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Boring and repulsive
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Director Lee Frost, who did the equally crummy Black Gestapo (although that, featuring the actor who played Mac on Night Court, is somewhat more entertaining than this.) Featuring a weak, insulting story line, with lackluster direction and cinematography, the only 'actor' in the entire cast I've ever head of was Uschi Digard who, as with all her roles, gets naked. Most of this lame film is filled with racial comments (It is about a group of renegade confederates who don't know the war is over), rape, abuse of women and blacks and a less than action packed finale with some of the dumbest fights ever put on cinema. This is a failed American attempt at a spaghetti western. Just a weak, useless film with a budget so low, one has to lift the rug to find it. Just a poor excuse for a movie.
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Time for the Horror-Fairy Tale Hybrid to come to an end.
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Is that enough sighs? Does that clue the reader in as TO HOW BAD THIS TRASH DISGUISED AS A FILM IS? Well, in case it DOESN'T, I'll add a few more: sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. This 'film' from beginning to end is one true piece of trash. How did I sit through it? Well... considering I've watched at least two thousand movies that I've given a one (on my person rating a ZERO, something IMDB needs to add to their rating system) this is terrible. So this woman got raped by a sheep? And had a human-sheep hybrid who (in one of horror's many cliches) is super strong? And he kills and leaves the bodies at the table so Momma won't be lonely? Everyone in this BAD movies has an annoying voice. And more than half are really bad actors. The SFX are just about ok, but most of the violence comes off screen. I see a murderous freaking monster, I want to SEE the murders. Might have almost made this watchable. AND HERE'S THE BIG SPOILER: There is no pay off! The movie just tapers off into an end. I smell a sequel that I'll be avoiding.
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Probably the Asylum's best...
14 May 2024
...which isn't saying much. While the story is kind of lame and most of effects are just their usual CGI trash, the acting is, for the most part, surprisingly good. As usual however with the Asylum, most of the money went-where? That's the great unknown. Let's face it, if it weren't for the SYFY-Less channel, this company might not exist. They've done mockblusters - which are always terrible. Movies like this where they try to make a fairy tale into a horror film (something way too prevalent in today's world with movies like a killer Winnie the Pooh running around) but we can always count on the asylum to slather on the crud and keep doing it. Sigh. IMDB truly needs a 0 rating.
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13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is almost unwatchable. Tubi should remove it and it should be erased from the collective memory of humanity. Poorly directed, written, acted, I'd like to know how many drugs were consumed in the creation of this trash. Here's what I know. When a bunch of hippie weirdos summon bigfoot, who proceeds to slaughter the enitre group; crushing heads, pulling off arms, basically going berserk (in a pretty bad bigfoot suit) and yet, nothing happens until the end of the stupid film, this is a bad thing. This is truly a craptastic, snoozefest. I can't even understand how I sat through this garbage. Last Chance Lance from Rue Morgue was right-Avoid this! Avoid it!
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Once again, the toxic fans rear their ugly heads...
5 May 2024
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As usual with anything these days, the toxic fans simply have to be heard. Well, whoever reads this can ignore that. This is an honest review. Two characters highlight this, Elspeth Morgan (first seen in THE MANDALORIAN) who we see now (as we heard) is from Dathomir. And Barriss Offee, fallen Jedi, last seen in The Clone Wars, where she framed Ashoka (who left the order after not being trusted by the coucil) for a bomb. While the episodes here are interesting, they weren't as well done as Tales of the Jedi. The stories were a little quick and I didn't learn enough about the characters. I also think Barris got off a little easy in the end, considering she betrayed the order (who truly sowed the seeds of their own downfall by sticking to dogma and not listening or paying attention to the world around them. I guess the one thousand years of peace kind of made them too comfortable.) But in the end, it was enjoyable and I'd like to see Tales of the Rebellion next. Or tales of the Bounty Hunters... or Tales of the Knights of the Republic...
