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Old age
31 October 2023
More unbelivable old men being super heros, get real.. To QUOTE The trouble is though that the prémisses and the characters are not particularly believable. Remy Girard playing seasoned detective Bernard Dupin was seventy when the series was filmed and admits to being that age as part of a plot in Season Two. It's inconceivable that he'd be on field work as he's grossly overweight and can barely walk. And he's way past the age for retirement. Even worse, he subdues fit young thugs and hitmen without any trouble at all. In real life these guys would have pulverised him.

As for Eve Garance, the sketch artist, it just isn't credible that she gets witnesses to remember small details such as a mole or an earring, or even eye colour, in the contest of a rapid set of events or just a glimpse of the perp.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Potty mouth
23 January 2023
I actually liked the first episode until they brought in the 12 year old tough girl, so un realistic, I get tired of the kid tough guys as it is not possable, give it a rest and besides that she talks like she has a mouth full of marbles and is not very eye appealing.


I actually liked the first episode until they brought in the 12 year old tough girl, so un realistic, I get tired of the kid tough guys as it is not possable, give it a rest and besides that she talks like she has a mouth full of marbles and is not very eye appealing.

I actually liked the first episode until they brought in the 12 year old tough girl, so un realistic, I get tired of the kid tough guys as it is not possable, give it a rest and besides that she talks like she has a mouth full of marbles and is not very eye appealing.
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Serenity (2005)
One of my favs
19 September 2022
Never had the issue of being lost in this movie for not seeing the TV season.

This is one of my favorite movies, I have seen it about 10 times and each time I enjoy it.

Quirky in places just enough to change the pace and break the monologue so you feel relaxed.

Watched the TV season later and was disappointed it ended, and was glad they made the movie to finish it off.

Never had the issue of being lost in this movie for not seeing the TV season.

This is one of my favorite movies, I have seen it about 10 times and each time I enjoy it.

Quirky in places just enough to change the pace and break the monologue so you feel relaxed.

Watched the TV season later and was disappointed it ended, and was glad they made the movie to finish it off.
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Another pumped up 10
19 April 2022
Another pumped up 10 that is really a 2.

It is a dead giveaway when there are so many 10's you just know it is really a bad movie.

In most cases these days I won't even watch these inflated up voted - by participants in the making of the movie.

There is not a movie in the world that rates a 10.
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Outer Range (2022–2024)
16 April 2022
This may have been a good show if only you could see anything that was happening.

Must have been made for the blind people or seeing impaired.

I hate dark movies so I had to give up listening to it, so I turned it off... LOL.
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All the 10's
20 March 2022
All the 10's, should have known it was crap right off the bat.

But on a good note I didn't finish it, maybe this will spare someone else the agony.

Anything with multiple 10's is usually a dead give away.
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What a pile of manure
23 December 2021
They managed to completely ruin this series also.

What a pile of crap, I could not finish the movie, since when is this meant to be comedic?

Man Hollywood would produce anything these days.

I want my time back.
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Planet Dune (2021)
Can I say OMG
29 October 2021
OMG But They say I have to say more, but, but, but.

Just awful. Time I will never get back, I fast forwarded many times to get through.

Why did they even make this movie? Terrible acting throughout.

Watch at your own peril.
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Compared to the original this series sucks.
8 October 2021
Compared to the original this series sucks, and that about sums it up.

Could not make it thru the first episode, all the high ratings must be phony.
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Ancient Aliens: The Mystery of Mount Shasta (2021)
Season 17, Episode 4
Never released
23 June 2021
This episode as well as episodes 12,13,14 have never aired as of June 23 2021.
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Greed and power
28 March 2021
Greed and power is world wide, and we let it flourish every single day.

