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The New Paul Muni
6 July 2013
Daniel Day Lewis escapes into a character more deeply than any actor I can recall except for the great Paul Muni, the sadly mostly forgotten and at a time the biggest star at Warner Bros during the 30's.

Brilliant camera work and set decoration are apparent in this fine film but it is a Day Lewis Field Day as he mesmerizes the scenes.

I wonder if the last scene is a drunken rage and that it is not real. Does he really kill the Preacher? Why did he kill the impostor who said he was his Brother? Why Murder the man? Did he murder the Man or was this all in a an alcoholic blackout?

A visionary who was tough minded he lost his beloved Son at the end who also was tired of his Father's imperious moods.
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War Horse (2011)
Splendid Film
6 July 2013
War Horse is a riveting film.

Steven Spielberg directed this fine film starring a great cast of Actors headed by an amazing actress Emily Watson.

At first I wasn't sure what this film would be about and after seeing it I wonder if the title confused people.

War Hourse has very fine production values as is the practice of Mr. Spielberg and his Dremaworks studio.

The ensemble cast of fine English, French and German actors ensemble deserves kudos.

I recommend this film and I intend to see it over and over again.

One little criticism that there seemed to be no religious symbols such as crosses in the film as the cast seemed to be Christian if not Catholic.
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Paul Mantee Excels as Robinson Crusoe
1 June 2013
This is a splendid film starring Paul Mantee. Filmed at Paramount it has become a cult classic and deservedly so.

I enjoyed this film and its concept of an Astronaut landing in Mars. We must all remember that this film was shot as the Space Program was in its infancy.

Paul Mantee fills the bill as the lead in the film and one wonders why this film did not catapult Paul Mantee to stardom at Paramount where this exciting film was shot. Adam West soon to be known as batman co stars.

Highly recommend tins stellar science fiction film
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Kim Novak in WB Comedy
12 March 2013
Warner Bros made a great PR note that Kim Novak was to star in her first Warner Bros film The Great Bank Robbery. At first when I heard it I was dismayed because Kim Novak took second billing to Zero Mostel who true to his name the fine actor had 'Zero' box office, and also because I believe Kim replaced Melina Mecouri, not a good sign for a major star of the then magnitude of Kim Novak's stardom. Also Kim Novak had just starred in the flop The Legend of Lylah Clare at MGM and I thought Kim took the first big paycheck offered to her; I was wrong. Ms Novak is gorgeous and delightful in this zany comedy directed by Hy Averback and co starring WB rugged Clint Walker along with a cast of fine character actors. This film is a delightful surprise.
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Kim Novak's Kimco
11 March 2013
Kim Novak started out at Columbia with the great noir film Pushover and left 7 years later with The Notorious Landlady as the biggest box office female star in the world. In between there were Picnic, Pal Joey, Bell Book and Candle, Strangers When We Meet, among others and on loan out The Man With The Golden Arm and Vertigo.

Kim Novak formed Kimco and produced Boys Night Out at MGM with a then astounding salary of $500,000 plus 20% of the gross of the film. Savvy lady. Kim even designed her own clothes for the film.

Kim selected James Garner as her male co star and Tony Randall as the comic foil with an all star cast supporting Novak with Zza Zsa Gabor, Anne Jeffrey's etc. Fun film with lush MGM production values.
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The Great Vivien Leigh
6 February 2013
When Vivien Leigh died the New York Times gave her death front page news. Ironically, this magnificent actress and great beauty had a short career in films and a rather short life.

As we all know Ms. Leigh conquered Hollywood with her Scarlett O Hara beating out Jean Arthur, Paulette Goddard, Susan Hayward and just about every major female star for the role of the Century. Ms. Leigh won an Oscar for her performance and another one as her peerless Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire. Jack Warner thankfully bankrolled this film shot in Europe. One sees a magical artist at work. The shame of it all is that along with Ship of Fools were Ms. Leigh's last films. Warren Beatty does a nice job as the Gigolo and the film is recommended most of all for a supreme actress Vivien Leigh.
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John Ford's Last Western
5 February 2013
John Ford who was Irish to the core was also the greatest director of American Western movies.

