
45 Reviews
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The title really conveys the cold, harsh impact of its message
7 July 2024
It's such an important film, given that it's based on a book which was banned in the former Soviet Union due to its criticisms of the various factions during the war. That probably would've been just fine had it not also criticized the faction which, as luck would have it, happened to be the faction which ended up winning, and they failed to appreciate its critique.

It's very refreshing to see Latvia being able to enjoy the pride of their independence, and having their chance to tell our world the facts, as they see them. Hooray for that!

I've never read the book, and although I'm sure it's fantastic, I've enjoyed the movie and feel I've received its message well enough. Also, I thought the acting seemed very good, even though I don't speak the language. The special effects weren't as impressive as Hollywood would have us believe they ought to be. However, I thought they were more realistic and still did an adequate job of conveying the destruction and horror of the conflict.

The movie managed to engage my emotions, and I even felt endeared to its characters. The emotional moments managed to hit their mark, and did such a great job of making you care about how things would turn out.

Unfortunately, I felt the film didn't go far enough into presenting the reasons for its critical opinions. Yes, the combat was brutal, but the societal aspects felt a bit watered-down. Perhaps, they're still a little afraid of ruffling the wrong feathers? Again, I haven't read the book, and so I don't know whether that's actually true or not. I just think it felt that they played things a little safe.

Like I said, I enjoyed it so much that I actually bought this movie, and so I think it's definitely worth your time. It's also an important window into the world of our shared histories, and helps us to understand the events from another perspective, which is something I think we should all deeply appreciate. I know, I certainly did.

In fact, I would even go so far as to say that this is one of the best war movies I've ever watched, and I think you'll agree.
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Club Zero (2023)
Well... THAT was something else.
7 July 2024
I've only just watched it, and so I'm still a little unsure of what I've just witnessed. Perhaps, I might benefit from some time to think it over. However, I feel as though it would benefit others if I were to give my opinion whilst I'm still emotionally affected.

Frankly, I'm not really sure what to think about this movie. I mean, what is it's message? Are they attempting to frighten parents into thinking that alternative diets and lifestyles are some sort of cult that is after their children, or what?

I'll admit that I could be a bit biased since I've been living a wholly plant-based lifestyle for over 20 years. I'm also a little offended by the suggestion that there could be anything wrong with it. A properly planned and diverse diet which provides adequate calories and nutrition shouldn't be lumped together with eating disorders. In fact, that's not exactly what is being depicted in the film, since they aren't properly following such a diet. However, I fear that some people might not see things that way, and this film will only serve to arouse latent prejudices.

Personal feelings on the subject matter aside, I felt as though their acting was quite good. In fact, every single person in this film gave a phenomenal performance. The set design and costumes were also quite good. It was all very believable, and immersive. It managed to keep me engaged despite the slow pacing.

Also, I felt myself becoming emotionally endeared to the characters. I couldn't help but care for their wellbeing, and wish for them to succeed. In fact, I was really looking forward to seeing where that success was leading to. Unfortunately, I can't tell you much lest it spoil the ending for you. However, I really liked the ending, and applaud them for not giving into the pressure to please their audience with much closure.

I just hope I'm not missing the entire point, because I'd feel really stupid if I did. However, I honestly can't say whether I think there's much of a point to this movie, at all. It was an enjoyable ride, for me. I most certainly enjoyed the emotional journey. Indeed, I highly recommend it. However, I would caution that it's one that you'll probably want to save for when you're just really in the mood for a very gradual and thought-provoking ride with very few thrills along the way.

Honestly, the fact that this is supposed to be satire isn't lost on me. I simply felt it could've been better if it weren't striving so hard to be entirely dead pan. The payoff just wasn't in it. Another reviewer summarized it as poorly executed with no takeaway, and I'm afraid I have to agree. Although, I feel as though it manages to remain a profoundly engaging and well-made movie in spite of its flaws.
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Visually striking, but that's really all
22 June 2024
I kept watching this show convinced that it had to get good. It has all the hallmarks of something awesome. Unfortunately, the longer it went on, the more I hated it. I eventually gave up about 3/4s the way through, because I simply couldn't take anymore. I finally realized that this is probably as good as it gets, and I wasn't enjoying it.

It's horrendously boring. OK, so there are some really messed-up scenes. However, they don't really feel as shocking as they should. It's like they were trying too hard to be as crazy as possible. In the end it just feels forced.

Also, the story just goes nowhere. It has no point, or anything compelling. The dialogue is very whatever. It's just there to prop up the scenes, like a 70s adult film. Perhaps, this is horror porn? Do people actually enjoy this sort of thing? Wondering what sort of person would find this filth exciting gave me chills.

