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uninspired unfunny knock off
23 July 2022
Its a knock off of kung fu panda mostly. Furthermore its messy and doesnt convey any message or lection. It feels empty and flat. While almost every line tries to be a joke none succeeds.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Maybe the best TV show ever
2 May 2022
I'm writing this just after finishing Season 4 just to say that no other TV show has ever performed so well across all its seasons without being repetitive.

The storytelling is so intricate that you could assume it wasn't cooked up by a writer but instead written by Life itself.
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Absolutely terrible! I hate it!
13 October 2021
Why do so many people rate this acomfortable fireplace whem in fact it is a dumpster fire thats neartly bunrt out ? Nothing about this is original. It all feels Cliche. Like a mix of things youz have seen before but a bad adaptation of that. It is softcore woke garbage. It is boring. Both the fact that it was produced at all as well as the rating could only be achieved with Leverage. But still why?
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
This makes me sad
28 February 2020
The vision of Roddenberry is ignored fully . This is not about the exploration of the universe but rather exploitation.. This is a political/social drama in which the federation has given up on doing whas right and become the US-government. The first 5 episodes could have easily been done in 1 episode. I cant get myself to say anything good about it. If this is the price i have to pay for fanservice i'd rather not pay it .
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Zombies 2 (2020 TV Movie)
For Disney teens/kids only
15 February 2020
If you are older than 16 this is probably not for you. Its very Disney/american/teen oriented musical that has little or nothin to do with werewolves and zombies. The music is not too bad but it isn't good either. I wouldn't listen to it on the radio.
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26 January 2020
This show seems to have been written by a broken computer algorithm based on every CSI/police show you have ever seen. The acting is stiff the script is uninspired the characters are bland and the plot is generic. The actor of lincoln rhyme seems especially bored and keeps the same facial expression throughout. Was his face paralysed as well? I can not find anything good to say about this. Please cancel the show right away. Commercials are more interesting than this.
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all-female-cast movie reboot version of the classic Die Drei ???
18 January 2020
Die Drei Fragzezeichen(Question marks) ??? is a german classic. But this is a cheap reboot in which the 3 male kid-detectives have been replaced by 3 female kid detectives. I am disappointed that the gender madness wouldn't even stop at this old classic. In order to avoid copyright problems the question marks have been replaced by 3 exclamation marks. The 3 ??? have always been asking the right questions. Do the 3 !!! mean that the female detectives bicker and talk all the way through ? Do not find out for yourself, instead get the original.
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Dracula (2020)
Watch ep1-2 but NOT 3
6 January 2020
The first 2 episodes are great. Amazing even. Intricate storytelling some gore and psychological elements. The story is believable and the setting fits it just right. Then we got Episode 3 and it feels like Disney had suddenly bought and ruined the Series. It doesnt seem like it came from the same author. While i dont mind that we are suddenly in modern Britain i do care that about the sudden lack of work put into the story. If feels sloppy and rushed. Nothing about it makes any more sense. If you stop after Ep2 you will get a proper ending of the the story. If you do continue to watch you dont and the story is ruined. Overall the third episode seems like it was never intended to be there but had to be made for contract/runtime reasons. Its as necesssary as a third leg attached to your forehead.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
Season 12 as bad as 11
5 January 2020
I was hoping so much that the producers would pay attention to all the criticism of Season 11 but sadly they didnt. Everything that was wrong and criticised about Season 11 is kept as if they said well there are enough people watching still. . Why oh why?
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Ad Astra (2019)
It's a dream Orange.
3 December 2019
Watching this movie is like peeling a huge beautiful orange in your dreams. While you peel away layer after layer you dont really notice how there isnt any fruit underneath. Except for in the end when you wake up hungry and disappointed.
