
44 Reviews
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Professionals (2020–2022)
Definitely Worth Watching
2 March 2024
This show is definitely worth watching. Yes, I know the show isn't perfect - honestly, it does get a little muddled and confusing at times - but it has the right blend of action and comedy to make it entertaining. Personally, I have enough drama in my real life that I need shows with a healthy dose of smiles to distract me. If you stick with this show to the end, it will be well worth it. It is full of little comedic moments that made me smile, as well as some touching moments, that made me think. There is a lot in here about "family" and the message is they aren't always the people that you are related to.

I love a show that has characters with a lot of heart. These days it does seem like the world is being driven by people who don't care. As Vincent says, "It seems like the wrong people keep winning. I don't want to care, but I guess I am bad at ignoring." This show is full of those characters that do care.

Those characters have great chemistry together. They really are a team and a (well... paid...) family, at least. Peter and Vincent are great together and do finally end up respecting each other. Everyone else trust each other and know the others have their backs.

All that being said, it was great to see Brenden Fraser and Tom Welling back in action.
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Professionals: Swan Song (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
I'm Not Letting My Life's Work be Destroyed Without a Fight
2 March 2024
A very satisfying ending for a very good show. "Zora is NOT going to turn my dream into the word's nightmare." Peter has since changed his previous quote. This time around he is even more determined. "I'm not letting my life's work be destroyed unless I'm the one that destroys it." I love stories where the whole team comes together. Everyone had a job and they all did that job to stop the evil that was about to be unleashed.

This episode had SO much to say about being part of a family. Unfortunately, true family is not always the people you share your bloodline with. Peter and Vincent finally are willing to accept that and move on. Each of our "good guy characters" learns a little more about trust and caring. Even Zak and Neumann get to be part of the family.

For me, as I said above, it was a very satisfying ending.
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Hawaii Five-0: Ohuna (The Secret) (2012)
Season 3, Episode 7
NOPE! - I Couldn't do it
8 September 2023
The main story itself was fine, but I do have issues with part of the hacking story. I HATED Danny and Steve trying to force Toast to do any kind of sting infiltration. The man was CLEARLY not okay with it. They don't say that they were going to pay him to work under-cover, they just wanted to wire him up and send him into a warehouse full of people that could kill him at any time. I don't know why there wouldn't have been police protection on the family all along. They knew the killers didn't get what they wanted, didn't they think that they might go after the family and search the house, just like Kono was doing? My main issue is the personal story with Mary and "mom." Maybe she is just a better person, than I am, but my first words would have been, "First: You are NOT my mom, she died when I was 10 and killed our family. MAYBE I can get to know and possibly like this stranger I am meeting."
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Almost Paradise: A Fisherfolk Tale (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Good - But Not Quite as Strong
5 August 2023
I love this show, so all episodes are good, it is just that some are better than others. I didn't feel this episode was quite as strong as the first two. Alex was a bit too much "selfish Alex" for me. He wasn't fighting for justice as much as "I need my boat fixed!" I honestly thought that he would actually get Rita her special fish at the end, for breaking his promise to her that he would be back so she could go to the movie. I still find it odd that the police force isn't paying him something for his services.

As a personal comment, let me just say how much I dislike this 600 character requirement for IMDB reviews. It just means people have to drag out their reviews.
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Almost Paradise: The Magellan Cross (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
It's Great to Have the Gang Back!
23 July 2023
It is so wonderful to see the gang back together for a second season! The chemistry is still there, as well as the wonderfully developed characters. The writers and the actors do a great job of bringing their characters to life. Our gang is believable in spite of their quirks, strong traits, and oddities.

Alex hasn't lost any of his righteous indignation, Kai hasn't lost any of her competitive spirit and Ernesto is still the soul of the show. I love seeing Ernesto take on the bad guys - "Silent Bob" may not talk much, but he sure sticks up for and backs the right people. Apparently, I still need a few characters, so all I can say is, Thank you for season two!
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Willow (2022–2023)
I Think I Will Go Re-watch the Original Epic Movie
30 November 2022
Only three things make this two star worthy: Warwick Davis, Joanne Walley, and the Name of the prince, Airk.

I was SO excited when I heard about this series. I LOVE the original movie - it is one of my top favorites that I can watch again and again, and never tire of seeing it. I knew that Warwick Davis was part of the project so that kept my hopes up. I should have guessed that with Disney's current mindset, though, they would find a way to ruin it. I just wish it would have kept the spirit of the original. Why do we need an unlikable lead character and why do they have to shoehorn in agendas?

