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I liked this show. Mad it was cancelled!
29 January 2022
I am disappointed there isn't a second season. Guess I should have looked it up before binging s1 last week. I liked that this show didn't focus on the cause of the outbreak. It focused on character development & the dynamics of the women.
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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
Glad I waited to binge the show when I knew there was a movie finale.
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I binged s1-4 years ago but heard how the end was abrupt & I dropped it to the bottom of my to be binged list. Once I knew there was a movie, I binged all 7 seasons & then watched the movie. I def would have been pissed with the 7.10 cliff hanger finale. The movie wrapped the show up in a tidy bow. I loved the show & I am pleased with the movie. Nice closure. I like not knowing if Ray lives or dies. Mickey had to go. He deserved his end. Bridget is Ray 2.0. If I liked her, I'd suggest spin-off but I really don't like her at all. I liked the flashbacks, because the show was really about their father-son relationship so this movie focused on that closure for Ray. Being able to experience the past in the flashbacks vs cast dialogue was much better. I kind of wish the show had more with sister Bridget & young Mickey etc. I like the young Mickey actor a lot. I tend to always rate reviews higher than most. I don't really understand the bad reviews. The series needed this movie to wrap it all up. I give it 👍🏻👍🏻!
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I knew it was good from reviews but it was better than good. Well done, Pete!
17 January 2021
I wish Pete a long incredible career. He has the talent! So many life lessons in this story. One of my favorite lines..."Just raising awareness!" I think it sums up the movie. So many hidden stories that show humanity. Of course, Judd never disappoints. Marisa Tomei was brilliant!

Please forgive me from never visiting SI! The one Borough I never went to when living so close.

Well done!
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Snowpiercer (2017–2024)
I didn't expect much, but I really got sucked in & loved the murder mystery storyline. Smart writing! 👍🏻👍🏻
1 August 2020
I sat and binged all 10 episodes in one long day. I'm excited for the craziness of season 2. Don't listen to bad reviews. This is bingeworthy. Fast paced 10 episode storyline. Loved that they solve the mystery in s1 & don't drag it on. S2 looks like it could even stand alone. It looks to be a whole different storyline to come. I won't spoil how the story just traverses in the s1 finale. Watch & find out.
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I fell deeper in love with Mark! Amazing. Just brilliant!
15 July 2020
I read the brilliant book so long ago but I remember how the book made me feel & this show immediately grabbed my heart & I binged the whole 6 episodes today. Mark is amazing. I just adore him. The whole cast was amazing. Archie, Rosie & Kathryn were brilliant as well. Juliette was perfectly cast.

The screen adaptation was great & I think I'll reread the book. It was very heavy watching in one afternoon. I see why watching weekly would have given me time to breathe, to process, & sit with one episode at a time.

Wally Lamb, Thank You for always writing & bringing such amazing characters to life. And allowing this series so the world to love them too. Just brilliant. Better see some awards for this for everyone.
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Madam Secretary: Leaving the Station (2019)
Season 6, Episode 10
Not happy the show was cancelled. But I enjoyed the finale....
22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this show. I'm a fan of the actors but also their characters. The McCords reflected a loving family with amazing, smart, and dedicated parents. The politics of the show were fun & interesting but I enjoyed the character arcs & storylines much more. Seeing Stevie find happiness & love was a perfect bookend. Sadly, it's still just TV reflecting a woman POTUS. I had no idea the show was ending abruptly until I saw the preview for this last episode. I'm not happy with the quick close of the show. The guest star list doesn't reflect who was actually in the episode. I assume they had to edit & cut a lot of the show. It was a nice try but it felt like a few things were cut to make this a series finale. I'm guessing it wasn't planned this way. For example, Demtri's sister Talia wasn't shown. Or Sarah McCord, whoever she is. Regardless, I will miss this show. Tim & Tea have amazing chemistry & they were a great team leading the McCord family. I also feel like the last few episodes were chopped up once the show got the axe. It was noticeable. I hate when a series ending isn't planned. It robs the audience of closure. It they did the best they could I suppose. I'd be sad regardless of the ending. Maybe the actual WH will house a great family like the McCord's some day. A girl can dream.....