Another problem is how they alternate the episodes between English and Spanish, and that really doesn't work unless you're bilingual. This one relies too heavily on the scenery to tell the story, and you can't take in the scene while you're staring at the bottom of the screen. Also, the way it treats Mexican culture in such a cliché way makes it unbearable to watch the Spanish parts. Those parts are also extremely boring.

The English parts showed promise, in the beginning, and left me with the impression that this would lead to an impressive movie. However, the thing just goes on and on and tries too hard. It should've been a feature length film, and leave out the Spanish parts, and then it might've been a good watch. The concept really doesn't work as a series. Too long, and too drawn out. Too much padding, and the pace is too slow to hold the suspense.

The whole show is really absurd and grotesque, but not in a Quinton Tarentino sort of way. In more of a poser tryna be cool sorta way. I guess, if you just want to try and shock your religious parents, or whatever, this might do the trick? I found it just totally boring.

You can safely pass on this and not miss a thing.
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You don't want to overlook this one
22 June 2024
I'll admit, I wasn't all that compelled to see this, at first. I wasn't sold on it being anything more than just another gay teen movie. However, it didn't take very long, at all, for this one to grab me by the heartstrings, and reel me in.

It's a very adorable and charming gay teen romance. It offers some really nice elements of beneficial friendship. The companionship between the two youths is very compelling.

I felt the whole thing to be extremely believable and relatable. Especially, considering it deals with what it's like being a Latino American gay youth, I felt like I could totally understand and relate with that experience, because it's presented in a very approachable way.

I like how the relationship between the two boys develops over time. How everything they go through brings them closer, not only with each other, but with their own personal feelings.

It's a movie which not only teaches us about overcoming bullying and homophobia, but also what finding true love and courage is all about.

It's a nice, positive and heartwarming little movie. I absolutely loved it, and highly recommend it.

Edit: I waited until after I wrote my review to read the others, and hadn't realized this was based on a book! Well, I guess that explains why it's so well-written. I don't often read fiction, but would seriously consider reading this book. As always, the people who have insist that the book is better. Well, I had no idea of that, and was still a little blown away by this movie. In fact, so blown away that I've actually re-watched it several times, which something I rarely do. So, that speaks very highly of how good this movie is.

As an aside, one of the parts in this movie I simply can't get over was when Aristotle tells Dante his name. I have to admit, that is one of the cutest scenes I've ever witnessed in my whole life, and I can't get how he said that to quit echoing through the back of my mind. It's almost as unforgettably charming as that time we witnessed a young Milo Ventimiglia proclaim "Nothiiiin'!" at the end of the short film, Must Be The Music. Wink twice, if you feel where I'm coming from.

In fact, now that I think of it, I'm going to add one more star, because I can't get over how charming this movie is. It actually reminds me of why I'm so proud to be alive, and what's so beautiful about life as a gay guy. It's not a perfect movie, but I think it deserves to be watched.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
A waste of money to even produce this
14 April 2024
This insulting piece of Hollywood junk belongs in the trash with all the rest of movies like it. They refuse to hire any real talent, probably, because of all the strikes.

This film is full of nothing but snark and sarcasm. That wouldn't be a bad thing on its own, except that there's no movie to prop it up. In fact, half the movie is just the characters talking, and explaining to the audience what's happening, because they don't know how to write a proper script, or direct.

There's some brief action sequences, but they're all CGI, and entirely fake. The lines are lame. Especially, a certain quote about machine elves, which is a Terrence McKenna reference. Absolutely nothing is plausible. The whole thing is less believable than a superhero movie. There's even a sequence where he plugs his smart phone into an old 8086 PC (via what? USB?) which is even older than the actor doing it. And, we're supposed to think the guy is like Jackie Chan, or John Wick, or something, but he totally fails to impress.

The jokes are extremely low brow. There's no wit, or catchy one-liners. There's no eye candy, except for some cheap CGI explosions, which are obvious and easy to spot as fake. They really scraped the bottom of the piggy bank to produce this filth.

Next time, just don't. Nobody is going to buy this movie. In fact, movies like this are the reason nobody pays for movies and just pirate everything. None of it is worth anyone's money or time. So, stop blowing your budget on this garbage, and pool your money together to make a real movie, for a change.
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Beyond corny
5 April 2024
About the only thing this has going for it is the lack of a certain character. You know the one.

The kid tries to be Harrison Ford, but fails hard. One simply can't compete with the king of corny jokes, himself. Although, I can't really see how it could've been avoided. I mean, Ford is the one who made himself so inimitable. He guaranteed nobody could ever replace him.

The writing is just mediocre, and the acting was lame. The special effects are OK, but it's sure a lot to suffer through for a hint of eye candy. Not the best sound effects, either.

