
42 Reviews
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Agreed, pretty good.
7 May 2023
Does it re-invent the horror genre? No.

Does it take heavy inspo from final destination? Yes.

Does it have decent jump scares and good moments? Yes.

Does it have likeable characters? Also yes.

It is entertaining, and good for a popcorn flick? Definitely.

I almost didn't watch it because of the low rating, but I realised that some of my favourite horror movies (and I'm not talking psycho horror like hereditary, which I'm not a fan of) and scifi movies are rated really low on IMDB for some reason. I gave it a shot and was pleasantly surprised.

If you liked happy death day, with a bit of a comedic twist, and final destination as well as ready or not...I reckon you'll like this one! For me it's a 7 in this genre.
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023 Video Game)
Honest review after finishing the game over two days of gaming.
29 April 2023
I've played it on PS5, so I can't complain about performance and there were only minor bugs and framerate drops. I've heard on PC the launch was way worse but this is not going to be part of my criteria.

To get to my major complaints: This is actually the first time you will ever hear me say that a game would've been better if it was more condensed + linear.

Why? Because Jedi: Survivor wanted to be something of an "open world" game but ended up being a terribly mediocre in-between, with no reward in exploration really and no meaningful sidequests a la Witcher 3 or GTA / Red Dead Redemption. It feels like a parkour simulator, and you are locked out on a lot of free exploration while being pushed from story point A to B...with invisible walls and a frustrating "you can't jump here" slap on the wrist. And my god, did I get tired of wall running.

Cut all the traversing and same-y puzzles out, you'll end up at 5-10 hours of combat + story. Which is really not a lot, I had hoped for more.

Was the combat decent and the story good, including the characters? Yes.

Especially towards the end, it really picked up in strength (despite a very obvious twist).

But the in-between is severely lacking, and quite frustrating + repetitive the majority of the time.

The worlds / environments also went more in the direction of the movies, we get a lot of sand and barren landscapes until the end pretty much - the first game did so much better in this regard. Dathomir was unique and such a welcome change of pace!

For me, it has no replayability to be frank and I hope the next game improves and makes up it's mind what it wants to be.
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The Last Kingdom movie suffers the fate of Game of Thrones Season 8.
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They tried to cram an entire season's worth of development and plot into two hours.

It's the same problem, in a vacuum, that Game of Thrones Season 8 had: The idea of Daenerys turning mad wasn't bad, the execution simply terrible and she needed another one or two seasons of development. Here it's Aethelstan turning on Uhtred who had basically raised him, falling under the influence of Ingilmundr and having an indecent relationship with him - which to my knowledge never happened in the books (as so many things later on in the seasons). They succeeded in making him look stupid and malleable, meanwhile his rule was considered the most significant and he brought all the English under one king for the first time. It's a very, very far throw off the great depiction of Alfred earlier on.

The movie is riddled with plot holes, time and distance jumps (very far, if you google Shetland islands), and frustrating choices on the writer's side. Some characters we last saw in season 5 never even mentioned.

To me, The Last Kingdom was at it's peak from Season 1-3. Then they started killing off basically all main protagonists that carried the show without having interesting replacements like GoT did, and the quality of writing declined steadily.

I don't know what I expected from the movie considering Uhtred's story felt concluded, but I definitely got disappointed. This story either needed to be a season 6 or the movie should've never been made. It's a bit of a disservice to fans and the OG actors who did such a great job.
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The Empress (2022– )
For a piece of fiction, this is a great show.
7 October 2022
Don't take this serious - it's not accurate whatsoever. However, as a purely fictional piece it's outstanding and has the crown / downtown abbey vibes like previous reviewers suggested.

The cinematography is beautiful, the costumes + locations are stunning, and all of the actors - particularly Elisabeth - deliver an outstanding & believable performance.

I would recommend watching it in German with English subtitles, however I do have to say it's not really accurate and riddled with errors (bilingual here) but that shouldn't take away from anythhing.

I highly recommend giving this a go, just completely detach yourself from any expectations regarding historical accuracy. Hoping for a second season!
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Demon's Souls (2020 Video Game)
Review from a beginner.
1 January 2022
This was actually my first Souls game and I loved every second of playing it. The graphics are absolutely stunning, the voice acting great, the gameplay satisfying and the bosses are cool.

It was much less hard than I expected, to be honest. Especially as the royalty class which made this game much more accessible for me as a "souls noob"; and you could indeed outlevel certain areas in the sense that normal mobs were much easier to beat - with a bit of soul grinding.

