
16 Reviews
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Rage (1966)
Sadly Underrated
12 September 2003
Mr. Ford never got the recognition he deserved for the consistent quality of his acting. 'Rage' also seems to have been forgotten in the shuffle, but is actually a very enjoyable film. The story is simple: a lush doctor is bitten by a rabid dog and has only a limited time to find the antidote before the diseases manifests itself. Doesn't sound like much of a story, but with a little help from Stella Stevens, who puts in a good performance as 'fallen woman', the plot moves along nicely. Some local flavor of the Mexican countryside is thrown in and all in all, a very enjoyable flic.
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The Rapture (1991)
Underrated classic!
11 September 2003
This film steps where few dare - religion. Despite it's controversial subject matter, The Rapture excels in all respects. Mimi Rogers gives a memorable performance as a bored directory assistance operator looking for something in her life. She finds it, she thinks, in regligion. The concept was fine, until taken too far. The film spirals downward to a dark finish which leaves us saddened at Mimi's fate. Wasn't God the answer? It seems, not always.
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Basket Case (1982)
One of the worst!
11 September 2003
I'm not squeamish or prudish, but I found this movie revolting on all levels. The subject matter was quite disturbing and I couldn't get through the whole thing. Can't really explain why, as I'm normally not phased by movies, but this one always leaves bad memories.
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Entertaining Bible fare...
11 September 2003
Having always been a sap for those hokey Bible epics, it's no surprise I found 'Sodom' quite entertaining. Loosely based on the Scriptures, the last days of the doomed cities are presented by a host of mediocre actors, pretty good special effects and a fine music score by Miklos Rozsa. (This would be the last Bible flic he would score). The subject matter might be considered racy for its time with hints of homosexuality, rather graphic torture and incest. Stewart Granger is a bit out of place in this one, but there's enough going on that you don't really notice. The buildup to the city's destruction and the final cataclysm are pretty well done and all in all, not a bad flic if you don't take it too seriously.
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Rodan (1956)
Monster fun
11 September 2003
OK, I know it's only a guy in a rubber suit, but I'm a sucker for those 1950's monster flic. Rodan rates as one of the favorites. Hindered by dated special effects, (you can tell the monsters are people in uniforms; the buildings are obviously miniature, cheaply built sets; the acting is, of course, awful) but it's still a fun watch. Good campy fun when you keep it in perspective. At the end, a tear even comes to the eye as the 2 Rodans share their fate together. It will always be part of my library. Try to get the original Japanese version if you can. Though expensive and not subtitled into English, it gives a story a whole different look.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Not Like Anything Else...
10 September 2003
Donnie Darko is one of those films where you don't really know what to expect, but after the first viewing, you are hooked. Very original, well acted and photographed. A look at life from within a troubled teen; you are transported between real and unreal; fact and fantasy. An outstanding achievement on all levels. A sadly underrated film in my opinion. I recently saw it and am ready for another viewing already. Check it out - you'll probably buy it as a keeper.
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Cheap but fun
10 September 2003
No attempt is made here to glamorize the film but it works very well, much like 'Night of the Living Dead'. Unrated actors, acting out inplausible plots via unsophisticated cinematagraphy. Yet 'Carnival' holds your interest to the end. There are visible flaws throughout, but somehow, you don't mind. Hard to explain but I've acquired the DVD for my library and love every viewing.
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Python (2000 TV Movie)
Pretty bad...
9 September 2003
Too bad this was such a bad film. Could have been good with a little effort. I've just never seen such an acrobatic python! I never thought such a hulking reptile could perform such maneuvers! Well, if not for that, could have been more believable.
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Scarface (1983)
Pacino's Best
9 September 2003
Though violent, vulgar and a bit over the top, 'Scarface' shows us Al Pacino's best peformance. The story centers around a Cuban immigrant who comes from nothing to rise to the top of the drug world. The road to top is paved with treachery and corpses. Definitely not for the kiddies or the squeamish, Scarface gives us a dark, if not exaggerated look into the cocaine world. The ever stylish Michelle Pfeiffer teams up with Pacino as his lady, but who finally sees the writing on the wall. Good for her. If you don't mind some heavy duty language and bloodletting, Scarface is a real find.
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The Damned (1969)
A Twisted Masterpiece...
9 September 2003
Visconti outdid himself on this one! In 'The Damned' we take a long look into the dark world of a perverted German family during Hitler's rise to power. Little bit of everything in this one; treachery, murder, incest, molestation... nothing pretty here, but a fantastic story. Well told and nicely photographed, The Damned is not for the squeamish, but very much worth a look.
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In Cold Blood (1967)
The Perfect Film...?
9 September 2003
I've seen a great many films, but 'In Cold Blood' stands alone in a class by itself. It excels in every department. The fact that it contained few big stars helps push it over the top as you pay closer attention to the characters and their story, rather than the name on the marquee. Blake and Wilson turn in stellar performances of the killer duo. The fact that much of the films is filmed in the actual locations where the crime took place, even inside the very house, add additional chills. The black/white photography darkens the mood and the photography is magnificent. There are many outstanding cinematic works out there, but if I could only vote for one to top the list, it would most probably be "In Cold Blood".
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The Haunting (1963)
A Horror Classic
9 September 2003
Don't waste your time on the remake. The 1963 black/white edition is the star edition. Classic haunted house tale that doesn't have to be gory or vulgar to be good. Excellent acting from all, creative photography make this a good film to curl up with on a rainy night. Julie Harris has always been an underrated actress and she really shows her stuff in 'The Haunting'. Claire Bloom makes a perfect 'Theodora'. A fine work all around.
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Ben-Hur (1959)
A Cinematic Beauty
9 September 2003
There's a reason Ben-Hur captured more academy awards than any other film (until Titanic). A close to perfect production which exceeds expectations for a film of religious nature. The only way to watch Ben-Hur is via the widescreen DVD - presented in 2:7.1 scope - most probably the widest movie filmed. The only reason I didn't give it a '10' is because of Charlton Heston. A much overrated actor who overacts at every opportunity and becomes quite tiresome. Fortunately, there was so much more in Ben-Hur, that his overacting goes unnoticed. The chariot race is still THE most exciting sequence I've ever seen in a film. Get over the religious issue and give Ben-Hur its due.
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Pure Fun!
9 September 2003
7th Voyage is one of Ray Harryhausen's best efforts and exhibits some of the finest moments in special effects. What about that crazy Cyclops! Fast moving action, with lots of monsters, villains, etc., this is a keeper for those hooked onto fantasy films.
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Pumpkinhead (1988)
Scary Stuff
8 September 2003
Not bad at all! Pumpkinhead shows that revenge is not always sweet. A grieving father avenges the accidental death of his son by asking an old witch to conjure the demon Pumpkinhead to kill those responsible for his grief. It doesn't take long for him to regret his wish. Good effects and pretty decent acting, especially from the witch. Fine watching for a dark, rainy night.
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Titanic (1953)
The BEST 'Titanic' Movie..
8 September 2003
The 1997 version was very pretty and had some pretty stunning effects, but this 1953 version had, by far, the best storyline, far better actors and was more engrossing all around. Barbara Stanwyck and Clifton Webb made a fine team and their story added so much to the tragic environment. The excellent acting made up for the dated special effects, though the long shots of the ship going down are quite good, even by today's standards.
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