
38 Reviews
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Jai Bhim (2021)
The film depicts the story of justice in an environment where the executors of justice are corrupt.
7 December 2021
The story of the film is an excellent crime story that the pieces of the story are well put together and the viewer enjoys following this criminal puzzle. What has contributed to the film's appeal and excitement is the very heated and challenging court battles that nail the viewer to the foot of the film. In general, the film has a very deep story and looks at the issue of justice from a good angle and impresses the viewer and well explains the corruption of justice administrators in third world countries, And it shows that there is a very long way to go to establish justice in these countries.
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Five Star Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
The film tells the story of families who do everything they can to help each other.
1 December 2021
The film has a good love story that is told in a lovely Christmas atmosphere and conveys a good feeling to the viewer. The happy atmosphere full of warm colors gives the viewer a feeling of love at Christmas and with its comedic and funny atmosphere, it creates happy moments for the viewer. In general, the film has both a good romantic and family part and a happy comedy that makes the viewer feel good.
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Hellbound (2021– )
The film tells the story of the administration of justice in a world that does not seem to work for human rights.
1 December 2021
The story of the film uses a subject that, although repetitive, can always be interesting, but the slow process of the story and deviating from the main path in many parts of the film causes the viewer to become frustrated with the series too soon and to be boring. The use of poor special effects and incomplete criminal process are other weaknesses of the film. In general, despite the good subject, the film has not been able to expand the subject well, and it is surprising why such a large amount of publicity has been done on such a low-quality series.
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The film tries to portray the lives of artists whose career path changes with a turning point in their lives.
29 November 2021
The story of the film is a true story and is based on the life of a writer and is quite tangible and understandable to the viewer. Although the drama part of the film is full of hardships and difficulties of life, but the film is narrated in a happy atmosphere and full of energetic songs, and this makes the viewer eagerly follow the film. Its excellent editing has also made the viewer connect with the motivational part of the film. Overall, the film has a powerful drama story and a happy and lovable musical part that contributes to the film's appeal and completely satisfies the viewer.
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Spencer (2021)
The film tells the story of characters who, despite living in royal families, consider themselves close to the common people and do not enjoy royal life.
28 November 2021
The story of the film is a biography and deals only with a few special days of Princess Diana's life and is a simple and relatively boring story, but as it goes on, it becomes more attractive and seems to have more of a propaganda aspect for the British royal family. But what satisfies the viewer and keeps the film going is the very brilliant acting of Christine Stewart, which the viewer enjoys to the fullest. Other good aspects of the film are the good atmosphere and the excellent scene design, which illuminates the royal atmosphere for the viewer.
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The film depicts the same battle between good and evil as in the previous episode.
27 November 2021
The story of the film, like most superhero films, is weak and the script has nothing to say and has a weak process that does not tell any particular story to the viewer. Its only advantage over the previous part is the initial part of the film, which has a relatively good comedy, but the further the film goes, the more it disappoints the viewer, and ends with a weak and amateurish battle.
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The series tries to portray the story of lives in which the betrayal of one of the parties complicates the relationship.
26 November 2021
The story of the film is a love story that has a powerful drama section and always shocks the viewer with the complexities of the story in different places. What amazes the viewer in the film is the depiction of a complex and turbulent relationship that illuminates a new form of relationship for the viewer. The film is full of dialogues and two-person sequences that the viewer can not miss even a second of conversation. Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaacs' very good games, which are full of emotion and full of love and hate, give the viewer the ultimate pleasure so that the viewer feels that he is witnessing a couple arguing closely. In general, the series has both love and hate, and in many moments the border between them is indistinguishable, and it is one of those romances that can not be missed even for a moment.
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Charlatan (2021)
The film tells the story of corrupt people who encounter people who have been oppressed.
23 November 2021
The film has a repetitive and amateurish story that, although it tries to inject emotion into the film with its incomplete script, it does not succeed. Although the director has tried to increase the depth of the film with a black comedy, Which makes all the actors appear at their lowest level disappoints the viewer from watching the movie.
