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John Carter (2012)
John Carter: Cullen Bohannon jumping like Hulk, fighting like Kratos in one of the most brilliant world designs I've seen so far (And i loved it!).
8 July 2012
It's interesting to see how mixed things are put together in a book from 1917. Unfortunaty I didn't read it. But a little research put me aware about the book series, and I know it ain't exactly like the movie. But that's not what I'm gonna talk about here.

Never heard about it before, but awhile I was watching the movie, i've got impressed how lotta different things were mixed, and unconsciously referenced. The soundtrack seems been took from Star Wars, Mars looks like Borderlands, and airplanes built up by Alladin's villain Mechanicles. THAT WAS AMAZING! I've seen thousand syfy movies and not even Firefly have used so amazing references like John Carter.

And there was the Twists. Yup, lots of them. Some things are easy to figure out (boring cliché) but there was some good surprises too.

But what was missing? Good characters interpretation. The two main ones were just not convincing me. (best wishes to James Purefoy, great actor for comedy). And since voice interpretation was nice i can't complain much about anything besides Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collings.

To finish: 1 This movie captivated me so much I really compared it with Avatar, and I gotta say: lot better!. 2 Didn't understand it's rate. 3 There is 500 reviews, read others to see what people think about it if you're confuse about how to spend your next to hours.

But seriously. Watch to see how homogeneous many ideas get together in a movie book-based. Frakking amazing.
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"I know nothing, I care nothing, I live, I love. I Slay, and I'm contempt" I'll still use this with the ladies.
19 May 2012
What makes me rate this movie 6 is mostly it's soundtrack. It was nice enough to made me watch the end credits. No kidding. Too bad mostly writing sucks and Morgan Freeman didn't help as much as he was paid off to.

Conan personality haven't called my attention too. He's an warrior since a kid (perhaps too much as a warrior, as you'll/did see. He's loyal and brave and he sories for party rockin, but I've seen this to many times it looses its emotion.

All the colors (or the lack of them) produced a cool Dragon Age II atmosphere, only without the all the magic and armors. And visual effects were amazingly done. Magic here ain't exaggerated, but I don't remember if there's magic in the first 82's Conan movie.

If the soundtrack is so amazing, sometimes Sound Effects were too abused, just like Eyes opening with sword slashing noise. And this is just ONE example. If you watch it paying more attention you'll find more. Like the Khalar Zym crew who growls like monsters.

The plot itself is pretty much basic, and thank God the "pure blood girl" wasn't "the untouchable by man girl".

The acting is more or less like Immortals and Clash Of the Titans. Sometimes they tried to make it funny, but it can't, and producers should stop trying to make an warrior like a boss film with humor.

It's a so so movie and except for it's original frakking amazing soundtrack, can't see much to talk about it.

And with that said, I'm done. Read another's opinions before decide to watch it or not.
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"Only Here, On NatGeo".
10 May 2012
For the beautiful images and soundtrack.

When I've pressed the Play Button, I didn't image i was about to look an abstract view (from beginning to end).

Photography, acting, soundtrack and all those nature views were amazing. It really takes you to the tree of life roots. Nature as God's beauty and we as the beautiful creatures of God (perhaps more poetic than it sounds). The nature-takes were all just stunning. There's even macrophages, there's everything, looks like you're watching Discovery or NatGeo, too bad sometimes it doesn't seems to have anything to do with the plot itself.

This movie simple ain't for everyone. And to be truly it is a crap mostly times when it seems to be going nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. And since mostly humans don't know where the hell they're life is going to i don't believe they would easily understand what the Three of Life is about.

But see from this side: you're not the bigger, you're not the newest, you're not the strongest... (this list could keep going for ages). And When you see there's something wrong with your life, you'll have to go back till it's roots because this is the way you'll find redemption.

yeah, the basics is pretty much it.

Don't recommended as a Must See. But see for yourself and come back here to say what you have found.
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10,000 BC (2008)
Listen to what I'm saying: Watch it on Mute, turn off the subs and put some Enya's song to play.
5 May 2012
For the first time i've decided to watch a move without looking informations about it before here in IMDb. I though this way it could get more interesting. Well. I didn't happen and i know why (you probably know too). Ohh jeez, it sucked. And I want my two hours back.

This thing flows without ANY emotion, and not even the beautiful scenarios it was filmed in were capable of triggering any sense of freedom, courage or bravery from any of the characters, which were pretty bad in their acting too. And by bad acting I don't add any exception, they're all suck.

