
13 Reviews
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Great Scott,this movie stinks!
7 January 2014
Two words, Superman Returns What?????? Is it me or did they ripped that title off from Batman Returns(1992)? This movie however has a lot more weak plot than expected. I can't believe I went to see this twice in theaters. What was I thinking? I believe this movie was a combination of a sequel and a reboot together and a very moronic way at that. If people think this movie is great they're dumb. I expected more action in this film but I was more than disappointed. It maybe a bad movie but not as bad as Superman III & IV The Quest For Peace. But this movie goes beyond my comprehension. I just can't stand what a bad way they tried to bring back the Superman franchise and failed. This compares nothing to the 2013 hit Man of Steel. Now that one's worth watching. Forget Superman returns and watch Man of Steel instead. Who gives a crap about this film anyway. I think the bullet should have never bounced of this movie. Why did they even bother?
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The End of The Star Trek Franchise!
1 August 2006
If Gene Roddenberry were still alive to see this movie, he would have been outraged by this abomination! Star Trek Nemesis is the worst thing to happen to Star Trek since Star Trek V. I deeply doubt that they will celebrate the Star Trek 40th anniversary this year which they probably won't. All because Star Trek Nemesis became a dud at the box office. It's like I've said before, they don't make them like use too. Movie companies are more into their money than they are with audiences. They just don't think of us Star Trek fans anymore! This movie of course has all bad plot and everything else that's totally lousy! When I saw this film, I was like, My God!, what the hell did these cruel bastards do to Star Trek? What were they thinking? I can't believe they would do that! What a way to end the franchise of a perfectly good saga. This movie doesn't boldly go where you want it to! What will become of Star Trek now? Will they want to bring it back from the dead in the future? It doesn't look like Star Trek will have a future at all! Ever since Gene Roddenberry died, Star Trek hasn't been doing well with the franchise lately. A very sad loss! It's a Star Trek fans worst nightmare! There just isn't anyway to keep the franchise going nowadays. Don't expect much from any movie companies. obviously they can't hire good movie writers anymore. So much for Star Trek, I should say! Can Star Trek be saved? The answer is NO!!!!!
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RoboCop 3 (1993)
Man, the nerve!
14 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Another bad move for movie makers! Frank Miller, Lay off the Robocop franchise already. Isn't it bad enough that he messed things up with Robocop 2 three years earlier? He just has to make things even worse with another sequel! When it comes to really bad sequels it's never a dull moment. Especially the ones that follow the films we loved. It's just plain wrong! And still ED-209 didn't get a big role again. ED-209 was the only good part in this movie. Movie makers are just not trying anymore, That's all! It's like I've said, they don't make them like they use to. A terrible waste of money on this bad film! And you thought Robocop 2 was bad, Three is much worse! This movie is just as bad as Superman III for sure! I'm surprised that they didn't bother putting a new cyborg called the Robocop 3 like they did in Robocop 2. Even Peter Weller was smart enough not to star in this movie after what happened in the last sequel! And interestingly enough, Robocop wasn't the first name to appear in the cast in the end credits. Even the makers of this movie knew that Robocop 3 was awful! And even worse was the Robocop TV Series that aired a year later! It didn't do good as well. That's why it lasted for only one small season. The Robocop franchise is going, going, going, Gone! Sorry Robo! You tried and you failed! That's the way the ball bounces. You might as well give it up!
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RoboCop 2 (1990)
A title meaning this movie sucks ass!
14 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There, I've said it! Ever since I've heard that Robocop 2 was being filmed a year earlier on Entertainment Tonight, I had a strong feeling that it was going to suck! And yet it did, thanks to the bad writing and producing so to speak. Once a bad sequel is always a bad sequel. A true no brain film! The only thing good about it is the title cyborg who battles Robocop, the rest is just weak plot and everything else that's done very poorly. I can't believe I've wasted my $6.00 to go see this movie! Even the ED-209 robot didn't get a big role in this film, just a small cameo, that's all! Movie companies nowadays don't care weather their movies sequels are bad or not. This really kills the Robocop franchise! Talk about an inferior sequel! I would say that this movie is a major disappointment, but that doesn't go as far! It's a total rant! This movie does absolutely nothing for us movie fans. This film of course deserves the award for lousy picture! Frank Miller is worse than Ed Wood. You're fired, Frank! Just avoid this disappointing installment! You're really not missing anything! The worst sequel to a movie since Star Trek V.