Warner Bros gave John Ford a big budget and released this film in the Roadshow format such were the promises and expectations for this film.

Ford collected part of the John Ford stock company such as James Steart and Patrick Wayne ( son of John Wayne) along with beautiful Dolores Del Rio, and rugged Richard Widmark in a rousing western. Carroll Baker an excellent actress is the female star. As with all John Ford western's the cinematography is brilliant and kudos to John Ford and William Clothier for the sweeping shots of the West.

This is an exciting film beautifully filmed by a man called The Rembrandt of the Western
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Jean Artthur, Cary Grant and Ronald Colman in George Stevens Great Film
3 February 2013
George Stevens was a great director and this film is one of his best comedies. Filmed at Columbia and using its biggest star Jean Arthur, it is a delightful film. Cary Grant and Ronald Colman two of the finest actors of the Golden Age fill out the cast. One is amazed at the chemistry of the trio. Colman and Arthur to me had the most beautiful speaking voices of any actor and actress. Ever! Cary Grant is superb in this film and to me the perfect leading man. Years later Cary Grant would remake Ms Arthur's greatest hit The More The Merrier as Walk Don't Run and then retire.

Ms. Arthur's bio said she was born in 1908 but was really born in 1900 and thus 42 years old when this film was produced. Jean Arthur looked wonderful and stylish and oh that voice. Ms. Arthur at Columbia starred in many hits such as Mr Smith Goes To Washington, Only Angels Have Wings, The More The Merrier and Mr. Deeds Goes To Town. Amazing body of work yet Ms. Arthur felt harassed by Harry Cohn of Columbia and partially due to his treatment Ms. Arthur retreated to Carmel and a reclusive life. Ms. Arthur would reunite one more time with Stevens in the magnificent western Shane at Paramount.

In her great career Ms. Arthur was directed by Billy Wilder, Frank Capra, George Stevens, Howeard Hawks and co star with John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, James Stewart, Rita Hayworth Ronald Colman, Alan Ladd, Marlene Dietrich, Joel McCrea, among many other's. Great Star.
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Billy Wilder Liked Kim Novak
3 February 2013
Kiss Me Stupid was condemned, that is right, condemned when it was released ( now it gets a PG rating) and thus this fine film was released via a small subsidiary of United Artists called Lopert Pictures and forgotten on its initial release. Seen today Kiss Me Stupid is a daring and brilliant film.

One should read both 'Kim Novak On Camera' and also 'Conversations With Wilder' concerning this movie. Kim Novak at the time was a huge international box office star and had a rough time with Henry Hathaway on "Of Human Bondage". MGM had to decide who to side with and MGM went with Novak and Mr. Hathaway was either fired or quit from 'Of Human Bondage'. Wilder offered the female lead in 'Kiss Me Stupid' to Novak but read Kim Novak the riot act saying if anyone left this film due to temperament it would be Kim Novak not Billy Wilder. What resulted was a mutual love fest and Wilder declaring in Crowe's book that Novak along with Audrey Hepburn were his two favorite actresses. (Ginger Roger, Jean Arthur, Shirley MacLaine, Paula Prentiss etc take note!) In the coffee table book 'Kim Novak on Camera' Wilder noted Novak's ability saying Kim was "Gorgeous to the Camera and read her lines like music." One wishes Kim Novak and Mr. Wilder would have worked together again for example Wilder was unhappy with Marthe Keller on 'Fedora', a part perfect for Ms. Novak.