The plot is so predictable that DVD back cover couldn't be able to create no feeling of twist. And there is no twists at all. D'leh looses his girl, become an warrior, reunite and army and go after his malefactors (please, try no to confound this with Spartacus).

Thre is a articular scene, were D'leh and other boring guy are tide to a net trying to catch the mammoth. Yeah, we can hear their voices "screaming" just like if they were sitting on a bar talking about sports. Talking about talking, WHY THE HELL they've made Warlord's voice went through digital modification? It's the same cr**p that happen with King Xerxes on 300. Something like this, just can't end up cool.

Probably the worst part of everything is the English along: everything. Really?!?! Some time ago i've watched Apocalypto, and that ancient Maian stuff were what have made the movie great. But in 10.000 Before Christ the best language were probably some screams with burps and farts. Historicly it also makes thousands of mistakes. Sextant were created in 1750 AFTER Christ. Egypt Pyramids were builted up somewhere between 8000 and 4000 BC. NICE! This historical "mistake" (because there is, of course, some contradictions, after all is history we're talking about) reminded me about Jack O'Neil talking pyramids were builted before 8000bc by some alien civilization in Stargate (1994 - from the same director).

And then we have the Narrator, which kept God of War's Athena at my mind every time he started speaking. Hahaha. Noting against Omar Shariff. His voice matches with his narrator purpose, but the problem is WHAT THE HELL WAS GAVE HIM TO SAY? Reaally, that's was painfully boring and cliché. This movie could be much better done without a single recognizable word from ANY CHARACTER. And saving the narrator to have something to get ashamed of.

Soundtrack ain't amazing, but without one would be worse. Photography's not amazing, but black and white Could be worse.

What was nice and saved 3 points to the whole thing were the Piramyd Building Workers (id est. slaves)... building the pyramid. Nop, they haven't use on steroids elephants that time but, those scenes were pretty well done, actually. Thumbs up for that (and just for that).
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A Better Life (2011)
I didn't wanted it to end...
22 April 2012
What would we do for a better life? How much would we suffer to give it to people we love? How many times would we get up after the fall? For people like me, who never had to crack my ass off working to pay bills, never needed to take care of anyone, I can only see myself in José Julián character, Luis. Because my mother and father has to, and still have to hold things on to provide to me what tey didn't have when they were young. And for this, I see them on Demián Bichir character, Carlos Galino, which he does AMAZING, by the way.

Better life get an unknown actor and put him to perform on of the best characters i've ever seen. Carlos Galindo ain't just a character, he is real, he does exist, by different names from different countries and nations.

Not every actor in this movie is as great as Demián Bichir, but they still leave they're marks, like Gabriel Chavarria as Ramón.

The writing is amazing, the Mexican gangsta accents were pretty interesting for me to hear, since the difficulty any person who speaks English would have to understand them. But coming back to the written, it is clear and clearly represents an simple 4 old boy and his hard worker father. All other characters also were well represented and they personality exposed.

What was the BEST about this movie was it's soundtrack. It's just stunning! and you don't have to pay much attention to note it. To bad I couldn't find anywhere to download it. Because it worth it to hear again, as the original as the other tracks. It's brilliantly placed when needed. Can't, and don need to talk much about, because this movie is a Must See, so you'll face this amazing soundtrack just like I did.

The photography is clear and also creates a drama atmosphere. Drama which could not always get me by surprise, thanks to those closes on objects, denouncing whats gonna happen in the following moments. But even thou it could take me by surprise giving to those characters one problem after another to take care.

Another issue was when it finished. I just though "already?". This kind of movie really deserves a little bit more of time to develop. ACtually, it had has it's develop. But I wanted to see more.

Since not everyone has much idea about how much crapp an illegal immigrant has to go through. And the humanity, humility and strengh Carlos Galino shows it's just jealously. We should watch at this movie as an anthropology class, not just a drama movie, there's thousands of dramas about love we can see if the idea is just felling sick a little bit.

A Better Life it a must see. Seet it.
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For the Love of Nancy (1994 TV Movie)
Have you ever felt it?
20 April 2012
If you don't have (I hope you don't) or Haven't had it in the past, hold your tongue when criticizing the fidelity this movie has with the disease. Except if your a psychologist.

For The Love of Nancy represents exactly the disease's life picture. Nothing to take away, and nothing to put in. How do I know that? I have had an anorexia principle in the past, I could be able to push myself out of it by myself, but I know what the next step with the disease I was about to give.

Along with the movie, you'll face and amazing interpretation of all characters. Even those who barely appears in 30 seconds scene. But for the family, emphasis on Tracey Gold (not always the main character is as good as the others). She could really drags you in her persona, makes you understand the question, the feeling.

