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I Am Mother (2019)
Not The Mother Of All Endings.
4 July 2023
Absolutely mesmerised by this film. Loved the whole premise of the earth being wiped out apart from mother and the girl. The girl is so good in this! Absolutely brilliant acting from her. The mother is caring but also frightening. Hilary Swank is meh. I don't know why but I don't gel to her as an actress at all. But the confusing she causes in this movie is great. You flip and flop to believing her and questioning mother and vice versa.

But - the ending .... Once daughter and Hilary Swank leave the facility I feel the movie drops. In tempo. In the ending. There's no real ending. Unless I've missed something? Was mother lying all along then or was Hilary Swank? Just didn't quite get it.

But a great watch nevertheless.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Television Was Invented For Cranston
7 June 2023
I'm sure the whole reason tv was invented was for writers, producers, directors and actors like Cranston. Yes he delivered big time with Breaking Bad but could he do it again?

The answer is an absolute yes. Whilst I thought the first season was a little far fetched it was edgy and paced very well and kept me watching on until I'd binged the lot.

The second series is simply wow! I loved the second season way more. This really brought out what happened in the first season to some kind of conclusion. The performances were absolutely spot on and Cranston went from a very self assured organised judge to a man desperate, then to emptiness.

I'd love there to be a series three.

Please Mr Cranston if you're reading this work your magic on a series three.
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No Escape (2023– )
No Donkey but gives a punch.
26 May 2023
Kids partying on a boat what could go wrong? Donkey Punch was the last party boat film I saw but this mini series is way more serious than that.

All the acting was on point from all characters apart from maybe Kiffy. She just annoyed me. But then is that her good acting?

Anyway cliche get on a boat find a shed load of money just floating, beggar off with it and deal with the fall out. Although the fall out is absolutely might and whilst I figured out what had happened with three episodes to go it was still an entertaining watch. The back story to why the money is floating randomly is absolutely brilliant and I never would have guessed that in a million years.

Well worth the binge and definitely more realistic than Donkey Punch.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
Best Sex Of Your Life
8 March 2023
Isn't when you're 40 something with two small children. Strange to think that this wife would believe she'd be swinging from the light fittings or even want to at this stage of her life. But anyway here we have a very emotionally immature woman who fantasies about an ex and all the amazing sec she had with him even though she's moved on, got married and now has two small children. Her husband for a time I feel very sorry for. Clearly his wife and the family are his whole life. But even then when he realises his wife still hasn't grown up he decides to regress to being an adolescent student type. No one seems to behave in an adult manner! These people have children?!

Anyway the sex is unrealistically amazing when they're doing it with everyone they shouldn't be and boring and mundane when it's with each other.

Whilst the show is entertaining enough it really is a bunch of middle aged people behaving really immature.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Pure Anxiety On TV
3 March 2023
This was a great movie if you view it as just a movie. Do we care if it's realistic? Correcting anchors and knots and climbing techniques? Or do we want to watch two dumb youngsters climb a 2000 ft tower, get stuck and try to get back down? I fall firmly into the latter.

I got pure anxiety when they got stuck at the top of the tower by the aerial shots. When they were trying to manoeuvre on that tiny platform. What they did in reality was pure dumb and anyone else in their right mind would have had a plan B waiting on the ground. But entertainment wise it was great. The twist at the end was good if not predictable and the film didn't drag.

If you liked.127 hours this is for you.
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Apostasy (2017)
and this good news of the kingdom shall be preached
7 February 2023
.. in all the inhabited earth.

Only there is no good news here.

A depiction of the life of a family 'in the truth' or the organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Throughly depressing film.

One girl is ill and not allowed life saving treatment due to her faith.

One girl is disfellowshipped due to having a relationship with a 'worldly' boy and getting pregnant. The situation with the ill girl is almost like a toxic relationship- constantly made to feel not good enough due to having a life saving blood transfusion as a baby.

The shunning of the pregnant girl is nothing short of abuse.