The only small complaints I'd give are:

  • relatively short (I was at 31hrs with 3 optional mini bosses missing)
  • lack of armor & loot variety for my desire to customise
  • no option to sell items, just store
  • lack of integrated lore and cutscenes (even finding letters or similar would've been great)
  • no warning that past the last boss the NG+ automatically starts, so I missed out on 3 optional encounters.

I know this is very true to the original, but addressing these points would've elevated my rating to a 10.

Die-hard fans might be outraged, but going back from this to now Dark Souls 3 really feels like a frustrating step backwards. The graphics and art of the game are just not great, especially considering it was released three years after the Witcher 3.

The combat feels clunky, and I have many many more deaths. Replaying and traversing of areas feels stale especially compared to Demon Souls by FromSoftware. I'm excited for their next game, an original IP & not a remake!
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Pagan Peak (2018–2023)
Gem that went under my radar.
25 December 2021
Brilliant crime show. The actors were great, the cinematography and locations as well. Very solid storyline & intriguing from the start. Very happy with the ending/wrap-up as well, which doesn't happen too often.

Watch it now, the second season is coming in January!

(Unfortunately, some of Winter's dryness and unique character really gets lost with the translations / if you can't understand Austrian dialect. He was my favourite character!)
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The Witcher (2019– )
Boy oh boy....
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...did they butcher the Witcher universe. The hype always seemed a bit out of place to me - as someone who's read a few books, and absolutely loved the Witcher games - as soon as they announced Lauren as the showrunner & writer and I looked at her previous works, I knew this one was going to be a dumpsterfire.

Yet, I still tried to go in unbiased and look at it from a neutral perspective. Season 1 was okay. The casting, costumes, make-up and post-production was bad. Henry Cavill as Geralt saved it for me, Jaskier, and as much as I disagreed with Yen's casting choice (Eva Green would've been perfect) - she played her well.

Season 2 went completely off the rails in terms of writing. The production value went a bit up, albeit it still looked so much worse than LOTR which was filmed 20 years ago. They completely abandoned the source material and introduced events that never happened for no reason and dishonoured the characters from the book & games (and it could've worked, the crones were never in the books but the games - but they weren't a major plot point). The last half of the season genuinely upset me.

It's also incredibly woke and diversifying cast for the sake of diversity, and I genuinely don't know why people think this is a good idea in the entertainment industry?

I really wish HBO would've picked this up (without Benioff & Weiss after the GoT debacle), since the Witcher universe is a gold mine.
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Arcane (2021–2024)
Just phenomenal.
20 November 2021
Just finished and it's a truly outstanding show. The art, cinematography, music score, storytelling and characters. Kudos to Fortiche and Riot.

You don't need to be familiar with the game, just watch it and get blown away.
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Squid Game (2021– )
The last 3 episodes didn't conclude it well.
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to agree with others: I really didn't like the last three episodes and the wrap-up was dissatisfying. "Gganbu" was one of the strongest episodes in an emotional perspective, yet the last episodes tracked back with the reveal of the "one" behind everything on one of the most interesting relationships they set up through the entirety of the show.

They also left one of the most interesting characters who had so much potential completely behind, Sae-byeok, and completely invalidated the sacrifice of Ji-yeong and the impact of their scene - which was a shame.

The VIP's were stereotypes, horrible actors, and extremely unnecessary. I hated every second on screen they appeared and their absolutely dumb commentary.

Up until Episode 7, I would have given it a 9 or 10. Episode 7 onwards was a 4 for me. 10+4 / 2 = 7 stars overall.
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Star Wars: Visions (2021– )
22 September 2021
Honestly, I think we all can agree that Star Wars has been milked almost to the point where barely anything is "original" or exciting anymore.

I recently played >Jedi - The Fallen Order< again and realised this was the first time I got excited about the franchise in a very long time, and it's a game! Rich in environments, lore, great storytelling and characters. Dathomir and the nightsisters made me realise how much potential and richness the Star Wars universe still had to offer.

This show did exactly that - sparking excitement and curiosity. Not all episodes are a hit, but most of them are, even though I'm aware not everyone will love this show, I think it's a great revival of a franchise that has been stagnant for a while in it's ideas.

Favourite episodes so far, in order of rating:

  • 1st & 4th & 5th (10*)
  • 3rd.
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Loved it!
23 August 2021
I played the Witcher games and loved them; I read the books and wasn't too much of a fan of the first season of The Witcher (aside from Henry Cavill as Geralt) even though admittedly I have higher hopes for the second one.

This movie blew me away; I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised - the animation was grand (kudos to Studio Mir), the soundtrack great, the voice acting on point, the storytelling compelling and very well tied together in the end.

