
20 Reviews
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Sexual Intentions (2001 Video)
Very sensual and out of the ordinary
24 February 2024
For the erotic/romantic genre, this title really stands out a lot, not only for the beauty of the actresses and the very good camera shots there are, but also for the music and how well the scenes are interspersed, the plot in general is the generic of the genre, there is no innovation in this regard; But I can't help but highlight the fact that within everything it is quite well done, the whole movie flows naturally, there are no plot holes and it allows the viewer to enjoy the natural wonders that the girls have to offer in their performance. .

If you doubt a classic from the early 2000s, which today can hardly be repeated.
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Cold Mountain (2003)
Emotional and interesting
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The film is basically similar to many of the genre, the man who leaves (for whatever reason) and the woman who waits for him and has to suffer the vicissitudes of the crisis caused by not having an economic support that can provide her. .

In this film I must highlight the notable acting of Jude Law and Nicole Kidman, who are frankly very good, the other thing that is impressive is the good characterization of the settings, the clothing and the soundtrack.

There are some things in the plot that don't quite convince me, but it has interesting moments, like the war or the nudity that occurs in the middle of the movie. Others, like the ending or the part in which the "police" chases dissidents and other issues, are somewhat far-fetched and don't make much sense.

It is a good title but it is not memorable, if you want to see real romantic movies, there are many more and better ones, although this one entertains quite well thanks to the fact that it has good actors.
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Invictus (2009)
Emotional but unrealistic
15 January 2024
It is a great film, very emotional and idyllic, the camera shots and the meta-message it leaves are excellent. Morgan Freeman is the best actor they could select for the role of Mandela and Matt Damon for the Springbooks player as well.

Naturally, the reality of South Africa was far from what this film tried to portray (both about Mandela and her past, and about the unfortunate POST 1994 political situation in South Africa).

Understanding the film as Pure Fiction (and its meta-message) is excellent, although it is somewhat dishonest that it is presented as based on real events, when it has little in reality.
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Line of Fire (2002– )
Well documented
5 October 2023
I only saw the episode of the 6-day war, but I highlight that it is very well narrated with a good compilation of historiographic material, I think I saw it on the discovery channel or the History channel several years ago, I honestly think it is very well done (Sounds , music, layout and narrative thread) and the narrator of the events takes a neutral position, I definitely recommend the series, even though it is already years old, I attest that many of the new productions that are coming out at this time are of lower quality despite editing improvements. This is very noticeable in the selection of the graphic material used and how there is no excessive use of renders.

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The Ark (2023– )
Interesting, though predictable
21 July 2023
The Ark is the typical series set in space in which a group of people must populate a new territory to save humanity from a decadent land or about to be destroyed, etc, etc. (It is an argument that has been seen in dozens of movies and series in the last 20-30 years).

In essence we have about 10-12 characters that are the ones that are repeated almost throughout the series and we have additional some extras that add to the filling of people in the series (it is a pity that they are not integrated more).

The series has interesting moments, in each chapter there are usually 1 to 3 conflicts (which are resolved either in that same chapter or in the following ones), although they are resolved in a very simple and short way, in some cases quite casual or forced, in essence it does not bother me since it gives the series progression but also takes away depth and that detracts from its quality. I really like the actors, I think they do a good job, I think the security guard and Trust play the best role, but also the scientist girl and the doctor aren't bad either.

I had higher expectations of the series, although it's not a bad series, it's one more than the rest, not very memorable but enjoyable, with a few changes it would have been a much better series! Without a doubt!
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1899 (2022)
Excellent beginning with a sustained decline throughout the series
13 January 2023
This series has the same problem as some famous series like LOST or The Walking Dead, and that is that they start from the TOP of the mountain and go downhill in an irremediable way.

Unfortunately this series was canceled by netflix and we will never understand the loose ends that it raises for us, however you can really enjoy the setting and the constant sensation of mystery, together with the music that do a very good job that is generally difficult to achieve.

