
109 Reviews
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No idea what she's saying
27 March 2023
I never made it through the first episode because I could barely hear a word the main character said, she mumbles her way through the entire show

It's very difficult to give a show a good review when they can't achieve the basics of making the dialogue audible.

That said, the dialogue is so mind numbingly boring that the cast sound like they are falling asleep while speaking it.

I've never seen a cast so void of energy and apparently going through the motions. There's nothing here for the view to grab hold of; bad writing, bad acting, boring direction.

The whole thing is just a waste of an intriguing premise. It's like these production companies either don't know what they are doing or just don't care any more.
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Blockbuster (2022)
Record Breaking Netflix Comedy
6 November 2022
Switched it off 3 minutes and 27 seconds in with the pro-nouns 'joke'

I know where this is headed; great concept, terribly realised.

Pretty much guaranteed to be one season only. No jokes.

5 to 10 years time we are going to look back at this era and universally realise how bad it was.

There's no audience for this crap

Netflix quality control is horrendous. Alarm bells should have been ringing immediately with the execs who signed off on this. How these people have jobs is absolutely bewildering. Where do they find these people?

I wish someone would take the idea, do it again and do it properly. It could so easily be a hit. It's clear the streaming companies really don't know what they are doing. A few of them will be going the way of Blockbuster in the not too distant future.
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The Walking Dead: One More (2021)
Season 10, Episode 19
Starts slow but builds into a great epsiode
4 September 2022
Another of the standalone type episodes filmed during covid and the best of the bunch.

I don't want to spoil the name of the guest actor but he adds some real gravitas and tension to the proceedings and was a perfect choice for the role

Some good character work on Gabriel in particular.

It's clear to me that, after having taken a break from watching it for a while, The Walking Dead has maintained quite a high bar throughout its long duration and the level of quality (dips and peaks from season one all the way through EVERY season, even the more highly rated ones) has been fairly consistent. I don't really get the backlash to the show online.
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Nice visuals, mediocre, dull writing
4 September 2022
How anyone can rate this 10/10 is beyond me - political point scoring nonsense that makes it impossible to judge shows from their ratings online

The pros - It looks lovely in places Costumes and sets are great Something happens in the opening 10 mins and closing 10 mins

The cons - The writing is dull as hell Half the episode is spent having the same conversations over and over The writing seems to prefer 'tell' over 'show' - a common flaw with a lot of modern tv, most notably the Marvel shows. Just amateur writing.

Cast is all a bit bland The dialogue is boring There's very little going on.

No standout characters as yet.
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Tales of the Walking Dead: Blair/Gina (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Walking Dead meets Creepshow does Groundhog Day
23 August 2022
I get the sense the idea to do the anthology was inspired by Creepshow (there's a similar vibe, although some of that is down to the low budget) and this was the perfect sort of episode to sit within that structure.

A great vehicle for Parker Posey and Gillian Bell, who were obviously having a blast filming this. Both of them were superb fun. Some good dialogue in there and a few laughs.

I see a lot of people who have left reviews are missing the point of this whole venture altogether.
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Solid start
22 August 2022
A solid start.

The 1s and 10s in the ratings are baffling, it's neither great nor bad.

Takes a while to get going.

Matt Smith is excellent, potential there for a very memorable character.

I don't really get the complaints about the diversity, this doesn't feel forced the way some modern shows are (yes Sandman, I'm looking at you).

There's someone on here calling the show a masterpiece. After 1 episode.

There's another clown complaining about the sex, when that was one of the main reasons GoT became the phenomenon that it did, and we all know it. No-one wants some watered down poor imitation of the predecessor; if you don't like it go watch Wheel of Time.

This is sadly what HBO are up against, the advice would be to ignore the minority of offended balloons and focus on what made the first 4 season of GoT must watch television.
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Tales of the Walking Dead: Evie/Joe (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good idea but disappointing
14 August 2022
Essentially this is what happens when you launch an exciting new horror anthology but give wrong jobs to people whose previous credentials are Lipstick Jungle, Pretty Little Liars, How To Get Away With Murder and the other Walking Dead series that I forget the name of but is really crap.

It's clearly low budget which is totally fine for me and it looks ok, but 2 good actors can't carry this mediocre script. I watched this over 2 sittings because I fell asleep halfway through.

Not a good start.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Falls off a cliff after episode 6
9 August 2022
I've never known a show to go downhill so abruptly.

The last 4 episodes feel like they were made by another group of creatives altogether.