Kim Novak on Larry King Live said the picture would have worked better with Peter Sellars who left due to health, and the film had to re-shoot the Sellars footage. Wilder had to get a replacement quickly so after Danny Kaye, Bob Hope, turned the film down Wilder went with Ray Walston. Jack Lemmon a Wilder favorite was working elsewhere. Walston simply did not have the star charisma to work with real movie stars Dean Martin and Kim Novak.

This film is a good film that should have been a great film. Wilder did a good job and Novak gives a great performance.
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Dazzling Kim Novak
30 January 2013
Framk Sintara is splendid in this film, and duly was recognized for his fine acting. Eleanor Parker always professional stands out in this film as well. Can anyone ever recall a performance Ms. Parker was not superb? The real surprise here is the starring role of Ms. Kim Novak on loan from her studio Columbia up the street from RKO where this movie was filmed. Otto Preminger directs the Star so well here and Kim Novak one of the movie industry great beauties displays an accomplished acting style. If there is any Star whose work deems reappraisal it is Kim Novak! Preminger and Novak would go on to form a life long friendship of mutual respect. Too bad they never made another movie. One touted for them was The Hustler but that went to Paul Newman and Piper Laurie.
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Hellfighters (1968)
John Wayne Rules!
21 January 2013
John Wayne is tremendous in the action film released by Universal in the late 60's to worldwide box office. When one saw a John Wayne film one knew it was going to be great entertainment. Mr. Wayne collects the John Wayne stock company of players including Jim Hutton whom I first saw in those MGM comedies with Paula Prentiss. Prentiss in fact would have been wonderful in the Katharine Ross role.

Lovely Vera Miles co stars as John Wayne's love interest and from what I read Ms. Miles was promised this role by John Wayne due to her being left out of another Duke Wayne film such was Mr. Wayne's loyalty. Personally Vera Miles comes across as too young and I would have preferred a more mature actress such as dynamic redhead Susan Hayward as a repairing of the 3 Previous Hayward-Wayne films or Jennifer Jones who worked with Mr Wayne so early in her career under her real name Phylis Isley. Jennifer Jones hailed from Tulsa and would have brought some oil industry background to the film.

Kudos to Wayne ,and Hutton for a fine action film.
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Flight (I) (2012)
Amoral Drug Adict Alcoholic Pilot
19 January 2013
I am sorry to write this negative review for I usually only write positive review about films and stars.

Saw this film and was tempted to walk out. The film depicts a self absorbed alcoholic pilot who is a cocaine user, and what upset me greatly is that many in the audience seemed to like him as a character. Some of the performances are done well especially the young co pilot and the stewardesses on the flight crew but for one minute did I believe Denzel Washington was a Pilot. Any one consuming that much vodka on an hour flight would be flat on his back passed out.

Am not an expert but when the Co Pilot saw that the Pilot ( Washington) was unfit for flying the co pilot had a responsibility to take over controls. Mr.Washington's nomination for a Best Actor to me is undeserved. John Goodman was "comic" as the drug dealer.

Why did thee Director make the Co Pilot who suffered many life enduring injuries and his wife as cartoon characters because they both found solace in Faith? The plane clips a steeple of a church as it lands in the this the Director's opinion of Religion?

I do not recommend this film especially with those with young families due to the blatant drug use, nudity, foul language
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In Harm's Way (1965)
John Wayne in Rousing All Star War Film
18 January 2013
It is difficult to imagine two more different Men then John Wayne, the ultimate male American movie star and Otto Preminger who loved to stir the pot of controversy with his films tackling subjects such as drug addiction in The Man With A Golden Arm ( with a splendid Kim Novak), or the Catholic Church in The Cardinal starring Tom Tryon, or Politics in Advise and Consent. Preminger was known as a screamer who yelled at people a lot but never his A List movie stars all of whom liked working with him. In particular Kim Novak, Paul Newman, Frank Sinatra, and Duke Wayne, Kirk Douglas. (Preminger must have had a soft spot because he regularly cast Burgess Meredith and others such as Dana Andrews who was at one time a big star but who suffered from bouts of alcoholism and returned the beautiful Gene Tierney to the screen after her bouts with depression in Advise and Conset)

First billed John Wayne and Director Otto Preminger together these two Men created a rousing WW2 Film.

