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Zakon! (2009)
Unique, smart and hilarious!
17 June 2024
There are very few good Croatian TV series and even less good comedy TV series, but "Zakon!" or literally translated to English, "The Law!", is something unique. At first, you might think that this is just another boring and unimaginative mess just because of the amount of swearing there is, but you would be wrong. This is smartly crafted set of little stories with great nods to local culture and many pop cultural references. The only thing that can compare to such quality of comedy in Croatia is "Bitange i Princeze". Characters are interesting, stories and jokes crazy and over the top and the whole thing is just legendary. However, if you want to watch this outside of Croatia, you won't find it anywhere with English subtitles and you probably wouldn't understand more than half of the jokes. The swearing also sometimes becomes too much, though it's mostly in line. The second season was teased, but never made, probably due to poor reception. The show didn't sit well with casual viewers and most of the people don't know this thing even exists. Nevertheless, if you know Croatian or you are a Croat or from Balkan, you owe it to yourself to watch this magnificent wonder which God gifted to us. 9/10!
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House (1985)
Good, entertaining and a bit weird combination of comedy, horror and drama!
20 May 2024
"House" is a fine movie from Steve Miner directly and indirectly talking a lot about horrors of war. It's at times very silly and at times it can be very touching if you can find yourself in the alienation of the main character. It has to be said that the horror part of the movie is very mild and if you plan to watch this movie purely as a horror movie, you will be disappointed. It definitely explores dark themes, but at the end of the day, horror as horror is not the point of this movie. "House" is a movie with that familiar 80-s setting, warm and interesting characters and an efficient allegory for the horror of war. It's entertaing, creative and well made, but it's already mentioned horror elements serve mostly as an allegory for war and the ending of the movie feels a bit sudden and weird in a "we need to think of an ending to this movie as fast as possible" kind of way. All in all, I wouldn't call "House" a masterpiece, nor do I have the illusion that the movie will change your life, but it's a good movie and that's why I give it 7.5/10! I recommend it to everyone!
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Entertaining, silly and hilarious horror comedy!
18 May 2024
While not being as good as the first movie, "Return of the Living Dead: Part II" is a great horror comedy with likable characters, good soundtrack and entertaining plot. It ditches the overall horror atmosphere for an over the top approach to comedy that is sometimes silly, but sometimes pays off. I've seen that some unnecessarily bash this movie as bad, but I personally think it's far from it. You just have to know what you are going to get. Don't count on getting more of the same as the first movie and you'll have a blast! I give it 7.5/10 and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone who wants an entertaining movie for a relaxing afternoon!
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Just what I expected and just what it needs to be!
9 May 2024
Third part of the "Night of the Demons" trilogy, also called "Demon House" is exactly what you can expect if you watched previous two movies. It's delightfully cheesy and entertaining, featuring frequent gore, nudity and over the top humour. Vlasta Vrana's performance is great and really stands out from the rest of the actors. All in all, if you liked previous two movies, you will enjoy this one, but if you didn't, there's nothing here to change your mind. This is still a silly B horror movie that doesn't take itself seriously at all, so I give it 6.5/10 and I recommend it to the genre and series fans, while others can safely avoid it and not miss a thing.
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Like any gothic horror movie with Barbara Steele, but worse...
29 April 2024
I usually like old gothic horror movies like this one. They are charming and highly atmospheric and I like to watch them as a form of relaxation. Sadly, "The Faceless Monster" or "Amanti d'oltretomba" or "Nightmare Castle" is not a good movie. It doesn't feature a single interesting character, the plot is predictable and boring, music, done by Ennio Morricone, isn't really his best contribution to the cinema and the movie lacks the style and the atmosphere we all learned to love in similar movies. There is a snippet of style or a good cinematographic idea here and there, but it's just a snippet. I was glad when this movie finished and I was constantly checking how much more there is for me to endure. That should tell you all you need to know. Casuals will avoid it no matter what I write and to you (sub)genre fans I say, avoid it if you can help yourself. 5.5/10!
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Entertaining, but that's about it...