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Suburban Sasquatch (2004 Video)
Still waiting for that ZERO rating...
2 May 2024
Which this absolute trash and total waste of time, would certainly deserve. Not only does this have some of the worst (and I hate to use this word) ACTING ever put on tape (yes it was done with a video recorder, not film) the most tepid pacing in film history (even the CREEPING TERROR, universally hailed as one of the worst movies ever made is better). Add in the ABSOLUTE WORST, MOST HORRIBLE, USELESS Bigfoot costume ever committed to celluloid, as well as the worst SFX ever put on tape, a director who must have been asleep at the wheel... and you get this worthless piece of garbage. Films like this are why IMDB really needs to break down and give us a zero rating. Every copy of this should be put in a rocket and fired into the sun.
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And I thought the first one smelled bad...
20 April 2024
Get that line? I cribbed it from The Empire Strikes Back. Why not? Every single idea in this terrible, boring, too much slow motion film is cribbed from another. Star Wars, the Last Samurai, 300.... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on. Why so much repetition? Well it equals all the Snyder Cultists insisting how great a filmmaker he is. Here's a Clue: He and Shymalan should never be allowed money ever again to make a movie. A galactic empire needs to loot a planet of grain? Really? That's right from the Seven Samurai where the bad guys are coming for the harvest. I can understand this in medieval Japan, but a GALACTIC EMPIRE? The dialogue in this mess is beyond corny. Beyond bad. Beyond beyond. Snyder doesn't have an original idea. I don't know how much Netflix sank into this trash, but this must be where their decision to move away from big budget came from. This is just a laughably bad movie. It almost makes Sucker Punch - I still want my money back for this - look good.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How does the imagine-less Scott Gimple still have a job? World beyond was horrible. Fear was a ridiculous, TWD light. This is just horrible. It took years to make this trash? Another worthless, weak episode with one ridiculous event after another. Oh Rick & Michonne save some people who instantly turn on them. Jadis/Anne shows up, had the jump on them and they defeat her. She runs into the losers from earlier, Rick and Michonne defeat them again. So on and so on. Is AI or some talentless hack writing this? I can't believe I stick with this when I still haven't watched the second half of the ridiculous Fear the walking dead. Time for this universe to end. Please.
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More Proof,,,
28 March 2024
That Rick Grimes should have been killed rather than left to walk. He died in the next to last issue of the comic, murdered by the leader of the Commonwealth's son, and then is re-killed by Carl. The parent show really departed way too much from the comic. Remember in the early days of the Walking Dead? Where no one was safe. This happened until Scott Gimple, who wimped the show out and, Angela Kang, no better. The spin-offs with the exception of most of Daryl Dixon have been terrible. This show might be the worst. Who's writing this trash? Interns? AI? There's no logic or sense to this show AT ALL. Rick cutting his hand off would have been stupid in the original show, here, pandering to the actor and hypocrite Kirkman who admitted this was a stupid idea in the comic, was ridiculous. Why does the CRM seek out to kill everyone else who's living? This is an entirely stupid idea. If they have all this tech and can keep things running, why haven't they unified other places like, oh, the Commonwealth? Have they crossed paths with the equally technological commonwealth? There are so many plotholes. Michonne spends this entire episode belittling and berating Rick when SHE ABANDONED TWO CHILDREN! And her running into Rick was as ridiculous as Morgan running into the scar faced guy or Madison coming back from the dead. Anyhow, how was this apartment powered? Why was it so clean? Why was that conveniently waiting electric or gas car parked right there, immaculately clean? The only character I felt bad for was the Rhoomba. Time for the Walking Dead to join the ranks of syndication. It started dying in the parent shows 9th season, this is the final nail.