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All Is Lost (2013)
Great movie! 👍🏻👍🏻
17 August 2019
I felt nostalgic watching this movie. I pictured my father alone on our 1977 Ericsson 36C, the Yankee Spirit. We had to sail her without power from the Bahamas to West Palm then to Fort Lauderdale. Had to tack into the marina like 7 times. I was only 11 (Aug 1986) and I was at the helm & he was manning the sails etc as we gently sailed up to the dock without bumping. My dad just stepped off & we had a plethora of stories to tell after a month sailing the Bahamas. I'm glad I can still remember most of it. My dad was an amazing sailor and yacht broker. I've always loved Redford. The fact that he did most of this without a stunt double is outstanding. I'm sad this movie wasn't marketed for more awards. 👍🏻👍🏻
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Really enjoyed this show....👍🏻👍🏻
30 July 2019
I happened to see this while setting up my DVR for that weeks LMN. I recorded it & had no clue or idea what the show was going to be about. I was pleasantly surprised by the fresh new show storyline. I fell in love with the ensemble cast immediately. I hope it is renewed. 🤞🏻
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Legacies: There's Always a Loophole (2019)
Season 1, Episode 16
Bravo! Excited for s2!
1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Great finale! Didn't see the ending coming. There's so many ways for this to pan out! As already stated in another review, what about the family? It's one thing for the school to forget Hope, but what about Freya, Rebekah, et al.... Would love to see Hope with Raf or what's his name vampire that returned for the dance. Will she remember everything or will she also have no memories? Maybe he will recruit her to the school etc. So many different storylines to explore now. I'm just glad s2 was announced. I didn't want to wait. October is so far away!
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True Detective: Now Am Found (2019)
Season 3, Episode 8
I really enjoyed this season.
12 March 2019
I binged all the episodes the other day. I really enjoyed this season. I was definitely intrigued. I got nervous thinking oh no time jumps, this might be hard to follow. But I was able to follow it all. They did a great job with the guys makeup etc for time jumps. Writing this season is fantastic. This story had so many great characters. They gave them such depth & I was drawn into the story for each of them. I really liked the ending & the way they concluded the story/search. 👍🏻👍🏻
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One of my fav crazy comedies!
12 March 2019
So many great iconic lines to quote! Cheesy fun antics!
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The Cool Kids (2018–2019)
Loving this show...👍🏻👍🏻
12 March 2019
I really like this show. Great cast & fun comedy! 👍🏻👍🏻
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The Passage (2019)
Loved the 1st season. 👍🏻👍🏻 Haven't read the books.
12 March 2019
So I haven't read the books. Had no idea where this story was going. It kept my attn all 10 episodes. To me it's a long mini-series or movie. Not sure if s1 correlates to book 1 of the trilogy (I've read about from readers of the books). I think I might go read the books to see what happens next with Amy. s2 isn't a given yet. I can see how people would miss the back stories of these characters. Books are so much better with reflecting inner thoughts, time jumps and character development etc. I think the show did a pretty good job tho. The actress playing Amy is wonderful. I hope she has an illustrious career now. She has the potential of being the next "Fanning", Dakota & Elle not the creepy scientist turned vampire. She has the talent of McKenna Grace. Always a huge fan of MPG so it's great to see him on a new series. If you haven't watched this yet, binge it. It is definitely a good binging experience. I binged the first half in one night. The had to wait weekly. Glad the finale aired as e9 & e10. Wish they had elongated the season tho to maybe 13 to add more of the back stories (people have mentioned that read the books). 👍🏻👍🏻
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Travelers: Protocol Omega (2018)
Season 3, Episode 10
Bravo! Damn I love this show. Binged it straight through.👍🏻👍🏻
14 January 2019
I really hope there's a season 4! Great writing this season. I was pulled in immediately. I hadn't planned to binge the whole season in one sitting, but it was so good! If you are contemplating this show, stop and just watch! I'm prob going to rewatch it all! So many pleasant surprises in s3 that I didn't see coming. I won't say more but I was definitely blown away & I usually can see where a storyline is going. This was so unimaginable yet amazing & entertaining. I hated that it ended, the seasons so short, I was left wanting more of the characters. They really developed all the characters & gave their story arcs tremendous depth. Even the peripheral characters were given story depth. Showing more of how each significant other is effected by the travelers. I just adore David. His character is so genuine & sweet. We need more men like him in the world. There's some technical stuff that I was kind of lost with but it didn't matter to the overall stories. I got the gist of it. I just can't remember some details from s1&2 because it's been a while since I viewed them.