But, as I said in the beginning, three things make this worthy of 2 stars. I still love Warwick Davis, I'm just sorry he had to be in this production. I was glad to see Joanne Whalley as Sorsha, and I love the shout out to the original movie character, Airk, that was reflected in the naming of the prince. Airk was one of my favorite characters in the original movies.

Now, I'm off to watch the original.
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Eureka: What About Bob? (2008)
Season 3, Episode 2
Carter, Henry, and Stark
10 October 2022
One of my favorite lines in the Eureka series is delivered in this episode. As Thorn is updating Zane about containment of the threat and he updates her with the new facts on the situation, claiming she won't be needing those. "Carter, Henry and Stark: There is your money team. They know what they are doing." I've always loved the episodes when Nathan Stark and Jack Carter had to work together. They had such great chemistry with their animosity. It was always fun to watch. Add Henry into the equation and it automatically upped the watchability. All in all, I know this isn't a perfect episode, but I love the character interaction and story line.
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29 September 2022
What a HORRIBLE ending to a show! I can't believe there wasn't at least one more episode of the show made. (Okay, honestly, the rest is just to meet their word requirement!) A nice made for TV movie would have been nice. I can, of course make up my own ending, but I wonder if that is what the writers had in mind. Huh... 269 words to go... Meanwhile, I did have the opportunity to listen to Malcolm Gets: The Journey Home album on You Tube and I LOVED it. It seems to showcase his favorites songs and he sound just plain happy while singing and playing. I wish him all the joy and success in the future. WHEW... made it! I STILL would have loved an ending, though!
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Bull: Goodbye (2022)
Season 6, Episode 22
It was okay
29 July 2022
I would have rated it higher if Benny had made an appearance ... or at least have been mentioned. He was a HUGE part of this show for me and should have been made part of this episode in some way. My apologies, if I missed it somewhere.
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ER: Be Still My Heart (2000)
Season 6, Episode 13
Worth Watching Just to Hear John Cullum Sing
14 February 2022
Yes, I know SO much happens in this episode, so this isn't really a review of the episode. I just have to mention how great it was to hear John Cullum sing. I could listen to that part over and over.
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Leverage: Redemption: The Great Train Job (2021)
Season 1, Episode 14
Not Enough Con in this One for Me.
29 November 2021
There really wasn't much conning going on in this one. Although Sophie did get to play a character, it basically was a stall until the investigation, truth, an ax to the wall, and Mounties could expose the bad guy and bring him to justice. No real "flashback" moments to show us since cons and tricks weren't really involved. It was still okay, just not one of the best for me.
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Leverage: Redemption: The Bucket Job (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Honestly, My Favorite Episode So Far.
8 October 2021
Personally, I REALLY enjoyed this episode: A great story with an unexpected twist, very good character development for two of our heroes, and the return of a powerful enemy. It is always wonderful to see our team take on the baddest of the bad. There was also a nice little tribute to a past re-occurring character and a little fun bit to honor the guest star. GREAT episode.
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Doom Patrol: Cult Patrol (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
A Mark Sheppard Guest Appearance Makes ANY Show Better
27 August 2021
The highlight of the episode for me was Willoughby Kipling, played by Mark Sheppard. He always brings such life and entertainment to any character he is given and Kip is no different. His strangeness fit in perfectly with our cast of heroes. I hope we see more of him in the future of this series.
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Almost Paradise (2020– )
I Like this Show.
20 August 2021
This show is exactly what you would expect from Dean Devlin and Christian Kane. It is a show full of action, adventure and fun. You know that you are always in for an hour of entertainment between those two! The truth be told, I started watching for Christian Kane, who ALWAYS delivers. The most intriguing actor/character for me has been Arthur Acuna as Ernesto Alamares. I LOVE that character and seriously hope to get more of him and his backstory in future episodes. GO ERNESTO!
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Leverage: Redemption: The Card Game Job (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Leverage Fans NEED the "Leverage Spirit Ruse" Card Game!
16 August 2021
They REALLY need to market this card game - especially if it is a "Leverage Edition" with our heroes pictured on the some of game cards. Glen the Savage and Milana the Poetry Mistress, for sure.

