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Ted Lasso: So Long, Farewell (2023)
Season 3, Episode 12
Sad but not in a good way
4 June 2023
From a show that had almost perfect timing throughout, this was unbelievably rushed. Sad to see Ted Lasso's arc cut so short for what it could have been.

Emotions were played with in the most basic, sit-com finale fashions. Numerous draw backs to filler jokes from the first episode. One of the lamest clip show montages of all time and just some concerning lack of attention to character arcs.

This show had something special that was rushed, for whatever reason and ultimately just went nowhere with. They gave it a good ol' happy Ted Lasso ending though it glanced over quite literally every problem faced in the entire show.

I believe the show is going to be renamed and keep going, which is almost sadder.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
6 for all 4 seasons feels generous
4 January 2023
First season is absolutely amazing and can be watched as if it's a mini-series. Season two seems to be working towards something but seems much less fleshed out. Some of the greatest tv performances I have seen. Season 3 completely loses any momentum the show had going for it. I was becoming frustrated with characters rather than being confused with them. Evan and Thandie in full robotic acting mode is terrible. Aaron Paul is a terrible addition, I Had to fight through his screen time. Season 4 I couldn't even make it through. Every single performance felt like cable tv. Enemies were laughable.. overall S1 10/10 S2 7/10 S3 4/10 S4 didn't watch enough to judge but prolly lower than S3.
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Nope (2022)
Peele is incredible
21 December 2022
People don't seem to get the point of this movie or they don't seem to care. First of all, everyone had incredible performances here, with Keke Palmer being the standout imo the background and overall story of all main and side characters are well developed. They managed to do a monster movie without me feeling the need to scream at the characters. The overall point and enemy of the movie is SPECTACLE and EXPLOITATION. Steven Yeuns character in particular was incredibly well developed. Peele makes you feel exactly how he intended with scenes sometimes feeling disconnected but adding to the overall theme.
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Spin Me Round (2022)
Good confusing comedy
21 December 2022
Having seen every movie Jeff Baena has made this movie felt like his most formulaic film yet also completely confusing. The movie feels like it's constantly being improvised. It's constantly lost on what it wants and that continues to be the theme of the movie, as are most of Baenas movies. But this manages to feel even more disconnected from reality in a very real space than any of his past works. Allison Brie has a few highlight scenes but is the grounded character so stays reserved. Side characters all give incredible comedic performances and the ending leaves you with questions. "What did I just watch?" "What was the point?" And I feel like that IS the point.
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Inception (2010)
It was still worth it
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had some phenomenal cinematography and well choreographed scenes. A very thorough and complicated story that manages to do nothing and leave you with nothing at the end. Not as hard to keep up as people seem to think, just felt like they were throwing in another twist for the heck of it. It fell into many different action movie tropes and made me laugh at the movie for some of the corny one-liners and confusingly bad scenes thrown into this movie. Saito in particular being terrible. Having an appreciation for cinema, Christopher Nolan still did something special with how this movie felt but from an investment standpoint it felt like a waste of time.
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Still wanted a bit more
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think people are still giving Rick and Morty too much hate for going for longevity. People want story and they want "classic rick and Morty" adventures. Justin and Dan are managing to do both and setting up a massive world with dynamic characters. It's just a comedy at the end of the day and they haven't failed at that imo.

The lightsaber stuff made me laugh out loud consistently. Loved the Disney hate. I'm a sucker for President episodes and the extreme pettiness it brings out of Rick. It was one of the least climactic episodes of the series. I'm excited for Ricks hunt but I really do appreciate the way that they can do stupid, fun episodes and still make them have pretty deep character development. I hope they take their time and keep expanding.
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Reboot (2022)
It's alright
29 October 2022
I didn't quite know what to expect coming from modern family and making a mature show. I tried to keep an open mind since I love almost all of the cast from previous work but it felt like they used all of them in a typecasted way. Also I love Johnny Knoxville but his screen time was tough to sit through, especially dramatic scenes. It touched on meta topics in a somehow original and corny sitcom way, which I feel was intentional and may be good enough for some. But the comedy consistently fell short to a drama storyline. Don't think I ever laughed out loud but had a few reserved chuckled and a few of the situations were interesting.
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Just an action movie
6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tried to play itself more as a comedy but has very little in here that isn't just Nick Cage comedy. Saved by a few good moments it wasn't a complete waste of time. Basic kidnap story tried to be told in a "meta" way. Dual personality was just a terrible version of his brother persona in "adaptation". Haddish gave a career low performance along with many other actors giving terrible performances.
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Bee and PuppyCat (2013–2018)
Quick laugh
17 May 2022
Cute art style and good laughs. Don't expect too much though, it's on YouTube and it's worth the watch for a animation enthusiast. Adventure time like comedy but not the depth.
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Weirdly offputting
7 March 2022
Feels right but shot so clearly that you are taken out of it. It gives a ridiculous outside looking in feeling. Not for everyone but I personally think Taika has done it again!

(Season 2 Update) Season two brought nothing new or good. Funny one off jokes but overall a TOUGH watch. I struggled through it and was happy to hear news of cancelation.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Better than advertised
12 January 2022
I don't write reviews often bc I often go by critic review not audience. The fact this has a 49 from critics is heartbreaking. There were less than 3 flawed scenes and the overall story and execution was far too close to reality for comfort. I enjoyed my time with this movie thoroughly. Adam McKay has done it again.
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
7 October 2021
I wanted to like this badly. But the first season was unbelievably corny. Brendan Frazier's performance almost always laughable in a bad way. Just meh, don't let these people hype you up!
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11 August 2021
Everyone saying this brought life back to a saturated genre and I have never felt an action movie touching on cliche as much as this. DC at its worst if that's your sorta thing.
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Still a mindless action movie
11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A few bits of good. But overall felt lazy and rushed. There was one scene in the jungle that was over and over laughable for all the wrong reasons. King shark is crunching on a guy and they are still sneaking up on a guy 10 feet away. I don't feel like I wasted my time but pretty close.
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A movie I am disappointedly giving an 8
29 June 2021
Rewatching this movie after 10+ years I find the same DC problems that I have had ever since. Previously believing this was a masterpiece showing it to my wife I felt ashamed. Christian Bale gives cringey performances. Heath Ledger is a crazy joker but tried TOO hard in some scenes. Hospital scene stands up though so I'll give it an 8. I think this movie is overrated though due to the nostalgia of Heath Ledger dying very close to the release of the movie. It was tragic and everybody saw it and saw him giving everything in a performance and we all said this is the best movie to ever be made. Sadly it's not.
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Made for Love (2021–2022)
Good show! Excited for more
17 April 2021
So disappointed in the overall rating that I'm giving it an over compensated 10. Touched on some really interesting dynamics that aren't talked about. Felt like it came from a real genuine place. 8.5/10.
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You will know if it's for you in the first 15 min
25 March 2021
One hundred times better than the original but just as corny. Just more of the same movie if you liked the original, I did not.
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