It really is short to watch and interesting to enjoy, the creators of dark did a good job and show that they are capable of great things, but in the midst of the economic crisis many companies cut budgets and netflix did its thing with this series.
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Lightyear (2022)
An incredibly critically battered film
4 January 2023
I did not go to see this film at the cinema, so I am partially responsible for the low collection it had in theaters.

However, for me it is a traditional Pixar movie, with all its well-kept and very interesting aspects. It is possible that some think that I am nostalgic for Toy Story and the rest of the Pixar movies, but Lightyear really manages to open up an unknown world of the Toy Story universe and reveals to us why ZORG was the mortal enemy, in addition to "the role of Buzz" within his semi-military/scientific organization.

I really enjoyed this movie and you can really see the HUGE work it has on it, it hurts me a lot that it doesn't last longer, the truth is, I would have watched a 2-hour or 2.5-hour movie with ease. The truth is a shame that half of the people who saw this movie share the passion for it, since I doubt that Disney will ever release anything related to the Toy-Story Universe or specifically speaking of Buzz.
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Good technical and aesthetic development but with a biased history
2 January 2023
From a film development standpoint, it's a 9.5 From the point of view of historical accuracy it is a 3.

The problem with this film (which is something I saw in Koblic and other titles where Darín participated) is that it repeats the official version of history that a part of society adopts from 1983 to date.

And of course, the film completely "forgets" to talk about the other part of the story, there are hardly any fragments in this film where a character very timidly makes a comment, but the film does not delve into the Absolute in those plot lines because It is clearly a biased film that marks from the beginning where it wants to go. In principle this would not be a problem, but it is because it tries to present itself as a film based on true events and if only half the story is told (and pretends to be the full story) it is quite poor and dishonest to the viewer.
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The Last Kingdom (2015– )
First 3 seasons, Excellent, the following not so much
13 January 2022
The 4 seasons to the present, are made with very good quality, excellent graphics, music, setting, the presentation of each place with its name in English and Nordic (excellent detail).

I have few criticisms to make of the series, I just have to comment that the first 3 seasons are Excellent, the 4 begins to get complicated and the quality of the plot declines enormously, which is a real shame.
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B: The Beginning (2018–2021)
Very promising first season, the successor not so much
11 January 2022
The series begins by explaining only what is necessary to attract us, the protagonist and his superpower, murders, it is definitely interesting and well done in terms of graphics, however the second season is short, untimely and without much sense in relation to the first (which has some mildly confusing episodes)

It's a shame because with a little more order it would be an excellent series.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Only the first season is moderately good
11 January 2022
There are several zombie series right now, honestly this one has some interesting elements but the plot is pretty bad.

With very few changes it could be a very good series, since in aesthetic and visual sections it has good results.
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Very good first season, the rest meh ...
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of a post-apocalyptic world where rain kills people seems interesting, there are some things that are difficult to explain, such as the fact that the humidity of the air does not kill you or why does rainwater kill you? What kind of virus is there that is not in the humidity of the air? Or how do people drink water and not die? Where is the virus or why can they survive it but not in the form of rain?

There are several dilemmas but it is enjoyed, young actors, loose in a dangerous world, the performances are quite good within the normal range, I awoke my interest although only for season 1, 2 and 3 are really very bad, I do not know where they led history but it was definitely a bad choice.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
The first modern zombie series with a lot of potential that could not be exploited
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of this series reflects EVERYTHING we would like to see in a zombie film production

Seasons 2 to 5/6 were about rick's group escaping and meeting antagonists in "bases" with whom they had to see how to get ahead and end up facing death to win, there were some interesting dilemmas, when it seemed that everything was going to finish, a new antagonist came out, and everything continued in an endless loop.

