movie did an amazing job. The young characters really steal the show and drive the emotion of the film.

I can understand why so many people in these comments compare it to Nat Geo or a documentary. The wildlife was filmed beautifully, but so many vieres have become used to Marvel Comic book films and modern Star Wars films. If there isn't action or a one-liner every 30 seconds, a viewer gets bored. There is a lot more to this film than action, however, and I think the beauty of the family bond and the bond with rhe wildlife makes the impact of the action that much more meaningful and emotional later in the film.
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Stay Hungry (1976)
A Must See, but Don't Expect Greatness
11 August 2023
This is a must see film for so many reasons. The cast alone os incredible. A young, beautiful Sally Field, who doesn't wear a bra throughout the movie (yay 70s!). A young Arnold Schwarzenegger in his debut acting role (not counting Hercules). A young handsome Jeff Bridges in his physical prime. This film is also a time machine into a different era, and a different view of the world.

There is a great story and meaning to this movie that is also pertinent and powerful despite the strange climax.

Overall, the movie is not boring, there is so much there to watch for, and it keeps your attention. The film just doesn't quite know what it wants to be, and there are many strange aspects to it that may have been edgy, hip, or modern, at the time, but just feels bizarre now. That aspect of the film is where it fails as a movie, but also is quite interesting in the "time machine" aspect of things that you would never see today and would only see in this time period.
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Pleasantly Surprised!
2 August 2023
After reading some of the bad reviews here, I was expecting much less.

The movie was surprisingly very original, very well acted, and very entertaining. The casting was well done and the actors brought a variety of talent, humor, and emotion.

My only complaint is that this would make a much better October/Halloween movie than a summer flick.

If you're thinking of bringing kids, the movie is pretty kid friendly. The only thing that gives it the PG-13 rating is some scary ghosts, but much more along the lines of Goosebumps than any horror movie.

I went with my wife, 8 year old son, Father and in-laws, and everyone enjoyed it. We are all Disneyland vets and all love the Haunted Mansion ride, and there were so many nods to the ride that made the movie that much more enjoyable. There is nothing in the movive, however, that requires knowledge of the ride as a pre-requisite.

It's a fun, funny, slightly scary, movie for the whole family.
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Fun Summer Adventure
3 July 2023
Much better than the Crystal Skull. They didn't rely on over-the-top CGI. Yes the action and stunts are over the top, but more in line with the first three movies, not in the new Star Wars type of craziness that the Crystal Skull ventured into.

This movie didn't have the heart of The Last Crusade, or the sheer spectacle of Raiders, but it was good, and it was entertaining.

It definitely felt like an Indy movie with Nazis as the primary antagonist, and sets that were reminiscent of the first and 3rd films.

I wasn't expecting much, and didn't know how an 80+ year old Harrison Ford could pull off an Indiana Jones movie, but I was pleasantly surprised.
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My Heart is Still Racing
18 October 2022
Let me qualify this review by saying I had no idea what the movie was about, it just came on Cinemax while I was working from home. Also, like the movie, I am married with a young son (only child) about the same age as the boy in the movie. The film tugged on a lot of heart strings pertaining to the love of family and what you would do to for them,

Through the last 3rd of the movie, my heart was racing and my adrenaline pumping. Most movies three days don't give me much suspension of disbelief, so I am always aware I am watching a movie and constantly noting the inconsistencies that could never happen in real life. This movie really pulled me in and got me emotionally invested. I couldn't take my eyes away during the last 3rd of the movie and was at the edge of my seat.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Not Bad, but a Far Cry From GOT
29 September 2022
This is a decent show in its own right. The acting is decent, the casting is decent, the story is decent, the directing is decent, the writing is decent. There is nothing really bas about this show, there is just nothing great about it.

There are no characters that inspire me to root for them. There are no relationships that are particularly interesting or captivating.

I have found myself fast forwarding at times through episodes just to get to something interesting.

It's almost as though every episode is just a meh episode of a good show. I find myself waiting for the good part that never comes.
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Pleasure (2021)
Poor Title, good Film
6 September 2022
This is a good film, but I don't like the title. This film is about anything but Pleasure. I don't think we see a single person experience pleasure in this entire film.

This is however a good story about one woman's experience in sex work. Her story is a very negative experience in sex work that is painful, scary, and traumatic but not pleasurable at all. This story is a very true depiction of some women's experiences in sex work but not everyone's. For example, see the movie, The Sessions, which is a very different look at sex work and is a beautiful story.