At the beginning you'll not understand what made her feel that way. I haven't either. But after watch the movie, everything began to make sense (and another review already explained that). It's all about "control". The people's desire to obtain control of everything that surround them/us. Then if you can't control your life changing, you'll eventually start controlling what's left at your choice and people around you. That happens because we humans work in "compensation mode" all the time, and For The Love Of Nancy reach this point, but just after it's middle. Just try to watch it with patience, let the story flow and if you have a little bit of "human mind operational sense" you can understand why things happen the way they happen.

I honestly believe the only thing For the Love of Nancy missed out was a proper soundtrack. You can barely hear a song along the movie. On the other hand, there is a god writing. But no soundtrack.

Since I've found just one thing this expressive movie missed out. I'm oblige to give an 9. I almost never rate a movie 9.
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Source Code (2011)
Messing with time it's always funny,
1 April 2012
Source code is above most 2011 releases. It provokes us to watch more and more, and makes us question whats going to come next. And the best part, it has the capacity to take us by surprise.

Jake Gyllenhaal does an amazing job on his character, awhile Jeffrey Wright shows no emotion at all. All the other actors don't call attention at all.

I wouldn't call Source Code as a Thriller. Well, it does it's job. But not enough to make me apprehensive. But i really wanted to see what was going on, this doubt is one of the best reasons to not read the synopses before watching. Let the movie drags you to it's world. One more thing about this is that Source code it's all about action and syfy. Quantic physics ain't so much syfy nowadays, but action movies doesn't have to be all about explosions and gunshots every 5 seconds. At this point, Source code really went great.

The plot takes us by surprise almost every time and this is what can guarantee an overall rate to any movie.

One of SOurce Code problems were that it's soundtrack looks like Harry Potter. No Kidding. We can almost see wands about to come out from people pockets.

It's not always a movie can hold out attention for an hour and half without letting us down by the end. Source code is amazing at this point, too pity it's too short (but this is questionable).

I'd recommend it more than just a pass-time, but as something to be watched again, to be understanded more than just the story itself.

Watch like if you could go back not to just to change the future, but to understand the lives you haven't lived.
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Despicable Me (2010)
The Human Touch
1 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Despicable Me Has some issues, but it's 80% amazing.

It touched me. And I don't remember Toy Story 3 provoking the same emotion or not even an emotion at all.

Visual art is clear and simple. At least at a first look. Because if you give it more attention you can see amazing lights, shadows and reflexes effects. Faces expressions are also pretty well expressive. Even when they're simple like moving half a lip. You can feel what the character are feeling. This is hard to get even from an good actor...

Soundtrack and other sound effect are also good. All voice acting are pretty well interpreted. Characters come alive.

But the best part are those woompa loompas Gru's little helpers. They're are really funny in every scene they appear. And it's amazing they could be design so funny looking just like yellow capsules. NICE! It's simple and they walk funny, express funny, and talk funny.

But Despicable Me misses on balance. If by one side, Gru doesn't take too little or too long to be attracted by the 3 little girls, the plot seems to forget very often the focus on how bad he is and his quest to steel the moon. Another issue is the way he does that could be better worked, because he spend just 5 to 10 movie minutes to do so.

Once he becomes a better person, everyone around him becomes Mr Nice Guy too, and that's boring.

Despicable Me is really a good movie and pretty well made, but some little issues takes away the chances for me to rate it as a 10.
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Pretty faces and zombies.
30 March 2012
I must say i wasn't expecting i would rate it a 7. Not after the mindless Apocalypse. Well, RE Extinction does not offer a brilliant storyline or great acting. But presents us with some good twists.

REE doesn't look like a movie per se. Actually, after you watch it, you get he sensation it is just a halfway to the fourth RE. It makes you want to watch its sequel right when you finish this one.

Lets start with its issues: Too many beautiful people. Thats one of the reasons i liked Walking Dead. Why does all the characters must be pretty? what sense does it make? Is it really gonna attract more viewers? Nop. Pure bullshit. Pretty faces and organized hairs are the last matter in a post apocalyptic world. Its stupid to put it as a priority when choosing actors. So what happens is now we have half of the cast formed by poor actors, at least they're pretty and dress fashionably.

Now, the Pros: AMAAAAAAAANZING SOUNDTRACK. I can compare this soundtrack with Transformers. Amazing and really well made sound effects pulls you inside the movie. And this is the best part of the whole thing. I'm really impressed, because its even better than first and second RE.

Action scenes were better produced, along with zombies make up, what is probably because of technologies improvement. They have made a highly entertaining zombie action movie, even if it is not a brilliant film, has some power to catch our attention.

