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Wolf Creek (2005)
Wolf Crap
30 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was tricked into seeing this movie by peer pressure and a crack addict that worked at the theater who said it was better than Saw II. I thought Saw II, along with all crappy horror movies that come out today, really sucked. I'm not a fan of horror movies because they always turn out to be pointless drivel, and they are never really frightening anymore. (This is besides the fact that this movie wasn't really a horror movie, it was more like a torture movie, which was neither horrific or sickening. A shot here and there of fake fingertips falling on the floor and wrists being pulled off from spikes doesn't automatically classify it as a horror movie.)

Also, almost everyone besides my group of friends was talking during the movie. Normally I would have been upset, but it at least gave me something to listen to while being exposed to the raw sewage on the screen. Suffice to say, this was literally the worst movie I've ever seen in theaters.

Everything in the movie was completely pointless, and there wasn't any scene that led up to or foreshadowed any later event. In fact, there were things that were foreshadowed that simply never came to be. What resulted was a huge waste of time setting up potential plots that never came to life. I'll provide some examples.

The long intro to the movie, even before the opening credits scene (which was very similar to a crappy TV show's intro theme), had no point whatsoever. It was just a waste of time and introduced no plot elements, and didn't really introduce any dispositional features of the characters either.

The only thing that happened plot-wise early in the movie was that they bought some alcohol. The only point of this was that later in the movie, Liz doused the car with alcohol and set it on fire and opened some gas valve so it would explode, just to get Mick's attention. I'm sure there was an easier way to do that. Then, she shoots him in the neck, and he apparently dies, but instead of bashing his head in to make sure, she gives a couple weak smacks on his back. How did he survive a bullet to the neck anyway?

And what was all the talk about aliens for? The entire story about the guy who saw the light in the sky wasn't useful at all, and nothing regarding it ever turned up in the movie. They were like "Why did a crater land at this exact spot?" but it was never found out why it had any importance. And why did the watches and car all stop working at the same time, yet camcorders and Mick's truck still worked? It seems like the whole alien "sub-plot" (if you could say this movie had any type of plot) only served the solitary purpose of making the viewer think an alien was heading towards the car at night (a 15 second scene).

Ben and Liz made out and had a little affair for no reason at all; it in no way served to advance the story.

The entire scene at the gas station/bar was pointless, and so what that the guy's truck was parked there? How did he know they were going to Wolf Creek anyway?

"Ben, why don't you have an accent like Mick?" Ben gives a troubled look like there is something about his past that will be revealed later. Nothing is revealed later.

None of the times made sense. It was sunset when Liz woke up, but suddenly, seconds later, it was the middle of the night and pitch black. Even worse, when Ben woke up, it was daylight, which was made certain by a clip of Mick driving in his muscle car. Suddenly, they show a clip of a sunrise, then a completely pointless scene of an eclipse, and then a sunset.

How did Mick follow Liz back to his cars and kill her, but still keep track of where Kristy ran to be able to spot her from a mile away and snipe the man that tried to help her? Ben, the only survivor, saw nothing of what happened to the girls, so most of the movie where the girls were killed was not based on fact. Furthermore, the jumbled nature of the movie makes me believe that Ben actually killed the girls and was too stupid to come up with a coherent series of events for a cover story. The only thing I got from this movie was that I now know there is a crater in Australia, and that there was a total solar eclipse in 1999. Note to self: never visit Australia, if not because there is supposedly a random killer about, but because there are blokes that make and enjoy completely pointless and incoherent films such as this. I hope this comment gives the Australians some insight into why Americans don't like this film. I don't see how anyone could.
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