Besides the card game there were a few other favorite moments in this episode. I loved Sophie's getting excited over being on stage while Eliot anticipated the disastrous outcome. I really liked how Sophie's poetry reading/acting changed when suddenly the reading became part of the con. She really can act when it is part of the con. I TOTALLY enjoyed Eliot and the jousting swordplay. It was a great reminder of Christian Kane in "Secondhand Lions."

Overall, this was one of my favorites, so far.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
They Could Have Skipped the "Supernatural Element"
16 August 2021
It is worth a watch. The cruise itself was fun and adventurous enough, for me. Personally, I think the movie would have been more fun (and shorter!) if they had skipped all of the back story supernatural stuff and went with a pure adventure movie of the trip. There was too much backstory exposition added to get to a plot that I didn't feel was necessary. I guess they just needed that stuff so they could add the special effects. The quest, action and scenery would have been sufficient.
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Leverage: Redemption: The Tower Job (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Least Favorite So Far
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Even in the original series, sometimes the con goes a bit overboard. For me, faking a building collapse, along with the giving the mark muscular issues, was too much, in my opinion. It still was keeping with the original idea of their bag of tricks, but just too much and not my favorite. Still, ANY Leverage is GOOD Leverage.
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Solid, But Might Have Been Better in October
5 August 2021
This was still a good episode, but lost something in this time of year. Maybe it should have been saved for the second half of the season. I definitely missed the guys. I can only hope that there will be a second episode at some point with them, kind of like the "Girls Night Out/Boys Night Out" pairing.
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A Solid Episode.
24 July 2021
I didn't feel this episode was quite as strong as the first two, but it was still a good story and con. It is going to take a little time until the new team gels like the old team. The character of Breanna will take some getting use to for me. She is MUCH younger than the others and does have a LOT to learn. Harry, at least, is more mature and has more life experience, so he slid into the role of teammate more easily. Still a solid ep. I do like their new office.
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The Team is Back!
9 July 2021
The team is back! I really enjoyed this first episode. The actors seemed to fall right back into their characters with all of the quirks and scars that made us love them back in the day. The reason for the reunion felt natural and they fell into the con in a realistic way.

While I will miss Timothy Hutton, Noah Wyle has always been a favorite of mine. I feel he will be a strong addition to the cast and crew.

The writing felt as sharp, witty, and clever as ever. I can't wait to see the rest of the season. I'm going to do my best to keep it to ONE episode a week, but we will see how that goes. ;~)
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It is a Fun Fluff Way to Spend a Half Hour
8 May 2021
Granted there is nothing earth shattering happening here but it is a fun fluffy show. The music is definitely the highlight of an episode. The only real harm is a bit of overacting pretty much by every character. Other than that it is an okay way to spend a half hour.
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Not Great But Not as Bad as Some of the Reviews
13 April 2021
This certainly is not the best movie I have seen nor the worst. It seems like most of the bad reviews indicate that people were upset about either paying for this movie or being tricked into watching a film showing Christian values and ideals. If you know what it is about maybe you won't dislike it so much.

It has been decades since I read Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" so honestly, I don't remember how close this follows that plot, but there are some lessons along the way.

As I said, it isn't all bad.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
One Star Subtracted for ONE Thing Only
9 January 2021
Perfect? Almost! The ONE thing that would have made it perfect in my eyes, is if the gear shift knob would have gone with Grogu. I could envision Mando saying to Luke, "Oh wait... He likes this" and Grogu doing "the hand thing" and pulling the ball from him before the elevator door closed. Okay, OTHER than that it was PERFECT.
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Hamilton (2020)
Very Glad I watched it with Subtitals
13 July 2020
I am very glad that I watched this on TV instead of going to the theater. I would have missed MOST of the plot and exposition simply because it all goes by so fast!. By reading it I could at least keep up.

Personally, I did miss having songs with melodies that stick with me after the show. There were just s few phrases that stuck.

I did enjoy it, though, and it did get me "googling" my early American history and people. Anything that gets you interested in any topic and gives you the desire to learn (or re-learn) something is good.

Between another favorite,"1776" and "Hamilton" my computer was busy with history!
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Doc: Citizen Crane (2002)
Season 2, Episode 18
One of my Favorite Doc Episodes
29 June 2020
In my opinion, this is one of the best Doc episodes. Donnie is a homeless street performer who recently lost his best friend and the person who "cared" for him on the streets. It turns out that Donnie is a savant who can do some amazing things but still can not care for himself.

My main reason for reviewing this episode is to give a shout out to John Posey who plays Donnie. He does an outstanding job in this role.

It is definitely an episode to see.
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