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Time at the Top (1999 TV Movie)
One of my favorite
3 April 2024
I watched this one as a kid and then for years I have been looking for it. I love this film. It is one of those kid's movies that don't have anything negative happening, yet keep you interested till the end. I love the chose of actresses, the acting is cute, the concept is brilliant. I just love it. Now I am 30 y.o and I still enjoy watching it, I just feel this calmness and happiness while I watch it, like I can imagine how easy and without troubles life was back then when I was a kid. Nostalgic movie to me, I strongly recommend. Too bad is not more popular, because it deserves it! I love it!!!
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Lame version of The girl next door
1 April 2024
First off, the acting was really, really bad. The whole film was not believable. Rip off of the film "the girl next door" who is a lot more brutal, more realistic in it's cruelty, but also provoke a lot more feelings. This one on the other hand was so poorly made. Not to mention that if someone is torturing you, you will be vocal about it, you won't just say "sorry". So the main character could run away, or could call her parents, or could deny the acusations, instead she was acting as if she was guilty.. her sister was also participant in this whole murder if you ask me. So a big dislike for this movie.
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The worst movie based on a book
8 November 2023
When I read the book, it was sad, touching, interesting (after the first 100 pages), So I was so excited for them to recreate it in a film. Oh, what a fail is that huh? This is maybe the worst movie based on book. Finch has nothing to do with the Finch from the book, and even if I completely ignore the race and the looks, the actor is really not good at acting at all.. In this pseudo film they missed out so many important moment from the books, the scenes they showed were changed. Finch was made to look like a a bozo, who cares for nothing. The film felt more like a parody, rather than actually touching. It was horrible! HORRIBLE! If you want an actually good story, read the book and skip the film, ain't worth the watch at all! I give it 2 stars only cos the choice for actress was good, even though she didn't act good as well lol.
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Paradise (1982)
One of my favorite films
8 October 2023
There is something truly addicting in movies that have some tropical secluded place as an element in them.. The movie overall is a bit predictable, but it still shows the utopian ideal world where two lovers find each other young, they are pretty, madly in love and they consume this love all the ways. To live in a beautiful place in the middle of nowhere with the love of your life sounds like a paradise indeed. The movie is kinda old so I can't find it with a good quality which is a shame, cos it's a good one. If you are a fan of the Blue lagoon, chances are you will like this one too. If anyone has any suggestions for other films like that, pls lemme know.
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Really stupid last film, Tessa is missing for most of it
15 September 2023
So, basically for 1h,25 min out of 1h30 min, they are showing only what Hardin is doing, the struggles of one narcissist when he can't get enough supply haha They were trying to make it seem like he is struggling cos he loves Tessa so much but it was no convincing to me. Tessa told him she moved on, but as soon as she saw him, she is head over heels obsessed with him on the same second. Tessa on the other hand shows only at the end of the film, literally the last few min, just so they can add some suggestive not even very good s*x scene in there. And guess what - they will get married, but they don't show any of it, they just skip through time and show them years later when they have kids? Makes no sense.. so the whole film was so slow paced (as in the whole 5 films) and suddenly they skip through the most important part of their life story - the marriage, the emotions, the pregnancies.. they show nothing. So if you want to watch Hardin being a drunkard and having s*x with other women for hour and a half, be my guest, but if you expect to see their development as a couple, this won't happen. Such a lame film, seriously. And I don't get how they include Tessa only at the end of this film, so the whole film was about literally nothing. I think this one must be the worst of them all and the ending is just so rushed and not satisfying. It's just really, really bad and I do no recommend. Not to mention it gives a bad example of toxic relationships and makes women believe that the bad guy will turn good all of a sudden, just cos she is the one, she is the chosen hahah no unrealistic. Everyone who has been in a relationship with a narcissist know they never change and marrying the guy or giving birth to his kids won't change him. I hate this film so much actually.