Conform or you're dead to us. Nothing like a bit of toxic ghosting to show how much love these people really have. You're allowed to love god but real love for real people is forbidden unless they think and behave exactly how you do.

But I guess this is how only these groups can survive.

It's really really sad and a real waste of someone's life. That's in the eyes of myself. A worldly person who cannot believe in a paradise earth or everlasting life with a group of people who are not allowed to think for themselves.

The film is well acted with great content.

I'm guessing current Jehovah's Witnesses won't be allowed to see this even though it doesn't portray them in an unrealistic or bad light. The portrayal is how their life is and they won't be ashamed of it.

Ex Jehovah's Witnesses will just watch and shake their head wondering why they wasted so much time on this and how delusional people can be.

People who die for religion aren't brave - they're extremists and people willing to shun their own family for religious are without any real feeling.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Doesn't Raise Hell
21 December 2022
If the review didn't have to be 600 characters I would probably only write the word 'Meh.' Absolutely nothing like the original which I'm sorry but set the bar pretty high in terms of original horror and story for me.

We've a girl and her family who we don't really care about. In fact I don't really know how they're all related. I'd have preferred the girl to have been killed by a cenobite early doors to be fair.

Effects were great. Nothing wrong with the acting or script. Are we trying to be all woke with s woman pinhead or a gay couple? Who knows but both fell flat. Pinhead is tall, booming voice, a bully and scary. The female pinhead is not.

Forgettable I'm afraid.
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The Lodge (2019)
Here's Riley!
29 November 2022
Film starts off really great. Quite shocking in fact in the very few scenes and it sets the tone of the film to come. Which is very grim. Those poor kids in the film spend most of it crying their hearts out. Anyway ... Enter Riley Keough who I only know as a relative of Elvis. I've to admit I've not seen her in anything else. Must say I thought she did a grand job in this. With what she had to work with anyway. But the mid part of the film is soooo slow.

The final act regains interest but the ending is quite disappointing really.

If you liked The Shinning and watching Jack Nicholson going nuts you'll like this.
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Talk Like That's Dirty In Our House ...
12 November 2022
.. talk like that and I'd get a belt .. hello 1980s how I've missed you. Before everyone gets up in arms about the smooth talking Bob and his two girls - these two girls at time of filming were both in their 20s!

This for me when I was watching back in 1987 was the closest we could get to porn. No internet porn. No adult channels. Only porn videos you could get from some dodgy fella at work. So this was it. We were having a gang bang. Having a born. A bit of a three some one the moors with the horn honking and smooth Bob telling you to shift your bum up whilst he prepared to go again with Rita.

Be prepared for some language no longer allowed now a days that was used to described the corner shop way back when and just take the film with a pinch of salt. Get stuck in there!
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Ambulance (2022)
11 November 2022
Yep people hating on this will have thought Face Off or Con Air as masterpieces.

Michael Bay the master of fast action that doesn't require any logic or any real brain power but does deliver a huge amount of drone footage and action is at it again. View it for what it is and how it is and you'll be just fine. Some of the scenes and things that happen as just sheer madness and unbelievable but that doesn't matter - it's only a film right?

Very entertaining, fast paced, humous in places and sometimes you even root for the good guys.

Lots of explosions. Lots of helicopters. Lots of guns and dumb FBI who think it's a whole new w*lly waving competition.

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Brave New Show
2 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy sci-fi dystopian drama. A handmaids tale, Gattica, Demolition Man being a good mixture. This starts off really well. Visiting the savage lands. Escaping the savage lands and to be fair you can't really see where the series will go until later on. Love the fact we have Demi Moore in the first few episodes. Such a great actress. Then the series kind of dies and becomes quite predictable in the way the relationships are played out between the leads and to a certain extent the conclusion is somewhat predictable too as there is no other real way to end the series. Put a savage amongst the innocent and what do you get?