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Another terrible spin off
17 March 2024
Like the walkers in this show, this franchise refuses to die. The show started to die when Gimple refused to kill major characters off, allowing them to walk in the stupidest ways possible. Now we get trash like world beyond, whose kids, who all looked like they couldn't survive a day at the mall, walked from Omaha to Albany! Fear which was up and down until the submarine and nuclear weapons idiocy. Also bringing back Madison, with her damaged lungs (which was another foolish idea that came and went) Now this. The CRM is one of the dumbest ideas in the show. Are they Nazis? Why kill people who can help rebuild society? How come they haven't encountered the Commonwealth? What about the nuclear weapons (one of the absolute dumbest idea in any of TWD shows). Jadis is an annoying, badly written character. This show, poorly written, poorly thought out, should end this franchise, but AMC refuses to let it go. Maybe after this, people will stop watching.
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Still waiting for IMDB to have a zero rating...
11 March 2024
This absolute crud fest, starring the stone faced Michael Dudikoff (who they should have switched roles with Steve James, letting stone face get whacked) is one of the worst Cannon films ever. Now I'm not going to say Cannon movies are great, but some of them are fun. This one isn't. It's boring. The action is terrible. The story is lame. They kill off the better actor and fighter in Steve James, allowing Dudikoff, who can't act or fight or fake kung fu at all, fight an equally bunch of inept white racist losers who dress like rejects from an italian rip off of Mad Max. A truly pathetic waste of time, money and effort. I wish I could inject bleach into the brain cells that retain the memory of this trash so I can forget it. Totally worthless.
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Four Losers in a Row for Villaneuve
2 March 2024
Another director who shouldn't be allowed near Science Fiction. His attempts at adapting or directing science fiction have all been failures. And now he's quoted as saying, I hate dialogue. That's for theater and TV. So no movie ever has had a memorable line? Where did this guy learn the art of movies? From the Keystone Cops? Hates Dialogue? Well it shows in this miscast and poor adaptation (I hated the boring Part 1 as well), where there's too much emptiness and silence, along with parts he doesn't make clear (the audience laughed at how the terribly miscast Chalamet is being taught how to walk across the desert by the equally miscast Zendeyah so they don't attract worms. The worm itself, along with the technology and costumes were horrible looking. Did they pay off all the reviewers? I can imagine Den of Geeks giving it a great review, since they are the modern equivalent of Starlog, and kiss butt on everything popular. They rarely have any reviews, just like the positive ones for this movie, that say anything. Paul and his mother never encounter Sardaukar while in the care of Stilgar. There are so many other errors in this "faithful" (obviously Villaneuve and I have different definitions of that word) adaptation of one of the great books of SF.

Wait for it to stream or, if you are a fan of Dune, find the Sci-Fi channel adaptation and watch that. You know, from when the Science Fiction channel was good.
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Weak, weak, weak. And Why kill the DOG?
23 February 2024
A worthless, poorly written, illogical, nearly all filmed in the dark waste of celluloid. Liam Cunningham, one of my favorite actors is wasted in this. Corey Hawkins backstory is ridiculous and unbelievable. The look of Dracula... when are people going to stop ripping off Nosferatu? The terrible Salem's Lot adaptation did it, a few others did it, and now this. No originality left? I won't complain about the diversity bug in casting because it will fall on deaf ears. How many black physicians were there in 1897? Leaving that, Blood transfusions weren't that common in the 19th century and didn't become common until World War 2. I'll leave that too. This movie was a plodding, unconvincing mess of a film. Actually an insult to far better Dracula films.
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Nemesis (1992)
I don't want to malign the dead...
22 February 2024
...But, other than the Sword and the Sorcerer, how did Pyun get the money to make any movies? Everything he did seemingly went straight to VHS and DVD, with no theatrical releases unless regional at all. This film, like every other he's done, is disjointed with acting that runs from decent to terrible. The story really needed some work, since it truly makes zero sense. The two best parts are Tim Thomerson, who always gives his best (See: Trancers and Zone Troopers), and Deborah Shelton's nude scenes. The rest of this, and every other Pyun movie I've seen (nearly all) are fodder for MST3K, which could have gotten three seasons out of him, and makes me seriously doubt he directed the excellent, The Sword and the Sorcerer (although the silly sword with flying blades fits in with anything he's done).