Good to watch eating something caloric if ur looking for a mind relaxation.
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Plain and Simple, But Really Entertaining.
30 March 2012
One of the simplest heists i've have ever seen on a movie. So simple story doesn't even care that much about the robbery itself and spend more time working on characters personalities and relationships. You don't have to think too much to understand the plot. So you can watch it while ur playing guitar that you still won't miss the point. And since robbery movies are usually complex and involves lots of details, it became a little confuse for me to rate it... but, as i've watched it in a moment i wasn't looking for complexity, i believe it worth 6/10.

But of course i can't rate a movie just by my mood on that moment.

And what i think that we should have was more max/stan scenes, cuz they were amazing acting together and really funny. Mainly for their bed scene. Producers and writers did a good job on funny scenes on this movie. But if they're great acting together, doesn't mean they overall acting is so good. for a Pirce Brosnan movie, really didn't see anything that good, neither from him or any other actor.

Another issue is Salma Heyek. Yeah, she's hot (a lot), but his character is too much exaggerated. Hot thief girls are one of the biggest clichés on cinema. Boring.

Photography is nice and clear and represent well a paradise location. I haven't payed much attention on soundtrack, so i can't opine.

After the sunset ain't no brilliant heist movie, if you wanna something brilliant and complex, look for Leverage... If you want something to entertain your lonely afternoon, watch this.
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In Time (2011)
A Brilliant idea! Not that brilliant executed.
28 March 2012
Taking off horrible car actions scenes and the unstoppable message of "time is money", In Time is a brilliant movie, with an original idea (at least I haven't seen a movie treating the "life span" like this one before).

Timberlake does a good job on his character, and its impossible to see Johnny Galecki and do not remember him on The Big Bang Theory. Because his laugh is exactly the same, haha. Apart from these two, there is some bad actors doing poor acting. Something to take care of, if someone intent to make a sequel (or prequel, because how science evolved to the point on put a clock on people's arm and make them share life time like a USB cable from arm to arm is still a mystery).

Right in first 10 minutes we can see we're about to get bored about how many times they will spend talking about time and enjoying life, and bla bla bla. Really, this was supposed to be subjected, and not repeated throughout the whole plot.

Another issue is the car action extremely slowly moving scenes. Is this the best stunt man can do? They're clearly the worse part of the movie. They're so bad produced that we can see when the car is "running" 5 miles per hour. Really, they suck.

What salves In Time is photography and the fact producers used old muscle cars instead of prototypes in a futuristic scyfy movie. That was really a well though idea! Amazing! it gives a kind of retro atmosphere to it. Thumbs up! Apart for some mistakes, In Time is really a great movie. To bad it doesn't make you think like one.
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Mindless Bad Ass
22 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers

It's really rare to produce a sequence as good as the first movie. With REA, the same happens.

Resident Evil (2002) has it's lazy moments, but at least, it is smarter than it's postcessor. In exchange, most film is reached with bad ass action scenes, fulfilled with a good soundtrack and better computer generated special effects.

Unfortunately, those good points doesn't fill it's lacks, bad characters, bad interpretations and deficient plot. In REA we are obliged to believe that Umbrella's company is even worse than Monsanto selling Roundup. And for the biggest and most powerful company n the whole world, kill it's own soldiers seems to be real stupid to me.

Except for what was already said, one thing is well though in this sequence: the capacity of a powerful company to manipulate the truth making it turn against it's releasers. That tell us to think again every time we hear about conspirations theories.

A movie to turn off your brain, eat some popcorn and that's it.
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Resident Evil (2002)
An Almost Constant Soundtrack makes this an great cybernetic atmosphere
22 March 2012
Since I was 15 i've heard my friends talking about this movie. It's impressive a guy like me, that have had watched a thousand movies still didn't look for Resident Evil.

Well, RE starts trying to make us want for more. Not just the first scene, but the whole movie. It didn't called my attention that much at the beginning, but te final scenes did. I wanna watch the sequence right now.

The best about RE is it's soundtrack. It's what makes this movie convincing, entertaining, frightening and apprehensive at the same time. Even if the soundtrack isen't that original. It is pretty well placed in the right moments, and it's almost constantly throughout the movie. This , and not the scenario is what makes it have a cybernetic_high-tech atmosphere.

RE's photography could really be better, a little bit more of dark would be welcome. And talking about photography, I also must say about special effects and GCI computer generated imagery). In 1999, Matrix have had presented us with amazing special effects and cgi, soon, I truly believe monsters could be improved 3 years later, in Resident Evil. Even if it's not the same company working on it.