Not the worst watch in the world by any means but I wouldn't watch it again.
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26 October 2022
I've seen the documentary on this girl. Nasty piece of work if not very unhinged. This drama makes you see the entire picture. Not just his messages and her messages and what she said and what he did. Would seem the lad had terrible mental health problems not helped by some members of his family and what he needed was a friend and some support. Unfortunately he meet this girl and put it this way you may as well have sent him to Harold Shipman.

The drama is way too long. Way too dragged out and the last couple of episodes are shockingly long. Unnecessary a lot of scenes. Can imagine this would have been a great drama if a lot of the unnecessary bits were chopped out so it kept your attention. Acting was great by Fanning and the mom. They carried drama. The end of the day it's based on real events that were absolutely shocking and led to a completely unnecessary death. Very sad indeed.
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Candy (2022)
23 October 2022
Based on the true crime committed by Candice Montgomery this mini series doesn't fail to deliver. Interesting from the first episode it flows well, very well written and the acting from Biel is absolutely amazing. Her delivery in the final episode is Oscar winning even.

At times I felt the story wandered a little and didn't always hold my attention but it delivers a drama very close to the actual facts unlike other true crime dramas out there at the moment - say for instance Dahmer.

If you don't know the outcome of the crime I won't spoil it here but safe to say it's absolutely incredible.

Well worth the watch.
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Not Immaculate
22 October 2022
Not Kate Bosworth's worse work by any means given she's the same in absolutely everything she's in. Quite a predicable film with a lot of conversations and not a lot of 'action' as such.

So you're isolated in a room with your other half. You're both as insecure as anything, both have your issues and skeletons you're battling so what could possibly go wrong? Especially when them in charge of the room know which buttons to press or which ones ultimately they want the contestants to press so you don't win the prize. Starts of amusingly quite well and naive to think that 'this will change everything for us'. Absolutely but not in the way they think. As I say quite predictable. If you liked - Squid Games, Escape Rooms this is for you - but without the gore.
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The Watcher (2022– )
I Watched
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Binged in two days all episodes of this series and though it starts off really well it peters out into a disappointment.

Ryan Murphy does what he does best. Atmospheric. Decent acting, production and scrip.

Ryan Murphy does what he does the worst. Embellished story that's not really anything close to the real story and dragging it all out to within an inch of its life with Tarantino style over long conversations and scenes. Digressing here and there with no real relevance to the none existing ending anyway.

The family of mom, dad and kids aren't likeable. Apart from maybe the son. The security lad was sweet too.

Stiflers Mom (Sorry Jennifer) is a great addition to the cast although her last few moments in the film could have been left out or done better. The creepy neighbours all delivered too. Great to see Mia Farrow. She shines in this.

Why didn't Ryan Murphy create an ending? That's the real mystery to this series.
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Blonde (2022)
A Piece Of Meat
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't convinced at first that Ana could be Marilyn but she pulled it off really well.

The way the picture is shot - marvellous.

The cast was brilliant. Acting was spot on.

It's a rather slow burn but perfectly acts out how she was discovered, how she loved her life and how she died. It's rather an emotional and sad watch and it's such a shame the woman had no one in her life who could be trusted to just take care of her.

You'd like to think now she will be left to rest in peace but there will always be that fascination with her.

It has a very long running time and some scenes could easily have been left out but it just goes to show how terribly emotional and unstable the woman's life was.
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This England (2022)
Got Boris Done
28 September 2022
An excellent fiction based on real events drama regarding Boris, England and Covid.

Couldn't decide whether at times it was a serious drama or a comedy but then there's always the bumbling comedic value to Boris so someone playing Boris was always going to be humorous.

It's very interesting - mixing home life with work life of the ones working within the government at the time of the pandemic. Quite a worry if this is really how the virus was handled by our government - apart from Cummings they were all a set of muppets.

Anyway very entertaining to watch and well done. Well worth a binge and anyone time who is genuinely interested in what happened at that time..
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In All The Families In All The World
4 September 2022
She had to walk into theirs ...

