
129 Reviews
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Heartbreaking and moving
1 June 2024
The story of the Von Erich family, and their so called "curse" by the wrestling world. If follows the lives of four brothers and their father, as they battle the hardships of live to obtain glory among the legends of US wrestling, while being haunted by what seems a terrible streak of luck.

There is not a lot of movies out there that manage to capture both a wholesome, yet realistic depiction of the struggle of life and death, while portraying the honest ups and downs of being alive. The Iron Claw manages to create an inspiring, yet haunting story that captures you with its beautiful cinematography and absolutely perfect cast of characters. The performance by Zac Efron is an absolute highlight, and he delivers a nuanced portrayal of a caring and strong man that's emotionally hanging on a thread.

The camera work of the movie is incredibly good, plus a great soundtrack that knows when to play and when to keep quiet, it creates an immersing atmosphere that transports you to the Texas of the 80s and 90s. It masterfully crafts the setting while also keeping a strong focus on the family.

This is an incredibly entertaining film that checks all the right boxes. It moved me, made me laugh, and made me cry. The ending in particular, is what a landslide of sentiment feels like.
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A weightless punch
30 May 2024
So, considering the raving reviews this film got, I was actually going into it with quite some expectations, yet ultimately I found myself thorn with what I felt, was, just a decent film that seemed to struggle to assess what it wants, or maybe I struggle to see what it tries to do.

It is a film about finding yourself (a concept I personally find a little cliché if not done properly) during your 30s, and looking for a greater reason in life, yet the film doesn't really try to show you a way into that. It is raw in the sense that the lives that it portrays, are those of people that talk the big talk but barely do any work to actually achieve what they wish for. The protagonist is pretty much this. Julie, at times, feels like a closeted narcissist, incapable of accepting guilt or accepting that she's not as special as she thinks she is. She feels lost and wanders around life trying to find meaning.

Yet, that's exactly what I didn't quite like about this film. Julie keeps doing just that, wandering and wandering without any clear goals, she doesn't know what she wants and she doesn't even seem to try to take the moment to actually reflect upon it other than by impulsive decisions.

But I guess that's the whole point, is it no? This movie is not about the success of the character, or about actually finding a meaning or reason for you life, and while she is definitely not the worst person in the world, she's a lost woman in her 30s that seeks validation where there is none, betrays her closed ones, and herself in the process, to get all the way back to the starting point, all for nothing.

The first half of the film I found to be very boring and insipid. It's hard to pay attention to a protagonist that has no personality at all, and while the secondary characters are more entertaining, they are not the focus of the film.

The last half improves a lot more. While the crazy shots and editing adds some flavor to it, I couldn't but feel that the director wanted to add them just as a way to enhance the film visually, rather than be an actual essential part of it; it feels superfluous. On the other hand, the conversations and dialogue gets more interesting, and the stakes are higher, emotions feel stronger, and we start seeing the actions of Julie take shape into consequences.

I guess it's a decent movie. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but if you are interested in a movie that portrays the angst of a 30s woman lost in life, without ever actually achieving what she wants, then you can have this one.
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Minari (2020)
A comfy yet realistic story about the struggle of life
24 May 2024
In a farm, there's a modest sense of accomplishment and closeness that it's hard to truly grasp unless you have lived through it, and anyone who has, know that the farmer's life is a constant challenge, a daily race, and yet, at times, it invigorates and makes us feel free.

Minari captures that idea with its realistic portrayal of a family of Korean immigrants starting a new life as farmers in the landscape of Arkansas. It is a beautifully filmed story that follows through the good winds and grace of a simple life, while also accepting and showing the great pain and undertaking that comes with it. While at first it seems like it tries to romantic the hardships, it ultimately achieves a perfect balance that falls into the softness of the human soul, where both good and bad coexists.

There's a lovely sense of ambience to Minari, masterfully crafted through its grounded cinematography and combined with an absolutely beautiful soundtrack that moves you to tears.

A good experience, all in all.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
A somber story, slow but meaningful
23 May 2024
A Ghost Story was a rather polarizing movie back when it premiered due to its misleading marketing that made it seem like a horror/suspense movie, but the reality is not that far away when we start thinking things through.