I feel like, why ruin a perfectly good backstory for? Han was always the coolest character, and they ruined him. This should've been made a long time ago in a Hollywood far far away from the ravages of millennial actors, who should never have been graced with the honor of flying the Falcon. It's even more depressing than that time he got frozen in solid rock.

It's still better than most of the other Star Wars movies they've made, though. At least, it's not as bad as what they did to poor Skywalker. In fact, it would've been a lot better if they'd have just came up with an entirely new cast and storyline, altogether. Quit recycling the old celebrities, and come up with some fresh characters.

How hard could that honestly be? It's a vast virtual universe. The IP is ripe for all sorts of interesting innovations. How can they just not help themselves? Nobody dreams of Luke Skywalker, but everybody dreams of living in that universe. They could take us all so many places, but act like they're incapable of dreams. Failing to help us to realize those endless possibilities are why these movies SUCK!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
A half-baked outline of a space western video game, for girls
5 April 2024
It wasn't all bad, but has several problems which I felt it could've done without. Personally, I'm no fan of Baby Yoda (Give me a break!). Also, I felt that it was merely trying, but ultimately failing, to be a western. Plus, the ideas and concepts are straight out of the mind of a video game developer. It's like they were going to make a video game, and then decided to instead turn it into an afternoon TV show for little kids.

Were this a coming of age comedy told from the perspective of a forlorn young Jedi earning his way into the Mandalorian ranks, it could've been a worthwhile story. Qualities which real people could actually relate to, would've made the character equally as endearing, without any need for the silliness of a flying baby messiah.

Also, while it throws a few of the design elements of a classic western at us, it's barely the empty shell of one. It's simply too cartoony and childish to be taken seriously as a western. Andor does a better job of creating the sort of themes, narrative and drama you'd expect from a western. This is nowhere near as good as Andor. Although, it's not really trying to. Instead, being a bit more exciting and entertaining in a fun sort of way.

I suppose we'll never know for certain, but this might've turn-out to be a decent video game, had they stuck with the original plan. I mean, it's painfully obvious that's what they were thinking, isn't it?

It did manage to keep me entertained, provided I remained willing to accept the good with the awful. However, it remains woefully overhyped, and fails to earn its ratings. It's only slightly better than mediocre, since it doesn't try to shy away from how childish it's being, and the fact that they had a generous enough budget to really go all out.

Other than elucidating tidbits of Mandalorian culture, it doesn't add anything important to the cannon of Star Wars history. It fails to progress the overarching storyline in any meaningful way. It's all just pointless, really. A little quaint, but ultimately unimportant side adventure.

Just imagine, if you will, a comedic coming of age space western, and should have all you need to realize everything this failed to accomplish.
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Andor (2022– )
Star Wars for adults
5 April 2024
Somebody really put a great deal of thought and effort into this one. Contrasted to other recent Star Wars offerings, Andor is more of a slow burn, dialogue-driven drama. It slowly builds its narrative, gradually increasing the suspense. At every turn, the empire is becoming a more aggressive and present danger. With every hand cleverly played the stakes continue to mount. It's a very suspenseful spy story, and political drama. Very reminiscent of British high drama.

I think they did an amazing job of building the most immersive Star Wars offering, to date. The set design is phenomenal, and extremely believable. Even the costumes are more serious and subdued, given that it's Star Wars. There are few non-humanoid races, and no silly characters, including their droid which manages to avoid being too extreme. This won't likely appeal to many children.

If it suffers from anything, it's that it can be a bit light on gratuitous action and humor. Although, the dialogue doesn't feel too heavy. It avoids being dull, and is easy enough to follow without being guided by the hand. There is minimal explaining, and so they obviously meant to trust people's intelligence to some degree. I, for one, appreciate this level of respect.

I love the way it slowly increases the stakes, builds the suspense and gradually leads to more tense situations. Although, I felt it could use a few more exciting moments to break things up. However, they obviously spent a lot of their budget on costumes and set design. Perhaps, they merely ran out of money?

The acting is top notch. Some of the best. Every character feels alive and convincing. Every personality is plausible, and suits their role. There is so little to complain about. Even the soundtrack is great.

One of my favorite aspects is how they show the truth of revolution. How it's not all a bunch of war heroics and freedom fighting. It's about all those unsung every day sacrifices. How, it requires great risk, and endless patience. The show does an excellent job of showing that neither side is fully good or evil, and that both have their zealots and betrayers.

I like how it avoids automatically taking sides in childish fashion. It shows how there's an empire merely doing what it must to survive, believing strongly in the ideals of order, and a rebellion full of zealots who are willing to risk everything fighting for a cause which will cost them every benefit of their own success. However, there was a brief dialogue about why empires are ultimately wrong, fragile, and must resort to extreme measures to sustain themselves which really sums it all up. It helps to understand what the rebellion is fighting against, and why they are so willing to sacrifice everything while knowing fully well what it will cost. I found this to be rather exceptional and refreshing to see.