The rich and powerful play us like a bassoon.
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Loaded Monday (2021)
Yep 3 10's and a 1, I can just imagine.
6 February 2021
There is no movie that earns a 10, guaranteed team members posted these phony 10 ratings. I will go with the 1 it is likely accurate.
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If you love Trump haters
16 February 2020
If you love Trump haters, this is a must see. I would rate it a -10 if I could,libtards will swallow this crap up like there is no tomorrow. Sickening if you ask me. Get out of your mothers basement people.
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The Report (I) (2019)
More liberalism
29 November 2019
Yep leave it to the brain dead to screw even this up, these people must live under a rock. The CIA has been corrupt since conception, go burn some more books that way you can have history exactly to you liking.
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This is one of my most favourite movies of all times
19 May 2017
"I have read the short story by Norman Maclean, and the movie did justice to Norman Maclean's writing. My husband tends to reread it occasionally, and I myself have read it over and scenes of the movie keeps coming to mind. We have videos of many of Redford 's movies and we have watched "A River runs through it" many times. Redford is part of the "famdamily" as he is always around. We never get tired of Redford's perception of Norman Maclean writings, and the beauty of Montana."

This is one of my most favourite movies of all times, nice story.
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pile of steaming crap
15 May 2017
The movie is bad. My now grown kids went with the wife and I. Kids wife and I loved the cartoon version some 25 plus years back. This movie don't compare in any way. Kids are also life long Harry Potter fans and thought they loved Emma Watson they went truly wishing to love this movie they left feeling there money was stolen and swearing off Disney. I felt I was stuck on a 2 hour lecture about the greatness of being a liberal and found the movie sickening. Hey to each there own but I wish never wasted a penny on this movie and I am a life long cartoon and kid movie fan.

QUOTE Yours: What THE f00k. what a pile of steaming crap.
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Honest rate from a follower
4 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know where to begin with this disaster of a finale. What were they thinking to come up with this as a completion to an otherwise decent cult classic. Man I waited almost 20 years for this load of crap. And we are to believe poor old Reggie just had a case of dementia? This movie never even started with Reggie as a person of interest really in the beginning, now we are to swallow this BS that it was his dementia that caused the whole thing to happen... Hogwash. I sure wish they had of done this nicely, after all they had almost 20 years to get it right. So I leave it to you the viewer to make your own rating. After all this is just my personal opinion. Cheers.
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Traded (2016)
The rating here is the only reason I decided to watch the movie.
25 July 2016
First off, how this western ever got as high a rating on IMDb I will never know. The rating here is the only reason I decided to watch the movie. Boy was that a mistake, this movies has to be one of the worst westerns I have ever seen, just plain awful. Obviously the high ratings came from people associated with the movie. Don't waste your time on this one, I could not even finish watching it, it's that bad.The acting was simply terrible.The story and plot was full of gaps and the filler content added to lengthen the movie did nothing to add any value to an already bad film.Take my advice, save your money and your time as you will never get either back.This is not even worth a watch on a day when you have absolutely nothing to do...
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Way over rated at 7.6
27 October 2015
What ever made this director take a comedic tone on this movie was beyond me. There is funny and there is funny but this misses the mark totally. What could and should have been a good movie was completely ruined in this production. It felt like the actors actress' wished they were anywhere else in the world other than in this movie, hollow and wooden acting. What a shame.It sure would be nice if they actually did a action crime thriller of this movie.Who votes and rates these movies here is beyond me, as there is not a chance in the world that this movie rates anywhere near a 7.6 on IMDb. Well enough said, as always everyone has to decide for themselves.
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26 March 2011
This was perhaps the worst movie i have ever seen,no plot,bad acting,bad everything. Do not know why Danny Glover ever stooped so low as to do this. Must have been to help new up and coming actors is all i can think. The only thing 1/2 decent about this movie were some of the graphics. The ship rolling over the tundra was just to bizarre. Who would put up money for a movie like this? I can view a lot of crap,but this one had me pulling my hair out after the first 5 minutes.I had to force myself to finish it,hoping it might eventually get better,but it never did,if anything it got even worse and i did not think that,that could be possible.
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