
27 Reviews
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Sleepy Hollow (2013–2017)
STOP at Season 2 and go no further...
10 December 2023
Like many series, they start out strong and slowly devolve into a lost story that doesn't even resemble what it started as. I loved the whole historical drama although highly fictionalized. The first season is all about a combination of Washington Irving's tale and the Founding of America. Brilliantly done and had they stayed in that vein it would have been amazing, but perhaps there wasn't enough material to continue that storyline. Season 1 is a 9 out of 10. Season 2 is salvageable but the beginning of the end was obviously soon to come. The writers, turned characters into something that made zero sense, they turned Mills into a sanctimonious, condescending hypocrite. The actress played it well. In addition, this is where the virtue signaling bore its head. I tried so hard to finish Season 3, but by episode 16, I was ready to poke my eyes out. It flat left its original plot and became nothing more than a long, drawn out, painful supernatural knock off. When a series gets to the point you couldn't care less if the majority of characters live or die, you know you should stop watching. For me, I got down to the only redeemable character, Crane and the rest I truly wanted them to die off.
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Not the classic I was expecting...
28 June 2023
It has been awhile since I read the book but it felt like a very loose adaptation at best. It does capture the horrors as well as I can imagine, but it misses what I believe Remarque was getting at, which was the aftermath of war on the men who fought on these brutal fronts.

Men had to kill or be killed and were forced to do things unimaginable. After years of being engulfed in a blood bath only to have their leaders acquiesce to brutal terms by the French, had to somehow return to a normal life. The book seems to make clear, that putting men through war is dehumanizing and has impacts in every facet of life and society for generations.

If you want a blood and guts movie about WWI then this may satisfy. I wish they had used a different title because in my view it is a disservice to Remarque's classic work.
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13 Minutes (2021)
Vile film
16 June 2023
This movie is more about social causes like all Christians hate gay people, all white people and Christians are racist and take advantage of minorities. Oh, and there's a bad storm. It felt like 13 minutes of the movie was the storm. The rest is hate filled stereotypes. I know there are awful people in the world but man, it doesn't get better by movies like this.

Why people are saying this is a great cast is beyond me. One of the worst performances by Anne Heche if you ever thought she was a good actress to begin with. And Trace Adkins? Come one, this guy is barely a B movie actor. The only actress I thought was good was Paz Vega whom I have never heard of before. Yancy Arias is also good in this movie.

The devastation caused by the storms is horrendous and the film did a good job of showing that. I think they would have done better to focus the movie on the storm and the after effects on communities. Instead they decided to use it as a film to take shots at those they disagree with and then shoot a bit about a bad storm, but the good news is I don't think anyone died but you have no way of knowing for sure. The more I think about it, 2 stars was generous.
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Castle: Probable Cause (2012)
Season 5, Episode 5
What a load of crap
4 February 2023
This is hands down the absolute worst episode of this series. It's a typical cop show where you have to accept some gaps and unbelievable things, but this just shows that writers can truly be awful when they don't know what else to write.

The premise in this is so far beyond belief it is just annoying to even watch. A pack of tripe. Some of the sinister stuff from the main backstory can be a bit much, but this just keeps throwing more and more stupid stuff that is impossible.

Anyone associated with this episode should be ashamed to have even participated in this one. It's beyond horrible. Just skip this episode from an otherwise very good show.
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Elementary (2012–2019)
Great Show Until...
13 January 2023
Loved the first two seasons of this show. Mainly Sherlock. The crimes are interesting and are solvable if you pay attention. The primary annoyance is Watson (Lucy Liu). She is such a know it all and a judge mental busy body. The cherry on top is the hypocrisy of the character. In one moment she is chastising a person for X behavior only to exhibit that same behavior shortly thereafter.

The above is about the character as written. I also think Liu is a lazy actress at best. Her performance is just blah. If it were not for Holmes character she would put an audience to sleep in the first ten minutes.

By Season 3, the writers have made Watson's character intolerable. She has , in her mind, become Holmes equal. It is laughable. Holmes character was able to overcome the terrible Watson character (and Liu herself) for awhile, but I was fine with the first couple episodes of season 3.
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Maneater (2022)
Blueberry Pancakes...
3 January 2023
This movies is bad in so many ways it is difficult to pinpoint any one thing. The script was bad writing and the actors were bad enough to perfectly deliver the poorly written script. As far as the graphics in the movie, they are awful. The shark shots look like something from the best technology in the 80s. So many glaring errors like the volume of blood from an attack. The human body holds at most around 1.5 gallons of blood. On initial bites there were gallons spilled and yet people lived for a bit afterwards. Forget the fact that you die from just the loss of 1/2 to 2/3rds. These folks would have been gone before they even knew what was happening.