I also appreciate that they avoid using nudity, or sex to sell things. There's plenty of alternative reason to want to see this show. Especially, if one cares about the show's political ideals, and wants to understand why the two sides fight. They do provide us with a great deal of eye candy in the way of a good-looking cast, incredible set and costume design, and high tech wizardry. Everything from beautiful nature to dystopian urban environments abound.

I only wish they could include more of a "harshness of outer space" element. Although, this whole series is intentionally a more down-to-earth experience.

Hopefully, this won't be the last time they'll make a Star Wars for an intelligent adult audience. This is a must watch for anyone who fails to take Star Wars seriously. There are serious topics being conveyed all the time, but there's unfortunately too often distraction from it. This show is a reminder that it's not all Jar Jars and C-3POs, or western-style shootouts.
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Massively disappointing ending
3 April 2024
People don't go see movies to be reminded how bad life sucks, and this movie is slap in the face of anybody who dares to dream.

Judging by the title and the previews, I was led to believe this movie was about being a shy and awkward teenaged boy. IT'S NOT!

It was going alright, in the beginning. I like how he has a gay best friend. However, his gay friend SUCKS! Totally unrealistic, and not a positive representation of a homosexual youth. BAD ROLE MODEL! Can't we have just ONE decent gay role model? Please!?!

Also, it doesn't present the most positive view of females, either. The way it makes girls seem so delicate, difficult, complicated, and emotional is woefully outdated.

I hated the way they treated him for kissing the girl he really likes. It's not like he's married, or anything. And, for once he shows he actually has a pair. You'd think they'd respect the guy for showing his true feelings, but instead they treat him like a rapist. Who are these people?

I don't like most of the personalities in this movie. His friends aren't cool people. Really! Who would actually hang out with these kids?

It's certainly no Breakfast Club, which is what it was advertised as being. No, I'm not comparing it to the classic for not living up to the hype. That's not the problem.

The ending blatantly SUCKS! It was going along OK, and then it turns into this preachy nonsense about child abuse. It isn't even clear about what it's trying to convey, either. They never just come right out and say what really happened to him, as if it's so taboo we can't even talk about it.

All along I was hoping for a movie about an undervalued misfit overcoming the odds. Instead, I got a preaching to about the harms of child abuse, as if I needed it. It doesn't even have a happy resolution. Bittersweet, at best. However, not in any kind of satisfying way. I appreciate that it's trying to be realistic, but maybe it's just a little TOO realistic?

Anyways, it wasn't all bad, and does have some charming bits. Although, they don't really add up to enough to make this a great movie.
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Our new friends are electric
2 April 2024
It's a long slow burn. Some might even say it's a bit boring. Although, the scenes are quite beautiful. Very dystopian. The music is good. Although, it's mostly just a lot of sound effects. The acting is phenomenal. The story isn't the most exciting, or interesting. However, the writers and director do a good job of keeping you guessing until the end.

It's best to not compare it too much to the Ridley Scott original, and try to appreciate it for what it is on its own. They are nowhere close to being similar. That's complicated by the fact that they are continuing the original storyline, somewhat. Being set in the distant future helps to create just enough distance between the two, though.

That said, it's impossible to not compare the two, at least a little bit, and I think the original was a landmark. It's genuinely inimitable. So, I think they did a good job by not trying too hard to recreate the former. However, the innovative tech and societal situations in this one make the whole world feel distant and unrelatable. Unlike the original, I didn't feel like I could live in this world. In fact, it's not any world I'd want to even explore, at all. I guess, it IS a dystopia, and so it makes sense that one shouldn't want to visit there. Who knows if that was their intention, though?

The story and events simply didn't move me the way the original did. Scenes and dialog do tend to stick around in the mind, but there's none of those awesome one-liners, like the "tears in rain" monologue. Also, this one lacks the iconic 80s "style". Plus, it wasn't based on a book, and the writing is nowhere near as good.

I still enjoyed it, but it's not the most rewatchable movie. The original is so classy, stylized and iconic that it's impossible to NOT want to see it over and over again. This is one that you might watch a couple of times, but it gets old quick. Even the Chronicles of Riddick had more rewatchable quality, and better lines.

I never realized how robotic Ryan Gosling's acting was, until now. He fits right into a world full of androids, doesn't he? Also, it's a good thing Ford managed to not kill himself in that plane crash, because they couldn't have made this movie without him. He adds that necessary touch of life to an otherwise cold synthetic world. The movie would feel even more robotic and soulless without him.

Frankly, I'm not too keen on where they took the whole story, because I love the universe it's set in, and am dying to see more movies set in that universe. However, I don't want them all to be about the same thing as this one was. That would be too boring and predictable. Give us some scenes of attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... would be awesome!