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Arrow: Unmasked (2018)
Season 7, Episode 8
4 December 2018
I wasn't sure about this season after last but so far it's awesome. Well done. This episode was great seeing Oliver out & in the hood again. All the twists & reveals are mind blowing!
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Disagree w/the haters....
22 November 2018
I might have a different view about the show bc I started watching in 2016 binging on Netflix. I watched the last few years after catching up on both shows. I was very excited about Legacies bc I didn't want it all to end. I wanted more bc I haven't been watching since 2009 like most. I really love Hope's story as the jump-start of the newest series. I really liked seeing Hope as a teen and the idea of the next generation of teens. I like the actress they cast as well. She draws me in. I loved Klaus & I like that she has his darkness. She's mysterious & flawed, like all the Mikelsons. There are endless possibilities for her future. It's only 4 episodes in, so I won't trash talk the acting & storyline like others have. Every new show struggles out of the gate. Acting gets better as the cast gels & storylines must start somewhere. The show needs to introduce new watchers to Mystic Falls. When we were last here, the town was drama free. The original shows had so many varying arcs. They needed to create new mysteries. Alaric is the expert hunter & knower of all thing mystical so to draw us in they needed to create a new mystery that allows us the opportunity to get to know the new characters. I'm intrigued. I'm curious. They had me at Salvatore School. I'd like to see more of the past crossover to the present but I understand why they haven't yet. I'm excited to see more Jeremy, Matt & hopefully we'll see Caroline return from recruiting. I'd also like to see Hope get some contact from her aunts. It's not realistic for her to be left alone after "Always & Forever". Even if the actors don't return in person, maybe updates on Freya & Rebeka's lives. I hope the show gets picked up for a full season & s2. For the haters, chill. Lower your expectations. Embrace the new characters. Give the storylines time to unfold. Open your mind to the new mysteries & creatures. Lastly, forget the spider. It was too much, agreed. 😉 The Flash & Grodd shout out was unexpected & fun. Maybe the plan is for Legacies to introduce lore beyond vampires & werewolves; and "exist" in the current CW world of DC & Supernatural. Let's all give the show a chance. The showrunners have a history of listening to fans. We asked for this show & I'd hate to see it cancelled. I'm way too old to be watching teenybopper shows, but I'm a sucker for teen drama. And vampires. Especially the sparkling ones. 😊
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13 October 2018
I just can't find the words. They both blew me away. I DLed Shallow weeks before when it dropped. Loved it, of course. How could you not? I, then, DLed the album before seeing the movie. I partially listened to 3 songs & stopped myself & decided to experience them in the moment watching the movie. I heard the words of the last track & thought, why the sadness? I really didn't think much more than that. Needless to say, I never considered what would actually happen in the movie. I'll leave it there. I expect to hear "A Star is Born" announced several times at The Globes & Oscars. Bradley blew me away. I see him on a whole other level than I saw him before. His portrayal of Jack was so...omg, I can't find the words. Lady Gaga, what can you say? Ah-MAZ-Ing!!! Together they gave me the goosies several times. It was a goosies & tears kind of flick. Everyone in the movie had great chemistry & helped to make this one of the best movies of the year, if not, THE best. (IMO) Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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The Bad Seed (2018 TV Movie)
Well done!