There is some amazing depth to Themis film and the characters in it. This isn't just a stereotypical portrait of the porn industry, but shows many difference facets, personalities, and characters. Excellent acting and directing, and an interesting story arc.
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Watchable, but not great. Cringy at times.
21 July 2022
First of all the good: Ewan McGregor is a fine actor and well cast as Obi-Wan. The cinematography and settings are very well done. Much more closely to the original films and the newer films and they are much better than the overly used CGI of the 2nd trilogy. The idea of plot is interesting and brings us up to speed with what happened after the 2nd trilogy and before the orignal trilogy. Darth Vader is reunited with James Early Jones and is both terrifying and awe inspiring.

The bad: I expected a series about a Jedi, but all I am getting is a very scared old man who doesn't use the force or his light saber, and when he is forced to fight, punches and kicks people. There is no real explanation of why he doesn't use the force or his light saber. Obi Wan is not much of a hero in this series as he just seems to be more of a victim of circumstance than a protagonist. His survival is mostly based on luck and someone else saving him at the last minute in many scenes and not in his own wit and ability.

Many cringe worthy characters and some bad acting and directing. I enjoyed both the Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fett, and really want to like this, but some characters just make me cringe in my seat... in fact many of them do. Obi-Wan is good, Darth Vader is good... and then a significant drop off. There was a little bit of this at times with the Mandalorian and BOBF, but not enough to go off the rails. Without Obi Wan and Darth, this show is not good.

Too many plot holes or lazy writing. While the idea of the plot is interesting, the execution of the plot with writing and directing is poorly done. Without giving up any spoilers, there are just too many instances of "why don't they just do this?" or "wait... what? This can happen? Why didn't they just do that 5 min ago?".

There is too much inconstancy with the universe and abilities of people, that it doesn't make sense and doesn't give you that suspension of disbelief to draw you in. To explain, I will make up an example that doesn't exist in the show to avoid spoilers but makes my point. Jedi knocks over an entire building 30 meters away by using the force... Jedi can't get to someone 30 meters away because they are on the other side of a river.

Conclusion: I'm enough of a Star Wars fan that I want to see what happens next, so I will watch the next episode. But it is not something I would go back and watch again, or something I am inspired by after watching it.
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A Rare Improvement on an Iconic Original
15 June 2022
Rarely does a sequel live up to our expectations. Only a few come to mind like The Godfather Part II or The Empire Strikes Back.

The Original Top Gun was like a 2 hour music video. It was visually stunning scenes set to iconic music tracks and it was like nothing we have seen before.

Top Gun Maverick took all of those good qualities that made the original special but added heart and character to it.

While In the original movie, Maverick did everything out of ego and put his own comrades at risk because of his ego. In this movie Maverick does what he does to protect his comrades not put them in danger.

Top Gun Maverick is much more family friendly than the first moves with the sex scenes dialed down, more diversity. And a greater respect for women than just frat-boy objectification.

And then what was done so well in the original movie with the actual plane footage was even taken to a much higher level in this movie with cameras out inside the cockpit and real footage of the actors pulling Gs and really feeling the stress of those high speed maneuvers. You can see the physical tool the pilots endure in that kind of flying that you just don't get a perspective for in the original.

I'm so glad they kept some of the original music from the first that really ties in to this movie. Once you see the opening scenes of Top Gun Maverick, you already know you are in for the ride of your life!
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After Earth (2013)
Emotional movie as both a father and a son.
21 October 2021
I avoided this movie for many years because of the bad reviews. I thought it must have been another Battlefield Earth. Finally decided to give it a try when it was on HBO, and I actually loved it. It is a unique movie, I really did not know what was going to happen next, or how it would end. Most importantly, it was a very emotional movie about the relationship between a father and his son, their love, their trust, and fears when facing a life and death situation.

I was very moved by this movie and brought to tears at multiple points of the movie. I strongly disagree with the other reviewers that said the acting was poor. The acting is excellent, it just may be a bit different than what you would normally expect.

My hypothesis for why people did not like this movie is the actors themselves. People most likely expected Independence Day Will Smith who was funny, cool, charismatic, and hip. Instead they got a very different character and unique performance by Will Smith that they were not expecting.