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Another (w)Rothless effort
18 February 2024
Like that pun? Two directors who constantly get money to make disappointing films are Shymalan and Roth. Roth has never had an original idea, he just treads on better filmmakers ideas. This movie, sweet up to look like an 80s slasher, is simply bad. Predictable deaths, most of which are either unoriginal or plainly (the trash bin, the shopping cart) stupidly unbelievable. The killer in this, called John Carver (get it) outwits everyone until the end. While the practical effects are decent, the acting is weak, the story is terrible and the direction is blase. It's basically worth watching if you want to see people die in unoriginal, seen before ways. I will say I've never seen corn holders used in quite that way.
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The Marvels (2023)
At least it wasn't as long as Dullternals
12 February 2024
Wow. I didn't love the first movie Captain Marvel and this one just left a haze in my brain. While I enjoyed the Ms. Marvel TV series, this movie just left me flat. Dull and slow, with far too many silly scenes-what the hell is a Flerkin? And having them invade to a song from cats? Is that the screenplay writers idea of humor? In WW2, when the Japanese swept through the pacific, they suffered from something later called 'Victory Disease'. Marvel, under Disney is suffering the same thing. Where they once made entertaining films, now they push out drek like this and wonder why these movies bomb? Go back and examine phase 1 and 2. Want to see good movies? These are. This is just a wast of celluloid. Not even Samuel Jackson breathed any life into this.
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A Dumb, fun movie.
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK. When I first heard about this, I was going to skip it because anything done by The Asylum is trash. However, this wasn't done by the Asylum. It's a dumb as most of their movies, but the practical effects are better as is the CGI (not up to the standards of say, Star Wars or the Lord of the Rings, but still better). The Cajun accents are weak and those characters, a bunch of hillbillies are quite stereotyped, but that's neither here nor there. Most of them are present just to push the 'we have a feud for a hunnerd years' part of the story and, of course get killed by the Alligators that one family, by dumping their chemically tainted 'bad' moonshine in the bayou, have caused. Let's face it, there is no better Alligator movie than 1980's Alligator. But this is fun, especially when the gigantic mutant alligators show up. These are like alligator-stegasauruses. They have spikes in their tails WHICH THEY CAN FIRE. As one young female cop discovers just before a tail takes her head off (a decent enough effect). Almost everyone ends up killed and one, the main characters daddy becomes - I am NOT kidding here, a were-gator. I'm still trying to figure out how his little gold covered canine became a gigantic pointed gold covered alligator tooth, but that's how darling daughter, who he saves from another gator, recognizes him. This has all the usual stuff; characters doing stupid things, characters getting killed gruesomely and a gator slaughter at the end where the black sheriff, who escaped several close calls (he does a lot of running to his car and fleeing), finally gets swallowed. At least the grenade he drops kills his killer. Yes, this movie is really dumb. The only thing it was missing was some nudity. Perhaps they're saving that for the sequel. Worth at least one view for fans of dumb movies.
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Bad Moon (1996)
A rarity-a good werewolf movie!
24 January 2024
This is kind of a spiritual follow up to The Howling. The werewolf effects are very well done-and while I'm not anti-CGI (only the cheap 'The Asylum' kind) I can also appreciate practical effects having grown up with them. The werewolf doesn't look like a man in a costume, which is important and the gore, while minimal is really well done. It's clear that the people behind this cared (unlike again, The Asylum) about their product. While Michael Pare is limited in his acting skills, those work here. Also Thor the dog (hero in the novel) is great. They play fast and furious with the werewolf legend, but so did the overrated American Werewolf in London. An OK movie, but the werewolf looked more like a bear. This werewolf, like the howling, is a sleek, nasty beast. I recommend this!