18 April 2024
"Bloody Birthday" has an interesting premise and is actually a well acted and made movie with that old 80-charm. However, once the novelty of the kids being the murderers wears off, you are met with the fact that there isn't a lot of horror in this horror movie. The identity of the killers is immediatelly revealed and the interactions with the kids are quite limited for obvious reasons. Main characters are likable, but aren't anything special. The music tries its best to be similar to "Friday the 13th" famous music and serves its purpose. All in all, "Bloody Birthday" is an OK for one-time watch and has an interesting idea, but isn't anything to write home about. I give 6.5/10! I recommend it if the idea interests you, whether you are a genre fan or a casual, just don't expect anything mindblowing.
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The Unseen (1980)
Creepy, disturbing and shocking...
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Unseen" is classified as a slasher, but it's far from that. In fact, if you are expecting a serial killer going around and killing girls, turn around and walk away, because there is nothing for you here. In fact, it can be argued that the murders themselves are, for the most part, the most boring part of the movie. "The Unseen" is creepy, deeply tragic and disturbing commentary on family, love, incest, morality, hopes, dreams and need for others. It perfectly knows when and how to show the things it wants to show or hide. Sydney Lassick and Lelia Goldoni both provide amazing performances and really elevate the quality of the movie, especially the later with her facial expressions and screams of pain and anguish. Barbara Bach is also great as our final girl and all in all, whether you'll like "The Unseen" or not largely depends on what you want it to be. Despite that, it cannot be said that the movie isn't well acted and made and that it doesn't have a very interesting atmosphere, so I'm quite puzzled with the low rating it has on this page. I give it a 9/10. Jennifer's boyfriend is an undeveloped character and the whole last part of the movie does come off as a bit dated or over the top which shakes the sinister feeling of the rest of the movie a bit, but despite that, this is a very good movie in my book and I recommend it to everyone who might be interested. Just remember, this is not a slasher and if you are looking for one, you will be disappointed with what's here...
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Good, but never reaches its full potential and goes for the simpler route...
10 April 2024
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"Messiah of Evil" is undeniably a good movie. It has interesting characters, interesting narrative, presentation and visuals. It feels different and better than your usual horror movie and it has a creepy atmosphere and simply manages to keep you interesed through it's whole runtime. It is sad then that it's ruined by appearance of cannibalistic zombie-like people (because they can act both normally and like zombies) that swarm the victim and then crouch and start to eat the victim alive. There is even one scene where they eat raw meat in the supermarket and it awfully reminds me of zombies in Italian horror movies that followed after this movie and the only thing that is missing are fake organs for them to munch on. It somehow feels wrong and ruins the creepy feeling of the movie and it's overall quality for me. It doesn't always feel bad and the ending scene where the characters are attacked at the house is great (and so is the cinema scene) but overall, I find it devaluates the movie and keeps it from reaching greatness. Still, "Messiah of Evil" is a good and unique horror movie that deserves at least one watch from a devout genre fan. I give it 7.5/10 and I recommend it to both fans of the genre and casuals who might be interested in something like this!
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Le porte del silenzio (1991 Video)
Fulci's attempt at psychological horror...
8 April 2024
Joe D'Amato approached Lucio Fulci and asked him to make a movie based on short story "Porte del nulla" Fulci himself wrote. Fulci made the movie and Joe D'Amato then added some footage and edited and "Le porte del silenzio" or "Door to Silence" was finally finished. It's basically Fulci's attempt at making a psychological horror. Problem is, anyone with a little bit of functioning brain can understand what the idea of the movie is relatively quickly and after that we are left with mostly silent protagonist who drives a lot through the countryside encountering various problems that slow down his journey or make him confused and afraid. One would think that all those silent scenes are perfect for the main character to have many monologues or maybe think about what's happening to him and we as an audience can hear those thougts, you know, so the character gets at least a little bit character development, but no. Melvin is, simply put, a boring and unlikable main character. He's rich, arrogant and prone to getting himself into danger. He tries to cheat on his wife two times during the movie and he's just not interesting at all. And then, when you realize that you understood the whole point (or plot twist, if you will) of the movie (which isn't very original) before it even ended and that the main character is boring and that there aren't any hallmarks of Fulci's work like gore and nudity at least to give you something to look at, you conclude that the movie isn't really good. If anything the best thing in the movie are the nature shown and (sometimes) the music. Don't get me wrong, this is not the worst movie ever and it's functional. It's refreshing to not receive the same thing from Fulci from time to time. But in the end, the movie is boring and I see no reason for you to watch it if you are not a Fulci fan. 5/10! I don't recommend it...