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"Across the sea" is so boring, nothing like the first
2 July 2023
We all know, that the whole story was kinda toxic since the beginning.. but the first film was interesting, exciting, there was stuff happening.. in the second part alas, nothing really happens. The film is long nearly 2 hours and all you will see are lame montages like it's a music video.. i hate when netflix do that.. we don't want to see a music video, we want to be able to relate to the story.. So literally, it was so boring, nothing happens, even their acting was a lot worse than the first film.. the actress lost some weight in this one, but charisma is also missing... I was waiting for this second part for so long and i was so disappointed.. the plot is missing, the ending is depressing and honestly I don't get how it's helping the whole story.. the chemistry between them was so much in the first film, now is literally gone? What happened.. why they ruined the series? You can't even follow the storyline because there is no storyline at all, it is a hot mess... it's so dull, lacking in every aspect.. I am sad they ruined the potential this series had.. you will see only sexually suggestive scenes where they eat ice-cream lol like we care... no passion, no love..
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Man on Fire (2004)
This film is a masterpiece
13 June 2023
Just brilliant. Everything about this movie is perfect - the actors, the acting, the storyline... Someone who lost the desire to live got a second chance in life to find his path, to give everything he can for what he loves. Would you sacrifice yourself for the ones you love or you will betray them for selfish needs? There are sins that can't be forgiven... and even in the hardest of times, faith is what keeps us going. The ending is one of the most remarkable in the film industry - you can't be indifferent to this ending, no matter what. So, did God gave him the biggest present to make his life meaningful with his dutiful selfless act? It's brilliant film that needs to be watched. Everything make sense at the end, even the reason who he was the chosen one to keep the kid safe. Everything falls into place. I rarely (almost never) vote a film with 10 stars, but this one deserves them!
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Really stupid film and bad acting
10 June 2023
The actress is pretty, but that's all about the film. For 90% of the time, the film seemed so chill and boring, the storyline so stupid and unbelievable, and at the end almost turned into a horror movie hahahha it seemed like one of those hallmark films, till the last 10 min.. such a stupid, pointless film, for real and SO predictable.. an absolute waste of time.. and the acting from everyone was so poor and not convincing.. this is a bad low budget film that deserves to be forgotten lol. I hope its not based on true story, because its truly horrendous... Typically I like films with similar stories, but this one is a no go.. too bad cos with this pretty actress it had potential, but they missed out on it entirely..
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Very disappointing and boring
10 June 2023
I was so excited to watch this film. It was nearly impossible to find it so I bought it and what did I watch? I watch my money go to waste... The actor is so handsome, but the storyline is boring, unclear, confusing.. it starts from nowhere and it goes nowhere. All the 10 star reviews are probably from people of the crew or something like that.. The film was extremely boring, lacking storyline, emotional impact.. the actress didn't have any talent in my opinion. There were few nice scenery scenes, but that was it. A friend of mine also watched it and he said he was so bored that he didn't even finish watching it.. :(
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Horrible movie based on a good true story
9 June 2023
I had high hopes for this movie, but it was so boring and so lightweight compared to the original life event... it looked like the girl and the kidnapper are best buddies, no drama, no emotional playing.. the actress is way too old for the role. She suppose to look 14 and she looked more like in her late 20s. I usually like films based on true story, but this one was lacking everything, the assault parts were entirely cut off so its basically not the original story, its some movie inspired different story.. but not a good one. I don't get why they make films like that that doesnt actually follow the original true stories.. I rarely give such a low rating, but this movie was just so, so bad... and the actual story of Abby is so much more interesting and impactful, too bad they ruined it with this lackluster film.
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Inspiring story about a strong willed girl
4 June 2023
It was an interesting documentary, the little actress they chose was pretty and there were similarities in the looks. The story itself sound so unreal, what a lucky coincidence for her to manage to escape before being killed. It's inspiring story about how Kara turned her life around for the better and tried to take the best out of such a terrible situation. I like stories about survivors, you could also tell how much her ex boyfriend still loves her in his own way... I wish the lifetime movie (that I am about to watch) was with the girl from this documentary. And Kara? Kara is a strong, brave woman. Her 2 little boys are so cute. All the best to her.
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The worst film ever
16 September 2022
This is not only the worst of all 3, but it's the worst film ever or at least up there. It's so terrible. It has no story line, it looks like a bad music video, have almost no dialogues.. the ending is terrible as well. I expected it to be bad, but I didn't expect it to be THAT bad... the se*ual scenes are not there, it's all a stupid fantasies. One star is too generous. I can't believe they ruined it this way. I know it's supposed to be a rip off the 50 shades, but this trashy thing makes 50 shades look so much better. I don't know why netflix believe that making film into a music video is a good idea. It's atrocious. I do not reccomand at all!