The dialectic with Hershel and his house, The Governor and Negan (in addition to the cannibals who dress as zombies) or the people who live in the garbage, the feminist base that does not accept men, TERMINUS who are murderers of humans, Daryl when he It goes with the "claim boys", there are many moments where the series gives a little more oxygen but does not innovate beyond that it leaves us thinking about how it is going to solve that crossroads since if we thought about that situation ourselves, we would probably die or a miracle should save us or a big mistake on the part of our antagonist (which, in an almost ridiculous way, happen, logically to save the protagonists and thus continue the show).

This series was to have 6-8 seasons, no more, it put a huge amount of filler to fill.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Good Spin-Off of The Walking Dead but suffers from the same mistakes
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first season was Excellent, 2 to 4 progressively declined in terms of plot, action elements, it seemed a very promising series, which could even conclude having a joint plot with The Walking Dead, however it was ruined since season 5 onwards.

Zombie survival ceases to be a dominant factor to move on to absurd plots and that would be dialogues of any nonsense talk-show, it is a real shame that I end up having exactly the same path and the same problems as its mother series, I imagine it was to generate more profits and create useless or irrational plots to make money, since well, there is a ZOMBIE apocalypse, and as long as people do not die, you can always continue inventing and filming their lives to infinity when they die old and come the new generations.
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Lupin (2021– )
The first season is EXCELLENT, the second is very bad
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first season introduces us to the world of LUPIN, a professional thief, a mixture of mystery, talent, they let us know something about Lupin's past, and certain enigmas of why he chose this life.

The second season begins exactly where the first ended, with the kidnapping of his son, and from then on, we had 5 episodes of a Series that has NOTHING to do with LUPIN, it is simply horrible, a melodrama masked with some mystery but that it does not penetrate with anything.

Season 1, Note 9 Season 2, Note 3.
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The OA (2016– )
The first season is not so bad, the second is horrible
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 1-2 episodes are incredibly disturbing, it is not known well what happens, there is talk of experiments, the series seems to promise a lot, however it ends in a VERY strange and ridiculous way with a strange dance, but hey, I expected that in the second season the premise is improved, however it is deplorable.

If the first season is a 6/7 - the second is a 2.
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Lost in Space (2018– )
Excellent start, poor ending
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story revolves around a boy on a rare planet who somehow finds a kind of Robot with intelligent life and that is good, the first season is very GOOD, but the second and third seasons are really unfortunate, they have nothing to do with the first season.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Hard to understand the plot
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is very difficult for me to understand what is happening in the town (beyond the murder of the girl in the first season), a lot of time is wasted with superfluous details and the performance of the actors is really bad.

I do not understand how this became a cult series and is so praised when really (except for the landscapes that are beautiful and the main girls) everything in this series leaves much to be desired.

Dialogues, execution and plot really very bad.
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Criticism of capitalism with foundations
24 January 2021
We are facing a traditional Peter Joseph documentary where he criticizes the capitalist system as such and presents many arguments and evidence of how unfair it is. Although I agree with him in most of his postulates, I cannot ignore the left ideological bias that motivates him to make such criticisms of capitalism. Although he also criticizes (albeit slightly) socialism and its variants in this and his previous documentaries, Peter overlooks the fact that it was liberal capitalism, sheltered in democratic republics, that allowed the greatest prosperity of the human being ever seen before. the industrial Revolution.

And all the evils that today are blamed and cast on capitalism can easily be attributed to collectivism and the endless statism of which we are victims, to the moral corruption of the state without limits and power without restraints, precisely what revolutions like the French and American tried to finish.

Of course, the criticisms are valid and even living in a libertarian country there will be problems, but Peter's ideological vision makes that 90% of what he sees as problems of capitalism, are actually problems of socialism and interventionism and unfortunately, mistaking the diagnosis will make impossible to find solutions to fix these problems.
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Wild Tales (2014)
Too overrated
2 May 2019
It consists of several micro stories, I think they are 4-5 They tell stories of people losing control and like those losses of control, can cause either prison, death and other things.

Philosophical dilemmas of everyday life, But nothing great, It's pretty well done, But it's Poor in terms of content innovation, One expected more and ended up seeing something very basic. Too Overrated
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