Another thing this one lacked is the rhythm in the dialogue. The original was like a song. It sounded like instruments playing when people spoke. This film completely lacks that attention to detail. The dialogue feels weak and forgettable. It's also nowhere near as sexy as the original. They wind up banally flashing nudity in front of our eyes instead of that special chemistry between Deckard and Rachael. In fact, even though they avoided the fool's errand of chasing the masterpiece, the whole thing still manages to feel like a cheap imitation.
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Former teacher and student reunite for kinky times
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, yeah... They go on a brief side quest adventure, and a few supporting characters get killed along the way. However, these people had no real role to play in the grand scheme of things. They exist only to support the storyline. It's all just filler content.

I also hated the way in which they brought out the Darth too early, instead of keeping us in suspense. They could've built up to a big reveal, but instead chose to exploit his stardom. We are surrounded by other Jedi and Sith, but they are barely used as more than just props and extras. The only new character who has a decent backstory is Reva... And, who doesn't love an angry black dominatrix, right?

It's not the greatest kidnapping and rescue story, but has some decent special effects. For example, it was really cool how Vader pulled the ship out of the sky.

The fight scenes aren't really all that epic or memorable. Especially, since Obi-Wan has gone flaccid in his force, and it takes him some time to get his mojo back. Something about reuniting with his former pupil helps him get it up, though.

Basically, the former student can hardly control his lust, and is badly hankering for a piece of his old pedagogue. After some foreplay, the master reasserts his dominance, and instructs his student in the ways of "who's your daddy". After the hookup, Vader winds up with a gnarly case of hemorrhoids, and Obi-Wan dashes off, refusing to cuddle. In other words, a typical weekend party at my place.

Anyway, you're not missing much. Just a pointless side adventure which contributes nothing to the history or overarching storyline. Actually, I found it gave me something to write this review about. So, there's that.
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Keeps you guessing
1 April 2024
I like how this one keeps you guessing until the very end. It had me wondering the same question as everybody else. I won't spoil the ending, but It's sort of an eye-opener.

I like how it addresses prejudices and forces you to confront your own bias. For that, it's masterful. It presents a personal journey of a youth. We get to tag along, and watch as things unfold.

It covers something so controversial, and yet it avoids feeling heavy, or preachy. It does make its point, in the end, but forces you to confront your own ideas, first. That's really ingenious.

Love it or hate it, you can't deny that it succeeds at making you think this through, and own up to your personal feelings.

The only thing I'll fault it on is how it presents gay characters in a negative light. It seems typical of Italian gay cinema to stray into this negative territory, and I don't like it.

Sure, nobody has to be perfect to be accepted. However, what I want isn't mere "acceptance". Why can't gays be presented in a favorable light? They don't have to be saints, but why are they always portrayed as such terrible sinners?

You have to admit Italy has historically never had a favorable idea about human relationships, in general. Especially, their treatment of women. They are surpassed only by the middle east. It's a shame they can't grow out of this nonsense.
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More a work of cinema art than a movie
1 April 2024
You have to understand that this film is more of an arthouse type movie. It'll live on as a cult-classic for a long time. It's probably not going to win over the droves of theatre patrons, though. However, I absolutely loved it.

I'll admit, I'm a Ryan Gosling fan, and this movie is one of my favorites of his. Although, I'd feel no different, even if he weren't in it. I loved the movie Old Boy and Kill Bill, among other cult classic movies. So, this one is right up my alley.

Some people might not realize, but the whole movie is based off a Japanese Martial art, known as Kendo. It tries to mimic the slow methodical movements and process, and even the final single punishing blow. It's extremely bloody and violent, and might be too graphic for some. Personally, I love this twisted graphic violence, but it's so rarely done this well. It's no small part of the movie. However, it's not really the point of this movie.

This is an arthouse movie for film-makers, and serious movie fans, who can appreciate it for what it accomplishes. You will either love it or hate it.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Surprisingly really good
1 April 2024
I randomly happened across this title on a streaming platform, knowing nothing of it, save what little the description provided. So, I went into it with low expectations. I pleasantly surprised by how incredibly good it turned out to be. Even more surprised I hadn't heard of it sooner.

If you liked the movie Drive, this one will probably carry similar appeal, albeit without the catchy soundtrack. Nightcrawler, is a lot creepier, though. It's a lot more dark and depraved. In fact, it's about some genuinely twisted themes.

However, it's also a little bit of a social commentary. It covers the subject of vigilante journalism, and how some people might be willing to go to some terrible extremes to get the big story.