23 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge Rob Lowe fan & a new fan of young McKenna Grace. I fell in love with her in Gifted w Chris Evans. She's the new Dakota Fanning. She's been cast in such amazing roles, & does not disappoint in any of them! I never saw the original movie or read the book. I might have to though soon. Regardless, I loved the plot, the darkness, & the struggle the dad felt as he realized he was raising a bad seed. The way it ended, I want a sequel of her life with her aunt or when she goes off to college. It was fun to see McKenna play this role. It's such a contrast from the little genius she played in Gifted. I look forward to more movies directed by Lowe & more McKenna Grace movies. I also like the nanny Chloe's relationship with Emma. Their dynamic sucked me right into the narrative, 'who will be the victor'??? I watched the special edition version on Lifetime so I saw commentary from the cast. It was fun to learn that Mrs March, the therapist, played the original "Emma" in the 1950s version of the movie. So when she says the line about seeing a lot of herself in Emma & she was just like her as a child etc. It was clever writing. ~Basket of Kisses~
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Great movie!
23 September 2018
I'm a huge Anna Kendrick fan. This role was perfect for her. Blake was great too! Love the twisty fun plot. Very dark yet hilarious at times. #MomLife
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Shot (I) (2017)
Wow. Powerful. Raw.
22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea what to expect when I watched this movie. All I knew what the title and some cast. The writing was so real & raw. The format of the side by side frames was brilliant. Rather than a back & forth we saw the emotion in real time. The ending was unexpected & I felt the powerful message of forgiveness. The teen actor portrayed pure raw feelings of guilt that invaded his soul. The boy was lost in the unknown & in the moment of finding out who it was, he made the decision to face what he did. If only this would be a reality. But for the purposes of a movie, it's a great movie for teens & youth groups to watch for an open dialogue about gun violence. The consequences of our actions. The ripple effect of violence & even accidents. It's worth a watch for all ages.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
I'm so excited Netflix picked up the show...
18 September 2018
Binge the show to catch up for s3 on Netflix. This really was a great show. I liked the storylines they pursued. Very relevant to current events & it sounds like Netflix is planning to do the same. This is no Jack Bauer type character and show, but I really like the diverse cast and characters portrayed on the show.
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Shooter: Red Light (2018)
Season 3, Episode 13
Well it was bound to happen...
18 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I guess for the show to come full circle they had to end it as they did. I'm glad revenge was had. The show ended tho as if there was a spinoff that could be called Atlas or whatever they changed the name to. I think the premise is a good idea for a new show. Kind of like NBCs Taken final season, secret off books missions etc. Shadow govt agency for good. Overall I really enjoyed the show. I saved the episodes as they aired & always binged each season. It was like a long mini series that way. There's a lot of characters & plot points to remember each week so I like to binge these types of shows.
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Reverie (2018)
I really like the unique concept of the show
18 September 2018
I hope this show is renewed. I love Sarah & Dennis as actors a lot. The arc of the season was great related to her backstory & history. Helping others really helped herself deal with the pain she carried. I watched bc of the people cast in the show. I'll contin to watch if renewed for the storyline. Don't screw up NBC. Let ABC continue to be the network that habitually tanks good shows.
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Deception (2018)
Yet again, ABC cancels a good show!
18 September 2018
It's infuriating that ABC always does this. They air a few episodes of a show & it disappears. They air a full season of a good show & it disappears. They never account for those of us that binge. They look strictly at weekly ratings rather than the merits of a good show. Other than Greys Anatomy, they have minimal long running shows. They never invest past 1-2 seasons of a show. So many greats come & go. Here's another example. The show storyline was unique & entertaining. Nothing too dramatic. The finale was great. But seeing as it was cancelled it was a cliffhanger without a bridge. ABC sucks yet again.
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Take Two: About Last Night (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
Clever writing...
18 September 2018
This was a fun episode. I enjoyed it. They have such great chemistry!
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