I was moved and enthralled by what, at first glance, is a slow-burn kind of movie with very, very little dialogue and long takes that seems to drag on and on, yet with each take, there's a small gift of solace in portraying a very melancholic life about loss, grief, and the passing of time. A movie that's softly strong it essence, with a simplistic narrative that tries to for the less-is-more kind of approach, and, in my opinion, it succeeds at it.

Don't expect this to be a melodrama or a romance, instead, approach it as a cinematographic experience about the inability to let go of a loved one, about the dangers of waiting, and how love can endure what seems eternity.

There's two particular scenes that completely moved me, despite their short and succinct execution, they work great at showing you what this film is about, and I'm sure that if you give it the opportunity and time, it will reward you with a very powerful story.
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Challenging yet haunting movie experience
22 May 2024
The Turin Horse is one of those movies that makes you raise your eyebrow the first minutes, and you start wondering if this is going to be one of "those" films, and indeed, it is, but in a different, more subtle way. The Turin Horse doesn't try to be a melodramatic experience, nor a pretentious high level kind of cinema, instead it uses miserably slow camera takes and uncomfortable silences to portray a life of decay, misery, and heaviness.

At two hours and half, and with only 30 takes in total, you can expect this movie to feel boring, because it is. Yet, that's the whole point of it. You have to understand its structure and goal, it doesn't want to entertain you, it wants to move you by showing you the grueling and repetitive life of a small family of farmers living in the poor countryside, enduring the challenges of solitude, poorness, hunger, and mortality.

The Turin Horse is the kind of film that grows slowly in you. It is symbolic and highly visual, it portrays its message through motion rather than dialogue, and the few sparse lines of dialogue are mostly incoherent and at times, out of place, yet each one has its subtle depth to it.

It's a very interesting experience, one that I enjoyed, but I could clearly see why some others wouldn't. It's a long, slow and repetitive, yet, it achieves what it wants to do.
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Eternity (2017)
Miserable and captivating, a moving film
18 May 2024
A quiet watching experiencia, Wiñaypacha takes us into the Andean paradise as we witness the struggle of old couple that lives alone in the high mountains, in their little stone house alongside their dog, sheep, and a llama. A simplistic premise, it launches you into a very intimate and rather sad experience about solitude, old age, and the beauty of silence.

Filmed in a very minimalist way, Wiñaypacha is all about the silent beauty of the Andes as a backdrop, with the rather cruel yet honest way of living of two old people that expect their son return, something that feels each day more and more distant.

There's a very unique and interesting simplicity to this film that enthralls you. There's little dialogue, and most of the film consists of simply watching this couple live alone, and yet, you can't help but feel their struggle with their every move, as they fight against the elements to survive in an uncaring world where people shouldn't grow old. It moves you, and it breaks you. To watch vulnerable people being so alone, so far away from modernity, crumble away in complete silence, with no one around. Wiñaypacha is a honest, tragic film that will touch your soul with desperation and kindness.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
An exposition of true depression
21 April 2024
Few films really manage to capture the inner and quiet desperation of a man. They sometimes show it as a lack of empathy, or an overflow of rage, but the reality of it is filled with subtle hints, with nuance, and quiet cries for help. Aftersun is the most emotionally intrusive and disturbing film I've ever seen that deals with depression, the severe kind that doesn't allow you to even enjoy the good moments of life.

Aftersun seems to be designed for an specific audience in mind. You either like it, or you don't, and I don't think it is a bad film or a polarizing one for that, it's just that it is so well designed, so well suited for a certain kind of watchers, that some will be left just wondering, while other will feel absolutely devastated after watching it.

This film felt like a cry for help. Every scene, there's so many subtle hints about what truly is going on, that you can't help but feel the tightness in your heart. The ending, in particular, has to be one of the most gut wrenching endings in movie history.

I don't know what else to say. Aftersun is expressive cinema, the tragic, ugly kind, the one that asks you to keep quiet, and feel what the characters feel. I was left empty after finishing it, and, now, days later, I'm still thinking about it.
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Ura horâ (2008 Video)
An eerie atmosphere but a rather lackluster execution
20 March 2024
Ura Hora is quite the interesting experiment by the master of found-footage horror, Koji Shiraishi. Know for Noroi, a masterclass of pure creepy horror, Koji also has an immense repertoire of horror films that have been exclusive release in Japan. Finding a good quality version with subtitles of this movie is a challenge, but a worthy one.