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A documentary for everyone who never had the unfortunate meeting with a narcissist
13 March 2022
I will start off by saying that this documentary proved how there is no justice.. the fraud is still thriving. Where is the justice in the system, in the world? Where is his karma? It seems that everyone out there keep hyping that movie and I hear only good things about it. Well, that is documentary, not a movie actually. Well what can I say? To me it was not shocking at all, cos I have deal with con artists and narcissists in the past and this documentary is exactly about a narcissist. Those of us who had been on the more naive/gullible side of things won't surprise at anything seen in this film. It was a good representations of how naive some women can be. Love is not worth taking a loan lol And they glorify this Simon, which in fact is not that smart. He was just capable of pulling this scenario because the women were too naive to believe everything. With that being said, don't blame the victims for longing for love. We all once were stupid and foolishy in love with the wrong guys. But if you don't really know what a narcissistic disorder is, you better check in youtube. You would be shocked of how worse it can be. Narcissists are capable of doing everything, including stalking and even a murder. Don't fall for the illusion in the dating apps. They are full of narcs. I met my ex narcs in a site called Interpals, one of them was in facebook. They are mainly online so don't ever fall for their tricks. If it looks too good to be true, it's cos it's fake a phoney!
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Not the worst, but not the best either
6 March 2022
This is a typical spanish movie, which means it's weird.. The storyline begins somehow from the middle, not from the beginning. The cliche we all know - the popular/famous bad boy and the introverted, weird girl that turned out to be a little Lolitta haha It was off for me to watch s*x scenes between highshoolers (in reality they are 19 and 21), but in the movie they are barely legal.. She shy girl turned into a horny seducting lil women hahahah and there was an awkward scene where she is turning the guy on his stomach so we can only assume what happens next lol There is some nudity, which was alright. The actors were gorgeous, the main characters I mean. It was interesting, but I expected more. The ending was so stupid.. He almost died in a place where he could just walk :D it was a bit ridiculous. So yeah, it was lacking a lot, but the acting was good. So overall I did like it, but barely anything happens in the whole movie.
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I liked it, but I expected more
18 February 2022
It was enjoyable movie, interesting to watch, but it was predictable. It's also very naive. Men like Michael don't exist haha and no one would chose to be with someone like Angel. Basically this movie is all about the physical beauty. We didn't get to know much about her actual character. It was also a bit brainwashing in terms of religion and faith. The actress was pretty, but stonecold haha.
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I'll pretend this reboot never existed and lemme tell you why
3 February 2022
Like my title says, I will just ignore this whole reboot as if never existed. First of all, they destroyed the image and character of Miranda, which was once a women with a strong moral compass. Secondly, Samanthy would never hold grudges or be mad about some stupid nonsense as they made it seem. Thirdly, mr Big was the biggest narcissist ever, so it's not a bad thing they gave him what he deserved. I still can't forgive Carri for breaking the heart of this amazing man Eden - he was the healthy love choice, mr Big was the one who liked being the side piece and destroyed her life. But that doesn't mean I wanted to watch 10 episodes of her grieving him. This reboot was repulsive, honestly. The woke fest was just as bad, this comedy suggestive nonsense were too much and were just as annoying as the Che character, which was tried to be portrait as a moral "they" but in reality was just someone afraid of commitment who prefer to not put labels (old tricks to avoid commitment haha) and she called herself a narcissist? It was real, real bad! So the lesson we can learn from all this is that when a person (guy) gets to the age 55, he can no longer neither hear, nor get it up. What??? I mean that was indeed a terrible idea in this awful scenario. So just cos he is not performing like before, the hormonal mess Miranda needed someone younger and someone more exciting? So you are telling me it's better to throw away the people who were next to us all life just for some random one night stands without labels? How awful is that?