It's very entertaining, and really held my attention, even though I didn't care much for the social commentary, or hetero love obsession aspect. It's just a good action crime movie, with a lot of plausible situations.
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Baby Driver (2017)
I thought it was a cartoon about a literal baby
1 April 2024
It took me a long while to end up seeing this movie, because when it came out, I knew nothing of it. Judging by the title, I thought it was about a literal baby driving a car. I absolutely despise those childish cartoons, and so rejected it on false premise.

However, one day I came across it on a streaming platform, and was captivated by the gorgeous male lead in the poster. I'm a sucker for that sort of thing, and so I read what it was about, and was shocked that it's not about a literal baby driver.

It managed to be a bit like the movie Drive, with Ryan Gosling. Not nearly as good, or any sort of instant classic, but very enjoyable in its own right. It's a great crime caper love story. You have this most unexpected everyday hero, who winds up risking it all and coming out on top. Personally, I found it to be a fun little romp.

The actor is very fetching, and enjoyable to watch. It has really great action, and will surely entertain. The music wasn't my personal taste, but I'm sure the music in Drive won't be everybody's favorite, either.

It's a very cute little action movie, with plenty of awkward teen charm.
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Drive (I) (2011)
Wait... They're able to make movies, like this?
1 April 2024
Sadly, there aren't more movies, like this. Ryan Gosling at his absolute finest. The soundtrack is next level.

There are few films I've watched which left me so moved. It's an unlikely hero movie. While the guy is a criminal, he manages to be entirely human, and a good person. So many movies are too preachy with the whole good vs evil trope.

This movie was obviously helped by its soundtrack, and its not a small part of the appeal. It is showing its age, now that the music is becoming a little dated, but its such an instant classic for it. It will live on as a historical piece, I believe.

I'm shocked that Hollywood can't make more good movies, like this. It's very dreamy, and kinda dark, but it's such a nostalgic piece of art. It's one you just instantly fall in love with.
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Out of Hand (2005)
It deserves better reviews
1 April 2024
I'll admit that this is a dark and twisted film, and difficult to watch at times. However, I feel people are missing the whole point, and mistakenly judging it for its content, rather than its message.

Sure, the film features some truly ugly deeds and events, but that's all necessary to convey the hopelessness and abandonment experienced by too many young boys going through the sort of things these two are dealing with.

At least one of the boys is gay, and is struggling with his unrequited feelings for the other boy. That is literally tearing him apart inside, and drives him to become callous and dead inside. As a matter of fact, this film has one of the most powerful scenes of gay suffering I've ever witnessed in film. That scene alone was so well-done, and it deserves praise.

The message is about how homophobia is so toxic, and destroys gay people inside. The whole film is like a fever dream. In fact, it's that dream-like quality which feels so nostalgic to me. I have to admit, I used to dream these sorts of things when I was a closeted youth. This is exactly the sort of hopeless despair I experienced. Very few other films have ever portrayed that experience better.

To me, this message is important. I think people don't really understand how difficult being gay can actually be, and this film presents how internally destructive homophobia is. That may be difficult to accept, but it's no less true, and I think everybody needs to know it.

I guess, very few people will ever understand the internal struggle the two are going through. The film is no celebration, but a warning. Not everybody will accept that dark reminder, but I think it's important, nonetheless.
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Nothing else compares to the genuine love and pride
31 March 2024
Why are the Brits the only ones who can offer up some positive gay role-models? It's entirely rare for our youth.

To this very day, Beautiful Thing remains my all-time favorite gay movie ever made. It remains the only gay movie which does one thing which almost no other gay movie has ever attempted, and absolutely no other movie has ever done better. It presents gay love in an actually positive light, and as an actually "beautiful thing" to be proud of.

Sure, there are other movies which have a positive message against bullying, and homophobia, but Beautiful Thing goes beyond that. It presents the reason the two boys have affection for each other in the first place as being selfless, and self-sacrificing. Without hesitation, I can honestly say that I've never seen a more positive presentation of gay love, ever.

However, more than that, it's the way in which Jamie doesn't wait for confirmation or permission. He decides to risk it all, and give Ste the love and affection Jamie decides Ste rightfully deserves. It takes a lot of pride to know that you have that good in you, and to boldly offer it without hesitation. This film really nails the genuine compassion and affection which drives same-sex love. It makes me feel proud and determined to be the beautiful person I'm created to be.

While it does offer some brief nudity, and is certainly full of sexual innuendo, it merely implies the sexual activity, and only just enough. This film never celebrates the boys' lust; only their genuine compassion and affection for each other, and ultimately themselves. I wish other gay movies could also be so positive, and avoid being so lascivious and carnal. Unfortunately, this is the only one which really seems to understand what gay love is really all about. All that other stuff is just lust, and has nothing to do with true love. Such a shame, but that's Hollywood for you.