Ura Hora is an interesting and fast-paced anthology of multiple horror stories that follow a very palpable and unique style, presented ala ''Late Night TV News'', it follows random TV crews encountering paranormal experiences across a variety of locations. It has a lot of diversity and simple creativity put into it, with many stories being quite charming due to their simple yet effective levels of scare.

This is where Uta Hora works best. It builds a really eerie atmosphere and its presentation feels realistic, like if you actually found a DVD with a ton of supernatural films. It works well in creating this lively world of creepy encounters, delivering some spooky tension.

On the other hand, this is a very, very low-budget film, and you can tell it rather quickly. Not only due to the poor special effects and makeup, but also the camera work, the acting, and the general style of the movie. While it works well with the idea of this being a collection of TV reels, it also feels rather weak and cheap.

Some of the stories are also quite, well, silly, I would say. The first ones are genuinely creepy, but it then devolves into more bizarre encounters that are hard to take seriously, diminishing the creepiness of it.

Still, if you are both a fan of found-footage and J-Horror, this movie is definitively worth checking out due to its historical value, fast pacing, and entertaining little stories of horror.
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Evidence (III) (2012)
Better than expected
6 November 2023
With such a title and such a cover, you'd think this movie would most likely be about everyone's favorite cryptid, or perhaps about UFOs, but hold on! There's a little more to it than what it looks like, and for once, I was quite pleased with the way it evolved.

Evidence is a found-footage style of movie that starts with a very trope-heavy premise as it takes you into a small adventure trip with a bunch of late 2000s friends. It goes pretty simple and quite basic during the first half of it, dragging you in with a slightly slow pace that tries to burn your senses. It feels like a slog at times, with a bunch of very whine and annoying characters that feel like huge jerks despite supposedly being friends. It tries to heavy to make this feel like a ''Blair Witch'' style of psychological breakdown, and fails at it.

Now, if the movies was just that, then it would most likely not even earn a 3 or 4 star rating. It does, however, change the pace and tone to something much more unique and interesting that, while feeling bloated, does help create what feels like a completely new movie. You should watch that if you enjoy sudden changes in story.
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A slow burn with a nice outcome
5 November 2023
Horror in the High Desert comes into the field of mockumentaries with a simple premise: A hike goes missing in the High Desert of Nevada, and people try to find out how and why. The mystery is part of the plot, and it revolves around how family members, closed ones, and police forces, manage to find the clues, one by one, of what truly happened with Gary, the protagonist.

Missing persons is quite the over used plotline, but it always manages to capture the imagination by its sheer concept. The idea of getting lost in the wilderness of the Nevada forests and mountains is quite the spooky thought, and so the movie tries to play that while juxtaposing the beauty of nature with the horrors that lurk underneath its facade.

The movie takes its time to build up the mood and set the scene. It takes a while, and I can see that turning away a lot of people. It is the kind of movie that you need some patience to get into, particularly if you are watching it alone, but, ultimately, it does manage to deliver with a very simple yet effective horror fest of found-footage proportions near the end, which I'm sure fans of movies such as The Blair Witch Project, will enjoy. Fair warning, it takes a while, and I would certainly have preferred it to be a little more fast paced, but still, an entertaining and spooky flick for fans of the genre.
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V/H/S/94 (2021)
Entertaining and with good practical effects
4 December 2021
After the disaster that was VHS Viral, I didn't have much hope for this series, after all it seemed that it would die with the 3rd installment, however, years go by and here we have the reboot of the series, this time with a more concise format and a central mythology that follows a loose narrative through different VHS tapes connected in some way. The 4th installment of the series revives the franchise with a select group of horror-shorts that manage to entertain for their set length, though of course, always maintaining the same flaws of past productions and being a bit goofy at times.

One thing that stands out is probably the increased budget. While in the previous films you could feel the lack of money in certain segments, in this case we have some short films with excellent set designs, fantastic practical effects and great costumes. Probably the best practical effects since VHS 2 Safe Haven. That gives it a rather theatrical visceral entertainment factor, and of course, as a result, we have one of the goriest installments of the saga.

VHS 94 is decent. While the practical effects and designs are interesting, the execution and direction of the shorts leaves something to be desired. They are interesting concepts but are not exploited to their potential.