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A standard offering from Amicus...
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the usual offering from Amicus. If you've watched any of their horror anthologies before, you probably have a decent idea what you're in for. You'll be presented with a group of people and they will quickly find themselves in a situation where we'll be shown a scary story concerning them. The second story stands out from the rest and is a nice critique of the contemporary Hollywood, and so does the last one, in which we see an immortal E. A. Poe, but this is the only difference, for the stories themselves are the usual entertaining offering from Amicus that won't blow your mind, but offer a nice afternoon watch. I give the movie a 7/10 and I recommend it both to genre fans and casuals alike, like I do for every Amicus anthology!
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A standard portion of creepy fun from Amicus!
24 March 2024
As almost every Amicus horror anthology I've watched up to this point, "Dr. Terror's House of Horrors" is a nice movie to watch on a Sunday afternoon if you are a horror movie fan. It's not scary and sometimes it even fails to be creepy, but it has that charming atmosphere and decent performances that make it weirdly relaxing to watch. Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing are also in the movie and their performances are stellar as always. In the end, I can only repeat what I already said and what I will probably continue to say as far as horror anthology movies from Amicus are concerned. This is a serviceable fun for the fans and casuals alike, but don't expect a hidden gem or a lifechanging horror experience. I give it 7/10! I recommend it to everyone!
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A good Italian gothic horror movie!
21 March 2024
"The Long Hair of Death" or "I lunghi capelli della morte" is a competent gothic horror movie that has good acting, good atmosphere and interesting style. It manages to keep you interested for its whole runtime and it has beautiful Barbara Steele and gorgeous Halina Zalewska. However, the movie never surpasses its genre heritage and plays it very safe. You won't see anything in this movie that you already didn't see in some similar movie. It's great for a relaxing afternoon watch, but don't expect to have your mind blown by how good the movie is. I give it 7/10 and I recommend it both to genre fans and casuals who want to watch a nice piece of horror history.
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A somewhat entertaining mess...
20 March 2024
Usually horror movies with Naschy in the lead role have a decent plot, even though the budget for the movies was almost always low. This movie had a higher budget than his similar movies and that is evident in the practical effects department and the look of the monsters, which all look phenomenal. Even the fight in the ending scene looks and feels badass despite the age of the movie and its own simplicity. However, the plot suffered in return and the whole thing is very absurd and invented just as an excuse to show the monsters. A group of female friends from Rome go to Carpathian Mountains to revive an evil countess. In turn of events a werewolf associated with the countess also appears, but he's good and just wants to get rid of his curse. He is absolutely unbothered by the fact that he's now in 20th century and he is accompanied by a witch that's in love with him, but why and how is she present in 20th century is never explained. Things just become even wilder from here. The result of this is an entertaining mess that will amuse only the genre and Naschy fans and nobody else. Then again, that's the case mostly for every movie with Naschy in it, but here the whole premise really feels so ridiculous and just slapped together without much thought. Therefore, I give it 5.5/10! Watch it for the monsters and a bit of nice nudity!
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Cheesy/trashy entertainment for a one and done watch!
19 March 2024
The script for this movie was written in six days and director's brother stars in the movie as one of it's main characters. That alone should tell you enough. The whole setting of the movie is, naturally, used basically just to show women in skimpy outfits and that's apparent whenever characters played by actresses Dianne Copeland and Teresa Van der Woude are seen on screen. "Killer Workout" or "Aerobicide" is far from the worst movie ever made. Thought was definitely put into it, actors were doing the best they were capable of (in fact, David Morgan was doing even more than he was capable of) and fighting scenes have weirdly elaborate choreography, even though they are performed on a level of a fighting scene from some contemporary TV series. What I'm trying to say is, if you can appreciate what this C movie offers, you will be entertained, because the whole movie has the atmosphere that dangerously threads on "so bad it's good" grounds that it's a damn shame I can't say that's completely the case. The music is also surprisingly very good and overall, if you know what you're getting yourself into, grab a mate to laugh with or go in solo and enjoy this cheesy mess. Otherwise, avoid it, because you won't find anything even close to a hidden gem here. 5.5/10!
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A prime example of going out with a bang!