I'm giving 1 stars and even that's too generous of me. It was a huge fail.. The absence of Samantha was obvious. The scenario was plain and boring, it was basically a propaganda that suppose to include lgbts and what not. The show wasn't about these women, it was about being gay/black/confused and not knowing what and who you are. They tried too hard to please everyone so they pleased no one, such a fail. Honestly, they killed the main character and expected this show to do well but it was so annoying, boring, noting like the old seasons and the funny vibe. It was depressing, confusing, and the introduction of those new people like Jay was so pushy and disturbing. This whole season was disturbing and brainwashing... I think this season shouldn't have been made at all, it was such a big failure. Terrible, just terrible. Oh, not to mention they showed guy's private parts (I believe one of them was a fake toy but whatever), which was a big no no, it was out of place and just an absurd. I DO NOT recommend this continuation of the show at all. If you truly like "The sex and the city" you will hate "and just like that" and so do I. I hate it! I wonder how they manage to ruin such a good show? They basically encouraged cheating and being all over the place.. and the way they desperately tried to satisfy everyone was pathetic. This seems like the shows from netflix but even worse cos they tried so hard to make it modern, but instead they made it a parody. Seriously, you won't learn any lesson from this trashy show. And the way Sharlotte looks is just beyond ridiculous - fake silicone, fake lips, fake cheeks... such a lackluster :( I am sad and disappointed. The second movie of the show from 2010 made me mad, but this season now made me furious. So bad, poorly made, without any clear idea.. it was like they were in some maze - totally unaware and confused what they are doing there. And the plot twist at the end was so stupid...
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Masterpiece, amazing cast, touching story
11 November 2021
I love this film for many reasons. It came in 2019, the hardest time of my life, when I had pneumonia and troubles breathing and this movie hit home in the sense that sometimes we struggle for every breath of air. Anyway, back to the movie. My fav scene is the one n the pool, the song, the atmosphere, the love in the air... how much they wanted to touch each other, how they showed their vulnerabilities without saying a word. The most amazing scene! If you love someone, set the person free. This is what love should be - selfless, tender, salvation even in the hardest times. I will always love the story of this film. And the cast, omg.. the main characters couldn't been more perfect for their roles. I haven't read the book because the whole story is a bit triggering for me, but I recommend this movie 1000000%
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True Blood (2008–2014)
Good series, but with big flaws and predictable ending
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I enjoyed these series a lot, tho there were moments that I absolute hated, such as when they made Bill the bad guy in the end of season 3. Why they always have to put new third wheels in between the lovers, or why they should turn a fairytale romance story into a cheap trick. Also, I loved Godric so much and his part in the show was way too short. The Jessica twist was great, but to be honest what I loved the most was the love story between Sookie and Bill and ofc they had to kill him at the end. So all the heartbreak, dangerous events and all the love were wasted. WHY they always have to kill the true love story? It sucks.. the best series always have the worst ending. Also there were a lot of gross moments, but overall was a good one. The first 2 seasons were the best and nothing after them can come close to the greatness of these 2. But I absolutely hate the ending tho, even tho I do get why they made it.
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
In love with this movie since I was a kid
27 October 2021
I used to watch this movie every day on my video cassette and I remember never getting tired of seeing it. It was like a tradition. I was dreaming for a love like this - natural, real, beautiful. Despite the slightly sad ending, this movie is just outstanding, unforgettable, brilliant. Patrick was the perfect actor for the role, he put his heart into it and it's obvious. One of the best movies that will stay in time. No remake can come even close to the amazigness of this one. I will always adore this movie no matter what.
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Maid (2021)
Amazing one, a good representation of how abuse works
20 October 2021
Those who made this show knew what they are doing. It's how abuse works, even the terms are been used in the series. Gaslighting, brainwashing, blame guilt, emotional and psychological abuse. The acting was great, there were some moments that I thought were filling basically, but overall was really good. You won't regret if you watch it!
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You (2018–2024)
First season the best, 4th season the worst
17 October 2021
Overall good idea, I loved season 1 - so interesting, and the actress was perfect for the role. The one is season 2 and 3 is so uninviting, her hair is always greasy, bad actress as well. Season 2 in my opinion was a very poorly made. I guess season 3 isn't much better either. I wish they could have continued with the same girl from season 1 honestly. It started well, but somewhere along the way they lost it :D so it's average overall. I give it 7 because at least is something intriguing somewhat, or it was for the first season.