Epsiodes 1 to 4 are one of the best, closest adaptations (in terms of plot) that I've watched.

Episode 5 is an incredible piece of television. Worth watching up until they point for this alone.

Episode 6 starts of really poorly due to the poor casting of death, not because of her colour, but because it feels like you are watching an episode of Eastenders. However, it then turns to the Hob storyline, and handles its brilliantly. Really terrific job.

Episodes 7 - 10 are a car crash of decompressed, poor writing, poor acting, poor casting and just a terrible handling of the Doll's House storyline. Just really awful, boring, intelligence insulting television.

If they continue in this vein for season 2 there will be no season 3.

Ignore the 10/10 reviews, they are just ridiculous

Ignore the 1/10 reviews which are equally ridiculous, but understandable, because it's very hard to ignore how stupid some of the decisions that have been made here totally overcompensating in the name of diversity (it gets really, really stupid).

I've read the Sandman half a dozen times, it's one of the greatest achievements in comics. The closer the stick to the material the better. Sadly the casting is pretty awful for the most point, from Dream, to the Corinthian, to Death, to Rose. So much of it does not work, Desire probably being the low point of them all. It genuinely feels like some of this casting was done deliberately to bait the audiences so they can take a leaf out of Disney's book and blame toxic fandom if the show underperforms. The casting is atrocious but you can almost get past that. But it requires the rest of the show to be good. And it very nearly was.

There's a good show in here but they buried it under the last 4 episodes, and the show will lose a lot of viewers as a result.
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The Sandman: The Doll's House (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
What happened
8 August 2022
The show was pretty good up until this point (it's not great, let's not pretend otherwise, but it's one of the better comic book adaptations, sticking to the source material for the most part - casting aside) Episodes 5 and 6 being high points But this episode is all over the place.

I've read the comics about a dozen times, the delivery of this great storyline in this episode is really shoddy

Hope they get back on track for episode 8 because another one like this and I'm out.
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Paper Girls (2022)
Unwatchable for anyone over 12
3 August 2022
I don't know what Brian K Vaughan has done that's brought him such bad karma, as the comic series was pretty good, and his amazing Y The Last Man was also an awful Tv adaptation.

Dull, awful acting, bland, derivative. One of the worst shows I've had the misfortune of subjecting myself to in a long time.
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Shining Vale (2022–2023)
Cliched edgelord jarring mess
3 August 2022
This would have been more interesting 15-20 years ago when this sort of thing was fresh enough to be shocking or vaguely interesting, but we need a bit more from our tv now.

Not surprised to see it was written by Sharon Horgan, who is rubbish at swearing, the dialogue is the usual forced cringeworthy crap that plagues her shows.

It's not scary, it's not funny it's cringeworthy and it's all been done before. Better.
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Star Trek does Alien......badly
30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who is writing these 10/10 reviews?

How is this possibly 8.3?

Who are paramount paying for this?

Essentially a derivative episode, taking well know sci-fi horror movies and remaking them with a Star Trek crew, really really badly.

Lacks any of the tension or directorial flair of the movies it rips off.

Awful spoof level dialogue. Cheap manipulative decision at the end killing off character that has been growing on the fan base, before the fan base get a chance to know them, this rendering it utterly pointless.

Stupid plot point after stupid plot point.

Too many crew members crammed into 1 episode and as a result none of them serviced particularly well.

Obligatory speeches and tears at the end and we are back to watching Discovery.

Better than the last 2 episodes which were garbage, but it's still poor by any normal standard.

3 bad episodes in a row, after my initial excitement for this show I'm starting to lose hope once again.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
27 June 2022
I never read the books so I don't care either way, but this show is crap in every possible way.

Absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.

It's not even up for debate.
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2nd stinker in a row
23 June 2022
Sadly, they've taken the most gripping part of new Trek; M'Benga's story, and made a complete mockery of it. The build up takes away any of the emotion they try and squeeze into the end.

Awful episode, mainly for 2 reasons.

1. It is far too early for an episode of this absurd tone. The more fun and silly episodes have always been a welcome pit stop throughout every iteration of Trek (I don't include STD or PIC here). But not 8 epsiodes in for Christ's sake, when the show is finding it's feet. The whole point in these things is seeing the actors/characters play something very different from what they do every week, but that needs to be established first 2. Even if this was a lot further in and we had a far more established crew, the script and dialogue is terrible. It's actually cringeworthy watching this really good cast try and perform with the lines and direction they have been given. There's not a line here that zings or a joke that lands. It's just an awful script.