18 March 2024
There is a good reason "Revenge of the Sith" is considered the best movie in the prequel trilogy. It is way more serious than the two previous movies, it featured a lot of good action scenes, great music, explored themes such as loyalty, brotherly friendship, love, hate, betrayal, possibility of loss and the loss itself, as well as losing yourself. The movie is filled with iconic and well choreographed battle scenes and iconic scenes and lines in general, Anakin is a far less cringe character than in the second part and the music is phenomenal. The whole thing is simply put, a blast, and yes, as with every Star Wars movie, there are things you can criticize if you really want to, but I see no point, as I'm a Star Wars fan and I love these movies. I give it a 10/10, something which I'm about to do for the last time as far as the main entries in the franchise go, because Mr. Lucas decided to sell the franchise and... Well... It got questionable from here, but all in it's time, as it's said... To conclude, "Revenge of the Sith" is a perfect ending to the prequel trilogy and I'm happy whenever I see memes made from the scenes of this movie and I'm looking forward to enjoying them in the future and periodically re-watching this movie as long as I'm alive!
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Asylum (I) (1972)
Decent, but that's it...
16 March 2024
I remember when I stumbled upon this movie and added it to my IMDb watchlist. I was intrigued by the poster and looked forward to watching it. Years after that, I now finally watched it and I must say that the movie is decent, but that's it. It's your typical British horror anthology that has good acting and good atmosphere, but the actual scares often or always fall flat. If you are a horror movie fan or a casual looking for a light horror entertainment, this is an entertaining movie that can offer a relaxing afternoon, but it's not anything special and you won't find anything worth coming back here. 7/10! I recommend it to everyone looking for an entertaining horror anthology movie!
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Very good!
15 March 2024
"Eyes of a Stranger" is a very good and interesting thriller/horror movie. It has simple, but menacing killer, good style, good acting and knows how to produce a tense and interesting atmosphere. I don't usually like movies where the killer is revealed to the audience, but this movie pulls it off. Tom Savini did the effects and it's noticeable as all of them look great. While I don't mind her, I wasn't completely sold on our heroine and wouldn't mind if her character was developed a bit more. I didn't mind that the more violent scenes were added in the later stages of filming because they fit in and make for a better movie in my opinion. I watch a lot of horror/thriller movies and I cannot express how much I'm grateful and happy when I stumble upon a movie that is simply put; good and enjoyable. 8.5/10! I recommend it to everyone who likes movies like this. Don't expect a masterpiece and something revolutionary. Expect a good movie and you will have a good time!
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A beginning of the Clone Wars...
14 March 2024
Yes, teenage Anakin is as cringe as you remember him and so are the scenes where he's flirting with Padme. Now when that's out of the way, there's a lot of things to be thankful for here. First and foremost, the whole movie is basically one Obi-Wan episode, the movie is less focused on the silly things than the first one, there's the arena scene and multiple great duels and the battles aren't too shabby either. All in all, I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but I always conclude that there's no point in giving "Star Wars" movies less than 10 stars (Lucas's ones, of course). Critique them all you want, at the end of the day, if you watch these movies, you love them anyway. So, I give the movie 10/10! There's nothing here that will change your opinion about the series, but a lot to love if you like them. Also, this movie set the grounds for the largely praised animated series and film I still have to watch. Considering that's the latest and probably last big offering supervised by Lucas before he sold the whole thing to Disney, I feel like we "Star Wars" fans should appreciate this movie more for all it allowed us to witness.
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Typical Naschy flick only for the Naschy fans or fans of the genre...
14 March 2024
"Horror Rises from the Tom" or "El espanto surge de la tumba" is a movie thematically connected to another Naschy movie called "Panic Beats" or "Latidos de pánico" that came out ten years after this movie. This is your typical Naschy horror movie with violence and nudity that's here to soothe the boredom. As always when watching these movies, despite their low budget, it is obvious that effort was made to make the movie the best it could be, but that's not saying much. This is an entertaining watch for Naschy or genre fans, but rightfully forgotten relic of the past for the others. There's barely anything that can be considered scary in the movie, story and characters are nothing to write home about and there's no character development at all (compared to the aforementioned "Panic Beats"). Usually Naschy portrays at least a somewhat interesting character, but this is not the case here. Having that in mind, I'm going to give the movie 5/10! It's still decently well made and it resembles a movie, but it's worse than the standard I used to expect from Naschy's movies and that's why I give it a 5/10...