There were no 'good' actors in this and Trace Adkins wasn't the worst, but he tried. The man just isn't an actor. It is just uncomfortable to watch him try. There are some very cheesy lines in this film, blueberry pancakes is just one.
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Vigil (2021– )
Very goo show until....
22 December 2022
This started off very strong. A lot of intrigue and geopolitical espionage. This was very riveting with twists and turns and very reminiscent of The Hunt for Red October. Only this, had a chance to be even better. Where things went South were in episodes 6 & 6. Clearly they ran out of enough anti-nuclear propaganda so they started in on the sexual transition of the primary character which added zero value to the story and ultimately extended the series by two full unnecessary episodes.

I really don't care what anyone's opinion on nuclear deterrence is. You either get it or you don't. This started as a mystery with all the great attributes for a compelling thriller. Then they just added a bunch of garbage that just added no value other than social propaganda.
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Solace (II) (2015)
Really well done...
25 October 2022
I am not sure in any way why this has an average rating. I do agree that the casting missed but not nearly enough to hurt the film. I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but he was out done in this film, but who stands with Hopkins? I thought Abbie Cornish did fine. She was a good fit.

The cat and mouse that kicks into gear about midway to two-thirds is riveting. Hopkins carries the film throughout and Ferrell holds his own. The plot makes you think about one of life's unanswerable questions. Well, maybe some have answered it for themselves in one way or another but certainly not in this context.

A well paced and well acted film that I think should not be missed.
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The Watcher (2022– )
4 Stars because after episode 4 it tanks...
17 October 2022
So, the backstory on this is pretty underwhelming in my opinion. 3 letters and people that didn't even move in. So, the writers really had a very blank slate to create something amazing. It seemed like they were on track but episode 4 was when all hope was lost for me.

You could see very clearly that they lost their way and didn't know how to close this. 7 episodes was just dragging out a story that was running out of fuel after 3. There is a lot of filler in the first three episodes but you can overlook that with anticipation that something great is just around the corner. Unfortunately when you turn the corner, there is just a bag of meh.

I can think of several ways this could have gone that would have been much better. Some of the stuff is just so far out there is is just insulting to your intelligence. This concept would drive most anyone nuts for sure, but humans are pretty predictable and the characters in this just seem to act in repetitive ways that make the story just annoying.

A real missed opportunity.
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The Debt (I) (2010)
Great movie right up to the end...
22 August 2022
Pretty good on all counts all the way through but then it's like someone decided to try and show how clever they were and ruined a good film.

I was hesitant to go on another of these hunt the Nazi thrillers. I love the idea but often they end up disappointing. This one was no different in spite of the fact that is started well.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Beware movies rated above 5
21 August 2022
I am stunned. I watch movies with below 5 ratings and they are good and the. I watch movies above 5 and wonder what in the hell people are thinking. No, it isn't that I have bad taste in movies.

This is a perfect example of the stupidity people rate highly. A highly predictable movie that the creators could not have made worse if they intended to. That is what is horribly awful about this film; they actually thought this made sense. I don't want to spoil Andy thing but if you are an imbecile, the ending will be perfectly sensible. If you have any brain cells firing, the ending will make this one of the worst films among worst films.
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So unworthy of the Title Matrix
23 June 2022
This was boring plain and simple. Directionless at best. The fights were painful to watch.. not enough Neo and Trinity. The missing characters are just too much to overcome.

The doctor is just absurd and annoying. The only thing worse than the doctor is the pathetic performance of the general. Hated this movie.
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Not bad, until the end.
23 June 2022
Yes, it predictable and you know exactly what happened and what will happen. But the ending was the worst part of the movie. I imagine they cut a great deal of material because the ending just seemed like it was scotch taped to the end because they were over time.

No one expected a happy ending but still, what they came up with made zero sense and was simply unrealistic. If you have nothing else to do, sure, but I do mean you have nothing else to do.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Such Potential...
23 June 2022
This is a really great premise. I love all of the time travel, but this is so typical of anything on TV. Condescending, woke, religious bigotry, and historical misinformation.

I kept watching because I just tuned out the agenda. One thing that is kind of funny is how they celebrate women throughout history (a good thing) yet they make the female lead look like a half-wit.

By mid second season the rewriting just got lazy, uninspiring and annoying. Again, could have been great if they just stuck to the time travel.
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By Dawn's Early Light (1990 TV Movie)
It's all about the casting
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is solid. I did not realize until after I earaches this, it was was a made for TV movie. That kind of explains the B list cast. What stood out for me was that Martin Landau was not a good choice for the President. Worse than this, I have never seen such horrific acting by Rebecca De Mornay. It was laughable.

As for the premise, I found it though provoking. We have a system in place for these nightmarish scenarios. We do psychological testing and training to make sure the pilots, the commanders and the ones who push the buttons to make sure they will do their "duty" at the time. But, it can all fail if one person decides they just can do it. Good film.
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The Shooting (1966)
Absolutely Horrible
28 January 2022
I cannot believe money was spent to make this film. Nicholson was the only reason I gave this movie a look and I am sure he does a face palm every time someone ever mentions this movie.