Entertaining, with good effects, it may mark a new hope for the series.
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Nonsense plot but super fun
20 November 2021
Alien invasion movies. You know them, you know them and you have seen them. But here we have a somewhat interesting proposal that decides to combine time anomalies with a brutal and lost war of attraction.

The Tomorrow War has a very interesting and attractive setting, but we have to admit the elephant in the room: the story doesn't make sense and is full of plot-holes, which makes it difficult to follow the movement at times, and many times it breaks the immersion. To that we have a writing subpar and the truth is that this is not an intellectual or complex movie in that sense.

On the other hand, it is fun. The effects are incredible, the action is intense and the alien design is one of the best of the year. The fights are full of great moments and fantastic scenes, which despite being relatively unnecessarily comical, show intensity and emotion.

This is a pure popcorn movie. Turn off your brain and enjoy it. It's quite decent at it.
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Suicide Club (2001)
A violently surreal and confusing story
18 November 2021
Suicide Club managed to create a cult reputation during its years of release, establishing itself as a rather special film in the genre and evocative, full of disturbing moments and a story that, despite being confusing, creates a palpable sense of mystery and an unsettling atmosphere.

The film has an interesting story, if somewhat nonsensical at times, but shows high doses of mystery combined with a deep symbolism that adheres to Japanese culture, combining popular narratives and making use of tropes that were common during the 90s and early 2000s of Japanese cinema, especially the use of supernatural plots combined with technology. On the other hand, the story at times falls under its own weight and becomes too complex, in the sense that it doesn't seem to get anywhere. I think that rather than offering a traditional story, this is a collection of ideas that seeks to narrate something without the need to focus on the classic development of a movie, creating surreal and violent scenes with a strong focus on death.

Suicide Club was much better than I expected. I thought it would be a simple gore movie with a mystery, but it manages to combine a handful of unique and distinguishable elements that give it a quite terrifying and unique personality. Add to that good performances and a solid cast, plus strong cinematography, and we have a solid horror film with a deep context. Recommended.
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This is THE Suicide Squad
12 October 2021
The previous film is considered one of the worst films of the genre, and I agree, but, luckily and thanks to the brilliant skill of a good director added to an excellent dose of extravagant performances, we have as a result a reboot worthy of the name. This is a movie that knows how to be artistic and entertaining at the same time. I'm not a fan of the superhero genre, and I usually watch them for the simple entertainment factor, but they often fail even at that. This movie is not that case.

Entertaining and well designed. It offers constant non-stop action and at the same time keeps us encapsulated thanks to a good character development that manages to maintain a precise balance between being funny and serious. It's not a super dramatic end of the world movie, but it's an intense scenario that offers excellent variety and a story that, while not super original, is well executed.

Probably the most unexpected thing for me was the choice of unexpected artistic shots. Like excellent psychedelic scenes that play with the visual effects or camera transitions that break the 4th wall for a moment. Add to that a good selection of indie-rock music and we have a colorful movie, full of personality and hilarious.

Even if you're not a fan of the superhero genre, this movie treats it both satirically and seriously, combining just the right elements to deliver something entertaining. In that case it reminds me of Thor Ragnarok, but of course, with much, much, much more violence.
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A faux-documentary about UFOs with decent execution.
1 October 2021
I'm a UFO fanatic, so I went into this movie with a certain amount of joy to see something different. Granted, I didn't have high expectations, after all, we know that horror and faux-documentary movies are not usually very good, however, the execution of this one was much better than I expected. With a good budget and use of camera techniques, the creators managed to create a film that, despite not being a marvel of special effects, contains well-designed scenes with good entertainment value.

The script is a bit heavy-handed, leaving much to be desired, but it manages to establish certain real-life connections with fictional events in a good way, creating a sort of historical universe within its own limits. The characters are, for the most part, typical cliché examples of movies of this type, but I've seen worse so I cut them some slack. The performances are decent, not the best, but what else can we expect?

Probably what I hated the most was the idiotic subplot about the alien-crazy guy. I found it unnecessary, cliche, redundant and even a bit cringe-worthy, mainly because it didn't add anything interesting to the scene and only served as a sort of punching bag of mysteries.