I wish it would have been a TV show, and we could've seen more of Vesemir. It felt too short, but that's because it was just that good. You can definitely see the influence of Castlevania, and I'm here for it!
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Venom (2018)
What do people want nowadays from popcorn movies?
7 August 2021
It is entertaining and fun and doesn't pretend to be something else. It is good for what it is; obviously it's no Joker or Interstellar or any groundbreaking piece of cinema - but we're talking superhero genre here.

Tom Hardy is absolutely terrific, as usual. Venom himself is an interesting personality, and there is so much to build on in terms of story.

...yet people and especially critics still find something negative to say?

Venom is one of the better superhero movies I watched and definitely up there: can't wait for part 2!
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Upgrade (2018)
How did I not know about this movie?!
4 August 2021
Go in without any expectations or watching the trailer, believe me - you'll have a good time.

Great cinematography. Dark, cyberpunk-like atmosphere. Intelligent storytelling. Very original. It's a mix of John Wick / Ex Machina and Her.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Don't bother past season 3. 1 & 2 were the best.
17 June 2021
You know, there is always these shows over and over again where it should have ended with a certain season (GoT being the rare example of the opposite). Very rarely are showmakers calling it at the right time; Black Sails, Expanse and Peaky Blinders come into my mind with a perfect arc of storyline and length.

Season 1 and 2 of Handmaid's tale were great, utterly depressing obviously, but fairly true to the original material. In Season 3 you already started to see a decline in writing, and Season 4 completely went off the rails. Why do we even need to see more? Why must there be a Season 5? I'm confused, and they lost me a while ago.
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Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017 Video Game)
Great RPG - do not buy into the hate
14 April 2021
2021 review: So, I recently decided to do another playthrough (my second one, the first one being right after launch before patchs and fixes) on PS4 before diving into MA Legendary Edition. I didn't play MA 1-3, so this was a fresh start for me. I give it a solid 8.5.

I truly cannot understand why it got such a bad rating? I feel like a lot of the reviews you find online are not genuine and purely based on hate due to the launch, the hate on Bioware in general or because it was different to what they expected after MA 1-3. So, nostalgia got in the way. But that's not fair.

This is what I really liked about MA: Andromeda:

  • The beautiful environment. I mean, the worlds are just beyond breathtaking. It deserves a photomode, unfortunately it never had an official one.

  • The RPG system - it truly is a roleplay game, with many impactful choices to be made. And you see a great change in every single world you discover and progress through.

  • The gameplay is really nice and skilltree extensive; I love that you can customise your own playstyle and it's truly fun to blast through enemy lines.

  • Questing is engaging and none of the quests felt repetitive or boring

  • The characters, including their loyalty missions, are epic. Some more so than others, but overall I had a great time with them and their interactions between each other.

  • The voiceovers are excellent

  • The story was compelling from start to finish, with some goosebump moments. Unfortunately many questions were left unanswered because they decided to abandon MA: Andromeda for Anthem (lol).

I mean...what do you want more from an RPG? It's pure entertainment, with a very solid story and amazing characters. I enjoyed it just as much as playing through DA: Inquisition (if we leave out the DLC) and completed the entire thing with sidequests and exploration.

The facial animations might have been a mess on launch, but they are good to decent now. Some cutscenes might still be a wonky, but the majority was fine. I didn't encounter any visual bugs or gamebreaking bugs whatsoever.

It might not be a Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2, but it's totally worth checking out - especially now - and is a jackpot for all the science fiction and RPG fans.
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Underrated gem
6 April 2021
First of all, this is a questionable English title for an US audience. In Germany it's just called "Oktoberfest: 1900".

This is a prime example of why you can't take some of the imdb ratings serious, it most definitely deserves so much more than a 6.8.

The show shines with top notch production quality, costumes, beautiful cinematography, soundtrack and superb acting. I agree with the other reviewers who call it a Bavarian Peaky Blinders.

This show is by no means historically accurate; however it's fun and exciting, written and executed beautifully, and that's all that matters.

Watch with English subtitles and enjoy!
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
It's just getting better with every season.
4 February 2021
I cannot believe season 6 is going to be the last one - I wouldn't mind having the last "current time" arc split in two seasons or an extended last season.

With every season The Expanse got better and better, and I couldn't believe that was a possibility; not too many shows are able to pull it off. Only Peaky Blinders and Black Sails come into my mind.

The Expanse is a perfect example of great storytelling, amazing visuals, perfect pacing, and character progression. It's also one of the most "realistic" SciFi / space shows with great attention to detail.