I have to agree to some degree with other reviews about the lead actresses. I wasn't aware that at the time of the original film she was actually a child. Bravo to her for a fine performance in film one. But this time around it is hard to make her look a child and the shots where they replace her with a real child do stand out at times although they fit too. The story is great. The twist is fabulous although the ending for me seemed a little rushed. Her escape from the institute is very much how Michael Myres manages to escape though. Inept guards!

Not a bad film by any means. I enjoyed it. Wouldn't mind seeing another one.
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The Holiday (2021)
No Time To Relax
8 July 2022
Imagine going on holiday with a handful of your neighbours. You tolerate your neighbours right? You have to get on with them because you have to live next to them. You think one is having a fling with your husband. You think one is perving over your daughter and one has a delinquent irritating son. Whatever happens you know this ain't going to be a holiday. Yet these people here are meant to be friends and enjoy going away together yet no one is having a good time.

It's not as bad as the rating suggests. Jill Halfpenny is great as harassed wife and mum. I watched it through to see the ending. But beware it is rather all pointless.
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Elvis (2022)
Run Elvis Run!
29 June 2022
Whilst Austin doesn't look a great deal like Elvis he has absolutely everything else down to a tee. His character. His swagger. His temper. His vulnerable side.

We never got to see Parker's character in real life. He was the shadow that followed the cash cow around like the crook he was. So unable to say if Hanks performance was alike. Although it showed him to be the despicable greedy, gambling addict crook that he was.

Acting spot on.

Music amazing.

Singing and sound track flawless.

There are no real spoilers as everyone knows what happened to Elvis and why he died so young. This is perfectly portrayed here in this film.
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Beginning of the switch off
23 June 2022
I actually watched this film all the way through. Wanted to see how it ended. Some parts of the film were okay. The ending was predictable. Some tension in the film in the final third kept it moving. Bruce Willis is far too good to put his name to this and he stands out massively in the film in terms of talent. I'm sorry but no matter how good some believe Megan Fox still looks she cannot act. At all. Not even slightly. She's straight out of teen drama school in this. She never changes her persona or expression in this movie and delivers her lines straight from script. In fact Machine Gun Kelly was better than her. I gave it five for the criminal, his family and the neighbours who all carried the movie more believably.
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Last Seen With Kirk Russell
11 June 2022
If you've watched Breakdown (1997) starring Kirk Russell and you liked that you'll love this.

Nothing really much else to say.

Gerrard Butler is fabulous. But he always is. He's a great actor and is every inch a man. Wife was a little Meh and I do not understand why we cast women that are always nearly twenty years younger. I know we're going for the whole insecure man vibe but we also kind of creep upon the old man with much too young girl vibe.

Not a bad film though.
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The Staircase (2022)
Hey Staircase, did you kill your wife?!
5 June 2022
Colin Firth delivers again. What an actor.

The Terminators son looks and acts so much better than his dad.

Toni Collette is divine.

What I'm saying is the cast is absolutely great.

I've not seen the documentary so will head over to Netflix later to have a look. The series is intriguing and interesting and well paced. But .... Did you kill your wife Mr Peterson?

Did Bamber kill his folks? He says no.

Was Amanda Knox involved in her room mates death? Not according to her. If there's enough element of doubt the criminal will always play on it. Do I think he killed her? Yea. See what you think.
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Midwich Meh
3 June 2022
The atmosphere, script, story and dialogue were all great. Genuinely creepy. The Midwich Child actors were all amazing at what they did indeed.

The series has moved away from the Novel somewhat. We don't have the pale white haired bright eyed kids here. The kids (maybe the program was trying to be woke?) are no where near as creepy and as uniformed or as one because they've moved them away from the novel. They look like average kids. The village atmosphere is lost too. More a community than a small village that's taken over by blackout.

It's okay for what it's worth but no where near as good as some of the original films that stick to the creepy vibe of the novel.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
A Very Hard Way To Go
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was we expecting a happy ending? Guess not. Not really. Especially not for the Burdye family. Amazingly they always seem to escape the worse yet everyone else along the way is just mowed down. I guess it's a realistic ending but a very disappointing one.
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