That fact alone would be enough. However, we're also treated to a very realistic portrayal of urban gay youth. There's plenty of sex, drugs and partying. However, it's not an indulgent film. The two boys aren't the ones indulging. In fact, they seem surprisingly well-adjusted, if only a tad rebellious. I mean, Jamie does like playing hooky from his school. However, it's totally understandable why he does it, unlike other teen rebel movies, where they do things for merely its own sake. In fact, the two seem the most sane people in the village by comparison to their environment.

You definitely NEED to watch this movie! Everybody does. I think the reason this film continues to stand out to me, to this very day, is the fact that it's one of the only films, and the very most effective film at making me feel proud of being gay. Every other gay film feels a little dark, by comparison. This one in particular shines so bright with hope and affirmation that I will never forget that feeling of self-acceptance and pride that it gave me. That is its magic.

Straight or gay, everyone who has an interest in gaining a better understanding about what true love is really all about, and how to love boldly and spiritually needs to watch this film. Everyone could benefit from it.

Also, the soundtrack is incredible. I would never have liked that style of music, but this film made me love it. One part which was a little more my style is the dark humor. I love the part when the mother tells the son he should be shot. It's delightfully full of witty brit humor, throughout.

It is kinda obvious that it was originally written as a play, but that doesn't spoil it. Instead, I feel that only adds to it's charm.

Best and most unforgettable opening line in any movie: "BALLS, Mr. Bennett!"
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Hidden Kisses (2016 TV Movie)
The perfect gay teen movie
31 March 2024
What's not to love about this one? It's probably the most perfect gay teen movie ever made.

It has it all. The self-denial. The bullying. The parental rejection. The social stigma. The hidden romance. The secrets exposed. The forced coming out. The beautiful teenage boys.

It's tries to cover literally every gay stereotype imaginable. Perhaps, it tries to be a little too perfect? I mean, every gay teen needs there to be a movie like this, if only to exist. It's so important to cover all of these serious topics. The movie does an excellent job presenting it all. In fact, it's a really well-made teen movie, and I think straight people could even relate to it.

It's only possible flaw is that it seems a little too surreal. Possibly due to the fact that it's so first world, and so white middle class, at that. I think that's OK though, because we're talking gay teenagers and their struggles, and that remains valid. Such people do exist, and they need a movie, too. Had it released a decade earlier, I think nobody would've thought any different. It kinda feels like it was, because it has that afternoon special kinda vibe, at times. Maybe a little 90s TV movie, even? But please, don't let that spoil it for you.

Personally, I highly recommend it. I think a movie like this needs to be in everybody's collection, just to own it.
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Wasn't convinced the first watch-through
31 March 2024
I'll admit, I had to watch this movie more than once to completely understand it. I was confused about what actually happened between the two, and I guess I was expecting something more to develop. I may have been biased by the fact that I was expecting it to go places it never did, and so I didn't enjoy it as much the first time through.

However, after watching some similar movies, like Close, and having foreknowledge that this isn't intended to be a gay romance film, it made better sense to me the second time around. Accepting it for what it is made me appreciate it more.

The whole thing is a bit childish, and I guess that's the whole point, isn't it? It's not really my favorite one of these "friendship gone wrong because of gay bullying" movies. However, this one does manage to cast Josh Wiggins as the protagonist, and that's A-OK with me.

It does have some really good humorous moments, and is actually entertaining to watch. It doesn't come off overly serious or preachy, as some others of its kind tend to. It was just a little confusing because of the way it presents what happened between the two boys, and that made me struggle to enjoy it the first time. I feel like they could've resolved it a bit better in the end, and wasn't too crazy about where leaves things as it ends.

Though it's not the top lister of its kind, I'd recommend it, with enthusiasm.
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Summer of 85 (2020)
Sad but dreamy
31 March 2024
This one left me with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's a very dreamy gay romance. However, it then slaps you with the cold reality of just how unromantic gays can sometimes be. It manages to be both surreal, yet a little too real.

It begins so wonderfully sweet, even if it is a bit carnal. It would've been nicer if there had been more compassion and affection. Perhaps, that's partly what leads to where it ultimately goes? Perhaps, it was doomed from the start. I guess, we're supposed to feel sorry for what happens to the protagonist? However, I'm left feeling as though he should've handled it better. While his reaction is understandable, it was a little selfish and unfair. He kinda deserves what happened.

It does manage to be a very watchable movie. It has some real dream-like quality. The boys are quite fetching, as well. I'd recommend it.
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It's very good, just not as good as the hype
31 March 2024
Personally, I'm very moved by the fact that this film covers a rather controversial subject, and manages to pull it off so beautifully. It's far from perfect, but it does manage to be very watchable, and re-watchable.

Not many films will cover age gap romances. At least, not many gay films. I like how it shows how the precociousness of youth can sometimes be so enticing. The relationship between the boy and his older friend manages to seem actually compelling. It feels nostalgic, yet fresh.