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A different movie for some new kids that we learned to love as we grew older!
9 March 2024
When prequel trilogy was announced, it's safe to assume that a lot of fans expected something more akin to what they had with the first trilogy. Instead, they got this movie. It was radically different. Lucas finally had enough budget and means to make a movie exactly how he wanted to make it and the result was innitaly not met with praise. A huge reliance on CGI (although the movie also used more practical effects than the whole original trilogy) and the overall feeling of the movie were sticking out like a sore thumb. The movie felt light years away from a Flash Gordon inspired story everybody loved to death by then, and with good reason, because, simply said, this was made for some new kids. Fans were not happy, but, as years passed and Disney trilogy came out, suddenly the prequel trilogy saw a giant surge in popularity and the fans quickly realized that, even though the movie was different from the original trilogy, it was still Star Wars, made by a man that gifted us with the story in the first place. Again, it's hard to be objective and if you want to criticize the movie, you'll find what to criticize. However, this movie gave us the legendary Duel of Fates, Darth Maul with his double-bladed lightsaber and a great performance by Liam Neeson. It gave us pod racing and Ewan McGregor's first appearance as Obi-Wan Kenobi and it kicked off the prequel trilogy that gave us a lot of great moments of fun and is now firmly a part of popular culture, as same as the first trilogy. Is it perfect? Again, as every Star Wars movie? No. Is it perfect if you are a subjective Star Wars fan? Absolutely! 10/10!
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9 March 2024
If there are exploitation movies, "Giallo in Venice" or "Giallo a Venezia" is an overexploitation movie. It seems that there are various versions of this movie circulating around, but I think I watched completely uncensored one. Where to start? A police detective that looks like a hippy singer from down the block leads an investigation concerning the murdered married couple. His only notable difference from other similar characters in this genre is that he walks around playing with or eating boiled eggs, which is only interesting because how stupid it is. Otherwise, he's the same old Italian detective spouting seemingly intelligent sentences. His sidekick, Maestrin, looks like he's a distant cousin of Benito Mussolini. The case they are working on is never particularly interesting, because killer is shown to us and the approaching plot twist can be predicted by anyone with a functioning brain. More than 40 minutes of the movie are wasted in showing sexual acts, almost all of them simulated, except from one scene where a man simply pulls out his penis and starts masturbating, because somebody thought we need to see that. The movie feels sleazy and perverse. There are legit exploitation movies that have shown nudity with far more taste and reason than this movie. For example "Cold Blooded Beast" is an horror/erotica movie that's not anything special, but it's at least better than this movie. I mean, what more do I need to tell you about this movie after I tell you there's an version featuring real sex scenes released only in Brazil (according to Wikipedia)? In the end, "Giallo a Venezia" fails to be both a good giallo and a good exploitation movie. It was probably shocking when it was released, but nowadays it's only shocking how dull and pointless it is. It's technically decently made, but even that's is nothing to write a home about. The movie is simply a boring relic of the past when boundaries of what could be shown on the film were being moved and Mario Landi probably thought he could make a quick buck by making a movie that is as sleazy as a movie can be. 4/10! Avoid it, there's nothing worth seeing here...
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There's nothing better than a good ending to a good story and this movie is just that!
25 February 2024
"Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi" is a great ending to the original trilogy and a cherished part of the popular culture ever since it's creation. The same thing I said for previous two movies applies here. If you want to critique the movie, you will find things to critique and if you want to love it, you will find things to love. In the words of Harrison Ford himself, this can either be a "teddy bear picnic" or a majestic culmination of the imagination of George Lucas, depending on your point of view. Also, this is the first movie of the saga that didn't face many problems in the production which a fun fact to know if you love the saga. All in all, this is, once again, an entertaining epic that does its job of being a legendary movie extraordinarily well. If you don't feel all emotional when "Victory Celebration" starts playing at the end, then you need a hug, so if that's the case, here you go (sends you a hug*). I give it a deserved 10/10! Watch it, enjoy it and savour the moment!
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Distant Drums (1951)
Time is a cruel mistress...