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A Major Letdown
11 September 2005
Just another bad sequel to a great movie. A Power Ranger fan's worst nightmare, which isn't really saying much so to speak. This really kills the MPG franchise. Why wasn't Billy in this one?, Why wasn't Jason the Gold Ranger? And what happened to The Machine Empire? There's nothing in this movie but very weak plot but that's about it! Even the series to this movie was lousy! To say the least! All though I liked Power Rangers in Space but the following Power Rangers series like Lost Galaxy,Light Speed Rescue,Time Force,Ninja Storm,Wild Force,Dino Force and S.P.D. where pretty crappy! Watch Voltron The Third Demention instead. Don't waste your time or money watching this disappointing no film! It just ain't worth it.
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The Clone Wars Has Begun
31 August 2005
The force keeps getting better again and again. Movie goers just don't see the action in this movie, It has everything a true Star Wars fan can ever hope for! Even though I thought Episode I Was cool, this one is even better! We finally get to see R2 & 3PO get together. This truly goes in the Star Wars Category. Lucas has done it again! This is one of the greatest Star Wars Prequels to date. People shouldn't misjudge this film, They don't know whats good even if it jumped up and bit them! All they care about nowadays is mindless action flicks. Lucas is a genius when it comes to making the second Star Wars Trilogy. Star Wars Episode II Rules! I was more than impressed with this one, This movie has everything, Even for us Star Wars geeks and I'm proud of it! Only people who are not true Star Wars fans trash this movie. Who cares! Episode II deserves a lot more.
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The Force Keeps Getting Better and Better!
18 August 2005
This is the best of the best! Nothing keeps getting better than George's exiting space opera. Star Wars Episode III is an excellent film. After the original trilogy, The Special Edition and Episodes I & II, This is the final chapter that has all the answers and everything else. It's the most enjoyable. Who cares what other movie goers like! American movie goers nowadays are very shallow if you ask me! I'm true Star Wars fan and I say it's excellent, Period! I just hope that two years from now that Lucas will celebrate the Star Wars 30th anniversary, And if so I'm hoping that Lucas would rerelease the original Star Wars trilogy on the big screens in special edition form again,or maybe he'll do it twelve years from now, Cause that would be awesome if he could do it one more time! Who knows? Anything's possible in the future.
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Carnosaur (1993)
Carnosaur is Carnocrap!
18 August 2005
Of all the really bad movies including dinosaur flicks, This one is the worst of it's kind! I give it a zero if possible which it most certainly deserves. It's not a kinda film worth watching! Believe me. Roger Corman was probably high when he was making it so to speak! And I thought Godzilla 1998 was bad, This movie is pure trash! Why bother wasting your money renting it as well? This film should have never ever been made. Roger Corman is worse than Ed Wood. I wouldn't even call it a dinosaur movie! This is why I don't care for the new monster flicks. It's a pathetic rip off of Jurassic Park. Hollywood is at it's worst with these movies. Watch "Valley of Gwangi" instead! It's a far better dinosaur flick. Two thumbs down for Carnosaur or Carnocrap!
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Star Wars Episode I, The Force is Definitely With It!!!!
29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the first 3 Star Wars Movies, I was more than impressed with this one! This film and it's story has a lot of action and plot! Who the hell cares what anybody else says, They don't know squat! Movie Goers nowadays don't even follow Star Wars at all! I think this film should have received several Oscars. It doesn't matter to me how different this movie is, Star Wars is Star Wars period. Enjoy it for what it is. This movie is a brilliant beginning! No doubt! If you don't like this movie then you don't like Star Wars. The Space Battle scenes were cool as well as everything else! What more do movie fans want? Didn't they even see the pod racing at all? That was awesome just as well! If you ask me, I think Jar Jar was a riot! The force is definitely with you George Lucas! Keep up the good work. We Star Wars fans owe it all to you. He is the master mind of Star Wars! Movie fans should not be judging this particular movie at all. It just isn't right.