In the end, it's a short, entertaining movie that manages to combine real scenes with cinematic scenes and creates a somewhat interesting conspiracy story, which although affected by its delirious script and half-developed characters, manages to entertain for 1 hour and 20 minutes without major complaints. Also, the aliens and the development of the scenes is entertaining, as well as the multiple scenes from the POV of the military. It's worth it if you like the genre and feel like killing time.
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I See You (II) (2019)
A good thriller with excellent direction.
24 May 2021
A sleeper hit that will undoubtedly wake up more than a few people. A short movie but with an intense pacing and without rest. The first act begins spectacularly establishing the premise, while the second reveals a somewhat boring subplot that will end up exploding incredibly in the third act. With excellent visuals accompanied by a deep musical score, this film manages to create a great atmosphere of mystery through a creepy tale of stalkers, killers and kidnappers. All in one.
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One of the horror hits of the 2000s, but somewhat outdated
18 May 2021
For its year of release, Paranormal Activity was an unexpected sleeper hit that took the world by surprise. One of the most popular movies of the year, it would go on to launch a hugely successful franchise of dubious quality. On the other hand, the original is at times considered a cult film thanks to its original approach to found-footage style. If Blair Witch Project is considered the father of the found-footage technique, then Paranormal Activity is to blame for the genre exploding into an incredible money-making industry.

Focusing on the movie, it's a little hard to rate this film if you haven't seen it during its first glorious years, since as a horror fan, if you haven't seen a minimum of 10 found-footage movies by this point, you probably don't watch much. The genre is exploited, but it always maintains a certain charisma, mainly in its ease of production and the fact that they almost always generate huge amounts of money. Now, if you already have a lot of experience with the subgenre, then Paranormal Activity will feel a bit dull, bland and uninspired. On the other hand, old prejudices aside, the film has a creative style that gave it its position as one of the biggest hits of the decade. With a unique style that manages to transcribe a creepy thrill, as well as a simple but effective story, the film is a decent attempt to scare us. It's not entirely solid, as it has certain logic flaws, dull moments and some silly moments (as all horror movies do) but it will keep you entertained for an hour and a half and may scare you a little.

Personally, I would recommend other films, but even so, its short length makes it a nice horror movie to kill time while eating some popcorn. Because that's mostly what this is, a fun horror popcorn flick.
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Cargo (I) (2017)
Flawed, but a solid zombie tragedy
18 May 2021
In the zombie genre, as exploited as it is overused, we have found all kinds of things, on the other hand, Cargo tries to bring a sentimental story to the scene with a unique touch that focuses mainly on the will of a man and his sacrifice to move forward in an apocalyptic world. Set in Australia, it follows the story of a couple who end up getting infected by the plague, but not before doing everything they can to save their daughter.

Cargo is also special because it comes from a famous 7-minute short film released in 2013. While the short manages to pack quite a bit of power into its short length, the film expands upon these concepts and introduces new dynamics and ideas. Unfortunately, I feel that these were not fully explored or narrated in a tactile enough way to fully encapsulate us within the story, that coupled with brief appearances from multiple characters that don't end up giving more substance. Despite that, the film has a nice touch and a solid foundation that accompanies an emotional cinematography through a story of emotional and moral clashes.

While I don't consider it one of my favorites, it is solid and entertaining in some ways.
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Railroad Man (1999)
Mysticism and a touching story.
23 April 2021
It is common to come across stories about the lives of ordinary people taking certain courses through life. Sometimes we can see things so simple that they catch our hearts and make us smile a little. This movie is a little bit of that, but it presents us with a tragedy that demonstrates the strength and loyalty of a railworker, who with such an attitude and indomitable loyalty always remains steadfast to his job. We come to wonder if he loves his job more than his life itself. This tragedy evolves around multiple flashbacks that gradually build an overall structure that makes us appreciate every moment.