Season 5 ended with a big bang, and I cannot wait to see the continuation. One word of caution if you're just starting: Get past the first few episodes of season 1 and you'll be hooked.
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Good popcorn-flick, 7.5 for me
1 January 2021
Witches, alchemy, interesting story, great CGI, Vin Diesel and good acting. Can't really ask for more, at least for pure entertainment.

Of course this could have been an amazing and highly original movie - with a slightly different cast, (a different title), a deep dive into the witches' world and lore and more nuances to the plot.

But for what it is, I really liked it and can only recommend watching it.
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A solid 7.5, imdb rating undeserved
31 December 2020
Similar to Guy Ritchie's King Arthur, I can't disagree more with the viewer ratings. It's not supposed to be historically accurate, or true to the books - these kind of movies are supposed to be entertaining. And that it was! I'm glad I gave it a shot, and kind of bummed I missed out on it when it was released back then in the cinemas.

The acting was great (thanks to Charles Dance, Luke Evans and Sarah Gadon); the cinematography beautiful, good CGI for the majority; and the story interesting with a slight twist to the Dracula story we know.

If you're looking for a popcorn movie that doesn't disappoint, give it a go!
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
An honest review from someone who absolutely loved Witcher 3
13 December 2020
... expected a similar experience. I promised I would alter this review once I have played through, and I have a few things to add. I won't spoil any particular story moments if you still want to read it, but I'll tell you why I'm not happy with the way it ends. First of all, I'm usually a completionist (Ghost of Tsushima, Witcher 3, God of War) but I finished the game here after roughly 48 hours. With some side gigs done (not very interesting but gives eddies), all side quests and all main quests. This is, honestly, very short for an open world RPG. I heard it from someone else before, that it's short, but I didn't believe it until I played it. I personally can't fathom how another youtuber accumulated 120 hrs, because I personally have no interest in clearing out the map - it's just not interesting enough past the side and main quests.

  • The main story is witten really well, very interesting - and I'm basically playing the game for it
  • Most of the characters and their backgrounds are enticing (Jackie, Delamain, Johnny Silverhand, Evelyn Parker, Alt, Rogue, Kerry).
A couple of great protagonists disappear early on!
  • The graphics are great on a top-end PC (with a 3070 and Ryzen 3900X).
  • The music and soundtrack is top notch, outright amazing.

  • Zombie NPCs / AI and idiotic traffic
  • So much less "impactful" and "quirky" side quests in comparison to Witcher 3. It also really needs some lightheartedness.
  • The world feels just grim. And bland, and empty. I expected there to be more dazzling, over-the-top parts of the city (eg insane holograms) and buildings that are stunning, and more distinction between the districts. But everything looks very similar, it could just be another American city like Las Vegas.
  • I expected to run into interesting stories randomly while exploring the map, but I haven't yet.
  • V is overall a less likeable/iconic character than Geralt. Even if you come from corpo, you still end up with a weird "V street slang" as if V was meant to just be a streetkid - they should have just stuck to a more neutral way of talking.
  • Customisation: is basically non existent. There is way too little unique clothing, and you can't mod your character visually. Even though "style" was part of CDPR's advertisement.
  • You also rarely get to see your character in cutscenes - except when you take a screenshot which is a bit of a shame
  • Romance: The options are a bit underwhelming, especially River Wards questline. He fell a bit short in comparison to the other two main ones and it was a bit rushed. I would have also expected more significant options, aside from River/Panam/Judy.
  • A few too many bugs, considering how much time they had to polish. Which suggests to me they were massively behind in development schedule all along.
  • I don't feel the urge to 100% complete this game or replay it anytime soon
  • THE ENDING leaves much to be desired. Why? Because a lot of our questions aren't getting answered, no matter which ending you'll get.
CDPR decided to take you back to where you started before the last mission after you finished the main story, a design choice I absolutely despise. Ghost of Tsushima did this better; heck even the Witcher 3 which was made by CDPR (even though it doesn't feel like it at times). I also can't see how they connect here in future DLCS, because the endings you can achieve for V differ greatly.
  • THE STORY overall feels very linear. Yes, you can impact your ending and get different ones. But overall my choices or the way I played V, along with the path I came from at the start, don't really seem to matter much.


CDPR is a company that can produce great games, and we all know it. People also seem to forget that this is only their second big AAA game, after the Witcher 3. They are not rockstar (yet). With Cyberpunk, I feel like they shot themselves in the foot announcing release dates that just weren't doable. They hyped up the game too much, and invested an insane amount of money and time into marketing - when they should have laid low and told us "we release it's when it's ready, 2021". This is entirely, and I mean entirely, on the management and leadership (CEO) of CDPR. I assume it was just greed for money, nothing more or less. The devs had worked hard and deserved better, like us gamers.