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You Maniacs, You F@#$%ed it up!!! Damb you, Damb you all to Hell!!!!!!!
29 July 2005
First there was New Coke 1985, Then Godzilla 1998, And now Planet of the Apes 2001. What was Tim Burton on when he was making this awful remake of the 1968 classic? Wasn't Cabin Boy,Mars Attacks & Sleepy Hollow bad enough for us movie goers? This film makes Planet of the Ape fans wanna cry! Why is it that new movies nowadays with great makeup and special effects has to have an awful plot? They just don't make them like they use to! Tim Burton obviously can't afford good movie writers. That's probably why his latest movies were so weak. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an exception. At least it has a lot of plot. All though I haven't seen Big Fish yet! I just hope that Corps Bride does well. Even better than James and the Giant Peach. But Planet of the Apes, Forget it! Don't waste your time for this movie. It just ain't worth it! It's not a movie you wanna go ape over.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Everybody look out, It's NOT GODZILLAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
26 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A year after the success of The Lost World Jurassic Park, This monster flick is what destroyed the dinosaur franchise of the 1990s. I mean really! Just look how ridiculous this version of Godzilla is compared to the real thing. What the hell was Roland Emmerich thinking? Doesn't he follow any of the Godzilla movies at all? This giant mutated iguana or Godzilla wanna be does not compare with the real big G at all! At times like this, I'm just glad that I don't work for Hollywood movie companies. If we wanted a new Godzilla movie I rather have him look like him, Not a poor imitation of him! I can tell that this movie will be long forgotten. These movie makers try too hard! To say the least. That's it! dinosaur movies are doomed to extinction! Period. Watch Independence Day instead. It's a much better Sci-Fi flick. Godzilla 1998 is a complete insult to Harryhausen's monster hit, Beast from 20,000 Fathoms. Godzilla 1998 is the worst thing to happen to an icon since New Coke! This film should have been called "Iguana, When Nature Calls". I think the toys that Trendmasters made from this film look a lot better than the monster itself in the movie! Believe me!! This movie makes Juassic Park 3 look like a hit!
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The Earliest of All Giant Movies
19 July 2005
If you ask me, I think the effects in this movie are far more convincing than the special effects in Attack of the 50 Foot Woman! All thought in some of the effects scenes the giant did looked a little transparent but not badly! Glenn Manning growing kinda reminded me about the Harryhausen hit, "20 Million Miles to Earth" Which the Ymir grows at an alarming rate from earth's air. After seeing The Amazing Colossal Man and it's sequel War of the Colossal Beast, I'm always wondering what would happen if Glenn Manning had come face to face with Gaira from "War of the Gargantuas"? Would it be a fair fight? They appear to be both the same size! I just can't decide who would probably win! I think The Amazing Colossal Man is a must have for all old sci-fi fans. I just enjoy it for what it is.
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The Most Tearful Casper Ever
4 July 2005
I never thought an old cartoon would bring tears to my eyes! When I first purchased Casper & Friends: Spooking About Africa, I so much wanted to see the very first Casper cartoon entitled The Friendly Ghost (1945), But when I saw the next cartoon, There's Good Boos To-Night (1948), It made me break down! I couldn't believe how sad and tragic it was after seeing Casper's fox get killed! I never saw anything like that in the other Casper cartoons! This is the saddest one of all! It was so depressing, I just couldn't watch it again. It's just like seeing Lassie die at the end of a movie. I know it's a classic,But it's too much for us old cartoon fans to handle like me! If I wanted to watch something old and classic, I rather watch something happy and funny! But when I think about this Casper cartoon, I think about my cats!
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