Preminger cast John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Paula Prentiss, Patricia Neal, and a supporting cast of Preminger contractees such as Tom Tryon, and Jill Haworth and Brandon DeWilde. The scenes between Duke Wayne and Ms Neal are affecting. The entire cast does superior work.

I recommend this film
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The Courier (2012)
Tom Sicola
17 January 2013
Excellent film starring Mickey Rourke who gives a fine performance. and a cast of fine supporting actors.

In the old studio days they would be called character actors and they would be part of a Studio stock company, for example John Ford has the same people like Jane Darwell, and Aldo Ray cast in his films, and Otto Preminger also had some of the same actors Such as Carol Lynley, and Keir Dullea and Jill Haworth,, and John Wayne cast many of the same people such as Glenn Corbett and Maureen O Hara, and Aldo Ray. The audiences never seemed to be bored and in fact looked forward to seeing these fine actors. In this film look out for a fine actor Tom Sicola who has a brawny presence in this film and others such as the Wrestler.
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Susan Hayward Magnificent
15 January 2013
Susan Hayward was a contract star at 20th loaned out to MGM for this starring role.

Ms. Hayward like all great stars had acting "tricks" but drops most of them for this performance. Some of the scenes are so great that they rank among the best of the era. Jo Van Fleet, Eddie Albert, Ray Danton and Richard Conte give great support to the Star.

Director Daniel Mann who guided Shirley Booth to an Oscar for Come Back Little Sheba, Anna Magnani to an Oscar for The Rose Tattoo and Elizabeth Taylor for an Oscar turn in Butterfield 8 ( and guide another glamor girl Lana Turner in a comedy Who's Got The Action) directed Ms. Hayward who gives an acclaimed performance in the real life story. This performance garnered Ms. Hayward the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress, and an Oscar nomination (where Hayward lost to Magnani's Tattoo). Years later Hayward would declare this performance her favorite over her Oscar winning I Want To Live. To me Susan Hayward should have won the Oscar 3 times: For Smash Uup, I'll Cry Tomorrow and I Want To Live. Hayward would declare Daniel Mann her favorite Director.( THey would reunite for the political drama Ada.) I'll Cry Tomorrow is a great film with a brilliant performance by a great star, Ms. Susan Hayward
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Splendid Bond Film Starring Daniel Craig
14 January 2013
Quantum of Solace is the darkest of the James Bond films and surely of the 3 starring Daniel Craig the most serious. I enjoyed the film principally due to the charismatic performance of Daniel Craig, now my favorite male film star who plays James Bond I feel as Ian Flemming wrote the character, that is tough, and at the same time impossibly elegant and charming. A Man's Man.

The filming of South American locales enjoyable Judi Dench as M is once again brilliant and I cannot think of any other actress who could do what Ms. Dench does with the role of M.

Some do not like this film, I do. and I do most of all for the star presence of Mr. Craig
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Casino Royale (2006)
Daniel Craig is Superb
14 January 2013
Casino Royale was a Ian Flemming film produced as a spoof in the 1960's with the elegant David Niven as Star.

The new Casino Royale starring Daniel Craig is the film Ian Flemming wanted the film to be: Tough, Smashing Entertainment starring an Actor born to be James Bond, Mr. Daniel Craig.

Daniel Criag is wonderful as James Bond, and no words can fully describe the elegance, toughness, and directness that Craig brings to the screen as James Bond, the best bond Ever.

Judi Dench is priceless as "M".

Highly recommend this film as enjoyable entertainment. Bravo
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Splendid Film
14 January 2013
Kathryn Bigelow is a brilliant director whose first work I enjoyed was Keanu Reeves film Point Break.