Don't get me wrong. Cyberpunk is a good, enjoyable game, but nothing extraordinary like The Witcher 3. It basically plays like it wasn't ready to be released, and a lot of things were rushed. It almost feels like it got released a year too early. They promised us content that just isn't in the game, and I expected much more open world RPG.

I think they should scratch the whole multiplayer plans, and polish it, and give us banging DLCs like in the Witcher. Where Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine were better than the main game.

And the biggest thing is: Learn from this release. Improve. Re-structure your company. Give us games in the future like Witcher 3, God of War, and Red Dead Redemption. We'll get over it.
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
If it continues like this, in my top 3 list.
28 November 2020
On episode 9. So far, I have nothing to criticise: The protagonist is great, and all other characters extremely likeable and interesting. The story so far has been amazing and is well-written. The animation is top-notch, typical mappa!

I'd go as far and say it's slightly ahead of kimetsu no yaiba / Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan. I just hope it keeps up with the quality and doesn't decline like other animes did with ongoing seasons.

Give it a go, you won't be disappointed!
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Blade II (2002)
A bit less stylish than Blade I, nevertheless a great movie
6 November 2020
Blade I was epic. I loved the cinematography (I mean the opening blood rave scene is just cult at this point), the soundtrack and Wesley Snipes as Blade.

I'm not sure how the Blade series ended up on such a low rating, because it's better than most modern 'superhero' flicks and miles better than Underworld. It's an excellent dark comic translation, packed with great fighting scenes and style. Blade I was not bloated with special effects; it's dark, minimal and gritty.

Blade II laid on a bit more special effects, less minimalism like the first one - nevertheless, a great action movie and the soundtrack was top notch. While some parts were predictable, some twists in the story did surprise me and bumped my rating up a fair bit.

The movie was directed by Guillermo del Toro and generally stayed true to the vibe of Blade I. I would rate II overall a bit less, but not by too much.

Honestly, it's going to be hard to make a remake worthy of Wesley Snipes and his Blade legacy. I hope we're not going to be disappointed.
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Blade (1998)
Maybe it's my 90s nostalgia
6 November 2020
But this movie is great. I love the cinematography (I mean the opening blood rave scene is just epic), the soundtrack and Wesley Snipes as Blade.

I'm not sure how it ended up on such a low rating, because this movie is better than most modern 'superhero' flicks and miles better than Underworld. It's an excellent dark comic translation, packed with great fighting scenes and style. It's not bloated with special effects; it's dark, minimal and gritty.

I recently re-watched Blade II, which was directed by Guillermo del Toro, and was equally surprised by the rating. It stayed true to the vibe of the first movie. I would rate II overall a bit less, but not by too much.

Conclusion: It's going to be hard to make a remake worthy of Wesley Snipes and his Blade legacy.
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I see how this can have so many mixed reviews.
15 October 2020
8.5 stars for me. It's very different to Haunting of Hill House. Less "horror" and more a story of love and obsession, ghosts and loss. In fact, it reminds me a bit of Haruki Murakami's stories. While I thought the first episodes were a bit lacking, the second half is definitely interesting - pretty much from "Altar of the Dead" onwards.

I thought it was great storytelling, I can see how people would be disappointed who expected Haunting of Hill House-like horror however.

If you don't expect it, and go in with a completely fresh mind, you're more likely to be hooked & be able to enjoy it for what it is. Something else entirely. If you want sheer horror, stay clear of it.

(And no matter what you expected or had hoped for, this show doesn't deserve anything below a 5 if you truly watched to the end. I can't think of many shows or movies I would have given that kind of rating, even when I didn't like them. It's equally silly to the low ratings on Haunting of Hill House. People should be a bit more reasonable.)
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Great storytelling, minor flaws
16 March 2020
I have never played the games so I can't speak much for how well it's adapted. However, I was completely intrigued and loved the show from season 1.

The characters are so well written and fleshed-out. I even grew to like the "villains" of the show, and often humanity is pictured more appalling than the monsters themselves. The voice acting is terrific and the animation is flawless.

The story is incredibly dark and gruesome, with few moments of happiness and peace standing out. Season 3 had a few logical flaws for me, and Alucard needed a lot more screentime; his storyline was rushed and didn't make a lot of sense the way it happened.

Which leads to my only criticism for the show: The episodes need to be longer, or we need more episodes. I doubt budget is a problem at this point, so I'd love to see more time spent on the different story arcs and characters.
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