No real plot, I guess the end is supposed to be a surprise when it was obvious what the end would be within the first 20 minutes. I can only believe drugs were involved in someone thinking this was a good idea.
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Cool idea, but...
19 November 2021
I will be honest, it isn't a terrible film trio, but it is all a political commentary and nothing more. If you like to be preached at, you will enjoy the trio of films.

That said, even without the agenda, it would only probably get to 5 stars at best. The second in the series was probably the high water mark. Bad acting is certainly the worst part of the films.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Like a smooth plane ride that crashes into a mountain just before landing.
10 November 2021
That is the best way I can describe this. Once you get the concept early on, it is clear where everything is headed, but not in a way that ruins anything.

There are characters you really like and some you really hate. I was good with this throughout until the last episode or two. That's when both engines seem to lose power and the yellow masks drop down.

I don't know if they are trying to make room for a season two, but what sent this into a spiral was that some characters are so stupid they don't even realize how stupid they are, even when someone tells them very clearly that they are stupid. On top of stupidity, there is this self-righteousness that is unbearable. It is amazing how oblivious people can be to their own hypocrisy.

So, in summary, fun to watch but you just need a shower when it is over. One strong point is how well it nails the depths of man's selfishness and human behavior in general.
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In the Earth (2021)
Awful, just awful!
13 October 2021
This was so painful. It has absolutely zero merit. It starts out somewhat promising. A trek in the woods is bound to go bad. However, not in the way anyone could really expect.

The whole description about a movie of a pandemic and trying to find a cure is utter rubbish. That entire description is in the background and nothing In the movie has anything to do with that.

What you will get are some people who ended up in nature too long and went nuts. However, in my opinion this thing is nothing more than another man is bad, nature is good and if we would just listen to nature we would all be fine. If the dreams of the eco nuts ever came to pass and the world was thrown into a world without technology, they would be among the first to die.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Decent plot were it not for the Agenda
4 October 2021
I watched this in spite of the reviews that were either from atheists or Christians. Mainly, I like the actor that plays Father Paul. As the show goes on and more is revealed it seems that the plot, which is interesting because I like things like this, was well done but there also seems to be a large ulterior message.

I won't give anything away but essentially it just chooses a religion to bash. That is the real message. The chosen religious group in this case being targeted is Catholicism, but was probably meant to be Christianity as a whole. They are portrayed as people who hate people of the Muslim faith and are so dogmatic about believing in their "story" and so gullible they will take any situation, no matter how ridiculous, and make it fir their beliefs.

Even an atheist might say they aren't this stupid, but the people who wrote this clearly think that is the case.

Again, decent plot and well acted for the most part, but it just isn't necessary to tear down those whom you disagree with. I think the story would have been better with a full plot that didn't make a mockery of one group of people.
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Hostile (I) (2017)
Not really worth the time..
4 September 2021
The film is very slow, very vague and yet predictable. You only have to get to know two characters and while I genuinely liked one, I did not like the other.

Not enough meat to the story mainly because they do t explain how they got from A to B in such a short period. A pure forced narrative that made little to know sense.
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Apparition (V) (2019)
Great Story, but horrible in every other regard
4 September 2021
This could have been a phenomenal movie. The plot is exceptional but abysmal execution and acting. Annalisa Cochrane May be one of the worst actresses in this movie and beyond. How she got a part is beyond me.

Great potential if someone did this right.
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Snowpiercer (2017–2024)
26 April 2021
What a disgusting view into the human psyche. Everyone will view this show according to their worldview. Either Melanie is the hero or the Tailes are. There, in my opinion, is not a single redeemable character on this show. Perhaps these are the ones that would survive whatever agenda driven fictional extinction event occurs.

Is is blatantly obvious who the creators consider to be the heroes. It is just a glimpse into the mind how sick people in this society really are. The opinions about the real story being told are likely as diverse as those who have polar opposite beliefs about the message contained in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Enjoy seeing how sick every person around you really is regardless of how they appear.
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Half Light (2006)
Where are these positive reviews coming from?
10 February 2019
This movie was so bad and so predictable from early on. I love ghost flicks and mysteries, but this was so forced and cliche. Awful film.
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Almost a Great
4 February 2014
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit short of a couple of things. First, the music was hideous and did not seem to fir the film in any way. Second, I am just not a fan of Donald Sutherland and he exceeded my expectations of stupidity in this film. You take the music and Sutherland out of this movie and it is 8.5.

For the good: Eastwood does a spectacular job of playing the leader without really playing the leader. He is the same cool, calm and collected character that he is known for in all of his work. I was a little worried about Rickles in the beginning but he played his part well with sharp comedic wit and the neuroticism that you might expect. Telly was a bit overbearing but that was what the role called for but it could get a little old at times.

Overall a very good flick that could have been a great one.
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