However, I felt like there was no genuine chemistry between the two actors. I've seen low budget B-movies with more convincing chemistry than this. Timothy did OK, but the older guy felt so unnatural. The whole thing felt a bit forced, to me. Clearly straight actors struggle to play gay roles, and this was even more complicated by how straight the older actor is. He doesn't have any gay passion to speak of, at all. He comes off feeling a bit creepy, IMHO. Not the sort of man a gay youth might seduce. It was awkward, and merely good enough. It's only saved by how good the directing and ending was.

It would've been a lot better if there was more chemistry, and if they had better understood the driving factors behind age gap gay romances. They made it feel lascivious and carnal, while age gap relationships tend to be more about the affection and compassion. So, it fails to covey reality very well. In fact, it casts the whole thing in a bit of a negative light. Fortunately, it was saved a little bit by the ending. That was the real tear jerker moment, for sure. I just wish that had been a little more consistent throughout the rest of the film.

Definitely recommend this one, since it's such a rarely covered topic. The voyeuristic scenes of Timothy closeup, and frequently shirtless is also totally worth it.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Positive role-models
31 March 2024
At long last, some positive role-models for gay youths! I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed the first season. I mean, it's totally unrealistic, and obvious fantasy. However, it's so positive, and I like how it highlights how gay romance SHOULD be.

One of the most compelling aspects is how it reminds me a bit of Beautiful Thing. I like that positive and supportive element in the relationship. Perhaps, I'm a little biased. I think, relationships should be about adding to, and expanding upon one's life. Most gay romances are so lascivious and carnal. It's nice to see one so beneficial.

It's also presented in such an adorable sort of way. Even though it is a little preachy, it doesn't feel that way. It manages to provide a really positive example of how to be a good gay boyfriend. Really, just a good boyfriend in general; not necessarily a gay one. Yet, it doesn't feel like it's preaching, and is totally sweet, and adorable to watch. Most loveydovey stuff makes me want to puke. However, this one manages to make me feel that longing feeling, like I really NEED some of that in my own life.

The only thing I don't like is How Charlie treats his ex. I mean, I get that it's trying to preach about how NOT to be. However, I feel the punishment is a little harsh, and his actions, while understandable, are regrettable. I feel like he should have a real heart-to-heart with his ex, and give him a chance. He's only human, and should be allowed to make mistakes. If he has honestly learned his lesson, he ought be forgiven. I'm not saying that Charlie should date him, again. Maybe it would be too risky to be friends, if he might interfere. However, Charlie is way to harsh on him, and that's not even fair. I was hoping they'd work things out by the end of season two, but I suppose that wouldn't leave much for season three.

Hopefully, there will be a season three, and things will finally get real. It would be a little predictable, but totally realistic if Charlie were to finally forgive his ex for being human, and wind up cheating, because he's getting bored of Nick. Honestly, who wouldn't get bored of all that, after a while? However, do we really need to see all that? I mean, that's totally been done to death. Maybe they'll surprise us, but I really think the show is pretty finished. The boys are getting to be a little too old for high school, anyway. Sadly, it can only get worse.
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Surprisingly better than one might imagine
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie. It doesn't strike me as the sort of film I'd be into. It's VERY country, and very UK/Irish. It's a little more realistic and serious than I'd usually care for. I guess, that's why it's so surprising. The fact that it's so specific, yet so relatable.

Whoever would think that a movie about a gay country boy working on a sheep farm for a season would be so compelling? Especially, considering I'm personally entirely opposed to animal exploitation, I couldn't believe how much sympathy I felt for the protagonist. It doesn't pull many punches, and shows some pretty disgusting elements of animal husbandry most of us would prefer not to witness. Somehow, it only adds to the emotional element of the struggle as it unfolds.

I like how it could appeal to a more conservative and very country audience. It's rare that they could find a fresh gay romance they could relate to. It's a bit like Brokeback Mountain, in that regard.

I'd recommend it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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Firebird (I) (2021)
Not as good as the hype, but good
31 March 2024
I have to be honest, I liked this movie. However, I felt like it was a tad overhyped. Now, it was groundbreaking considering it was made in a former soviet republic nation. That alone is worth some hype. In fact, I'm going to recommend it as a good movie to watch. It's actually quite good. However, I did feel like some of it felt a little cliché, and a bit childish.

It would be a good movie for a younger audience, who might feel more persuaded by it. Perhaps, I'm being a little unfair because it just wasn't up to my personal standards. I think I would've liked it more if I'd seen it as a child, or younger teenager.

I did enjoy watching it, and it's really cool that it's based off a real story. I just wish it had felt a bit more serious, and less childish. Totally worth a watch, though.
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