Zero Dark Thirty is a great movie and involves the Audience at many levels.

Jessica Chastain-- whom I had never seen in a film-- reminds me of a young Susan Hayward viz sexy, alluring, feminine, tough and a brilliant actress. Jessica Chastain's nomination for an Oscar is well deserved. With proper career guidance Chastain could be a leading Lady star for years.

As an Army Veteran myself I am very sensitive to the way the Armed Forces are portrayed in films and I applaud Ms. Bigelow for her direction of this film and the respect shown our valiant troops.
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Lincoln (2012)
Daniel Day Lewis Towering Performance
14 January 2013
Daniel Day Lewis becomes Abraham Lincoln in this splendid film directed by Steven Spielberg. A sure Oscar winner!

I liked Tommy Lee Jones in this film but feel Sally Field was too old and perhaps too arch as Mary Todd Lincoln. The role of Mary Todd Lincoln has intrigued actresses over the years and one of the roles that Bette Davis tried to get Jack Warner to film while Bette was the Star of the Warner Bros. Lot. Ms. Field is 66 but looks ages younger but the fact is that Mary Todd Lincoln was 15 years younger than Lincoln himself. I have read that Spielberg and Day-Lewis were concerned over this fact but Field's persistence paid off and was cast. Who else could have done Mary Todd Lincoln?

This film has splendid art direction and is a credit to the studios that filmed this epic: 20th Century Fox, Dreamworks and Disney. Years ago one studio would be listed as producer but in today's fragmented Hollywood co productions are the norm.

PS One day I would like to see Daniel Day Lewis and Meryl Streep in a movie, what an acting duel that would be
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Skyfall (2012)
Daniel Craig is a Star!
12 January 2013
Daniel Craig is the best James Bond ever and is superb in this movie made by MGM and Columbia.

Superb support by Ralph Fiennes and the peerless Judi Dench, but it is Daniel Craig's movie all the way. A real movie star. Tough, Elegant, and a certified Leading Man. Javier Barden is wickedly fun in a role very much a departure. I enjoyed this movie and it is one I could see over and over again.

Run don't walk to see Daniel Craig as James Bond in Skyfall. I am dismayed this fine film which has already racked up gross of over $1 Billion and likely to end up in the top 5 of all time when the final grosses are counted did not receive Oscar noms for Craig, Dench and Barden.
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Desilu/Lucille Ball/Jack Palance
29 June 2012
Desilu produced The Greatest Show on Earth shown on ABC and starring Jack Palance. This show was produced in color, ( most shows of that era were still done in black and white), In order to jump the ratings, Lucille Ball even guest starred in the series in a rare dramatic performance. However the show was not renewed for a 2nd year much to Ms. Ball's dismay. Lucille Ball even promised the sponsor of the show, Kaiser, that she would take her own successful Lucy Show off the air on CBS so she could devote all of her time to The Greatest Show On Earth. Lucille Ball, CEO of Desilu, was quoted as saying "Jack Palance will never work here again and you may quote me"
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The Iron Lady (2011)
Meryl Streep Queen of the Movies
13 April 2012
Meryl Streep Queen of the Movies gives a brilliant and Oscar deserving performance as Margaret Thatcher. The movie works because of Streep's brilliant performance and brings Maggie Thatcher to life. Thatcher's contribution to modern day England is of course known, how Thatcher took a moribund country and shook it up.. Thatcher's decision to sink the Belgrano is not one I politically support but one cannot be amazed on how Thatcher made that decision. The movie also captures Thatcher's ability to both charm and disarm Men of power. That Thatcher liked the company of Men, active decision making Men is apparent.

Meryl Streep is Queen of the Movies with a great career where Streep has played all sorts of women. Dazzling in her ability, Meryl Streep has never played a part that she can be ashamed of. Trulythe Queen of the Movies and a box office champ in her mid 60's. Streep ranks with Greta Garbo, Katharine Hepburn, and Barbara Stanwyck as one of the greatest actresses in movie history.