As time passes, I think people who watch this movie for the first time will enjoy this much more than people who see this movie with pre-conceived expectations.
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Didn't meet expectations, but not horrible on it's own merit as others say.
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I always rate movies based on their genre. For example, I don't judge an action adventure movie in the same way I judge a historical drama. So for this movie, as a comic book, super hero movie, I think a 6 out of 10 is appropriate. It's entertaining, fun, decent acting, and visually appealing. As for the negatives, I agree with so many of the other negative posts about the story, the plot holes, the lack of action at times, etc, but it doesn't deserve a 1/10.

The first Wonder Woman I felt transcended it's genre and was much more than a super hero/ comic book movie. This one was disappointing in comparison to that movie for sure, but I'm rating it on it's own merit as opposed to how it compares to the first.

The positives. As always, Gal Gadot is stunning and perfect as Wonder Woman. She jumps off the screen in every scene that she is in, and I could just about watch a movie about her sitting in an office cubicle. The intro was amazing, and one of the best parts of the movie. I had high hopes after the intro, and I wish it could have maintained that majestic quality. The 80s setting was well done, and really had the feel of an 80s movie, not just a movie set in the 80s. I was into that theme until the plot started to fall apart.

The negatives. The "wish" aspect to the movie was just too weird and unbelievable even for a comic book movie. It is just too much and creates a world that is so bizarre that it is no longer relatable in anyway. I felt that the moment Diana made her wish, the movie started to go south.

Brining back Steve in another man's body was troubling as well. They never addressed the ethical dilemma of Steve overtaking another man's life, and Diana never hesitated to let that be permanent. It was distracting throughout the movie, because I kept thinking "what about that poor guy? Does anyone care what happens to him?"

The final negative was that the ending was so anticlimactic. The damage done by the antagonist was so extensive, and so bizarre, there is no way it could ever be explained or undone. The way Diana allegedly spoke to everyone in the world telepathically and somehow got every person on the planet to renounce their wishes was bizarre and anti climactic also. I like the "feel" of what they were trying to do... it was just so bizarre that it took away from the film. Even a comic book movie needs some suspension of disbelief to make it engaging, and this movie went far beyond that. This would have done better as an animated movie, or a graphic novel, but as a live action movie it was just too strange.

Despite those negatives, it was still worth a watch in my opinion, and I think enjoyable if you go in with no expectations.
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Cats (2019)
11 October 2020
It's been over a year since I've seen this. The nightmares continue. My life has fallen deeper into darkness. The cats haunt my waking hours and follow me in my sleep. I have lost my job, lost my wife, and lost my sanity.

The only way out is to find/build a time machine, go back in time, and prevent this abomination from being made.
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Good... but not as good as the rest.
18 June 2013
How can you not like any of the Iron Man movies? They are exciting, funny, clever, and original. Robert Downey Jr. is amazing as Tony Stark. Of the 4 movies (including Avengers) this was my least favorite however.

Having said that, however, this is NOT an unfavorable review. I loved Iron Man III. I just don't think it was as strong as the previous 3 movies.

My main issue with the movie was the lack of actual Iron Man in it. You rarely get to see Iron Man in all of his glory, and then when you finally do, he is easily ripped apart by the enemy. Other than that, Tony Stark is great as usual, and the movie has all of the great one-liners, funny moments, and action that you would expect.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Good movie, but should have been split into two movies.
18 June 2013
When I saw the original trailers for this movie, I thought "Wow! This is going to be awesome!" Then a couple of weeks ago I saw the newer trailer that showed the General Zod scenes and all of the alien spacecraft and I was very confused. "Is this the same movie?" After viewing the movie last night, I had kind of the same feeling. It was like Superman and Superman II all mashed together. I would have rather seen an entire movie of Superman being brought up by the Kents, growing up in Kansas and discovering his powers. As it turns out, that was the smallest part of the movie.

The movie focuses much time on the back story in Krypton, and then a huge war on earth with General Zod. The entire story of Superman growing up in Kansaas is just a few rushed scenes viewed from flashbacks.

The casting of Superman however is perfect. Henry Cavil is amazing as Superman. This could have been a great movie, but in the end, it's just a good action packed movie.
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King Kong (2005)
A great movie and a terrible movie rolled into one.
29 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVED the first 3rd of this movie. Everything right up to their first day on Skull Island was amazing. I was mesmerized by the movie and terrified by the sights of the giant Ape. The casting and acting was excellent, and the cinematography excellent! .... then came the action.... ugh! The over-the-top use of CGI fantastical action was so unbelievable that I was pulled right out of the movie I was immersed in and I was placed into a video game. Unless you're at a KISS concert, or the AVN awards, more is not always better. Then comes the Dinosaur Stampede. -sigh- At this point, the movie was completely ruined for me. Watching Jack Black weave in and out of stampeding Dinosaur legs was laugh-out-loud funny... but ruined the movie. Finally, the giant bugs and the "Aliens" inspired machine guns. I didn't realize that a Tommy Gun from the 1930s would have the same effect as the futuristic machine guns or Aliens, Starship Troopers, and Terminator.