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
Sarcasm cynicism and irony
23 November 2019
It takes a while to get in the mood but once you're there you'll forget about everything else. The lead performers have had lifetimes to refine their acting. The script is pure sarcasm. Every line of it. And everything that happens is ironical. Yet it seems so natural. And there is almost no evil in it. It's the nice kind of sarcasm. Witty funny and smart.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Will Smith fights Rubber Smith
23 November 2019
Thats about all there is to it. But IMDB wants me to write more, so i'll say this. The old Smith is still a decent actor. The action isnt great but good enough. So is the writing. What was most off-putting for me i that rubbery looking animated face of young will smith. The de-aging or whateer it's called was almost as terrible as in Star Wars. The movement seemed artificial as well. Walking looks robotic because every movement of the legs in every step is the same. At least that could have been prevented. In the final scene we get to see Will and Rubber walking alongside each other without constantly moving and good lighting. What we can clearly see there is that the algorithms/capabilities arent good enough yet. I left the movie thinking about how the big stuidios have and probably will continue to use this horrendous idea of "seamlessly" mixing animated chrackters with real ones, I never want to see that done again until its so good i actually cant tell the difference. Anyone who found it believable should seriously get their eyes checked.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Getting better and better
16 November 2019
I gave it a 3 after the first 2 episodes. Now im glad i kept watching. After the alternate history part is introduced (but not really explained) and you got the nonsensical part over with it becomes a very enjoyable moon exploration fantasy. In the 60s but with women on board and modern views on equality. The moon stuff is good enough to let you forget about the alternate history flaws. Charackters are portraied deeply enough to make you care about whats happening to them but not so much that it turns into a drama. Well done.
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Treadstone (2019)
Surprisingly bad
14 November 2019
First Episode was promising. All folowing episodes were just confusing. Nice action and nicely shot. But i got no Idea who anybody is, how they all relate to each other or what is going on. Thus the action becomes meaningless and that makes it impossible to pay any further attention. I give up.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Going nowhere..
3 November 2019
It seems like the only goal of streaming media is to offer a maximum amount of shows with no regards to quality. Yes the Story is kind of insulting to everyone and it does present women unequally. But what actually makes it bad is that it fails to captivate the audience. The Characters are flat and the story doesnt even use the twist of historic events much. I only give this 2 stars because the other new show "SEE" is even worse than this.
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See (2019–2022)
See this NOT
3 November 2019
One of the most ridicoulous attempts to make a top selling show this year. They even got Jason Momoa and a lot of bought ratings as well as a very high budget. None of it helps. From the very start it feels artificial and superficial. None of it has any substance or charackter. The total absence of common sense about the representation of blindness is felt troughout.
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Do you like seeing wild animals being shot dead by primitive men?
23 October 2019
In our day and age hunting is obsolete. A "sport" for the most primitive men there are. Do not watch this . If you do you are as bad as the ones doing it. Also you might want to consider ending your Amazon membership as they are the ones who made/financed this show .
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The Terror (2018–2025)
Watch Season 1 but not Season 2
19 August 2019
Season 1 is truly amazing. Possibly my favourite series of 2018. Subtle mystery and the hardships of being cought in the ice on a perfectly recreated old english ship. The overall atmosphere is very suspenseful. I rate season 1 with 10/10 Season 2 on the other hand starts of with ghosts and zombies without giving any explanation. It's all right in your face but without being creepy or at all interesting. The drama of Japanese Americans after pearl harbor is the foreground story. It is very difficult to keep watching as there is no suspense no music little dialogue and boring scenery. The characters feel flat and unlikable. I wont suffer through any more episodes of the 2nd season. Dont even bother unless you are extremely into drama. I rate season 2 with about 4/10.
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watching this was truly painfull
25 October 2018
This series is primarily drama with only little bits of Horror that feel misplaced. I dont like any of the actors. None bring flair intensity or charme as needed for good drama or Horror. Big waste of time. Dont trust the 9-10 point reviews.
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19 October 2018
Its not nearly as bad as the 1-Ratings suggest but not as good as the 10ratings suggest either. I dont get why others seem to either love or hate the movie. It doesnt give you reasons for either.
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