Actors are not that great and sometimes pretty bad, script is the easier ever written. I've watched on English (I'm Brazilian) and still did understand everything they were saying, giving the simplicity of it's language.

RE is and entertaining film, won't add much at your knowledge, nothing like cult-movies or the most intelligent ones, but you'll like to spend some hours watching it.

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Rango (2011)
Rango, For the Love of Water.
11 March 2012
What would I expect from a movie called Rango with a lizard on it's cover if a haven't even read the synopsis before watching it? Yeah, it took me by surprise.

Latelly we have a new Depp's movie like almost every month, and since he does the same job all of them, he's getting to repetitive for my taste. But Rango couldn't be done by another actor. This time, Depp has overcome my expectations, and he was brilliant. Another actors did an amazing and remarkable job, but the attention I've gave to Depp was because I wasn't expecting to much from him.

Rango is fulfilled with an amazing soundtrack that is capable of stealing viewers attention every time it shows off. Characters design was also pretty well made and they also kinda remind me some actors I've seen before, like Kate Micucci (Raising Hope) and Beans.

References to Fear And Loathin in LA was a plus, too bad I couldn't see another one like another viewers, but Rango has it's bonus.

Visual art and character design deserve some attention too, and the atmosphere is also stunning.

Plot ain't the best I've seen from an animation movie, there's lotta things that could be improved or changed (like every good movie has, since we humans has the "power of creativity") and because of my constant pursuit of originality as an spectator, I did expected little bit of changes in the plot since I started to understand whats going on. Because of this predictability, I can't give Rango a an 9.

But what about the message? Rango has a brilliant and expressive one: "Who controls the water, controls everything.

This is an Inconvenient truth, what's Rango is all about. Almost like a science fiction predicting future. We'll be re-watching Rango in 50 years from now in children's in primary schools to teach kids to better take care of the world and all that attitudes we'll be embittering off someday.

Another problem in Rango was some moments characters could remain quiet but they wasted on old jokes. This is something we don't do nowadays if we wanna make an original film.

Except two little things that could be done, Rango is amazingly well directed/produced/designed and performed movie. Worth 8/10
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Apocalypto (2006)
Different from every movie you have ever seen,
8 March 2012
I hardly rate a movie 9. Simply because they usually doesn't leave any impression of originality. But Apocalypto did.

The actors aren't famous, and I hardly believe you will recognize any of them from another performance, but they can make you believe in they role with a great naturally. And since we don't get much idea about Maian accent, this characteristic gets even better.

Watch a movie about an extinct crowd in a extinct language makes it even more realistic, and that is like if we could watch Spartacus on Greek (not extinct language, but you can have an idea) and besides that , Apocalyto's anthropology history class sometimes look like a BBC documentary, but I must say this could deeper.

Even the characters hardly have a name, and they all look the same, they're personalities can be distinguished, what makes us understand whats going on the movie and who's doing what. That said, we can also note that ain't much characters to divide our attention with, and this is a well balanced thing, because they're faces are quite the same, whats is mostly because of they're Warrior Make up.

Appocalypto doesn't impressive by it's soundtrack, I just think it could be better explored. An impressive soundtrack would make this movie unforgettable (more than it already is). Perhaps just by making a more constantly soundtrack and given it volume in the fight scenes.

Movie photography is made to look like a real vision, but this could also be changed (notice the word I'm using is "changed", and not "improved") just by giving it more aggressive green and red colors, just like what was done with blue. That would represent nature much better, since nature isen't really well varied. There's is bushland, a big waterfall, and that's it.

We can't pass throughout a movie review without talking about it's plot. What is great an deep exploited, except by the anthropology stuff that could also be more dynamic.

Since Apocalypto worth it's 135 minutes of originality's. I really recommend you to watch it, otherwise I wouldn't come here spend 1 hour of my day just to rate it properly.

Have a good 135 minutes.
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The Rum Diary (2011)
Fear And Loathing in Costa Rica
22 February 2012
Recently, all Jhonny Depp movies are lame. So lame that it makes me question myself how much is he earning from them. But let me guess: too much.

Jhonny, at least ain't interpreting that bad, actually, he's different from the other movies, so, don't expect the same poker faces, because here Depp really does his job. After the main character, interpreted by Depp, Giovanni Ribisi also makes a great interpretation of a drunk that I really think he could have been selected to do Kemp's role.