Despite these distractions, I really enjoyed the rest of the movie. I think this was a 10/10 movie that was edited poorly into a 5/10 movie. With different editing, this is quite a fantastic movie.
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Excellent Adaptation
29 March 2012
I was aware that the movie had been made while reading the novel. One thing I kept wondering was, "How in the heck are they going to do this in the movie?" I just couldn't picture how the film could capture the imagery and storyline. I was very impressed with the movie. The casting was spot on, the acting was excellent, and the settings were perfect. So much of how the movie was filmed was exactly how I imagined it in the book.

Obviously, the biggest hurdle in any movie adaptation from a book is trying to encompass everything that happens in the book into a 2 hour time slot. Let me just say that NO movie can do this, and no movie ever has recreated the entire story of a book. It just can't be done in such a time frame. Had they done that, people would complain that the 6 hour movie was too long. Despite these restrictions, the film did an excellent job of capturing the feel of the book, and the emotions of the book.

In my opinion, anyone who is a big fan of the books should watch the movie twice. Once to learn about what is kept, edited in the movie and to digest the differences; then a second time to simply enjoy the movie, knowing already what has been cut/added, and just enjoy the feel of the movie.
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The Runaways (2010)
Very Disappointing
12 September 2011
The movie is titled "The Runaways" yet only tells the story of two members of the band... and the two least talented members as well. The best musicians in the band were Lita Ford, Jackie Fox, and Sandy West, and they are barely mentioned or shown. The movie ends up being a very self serving Joan Jett and Cherie curry promo and it is clear their egos and self interest got the best of them.

For those of you who are unaware, "I Love Rock and Roll", "Crimson and Clover" and "Love Hurts" were all covers. Joan didn't write any of those songs. There is nothing wrong with that... I'm just stating that to enforce the fact that while Joan is very famous, she is famous for her covers, not really for her own music. She is a great performer and understands the attitude and "look" to entertain a crowd. Those skills are very important. I just take offense at how she ignored the other members of the band... especially when the other members were the REAL MUSICIANS who made the backbone of the band.

If you are going to make an entire movie about the troubled family of Cherie Curry and her friendship with Joan, then don't title the movie "The Runaways."
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Whiteout (2009)
Great Friday night flick!
26 November 2010
While digesting my Thanksgiving meal, I wanted to watch a good movie in front of the fire on a cold winter night. Whiteout seemed appealing because of the synopsis and the setting. I love the desolate setting of an science facility in the cold lifeless continent of Antartica. There is always something creepy and thrilling about being so far from civilization and life sustaining climate; the movie had a similar creepiness to some other thrillers that take place in deep space. The plot and setting were original, and keep you guessing throughout the movie. The suspense and thrills were more likened to a horror movie or a slasher film, but I say that in a good way. My 17 year old daughter and wife had to turn their eyes away for many scenes in fear and anticipation.

I like to judge movies by what their intent is. I try and compare Old School to Gone with the Wind for example... 2 completely different audiences and intents, but both great movies that deliver what they try to deliver. In my opinion, Whiteout delivered what it tried to deliver, a scary, interesting, beautiful, thrilling escape. Exactly what I wanted to see on a cold Friday night in front of the fire!
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Redbelt (2008)
Too confusing & Incoherent
10 November 2008
The easiest way to summarize this movie is: Imagine watching an episode of some HBO drama series, but you missed the whole 1st season, and this season is already on the 9th episode. You don't know who any of the characters are, the movie doesn't explain who anybody is, and there is no way of discerning what role (if any) they all play in the plot until the last few minutes of the film.

Basically, if you don't mind watching a depressing movie that makes little sense until the end of the movie, then be my guest. It's not like a who-done-it, where you are guessing the whole time who the bad guy is... it's more of a "WTF? I have no idea what's going on, or why any of this is relevant to anything else!" I think teenagers who are just getting into the martial arts might be interested by the cheesy philosophy and narcissism of the martial arts teacher in this movie, but anyone who has trained for enough time will just roll their eyes at this wannabe Yoda.
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