Is there nothing Meryl Streep can do. While others have been termed Movie Queens, Streep is not only a Movie Queen but Queen of the Movies!
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J. Edgar (2011)
Eastwood Hits the Bullseye!
28 November 2011
Clint Eastwood so masterful a director creates an fine film in "J. Edgar". Leonardo Di Caprio takes the seemingly impossible task of portraying J. Edgar Hoover and scores a direct hit. Splendid performance. Noami Watts and Judi Dench are also fine indeed and so is Dermot Mulrooney in a cameo. The art direction re creating the tone and tenor of the times is splendid as always in an Eastwood production. Two performances stand out: Arnie Hammer as Clyde Tolson is superb as Clyde Tolson, the great love of Hoover's life, and Josh Lucas who plays Colonel Charles Lindbergh to a fare the well both actors deserve supporting nominations. (Lindbergh was said to be in real life totally unemotional and in fact scolded his wife for crying after their baby was horribly kidnapped.) The musical underscoring is intriguing and yet does not get in the way of the film, another Eastwood trademark. Unless someone is dense one gets the true love story of Hoover and Tolson.

Kudos to Malpaso and Eastwood for another great film.
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Ada (1961)
Susan Hayward
22 November 2011
Susan Hayward right after her triumph in I Want To Live had a string of hit movies: Woman Obsessed, Marriage Go Round, Back Street and this film Ada. Ada was filmed at MGM with Hayward's favorite Director Daniel Mann at the helm and was produced by Hayward's Chalmar Production Company. The Hayward-Mann connection was responsible for Susan Hayward's favorite film I'll Cry Tomorrow also at MGM which won the Star the Cannes Film Festival Award and an Oscar nomination. This film lavishly produced by MGM centers around Ms. Hayward playing a tramp who marries the Governor of a Southern State played by Dean Martin, and eventually becomes Governor due to an assignation attempt on the Governor played by Dean Martin. Susan Hayward's skill as an actress and Dean Martin's fine leading Man work mesh well together.

Supporting players include Martin Balsam and Ralph Meeker both ably acquit themselves. I liked the scene where Meeker tries to blackmail La Hayward as the Governor's wife. Susan Hayward-ever in control simply slaps Meeker and moves on. ( In my opinion Meeker should have been a major star) Wlfrid Hyde White plays a very wily Southern politician.

For the record as is part of Susan Hayward legend, Of all Ms Hayward's classic films such as I Want To Live, Smash Up, My Foolish Heart, etc, Ada is the film Susan Hayward requested to see just before Ms Hayward died of brain cancer.

Also note that there are many scenes with bouquets of yellow Roses. said to be Ms Hayward's favorite flower, Susan Hayward carries a big bouquet of yellow roses to Mr. Hyde-White.

Ada is a Susan Hayward movie, if you like Ms. Hayward -and I do!- you will like this film.

The conclusion of the film is intelligent where Susan Hayward and Martin reconcile and walk out of the State Capitol as equals.
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A Great Movie
17 November 2011
MGM at the time was the premier studio in Hollywood and partnering with Cinerama made this giant Western recounting the development of the American West.

John Wayne, James Stewart, Gregory Peck, Richard Widmark, Debbie Reynolds head an all star cast that also included Agnes Moorehead, Carroll Baker, and Henry Fonda.

George Peppard then an MGM star was assigned a star role and frankly carries the picture with the aforementioned stars doing cameos. Directors such as George Marshall, and John Ford directed the movie and also Henry Hathaway with trilling scenes such as the Buffalo Stampede lost on the little screen but were dazzling via Cinerama.

Great MGM production values as was the wont of that once great studio.

I highly recommend this thrilling western often seen on TCM and other movie channels.

How The West Was Won is a thumping paen to the greatness of America narrated by Spencer Tracy.
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