This movie photography, at least, is "lookable" almost all the time, even in a dark scene, what in my opinion is the biggest problem when watching a movie, because if it is too dark, you can't distinguish a thing, and if it isn't dark when it's supposed to be dark it will look like From Hell (2001). Then, except by a single and short moment, we can understand whats going on.

But now is time to talk about the bad. And it is the Script. It just refuses to develop. Stars somewhere and goes nowhere. And besides, it expends more time on movie externalities (you can call them "side quests") than the "main quest" itself, what makes us ask "why are they doing this, anyway?". Of course I know it is based on true history, and this is a good thing, mainly for the funny moments it presents us (just like that car scene), but if a film is based on a true story, this story must be presented in a way we can easily understand whats going on from the beginning to end. And I couldn't get all the message watching it once, then I've had to come back some parts to understand the whole thing. This reminds me a little of "The Informant", what I've had to watch twice from the beginning. Probably I'm dumb. Who knows...

Since the plot is a huge part in any movie, when I don't' like, I take 5 points away, what means everything else is great.

Watch and see if you agree with me.
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Predator 2 (1990)
Teaching how Seconds are the Last of the Firsts.
22 February 2012
Since we loved Schwarzenegger movies, and 87'predator is Frakking AMAZING, I must agree with the guys who says Predator 2 is a pile of junk. And I don't care how much famous Danny Glover is, because he's character in this movie tryies to be so tough, that it becomes as funny as a Beverly Hills Cop. And when you look at his gun, all you can think is "what da heck he's using? because is looks like a plastic pistol you can buy for your 8y old nephew.

About the acting? That ain't no acting, just script lines being reading. And by this I mean: not even from Danny Glover. And the script itself doesn't help at all.

Another thing, important as such is how are the scenes captured. In determined point of the movie, you'll see King Willie speaking in a dark alley with Mike Harrigan just like he were the most spooky persona on planet, and the way camera, script, and lights are mixed in this particular scene, they make him look like a stupid lunatic. He wasn't supposed to me stupid, just crazy. And this, my friends is just the beginning of a great fall.

I can't understand how much morons soldiers and cops are created to be. Right in movie finals scenes, super soldiers show how much they have been trained for, by teaching the most stupidest things a soldier shouldn't do. I guess the cops and mafia goons from Leverage TV Show were probably inspired by Predator 2. No joke.

This predator photography also sucks and doesn't help much along the story, actually, make it boring since the beginning because all of those shots taken from Predator Views. Except for a little bit of new predator dark, light, heat and something else visions. That's it.

I've been telling about the bad stuff so far But two thing are interesting: Predator sense of prey and the final twist. Those beasts are created to hunt, but they know what to hunt and the right time to do so. No infants and more interestingly, not to hunt a better hunter, this one must be respected.

Not to prolongate what's already long: bad movie, deserves it's 3.
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Bucket List without the jokes.
16 February 2012
If it wasn't for the camera style, I'd give it an eight. This is a personal matter of taste: I hate constantly trembling cameras and that's why i won't rate this movie 8.

My Life Without Me is a drama, but it doesn't reach the "depressive point". It stays somewhere between Sad and "cold winters night". Then, the feelings You'll get watching probably won't be like watching Requiem for a Dream.

My Life without me has an interesting character besides the main one. And Im talking about Laurie (amanda plumer) and she's obsession about diets and calories. What is kinda rare to see in movies, but the problem is a failure to explain (even using few words) why she has it. Good acting, soundtrack and photography are obfuscated by the constant moving camera. Why doest directors use a tripod? Is the objective make us feeling like near the actors, spying them? that sucks.

Another issue (can I call this an issue?) when Ann receives the new that she has a cancer and probably Will die from it is she doesn't care that much. Doesn't cry, doesn't scream, doesn't anything. It looked like she was already thinking about what to do even before have got that cancer found. This lack of emotion ain't nothing like someone whose just got a cancer diagnosis. It ain't real, it doesn't even look human.

My Life Without me is an great movie. It makes s question how really would be our companions lifes without us. And if you haven't asked yourself yet. Watch and then you'll do it.
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Tower Heist (2011)
Politically Incorrect, But I'll never get tired of them.
12 February 2012
Since we all have been missed Eddie Murphy for a bit, we should really look at Tower Heist as a GOOD return.

Even though Ben Stiller is the main character here, all the looks goes to Eddie Murphy from the whole movie. Because he's naturally funny. And here at least, he's not exaggeratedly funny, what gives Tower Heist a little bit more of a reality. Even if the robbery itself is crazy as hell and projected by an average Joe along with even more commom guys.

One think that is rare nowadays (and i've been watching lots of movies recently) is that Tower Heist catches you by surprise. You can't say whats about to happen, and if you do, you'll probably be wrong.