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My grandpa asked me to find him this movie because he watched it in his childhood. I dug it out and we watched it together. "Distant Drums" has a beautiful setting, being shot in Florida and some of the nature shown in the movie is gorgeous! Upon reading about the movie on the Internet, I also found out Wilhelm scream originates from this movie, which is a nice thing to know if you are a cinema fan. A character that goes by the name of Monk is an interesting one and stands out from the rest of mostly bland and uninteresting characters. Everything rest about this movie is mediocre at best. Capt. Quincy Wyatt, played by Garry Cooper, is your typical Hollywood macho man of the time, that is a born leader and unmatched fighter and every man can only dream to be like him. Mari Aldon isn't any better and plays equally stereotypical damsel in distress who predictably falls victim to Wyatt's charm by the end of the movie. Even setting the historical inaccuracies aside, for which I don't care in a movie like this, the movie is full of unreasonable stuff like lighting grass aflame by firing a bullet in it, gunfights where most of the time people miss each other, even though they are a rock throw away from each other and generally stupid stuff people do for no reason. 70 years ago, this was probably passable or maybe even magnificent. The movie was in colour and it had Garry Cooper in the lead role and the action and the drama and the nowadays predictable character development (if you can call it that) were probably amazing and it was hard to believe that you are watching something as fun and as exciting as this. Nowadays, all of that falls flat. The whole thing never feels so bad it's good, it mostly feels bad and my grandpa and me made fun of the movie almost during it's whole runtime. It isn't the worst western movie ever made, but it certainly isn't even close to the good ones, yet alone the best. If you like this genre or you can somehow find the way not to notice all the culturally dated and contrived elements along with plentiful platter of simply dumb stuff, "Distant Drums" is an OK movie to watch when bored, but not a lot more than that. At least I now have a precious memory of watching it with my grandpa who couldn't probably even dream that he will one day watch it on his own modern television. 5.5/10! Only for the most hardcore western fans and people who have nostalgia for it.
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Even better than the first one and rightfully a highly beloved and cherished part of popular culture!
18 February 2024
When I was a kid and was years away from watching "Star Wars" franchise myself, I was watching a soccer game with my dad and I distinctly remember that the commentator said "The empire strikes back." when a goal was scored against our country. I am not from USA, I am from Croatia. And I can guarantee you most of the adults who heard that understood the reference. That alone should tell you how much this movie is beloved and immortalized in popular culture. Even though the first movie was a giant success, this didn't mean making the sequel was easy. There were, again, problems with the budget and with filming and editing, but, in the end, we still received an amazing movie due to imagination of George Lucas and the talent of the people working on the movie! This time, the plot is faster, more focused and darker than in the first movie, but the whole thing is still very entertaining and fills you with warmth only movies made with a lot of effort, care and love put into them can. Basically, if you weren't won over by the first movie, there's nothing here to change your mind for the worse and you can only be impressed. But if you didn't like these movies in the first place, you wouldn't be reading this random review from some guy from Croatia, yet here you are, waiting for some random stranger to praise this movie for bazzilionth time. And don't worry, I will! "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" is, same as the first movie, a timeless masterpiece that offers an entertaining and emotional adventure full of wonder, fun and action, which will be enjoyed by all future generations of science fiction fans! 10/10! Watch it, enjoy it and thank God, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and everyone else who worked on it! Thank you for making our lives better by letting us experience this saga! May the force be with you, wherever you are!
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4 February 2024
Here's the thing. Watching this movie nowadays and comparing it to current standards, you will find a movie which has an overly long beginning, a lot of illogical stuff in it's plot and you won't be able to help yourself not to think how silly and clunky it all looks. If you want to criticize this movie, you will find stuff to criticize, I assure you. And let's not even talk about that whole special editions drama.

But... If you look under the hood... Then, you will see the passion and love behind it. An enormous imagination and determination from it's creator, George Lucas, is simply flowing through every pore of this movie. And now remember that all of this was made in 70-s, with a limited budget (that was mostly spent on stuff that was never used in the movie) and technology, a lot of problems during shooting, publishers that didn't believe in the project and you will understand why this movie is so important and why you cannot be objective to it. There was nothing like this when this came out, and in some ways, there is nothing like this all these years later. It's a magical experience and I can only imagine how amazing it was to grow up with this movie and it's sequels. There's not a lot more one can say here. If you don't like this movie and the Star Wars franchise as a whole, there is nothing I can tell you here that will change your mind. If you do like it, then you know what I'm talking about. 10/10! I recommend it to everyone! There's a beautiful story to be experienced here!
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