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Agent Carter (2015–2016)
Should have been great, but it wasn't.
24 January 2024
First, one of the reviewers is obviously blind if they think Hayley Atwell is ugly. She's as far from ugly as dog poop is from chocolate ice cream. She can also do tough. The short she did should have been the template for what turned out to be a boring, poorly written show. Basically the writers, director, show runners etc wasted her in this thankless, terrible show. The few scenes that had some action showed the delightful British import could kick some butt. Unfortunately the scenes that bound such together were beyond boring. Truly. The only marvel shows worse than this were Inhumans, which was so bad it was unwatchable and Agents of Shield which I gave up on after two episodes of season 2. I feel bad for Hayley, wasted in this show.
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Sea Beast (2008 TV Movie)
Well, it wasn't done by the Asylum
19 January 2024
Which doesn't make it any better. Let's start with the original title; Troglodyte. Did the producers/screenplay writer, heck, did ANYONE realize that Troglodyte's live UNDER GROUND not UNDER the SEA? Probably not. (For a terrible version of a troglodyte, see the Joan Crawford z film, Trog. Which is as bad as this.) So we have a lame fishing village under siege by mostly invisible (poorly animated invisible creatures) who are kind of a rip on Lovecraft creations. When they do appear, they're happily not indestructible, have really long tongues and are quite hungry. While the creature effects are poor CGi, some of the practical effects, like a woman getting beheaded by one, are pretty good. Still the acting is subpar and the story, what there is of it, is pretty lame. Another loser.
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Weak and poorly done
14 January 2024
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While DC animation is usually miles ahead of Marvel's, this one is bad enough to be a Marvel animation. Did the writers even read the comic? Based on this, I'd have to say no. Not at all. Bad enough they took elements from the now dead CW DCverse. Most of it is taken up with a bad Flash story that goes nowhere and barely accomplishes a thing. I didn't even recognize Amazo from the tepid design they used. About the only thing they really got right were the Crime Syndicate and the massive amount of heroes in the monitors station. Why is Kara now Harbinger? That made no sense and they didn't even explain. They also ruined the Pariah character. Could it be that all the successes previously (with the exception of Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes, which was horrible) have gone to their heads?
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Bitch Ass (2022)
What did I learn from wasting 90 minutes of my life...
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, What did I learn by wasting ninety minutes of my life. That black filmmakers can make just as poor a low budget slasher film as white filmmakers! I mean white filmmakers have made way more than their black counterparts, but with cheap films on the rise, I'm sure they can catch up. This is really a terrible movie. It's simply a grandchild of every single bad, waste of time slasher movie going back to the 1970's. Take a little Chainsaw massacre or Friday the 13th (The mask), the hulking geek who walks silently (Halloween remake, Texas Chainsaw again), the lame games that couldn't frighten anyone (any of the Saw films and their horrible remakes) add in so-so to decent acting, but leave out any gore or decent SFX (far too many films to be names here) and you have BA. I wish I could sue to get the ninety minutes I wasted on this trash, back.. I almost left out the lighting is terrible-likely to hide the terrible sets, the music is putrid and the game of Battleship the killer forces another to play-ripped off from Bill & Ted, only not as good. Just a truly tepid, terrible movie. Has to be seen to be disbelieved.
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Not that bad, not that good, not an original idea in it.