Of course that awhile watching Tower Heist, you probably will compare it to Oceans Eleven/twelve/thirteen movie series. But here there are not professionals, just a bunch of ordinary guys doing amazing thing, is what makes it funny, and Impossible. Probably like every other robbery movie you can watch, always an improbable situation escaping reality, like Leverage.

Tower heist has good actors doing good performances, but, as i've said before, you gonna pay more attention to Eddie than all the other together. Soundtrack is OK. Combines with the scenes and helps the movie to be more funny.

The tower heist problem is: why they have to be so much Mr. Nice Guys? Really, this is the only thing in my point of view, that screwed up the movie. Lotta ideas could come out to finish this king of movie gender. But nops. Let's make the whole world a better place. This was boring. Hard to say without giving you spoilers. Watch and see.
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Predator (1987)
Much better than Alien (and it's impossible not to compare)
5 February 2012
Recently I've watched all the Alien movies, in order to catch up with the Alien vs Predator series. And since my reviews about Alien quadriology didn't ended up as I've spected, lucky o'my Predator is much more funny to watch.

I've remembered when I was a kid I saw a horrible scene when there was people hanged upside down in a three without they're skin, and that scared me so much I could barely sleep at night. Haha, now I've faced one of my worst memories.

Predator has its fails, and things could be improved, but its still amazing. Every scene Gran master Arnolds appears has the capacity to make the movie interesting, because you know his about to kick some asses. And better than that: Dutch personality ain't just like a juggernaut, his smart, combining muscle and mind at the same quantity.

Carl Whethers does a pretty good job either, since you don't get flash backs of Rocky every time his character, Dillon, appears.

Im not intend to talk about every character in this movie, but just to know: there ain't no similarities between one and other, what makes them remarkable. I'm pretty sure you'll get to the same conclusions after watch it.

Along history goes, you'll feel the intensity of a great soundtrack presented in Predator (composed by Alan Silvestri), what is better than Alien (composed by Jerry Goldsmith). That happens because Predator it's more intense and the music continues along the action scenes. Like I said in review title, it's impossible not to compare one to other, but in soundtrack matter: Predator is better.

The story line happen into closed forest, and I liked, because it changes from day to night what helps to "renovate" movie atmosphere, it doesn't get boring like Alien and that Black and Blue along the whole thing.

So, from the massive destruction to the chilliest scenes, Predator looks like a bipolar movie that captured my attention all along.

But now a little bit of what could be improved.

I really feel special effects could be better on this one. When predator appears, his silluet it too much "offensive", and easily distinguishable. And His/It's lasers and shoots looks like paint made. Even if it's 1987, I know it could be a lotta better, and if you think it couldn't, take a look on Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (1983) and you're going to get the message.

Predator is really an amazing movie, even better if you haven't enjoyed Allien. Definatelly a Must See!
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Alien³ (1992)
Alien and Aliens is Overrated, and Aliens 3 Underrated.
4 February 2012
I've done a simple review about the two first movies, saying they're overrated for a series of reasons. Simply, they're not as perfect as people say.But Aliens 3 ain't that bad as people say neither.

In Aliens 3, the black and blue atmosphere is shifted for a black and yellow. This represents better a prison and the best part: YOU CAN SEE WHATS HAPPENING ON THE MOVIE, what was the worse about the first movies (that was not scary, it was confusing).

Of course ain't just that what makes me say Aliens 3 is underrated. But its because the first movies aren't that amazing. Aliens 3 had the capability to surprise me, what didn't happened watching its predecessors. It has lots more fun and action, and since Alien and Aliens didn't scared me a s**t, why would I consider the series as a thriller? Alien 3 has some similarities with first and second movie, even though it is a whole different one. By that I mean: alien will keep killing for fun, such as the company trying to protect it. But except that you will almost don't recognize it.

In aliens 1 and 2, producers have gave to good actors forgettable characters, and in Alien 3, producers have gave to forgettable actors, pretty good characters. Even though those actors doesn't give us they best performances.

As in Alien 3 as in Alien and Aliens, soundtrack doesn't do much beyond follow the film, so, don't expect to much from it.

One problem I've had to notice in Alien 3 is the free gore stupid parts, like someone exploding when crashing into a real slow fan. We could pass without this.

Since the first movies didn't leave any of those character in my memory i'm pretty sure I'm gonna remember some from Alien 3, because they were different, more original i'd say.