P.s. I watched season 3 as well, it was boring.. those mixed raced couples are a bit overboard at this point and redundant. The storyline was lackluster, the YOU thing with every women he meets was repetitive, forced, I didn't feel the chemistry between the new HER at all. Love Quinn was the same greasy haired boring character. I am disappointed. It was just as annoying as season 2. They ruined the show for me. Even Joe's phrasing is so repetitive. I hoped they will do better, but with each season things get worse.

Overall, season 1 was the best, second and third were so-so, but the 4th season is UNBEARABLY horrible, boring, lacks everything that needs to be. This series just went downhill with the 4th season. So boring.. the first episode i had to watch all day cos i was constantly stopping it, this is how boring it was...
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The example of a toxic relationship with narcissist
3 September 2021
What can I say.. The movies aren't good, but this second one is still better than the third and maybe the first one.. Overall the whole series are triggering, they gets on my nerves with the spot on narcissistic behavior of Hardin.. Tessa is the typical victim - addicted to her abuser. About this movie in particular - it's evident how Hardin is turning her into a different person, not for good sadly. She is getting aggressive, impolite, with bad manners... He is turning her into the angry bitter person that he is.. They were fighting all the time, then coming back together, then splitting up. Then getting back together again.. repetitive, abusive, but still more entertaining than the 3rd movie which was a boring mess. The intimate scenes were meh, nothing unseen, nothing exciting.. she is slowly but surely becoming addicted to more brutal and harcore things in the bedroom :D he is projecting his personality on her.. she is constantly forgetting him things that should not be excused and tolerated. With that being sad, Tessa is not a very great person herself. The way she did dirty her ex showed it.. She got what she deserved. Maybe that's her karma haha.
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Really gets on me nerves
3 September 2021
I dislike this movie a lot.. I like Natalie, but Sarandon in the role of her mom is so annoying and it gets on my nerves.. At the end what's the outcome? That a mother would do anything for her child, including letting her/him go. Well yeah, isn't that what all good parents do? The ungrateful daughter and the possessive mother is a story as old as the world. I would not recommend.
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After We Fell (2021)
Boring.. literally nothing happens
2 September 2021
Honestly, I hoped that the "love" story between the naive girl and the narcissist will somehow turn out to be a bit less selfish and more real, but the truth is that this 3rd part was so boring.. nothing interesting happened. Hardin is still the same hurt, selfish, possessive guy, Tessa doesn't get smarter either... This relationship is so toxic! What they have isn't even love, is addiction. She is addicted to him, he is addicted to owning her. The whole vibe and even the erotic scenes felt a bit repetitive and outdated. The intimate moments between them were filmed very boring as well, there was no real passion.. I mean what was the point of them anyway? To fill up some time, cos they felt like a chore for them. To show us that Thessa is in control and she is the one leading now? I don't think that's the case.. she is addicted to him, that's all. I feel like this movie was going to be a bigger hit like 10 years ago. But in this day and age, it's not giving me enough. There were some absolutely pointless scenes ( I assume they showed them cos of the book, which I haven't read), like the guy in the restaurant. What was the point of that? To show us how possessive and self-absorbed Harden is? But we already know that :D I am very disappointed.. I mean I never been a huge fan of this movies cos they are triggering for me (if you've been with a narcissist, you know what I mean), but the trashy romance sometimes is cute to watch or at least exciting. This one was none of that.. I mean I can't believe this movie was almost 2 hours of nothing happening. A bit of pointless fights, a bit of erotic scenes (tho even they were boring...).. Too bad. The previous 2 were better. Yes, in this one Hardin maybe showed a bit more of his love for her, but meh.. P. S. I read somewhere that this and the upcoming next movie were filmed in Sofia/Bulgaria and I am from Sofia :D I had no idea, is this even true? Kinda disappointing if it is :/ cos the movie sucks ;D.
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Dirty Dancing (2017 TV Movie)
Is this a parody?
26 May 2017
This is the worst remake ever.. At first I thought it is a parody and I am still not sure it is not. The worst actress pick ever. Not only the magic is missing, the whole love story is missing. It is awful, sorry. I love the original Dirty dancing from the 80's but this is just horrible.... How could they pick this actress for this role? Omg I still can't believe. I am beyond disappointed :(
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