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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Rights the wrongs. Should be highest rated episode
10 January 2022
The flaw of the series finale wasn't "lumberjack Dexter", it was that he got away. I applaud Michael C. Hall and the team behind this mini-series for creating this appropriate conclusion to a great story.

To people with harsh reactions to episode 10: a plot that may seem forced or unrealistic is not a flaw when it's for the sake of ethics and decency which today's television and film need desperately. Episode 10 reminded of that and the art is better for it.
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great beginning, technically great, disappointing overall
30 December 2020
It's hard to recommend this film because the beginning is so great. But as the story progresses, the story and the world both seem shallow and ridiculous.

With that said, cinematography, acting and directing were excellent throughout.
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Monstrous (2020)
Some parts are good, but overall disappointing
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
3 stars for showing Sasquatch as an intelligent creature and not a mindless killing machine like the majority of Bigfoot flicks portray

1 star for showing that people are the real villains

1 star for that shot of Sasquatch waking slow-no through the field. Beautiful!

The rest of the movie was awful, whatever meaning the writer had was lost somewhere between below average acting and nonsensical plot
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A lot better than the first one!
3 June 2016
Sure it didn't have an amazing story, but the one it had works for the kids. Teamwork and brotherhood message is simple and great. I, on the other hand, came to see the characters and was not disappointed! The turtles, Krang, Rocksteady, Bebop were awesomely done! Shredder got the short end of the stick in this one, though it looks like he'll be back for the next one.

I felt truly let down by the first movie so the expectations were low. I expected 1 or 2 cool scenes with the villains and that's it. Instead Rocksteady and Bebop were pretty much in the entire movie. Even Krang got serious action. The turtles did what the do best - be ninja turtles. The fight scenes were excellent!

If you like the characters and a fun movie then go see this one! Don't expect an amazing story or award worthy acting though
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Godzilla (2014)
Great Godzilla film, not as epic as I hoped. Judge for yourself
18 May 2014
This film is well made and has excellent scenes. The issue I found with it was that the whole time I kept wanting to really see Godzilla in all his glory, it never really happened. A few scenes came close, but overall I went home slightly disappointed the first time I watched it.

I watched it for the second time the next day and enjoyed it much more. I could see what the director was doing with it. I still wish we saw a really long battle that didn't cut to humans so often, but I am sure they'll do it in the sequel.

The acting was OK, but the human characters were not supposed to be very interesting in my opinion. The two monsters' had depth and character even compared to Godzilla who was pretty laid back the whole time. Though the mutus did look almost generic, kinda like the bugs from starship troopers (which were cool at the time), but I found it easy to get over that.

Overall a great film. I really hope for the next film that they create more interesting looking monsters, polish the human contribution, and give us longer awesome fight scenes. For this one I rated it an 8 for great effort, but 7.5 is pretty close to how I felt about it.

Do see it if you haven't yet.
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