
6 Reviews
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Joseph Kearns
30 December 2019
Joseph Kearns plays George Bailey in this episode and references having a wife named Martha. Joseph would go on to have more fame playing another George (Wilson) with a wife named Martha on Dennis the Menace a couple of years later!
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Stacked (2005–2006)
27 September 2019
Really underrated show, I didn't give it a chance back in the day and randomly turned on an episode streaming a few days ago. Not ground breaking or elite, but worthwhile and enjoyable. Just as good as many series that got 5-6 seasons, even if a bit formulaic. Has a lot of really great comedians and talents guest star. When folks from other indie hits (like Arested Development, Episodes, Waiting, and many others) are involved, it's probably pretty good. Writing is exceptional, acting is acceptable.
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The first 80s movie new to me now that I wish I had seen earlier!
16 July 2019
Came across this on Hulu and saw Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines in the graphic and set it aside to watch. I liked a lot of Crystal's stuff, from Soap to SNL to his many, many movies. I was aware of Gregory Hines and saw him in a handful of things as a kid, but always thought of him as a tap dancer that could act. I was a little surprised to see him top billed over Crystal in this film, but after watching it, it was well deserved. Both carried a fairly cookie-cutter script (C level to me) and turned it into an A- movie in my book (my amateur scale has an A- as the highest good actors can carry a bad script so theres room for ratings with good actors with good scripts a little above). Overall, an enjoyable film and better than a lot better known buddy cop movies of the era!
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Nurses (1991–1994)
Pretty decent show
5 October 2016
Granted, I was about 10 when the show debuted, but I really have fond memories of it. Don't get me wrong, this was not in my top ten of the late 80s/early 90s or anything, but I remember enjoying it and it would be on the semi-shortlist of shows not available on DVD or streaming media (which covers most of the major or semi-major hits of the era) that I'd like to have a second go of watching. If you liked Golden Girls and Empty Nest (or even Golden Palace) you'd probably enjoy this show. Not necessarily a classic or entirely overlooked gem, but a better than average sitcom of the era. And, having recently caught David Rasche on reruns of Sledge Hammer! I had some nostalgia remembering when he was brought on this show. I was too young to remember Sledge Hammer! when it was originally run, but looking back, I assume he was brought on to give this show a shot in the arm in the second season that probably earned it a third before its eventual cancellation.
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"Don't believe everything you see on the History Channel." Abraham Lincoln
3 December 2014
The intro with the Abraham Lincoln quote really sets the tone for the validity of the entire show. I won't go too deep into the rest of the show to avoid spoilers, but this is hucksterism at its best! Here's the actual quote from Abraham Lincoln in context where he is actually talking about how cool it was that mammoths and mastodons used to roam the area following a trip past Niagara Falls: "But still there is more. It calls up the indefinite past. When Columbus first sought this continent; when Christ suffered on the cross; when Moses led Israel through the Red-Sea; nay, even, when Adam first came from the hand of his Maker; then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now. Contemporary with the whole race of men, and older than the first man, Niagara is strong, and fresh today as ten thousand years ago. The Mammoth and Mastadon - now so long dead, that fragments of their monstrous bones, alone testify, that they ever lived, have gazed on Niagara. In that long, long time, never still for a single moment. Never dried, never froze, never slept, never rested,"
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Watch people dig up and around a sinkhole!
18 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The sinkhole people have been exploring for generations and, sometimes, losing their lives over is literally called "The Money Pit." The term has been around forever, but many may remember the Tom Hanks movie of the same name ( that featured him pouring money into a worthless cause. These people are happily throwing their money into a real life "Money Pit" now.

I could understand people getting caught up in this story before the information age, but now it literally takes about 10 minutes to find out that the earliest accounts did not state that there were evenly spaced "platforms" every ten feet, they only mentioned looser dirt than the surrounding area like someone had previously dug it (or it was a filled in sink hole), that logs were found in the hole (no platform, no mention of spacing, just logs in the hole, like if tidal forces were filling in a sinkhole with driftwood for example), and a branch that looked like it could have been used for a block and tackle (not that they ever found a block and tackle).

How about the "booby traps"? The big evidence is apparently that water "pours in" from the booby traps, or, you know, natural underground water sources run through that area which is, after all, an island with marshland (which could also explain a sink hole there, there are many sinkholes in that region).

They seem to be trying to recoup some of their losses by selling a second season by "finding" a cheap old Spanish coin you can find on ebay for $5. So they coin has been there for hundreds of years and just happens to be about forearm deep at the top level of decaying vegetation and mud? Even conspiracy theorists don't believe that! Beyond that, the Templar references, Ark, Shakespeare map, Norse Crosses, ancient aliens, or whatever other crackpot theories are out there make this show delve from interesting to outright ridiculous.

From an entertainment perspective, this show drags and drags. You could take these five long episodes and condense them into an hour or maybe even a half hour of compelling storyline. The show is complete with hours of: 1) poorly staged plot lines by people without any acting training, 2) a ton of repeated scenes, flashback, and flash-forwards that are shown over and over, 3) mindless narration with the standard "could be" or "many believe" questions, 4) hours of lead up for minor or no discoveries or action, and 5) crackpot conspiracy theories galore!
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