I can see what they are trying to do here but they have failed miserable because they are just not up to the job.

I don't know why I got my hopes up for SNW having been thru the pain of the other two howling live action new trek shows, the last saving grace here is that at least it is episodic and there is always next week, but this was horrible for all bar about 4 minutes.
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Believe the hype
12 June 2022
I never thought I would see a movie this well made again.

The 2 hours 10 mins flew by and felt more like 90.

Star turns from all of the cast, drama, tension, humour, romance, terrific action, great soundtrack.

The most engaged I've felt watching a blockbuster in I don't know how long. Blown away.
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Yellowjackets: Saints (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Treading Water
12 June 2022
The show started off with an ok first episode, really good 2nd and 3rd episodes, now it's started tailing off badly in the 5th and 6th.

It's becoming really repetitive with not a lot going on.

I think I've got 1 more episode in me and if it doesn't pick up it's time to throw the towel in.
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Top Gun (1986)
6.9 on IMDb... wtf
10 June 2022
This place will never cease to amaze me.

Stunningly stylish movie full of big personalities, an amazing soundtrack, and gorgeously filmed scenes.

Movie stars in full effect - oh how I've missed them.
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9 June 2022
It's the best episode of SNW yet and therefore the best episode of Star Trek in around 13 years, whenever Enterprise stopped airing.

This is also the first time it has properly felt like I've watched a new episode of Trek in that time.

SNW has shown some signs of promise but for me this is the episode that it all came together and the cast/crew really clicked in my head (although again, the potential has been there). The guest actors were all great, including the kids.

Genuinely brilliant with a great mystery and tense A plot.

We get some Pike centric story, a bit more development on Ulhura and Doctor M'Benga's storyline which is picked up from a previous episode is heartbreaking, and the sense of living with hope is overwhelming, without the manipulation and tears of Discovery.

I was glued to this episode from about 5 mins in until the very end and my stomach had butterflies as it all unfolded.

This has made me very happy and I can't wait to see what we get next week.

Thank you, for finally getting it right.
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
Thank you Ricky
24 May 2022
For fighting for comedy.

Superb and fearless show that I'm certain his fellow comedians will appreciate. Take a bow Ricky. You are no doubt going to get some flack for this one, but it will be worth it.
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The Northman (2022)
Best Movie of the Year So Far
23 May 2022
Outstanding in every way: direction, acting, sets, attention to detail, cinematography.

Full of passion and well researched authenticity - such a rarity just now with cinema full of carbon copy mindless superhero crap and soulless, exec driven tick box garbage.

The Northman is an absolute triumph of filmmaking and Robert Eggers best movie to date, I can't wait to see what he does next.

A must watch for genuine movie lovers.

Ignore the negative reviews, they've been written by complete and utter cabbages.
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The half that Riami directed is great
15 May 2022
The rest is garbage

There's an amazing movie in here and some truly amazing scenes - sadly Disney/Marvel decided to bury it underneath their usual mediocre crap. It's a mess.
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As Good As It Gets
1 May 2022
Top level TV. Everything about it oozes quality, passion, attention to detail.

Script, cast, characters, relationships, direction, music, costumes, choices on the tools used to film.

Authenticity in an era of phoney, talentless garbage.

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Moon Knight: The Goldfish Problem (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Best Marvel Show To Date So Far
5 April 2022
But that's not saying much.

Hopefully this one bucks the trend of getting gradually worse as the season goes on.

Fell asleep 30 mins in, but it's still far more interesting than Loki, Hawkeye and Falcon Winter Soldier.

It's extremely one note, dragging a concept that we already know about, across the whole length of the episode, extremely predictable with no real twists or turns or signs of a plot so far.
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Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021 TV Special)
Family fun
30 October 2021
My kids really enjoyed this and it was just the right length that it didn't outstay its welcome for adults.

Just spooky enough to give young kids a taste of some mild Halloween scares and loads of atmosphere.

The jokes fell flat with me but worked fine for young kids, but I did chuckle a few times.

Good family fun for the darker nights coming in.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Five-Foot Fence (2021)
Season 11, Episode 1
Television Perfection
25 October 2021
Enjoy it while we still have it. This show is as good as it gets. Never fails to hit the spot. Brilliant start.

From Netflix execs to Leon continuing to make swearing an artform.

There's been a lot to unpack in the world since the last season and LD is the man to do it.
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