22 December 2023
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While the Snyder cult will rally to defend this, I am not and have never been a fan. While he's done a few good movies; 300, Watchmen, the flawed Man of Steel, most of his movies are too slow, too filled with plot holes, unimaginative use of slow motion and one dimensional characters. The poster advertising it is certainly derivative of any star wars poster. Rebel Moon falls into much of this. There isn't one original idea is this obvious rip off of: Star Wars: A New Hope, Fury Road, The Seven Samurai AND The magnificent Seven among others. The small craft that invade the farm planet (shades of Battle Beyond the Stars!) look like the Firefly-Class Serenity. The dreadnought looks like a submarine. General Noble dresses like a Nazi and, as it turns out, is like a cheap version of Darth Vader. The Hero, Kora,is ok, but once again, the audiences is expected to believe that a slight woman can kick the crap out of men nearly twice her weight? Why not cast the woman who played Cara Dune in a role like this? Anyhow, She sets off with a farmer to find people to fight. We get the general in hiding, the burgeoning resistance, the rogue pilot and so on. Still, for all this, its vaguely entertaining, even if it doesn't, as I said, have an original idea in it. Akira Kurosawa must be rolling at how many times the Seven Samurai has been rip... er homaged. (And the most recent version was a terrible movie). So I'm giving this a five. It's a very average film. As usual Snyder uses way too much slow motion. Maybe he should watch more John Woo films-but I wouldn't want him ripping them off! So in the end, it's worth a view, but if I never watch it again, I'll be fine with that. Part 2 coming in 2024, and then we'll likely get a six hour (there seems to be quite a bit of character building missing here) cut of each movie, or perhaps one mega cut of 12 hours! (Yes, I'm poking fun at his overlong, over dull, silly extended cut of Justice League).
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The Creator (2023)
Poor pacing, major plotholes lead to a dull, forgettable movie.
21 December 2023
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First, I must again question the veracity of some reviews posted on IMDB. 10? Really? No self-respecting SF fan would ever give this derivative, dull story a 10. If I could, I'd give it a zero, but IMDB won't allow that...yet. Gareth Edwards, was Rogue One his lone great movie? Godzilla was just OK and this, well, its terrible. John David Washington has as little a screen presence here as he did in Tenet. Unlike some, I found some of the visuals in this fine. But when Washington is carrying Alphie around, it's clear that's a doll. The entire story is silly. Once again, a white director/writer damns white people for the evils of the world. Sorry to tell you this, but all the weeping and hand wringing in the world, the constant damning of one segment of society isn't going to undo the past, nor is this the way to heal. But onto the movie. So there's a war between the US (Europe is barely mentioned) who have this giant space platform called NOMAD, which strikes with impunity wherever they wish. They constantly tout they're not at war with the people of New Asia (which sounds suspiciously like Japan's WW2 idea of the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere), only with the AI, who didn't really nuke Los Angeles, that was a human error blamed on AI. OK, so if Japan is part of this silliness, am I expected to believe that, with their technology, Japan couldn't stop NOMAD? How does Washington's character come to love this little robot kid? And is Gemma Chan making a career out of playing robots/androids? The story itself is dull the American soldiers are like robots themselves, totally given in to fighting the AI menace, only one questioning anything, and that's five years later, and he's dying. So his white guilt makes him give up the info. Alphie is based on John and Gemma's unborn child, a total tear jerker idea. Really not too many original ideas in this. The robot cops and soldiers appear to be lifted from about 100 different Animes. NOMAD is sort of original looking, but also, from the size of it, looks to be too low in earth orbit to not get pulled down. The movie ends abruptly, like Edwards ran out of money, time or ideas. This is one I'll never watch again. Want to see good AI movies? Colossus the Forbin Project, Terminator 1 and 2, Upgrade are all better than this.
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Terrible title - great movie.
10 December 2023
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Another alien invasion movie. In this case the aliens have come to mate (not that original idea) with human females to propagate their species. And while the idea may not be that original, it's far better than say, Mars Needs Women. On their wedding night, a young brides groom is abducted by the invading aliens and replaced with one of themselves. Of course, many of the men in their home town have been replaced (which is why no one believes her!) Shades of Invasion of the Body Snatchers! What to do? WHAT TO DO? Well, if I tell you, whats the point of watching it? The makeup on the aliens is superb and keep a close eye on their hand weapons and think: Klingon Disruptor! A fine, fun movie.
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