Alien 3 has its issues, I must say that, but i can't talk about them without leaving you spoilers, but if people say those extremely boring first movies are so F*****g amazing, why tha hell would Alien 3 be so bad?
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Aliens (1986)
If you could at least see something on the screen...again.
3 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've just reviewed Alien (1979) and here I'm about to say the same things: Aliens is overrated as much as its predecessor. You can't see much on the screen and again you gotta figure out whats going on. Some people say this darkness mixture with blue makes the movie scary and interesting, but comm om, it just makes it confusing. It's not even enough to scare us, but it was enough to make me bored. Acting here goes pretty much the same as Alien (since the first movie wasn't that exceptional), except for some short role characters interpreted by bad actors. But good news: the third and fourth Alien its about to get worse. Soundtrack passes by without get stuck in your memory, it just accomplishes it's role: follow the scene.

Aliens plot gives you more twists than the first movie, but right in the end of the movie you gonna see something amazing: an Alien waiting to use the elevator. Isn't she brilliant?

Since Aliens basically repeated it's predecessors formula, if you have enjoyed the first one, you'll like this. If you haven't, you'll agree with me.
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Alien (1979)
If you could at least see something on the screen...
3 February 2012
Directors must realize that ain't darkness that build a thriller. It's the plot. And I'm not going to do a personal review saying the movie is amazing just because Ridley Scott directed it.

Alien is too much overrated. And except the fact it's a pretty original movie, it has nothing to call my attention. There ain't nothing amazing about the actors and the plot is mostly predictable. You can see whats about to happen since they get out from the spaceship to explore another lost ship in a distant planet.

The Soundtrack follows whats going on in the movie, thats nice (or is the minimum music producers should do. But it ain't no The Untouchbles.

The worst part is the constant dark screen. And when it ain't black, is black and blue. Of course, its supposed to create a thriller atmosphere. But it doesn't. It just makes you try to imagine what the f**k is going on through the hole movie.

Actors perform well (but not impressively), at least if we compare this to Alien Ressuraction.

The reason I'm giving it a six it's just because Alien its and amazing creature, smart and with incredible capabilities to procreate without and male (through parthenogenesis, I assume). And to kill whats near by it without even feel threatened.
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Fearless (2006)
A lesson about humility.
22 January 2012
So far I've never heard about wusu before. Martial arts movie just isn't my thing because they're all the same. What makes Fearless different and more interesting is because it's based in veridical facts.

Fearless has its issues if we talk about what could be improved, but the important here is The Lesson. Jet Li's character Huo was a reckless child who grow up to be the greatest arrogant and superb wusu master of all time. And that's what drove him into ruins.

Ascention, fall, and then redemption. Fearless teach us that the only way to fate your mistakes is by fighting yourself and finding the true meaning of this fight.

The acting isn't bad, but nothing amazing, not even from Jet Li. The movie photography is clear and there's an amazing scene where the scenario passes through the four seasons that made me exclaim "what a nice picture editing!". I don't think I'll remember Fearles for it's plot, but it's well written and will keep you interested throughout the whole movie.

Apart from that, fearless could be really better, just by excluding those takes where history is cutted off to explain us, what happened certain point of history. It seemed like directors was trying to save some time (and time is money). That could really be better and won't be that hard to do so.

When watching Fearless, try to pay attention in the humility lessons, not only the history per se. You're gonna like it.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
A Phenomenon "on steroids".
21 January 2012
If you've watched Phenomenon and liked, you're gonna love this one! Limitless is the same idea, placed in a different way. This time the booster is a drug. Something like that already exists, only they don't have the same effect as NZT Eddie takes in the movie, and they're called Nootropic drugs, usually used in Alzheimer treatment and other degenerative diseases.

The main character, its well presented right in the first 10 minutes, and makes you be caught by his history of live mistakes and frustration. He's f****d up, and couldn't be different.

Limitless has a clear photography. The viewer never gets those black scenes where it's impossible to know whats happening. A pretty good visual art.

In general, acting is good, not memorable, nor poor, stays in the between. But Bradley impresses.

The best about Limitless is the plot, it takes you by surprise at 90% of the time. What is really an impressive characteristic, since 90% of the movies from 2011 suck at this point, really suck, and I've watched lots of them.

Of course, you can't stop thinking about Phenomenon (1996) when watching Limitless (if you've had watched phenomenon), but actually, the similarities are only the "1000 QI points", because intelligence here is treated in a different way. It's more about "what will I do now to get more money?" and not like "oh, I'm super smart, now I can't stand a relationship". Eddie is, actually, even more brilliant!

Limitless is really one of the most exciting 2011 movies I've watched. It's dynamic, and didn't let me down any of his acts. Fun!
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