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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
I said goddamn!
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have a nasty habit of checking IMDb episode ratings before I start seeing the season, so I knew that this episode was going to be great, but man oh man! I'm left in Awe right now... This episode is the perfection of the Better Call Saul. Everyone at their peek. Our immoral Jimmy setting the pieces of a puzzle, being ten steps ahead of old poor Howard; Sleepin Jimmy at his finest. Howard being played and stricken when he thought hiring a PI will help him offset Saul, But he is not in Saul's league. And, Kim, this multi-layered perfectly written character! She is not ordinary, she is not bad, not good. She is a unique kind of monster, a new one. Ambitious, cautious, kind in some ways, malevolent in some fashion. I think the different aspects of Kim's character is one of the cornerstones of this show's greatness. A novel character that is not cliche or one dimensional as other so called great characters. All and all, this episode was definitely worth the wait up.
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Dexter: New Blood: Too Many Tuna Sandwiches (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
The game Mrs. Hudson is on!
15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As far I'm concerned, it was by far the best episode aired yet. We got to explore dark sides of Harrison and saw his own dark passenger trying to steer the wheel. The good kid that everybody else knows is struggling with inner demons he got, after all, it's the pass that every monster has to take once.

Watching Dex and Harrison's messed up relationship getting exacerbated was so well written and polished. Dex is trying too hard to be a better father for his son than his own old man was for him, but it's a lot more complicated than he first anticipated. Both Harrison and Dex are isolating the other one and try to shut him out, after all the son is carrying father's genes.

But for me, and I think I could speak for all Dex true old fans, the best part was to see our very own forensic expert getting revived. His fiddler is trying to dance with Kurt's demon, just like good old days.

The trick that he pulled in the lodge with Kurt and Molly was just Dexter Morgan's classic. Our pal was out of the game for a decade but he still got it like his peak in the sunshine state. And the last part, oh my god the last part! Where Angela found the shocking fact about innocent Iris and sought Dexter not Jim, it gave me the goosebumps like hell. I won't sleep until next Sunday, I will wait!
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Money Heist (2017– )
Do yourself a favor, don't watch season 3, 4 and 5
7 September 2021
La casa de papel started as a promising bold show. The first and second season had amusing and strong plot. Well defined characters and a storyline that could certainly catch your attention. The duel and chess between the protagonist and antagonist was surprising and full of ups and downs. Of course there were plot holes but you could overlook them in favor of the overall strength of story. The whole idea was bold and well developed, all and all, the ending was satisfying and well-written too.

But then came the third, forth and fifth seasons. The ones that Netflix actually created. The strong amazing plot turned into a cheesy foolish joke which was written by a class of third graders, and the smart kids weren't in the class!!

What a shame. There are so many problems with these seasons that I don't know where to even begin. Unnecessary flood of new characters whom you cannot relate to at all. The plot which was filled with surprises became totally predictable and utterly boring. You can watch a trick pulled again and again until it becomes a total cliche, but even then the writers won't let the worn out trick go away. Romance subplots are awful in these seasons. There are so many plot holes that you would wonder is it even possible to fit in any more? And as the plot gets more boring And flawed, writers just pour more gunfights into the story in hope of saving it, but it's a futile attempt, the gun fights are even worse than a bunch of stormtroopers trying to aim straight!

So please do your self a favor. Grab some popcorn, watch the first two seasons, but then forget that the rest of the show was produced. Save yourself a good memory of a great amusing TV series, which was ruined for us by watching the last three seasons.
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House of Cards: Chapter 73 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 8
Worst ending possible
1 February 2019
It was by far the worst finale I've ever watched, the worst ending possible and a destruction to what was once a great show, shame on Netflix for ruining HoC with this nonsense season 6
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