
19 Reviews
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Marriage is the solution for all ! Think again!
25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very brave and outstanding drama which really kept me engaged all the way! Pats on the back of everyone involved in this production!

Story clearly showed the after effects of letting a homesexual person marry into a straight relationship! The loves lost, people affected and sufferings they endure! Let them marry and everything will be alright after marriage- we hear it all the time!

People could say this as a story about gay or LGBTQ but is it just that? It's much beyond that! It's about the society, the family, genuine love, sacrifice and the value of accommodation!

Characters were brilliantly portrayed by everyone, especially Sudhi. He was simply brilliant, and tbh his character had much deeper impact in me than Mammootty's which was also brilliant!

THINK again if you think being Gay is a choice, and there is never a conversion, including marriage! It never is a choice, frankly! So clearly expressed in this beautiful film!

Movie may seem a tad slow for mainstream movie watchers, but brilliance with filming comes in all paces! This one is perfect example of that! Somewhere I heard 'leasurely paced'!

Thanks to everyone who worked behind this film! One of the best movies I have watched lately. I genuinely hope this will be a breakthrough in Indian cinemas, for many more leading actors across India.

Made me cry, smile, enjoy, think and appreciate!
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So irritating!
26 August 2023
Basic idea of the story was good. Poor acting, dialogue delivery and direction along with the unnecessary background music makes it a disappointing experience. Silly and noisy background music itself is enough to put you off from watching this movie, then comes the sub par acting from all stars !

Very surprised & shocked that some people gave this 10/10 rating! Thought to watch because of this and honestly, I had to stop half way through to take a break from that music score! Towards the end the movie felt like a joke !

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone at all! I should have stopped after half an hour itself. What a waste of my time!
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Black Adam (2022)
So much noise and fights.
3 November 2022
Disappointed with the movie. Expected it to be bit more fun but it hardly made me laugh. Action scenes were good but still lacked anything unique. Same old superhero type actions and characters.

Aren't we a bored with the same old bald Dwayne Johnson? It was a bit refreshing to see him in normal size for a short period in the storyline.

Tbh, I even fell asleep watching the movie and my friends were surprised to see someone sleeping in IMAX sound! Lol. I guess that says a lot about how interesting was the movie for me!

Honestly, I felt like I wasted my money watching this movie in Cinema. It is good enough to watch when you have nothing else to watch. I am super disappointed and not a single frame stayed in my mind once I left the cinema!
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My thoughts and ratings.
2 October 2022
First of all, this is purely my experience watching this movie. I am, like many other, new to this story and so I guess my experience would be similar to many others who are not a die hard fan of any of the actors/director.

Story 8/10. The way it was built up was clever. I did wonder what on earth is going on during the first half, but gradually got a grip of things and characters.

Songs 4/10. There were far too many songs and to be honest, most were irrelevant. One of the most uninspiring music from AR Rahman & Mani Ratnam duo. Background music was just at par. Nothing exceptional I thought.

Cinematography 4/10. Remember this is a Mani Ratnam film and expectations were high. May be it was my mistake. There were only 2 shots that I thought were outstanding and memorable out of the whole movie. One Vikram killing shot and another when the two beautiful women came face to face.

Acting and effort. 9/10. Everyone acted well. But I just wish if Karthi had put in some effort to shape his body to match like a warrior. Nevertheless, he brought some smiles..

Over all:6/10. Way too many songs and it was just so lagging at times. Cinematography was bit on the below par side as far as I am concerned. Story is only half done and I am not a fan of watching some of it this year and balance next year.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Hopes shattered
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First Princess kept me interested until episode 5. Then came the 6th episode and only GOT knows how and why we jumped in time! Some characters are completely changed to show their age/maturity, some have make ups to show their age and some stayed as young as ever! What a dilemma to the viewers!

Episode 6 really was disappointing with almost no connection to the episode 5, boring and confusing casting, and without any ingredients to keep me interested! Half way through,I ended up checking sports news updates!

This series is missing any wise characters like we had in GOT. We miss those punch dialogues which were smart and timely! This series is so clearly missing a TYRION LANNISTER & LORD VARYS!
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Cobalt Blue (II) (2022)
Beautiful cinematography
13 July 2022
Loved the cinematography-I have never seen Fort Kochi this beautiful in any movies - definitely has an eye for capturing stunning colours. Story is good and through the main character you do feel the emotions that he experiences.

Movie is a tad slow however, I enjoyed watching it.
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Jo and Jo (2022)
Beautiful and lively story.
20 June 2022
This was a surprsigly brilliant movie. Thoroughly enjoyed and laughed a lot watching this movie. There was never a dull moment. Every one of them did their part to the best and it was simple yet well directed.

Will watch it again.
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Weak story line.
20 June 2022
This story has too many faults in its script. Remember it's a CBI story. They lack common sense to collect basic details on so many occasssions.

In addition, every dialogue and acting looked very dramatic, nothing genuine.

In short, i was bored watching this movie. Most of my family fell asleep half way through.. that says how it went.
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Stay Close (2021)
Too many flaws..
4 January 2022
So many mistakes in a detective thriller story.

First of all 17 years is a pretty long period, and police expects people to tell them everything.."why didn't they tell that"! Police are incapable of carrying out some of the basic checks! And a very nosy ex girlfriend!

In simple words, it lacked life and was boring! If it was only 6 episodes, it wouldn't have lagged the pace like this!
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Pure entertainment!
20 December 2021
Script is clever. Loved the way they made sense to everything and all the actors did very well too. Non-stop entertainment, and ideally watch in IMAX!
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What a disappointment!
20 December 2021
You can see the plots of Troy and Baahubali all going through the directors head...! Over ambitious movie with a 60+ actors! Lacked decent acting ( except Sunil Shetty, Arjun and Pranav & his jodi). Really thought it would be a good film with all the awards it received!
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Great cast, but that's it...!
20 December 2021
Wished it to be an enjoyable movie with the cast involved. I can understand the reason why it's been rated so high but it was not at all enjoyable for me and my friends!
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Infinite (2021)
Missing the soul.
9 October 2021
So much action and liked the cinematography too, however the movie purely lacked it's soul. Characters were doing things which didn't make much sense. But hey, if you keep your brain shut away for that long, then it's a watchable movie !
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What the hell is this movie...!
9 September 2021
Just couldn't make sense of this movie. Felt so irritated wathing this.
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Greenland (2020)
What was that?
19 November 2020
Total time waste. 1. Its like an emotional roller coaster. Everyone is either getting seperated or some other silly tragedies. 2. Wherever the main characters go, something drops close to them. They are cursed man!
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Season 3 : a torture
27 June 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed season 1 &2. But 3 was utterly boring with a detective character being so naive and stupid!
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Disaster movie
25 October 2019
I couldn't just wait it to finish! Pathetic story line, acting and most forgetful movie for a long time!
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After Life (2019–2022)
I just love one more god than you!
14 September 2019
I met this homeless guy yesterday. Said he didn't have a hot meal for several days. Took him to one place and ordered something that he wanted. But now I regret for not spending may be another 10 minutes with him, rather than rushing to catch my bus! It would have meant so much more than 10 minutes to him!

These little things...!

Thanks for such a lovely series! Am I smiling constantly or weeping? Can't really work out!
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Lucifer (I) (2019)
A movie for the fans
7 April 2019
This has all the elements to please a mohanlal fan! But apart from that, such a predictable story line. Personally, I am disappointed after seeing 10/10 reviews! If i compare this movie to some of mohanlal's classics, i would rate it 1/10! This one is purely for the fans!
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