Accompanied by an excellent direction that knows how to make use of transitions as well as small but meaningful scenes that give weight to the main story, Poppoya is a beautiful film that shows us how a lonely and simple life can bring more than we think into our hands. The cinematography presents us with an isolated and cold scene of loneliness and abandonment, but it is also in this kind of images where the small flames warm our hands and we can admire the true culture behind this work. With a fantastic plot twist that wraps our hearts around it, Poppoya is a great work full of emotions that works as an excellent mirror to a world of work, passion and family.
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A poetic story of love and kindness.
22 April 2021
Created as a tribute to the master Kurosawa, this film falls into the well-known samurai/ronin genre, but seeks to create a story with a more enjoyable narrative that pleases a humanisno as palpable as it is admirable. Simplicity combined with honest storytelling results in a loving narrative thread that offers a fresh perspective on a caring and loving warrior. After the Rain is a simple film in the sense that it doesn't try to be more than it pretends to be. It is a story that encapsulates the modesty of a simple life governed by the honor and love of a truly good man. Even in the face of the difficulties and challenges of everyday life, even in the face of moral dilemmas and the twisted compass of good and law, this character stands out as someone who does not follow the instinct of the animal hunter, but of the protective family guardian.

The fantastic direction works as an excellent boost to the overall quality of the film, offering a work that calms the heart and fills us with a bit of hope thanks to a style that is as cinematic as it is poetic. Like a novel in our hands, but now made for our eyes. After the Rain is a tribute not only to one of the greatest in history, but to an entire genre. Romance? Samurai? Maybe both, maybe neither, after all the only thing left after the rain is the head held high and the heart beating.
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Epicness in a gigantic magnitude.
27 March 2021
Wishes to see the iconic film revitalized in modern effects along with a new script that incorporates classic elements under one pure action fest are finally coming true. Godzilla vs. Kong is a perfect action movie that delivers the best fights ever in full glory. Brutal fights, fantastic scenery and incredible effects, the wet dream of every fan of the saga. Now we can see the god and the king in all their glory.
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The Lobster (2015)
Absurdism in society.
7 July 2020
With scenes as beautiful as dramatic, intelligent touches and good (rare) acting quality, The Lobster is a different movie, extravagant and yes, very rare. Single men and women must meet in a hotel and get a partner for the next few days, otherwise they will be turned into animals and abandoned. That premise alone sounds peculiar enough, but watching the movie is even more so. Although it is categorized as a comedy and romance, I must admit that I didn't find room within any of those categories. I didn't consider this movie funny at any time, on the contrary, it is disturbing. Don't consider it a romance either, because it's more of a criticism of that romance. This is where the film shines by showing us a palpable message about "love and society". A look through a different lens that takes us into a world as pessimistic as it is optimistic, a world without contradictions where everything is perfect, and yet, wrong; a false world.

It's worth seeing, even if it feels strange and somewhat tight, and fails miserably in its touches of ''comedy and romance''. It's worth just because of how... rare it is.
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The King (I) (2019)
One of the best Netflix movies and a great Medieval tale.
12 May 2020
Amazing shots, beautifil scenes, incredible and brutal fight scenes, masterful soundtrack and great perfomances. The King shares a true (although not that faithful) story about one of the most amazing battles of the 100 year war.

Despite the kinda weak and badly edite first half of the movie, the second half is absolute in its resolve and direction.

Solid and gritty, my kind of movie.
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Antichrist (2009)
Very sweet and romantic, but quite spooky.
26 April 2020
Yes, this movie is sweet, yes, very much love. Romance is in the air. Yes, quite funny looking movie, a little weird, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Lovely movie, for everyone. Yes.
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Midsommar (2019)
A different trip but overly long.
26 April 2020
A different experience, although with the pace that movies have been taking recently, it seems that the rarer, the better, and so, no, not always.

Midsommar is unique, without a doubt; with a pagan atmosphere and a slow but burning narrative, the film manages to hold steady and steady as a large repertoire of intriguing and ambiguous scenes, but at the same time, it stretches/ lengthens these scenes too much and it can feel like we are watching a rather dramatic documentary or a kind of compilation of rituals that we don't understand (or even comprehend).

The film has a wonderful camera work, showing us quite brutal scenes and at the same time stylizing effects and filters that give it a unique, repulsive and fresh touch. Quite fresh, is here one of the factors where the film stands out, being made in its entirety during the day and in a beautiful green field, although as I stand out in that, also stands out in not giving fear, and to be a film of such genre, because honestly it was quite the opposite. The story, if there is one, leads nowhere and the characters are too dull and one moment they are there and the next they are not; in other words, their importance is really irrelevant.

Quite long, too long for something that could have been accomplished in less time; but with well-designed scenes and incredible montages, the film manages to entertain, even if it is like a documentary about a pagan culture. As a recommendation, see the theatrical version, DC is too much.
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