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The film tells the story of strategic wars that have a significant impact on the fate of major wars.
22 November 2021
The story of the film is of the same kind as the usual war stories, but in this film, the drama part is more than the war part of the film. Using tangible and influential characters and war scenes, the film was able to take the viewer into the dark war atmosphere of that time with a well-combined soundtrack and portray the crimes of that time well and immerse the viewer in painful emotions. Victims of war. In general, the film has tried to create a good variety in the film with different sequences and different stories for each character and group and to satisfy the viewer.
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One Summer (2021 TV Movie)
The film tells the story of families who, even by losing one of them, try to preserve the family in any way.
20 November 2021
The film has a family love story that gradually moves from its sad part to its happy and lovable one. By creating an atmosphere full of intimacy, the film is able to convey a good romantic part to the viewer. In addition, the good music and beautiful songs that it has inside fill the romantic atmosphere of the film. In general, the film has both good drama and love romance, which with its good process, was able to make the viewer feel good at the end of the film and gives the viewer the ultimate pleasure.
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Maid (2021)
The film depicts the story of mothers who, despite their hardships and hardships, carry their children in any way they can.
19 November 2021
The story of the film is a bittersweet drama that always and with timely twists of the story always attracts the viewer. What is prominent in the film is the very good acting of the actors, which gives the viewer satisfaction from the beginning to the end of the story. Although the series plays with the viewer's nerves and psyche in many moments, but it makes the viewer laugh in time and instills a sense of victory in the viewer. The series with its good trend, the further it goes, brings a better feeling to the viewer and finally makes the viewer feel good, and there are those motivational stories that can be attractive to everyone.
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The film tells the story of people who grow up morally in relation to children with disabilities.
18 November 2021
The story of the film is a very simple drama that has dealt with such issues in many films, but it is a subject that will never be repeated. The very good acting of the actors conveys the emotions in the film to the viewer and illuminates the peak of the feelings and problems of the disabled people for the viewer and impresses the viewer in many moments. The atmosphere of the film is so intimate that the viewer at the height of sadness, a smile of satisfaction feels that this is due to the excellent direction of the film. In general, the film injects a good feeling into the viewer with its in-depth story, and it is one of those films that makes the viewer feel good.
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7 Prisoners (2021)
The film tells the story of a mafia in Third World countries that exploits the poor.
18 November 2021
Dostum Film is a good crime story that from the beginning of the story the viewer seeks to solve a simple puzzle that this simple riddle in the corrupt system of Third World countries has become a social problem. The acting is excellent, so that the viewer fully synchronizes with the children of the film and well affects the viewer's nerves and psyche. In general, the film clearly illuminates the social atmosphere of corrupt societies for the viewer and gives a clear answer to the question of how healthy people in a corrupt system gradually become corrupt human beings.
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Red Notice (2021)
The film depicts the world of thieves well, in which no one can be trusted.
15 November 2021
The story of the film is one of those criminal comedy stories that naturally does not have a certain depth and is more for entertainment, and like most theft stories based on stealing antiquities, it has a high appeal. The film is full of action and thrilling scenes that are balanced with a good and funny comedy and with its attractive and lovable actors, it creates fun and happy moments for the viewer.
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The film tells the story of people who are corrupted after popularity and fame.
14 November 2021
Since the film is a biography, the story of the film is quite tangible and well follows the process that a human being goes from zero to peak and from peak to fall. The film can be considered as a make-up artist on stage, so that for every age and every decade, make-up is done accordingly and puts the viewer in the space and time of that period. The good acting of the actors, especially the energetic play of Jessica Chastain, refreshes the viewer. In general, the film has a beautiful comedy love story both in its first half and in its second half, it well shows the story of the fall of a good life, which completely satisfies the viewer.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
The film tells the story of criminals who commit crimes as a family.
13 November 2021
The story of the series is a very good and fluent exciting story that attracts the viewer with its good narration process and attracts the viewer of the series from the very beginning. The very powerful characterization of the film has made the viewer keep up with the characters of the story, and each of the characters in the series has a good and different story for themselves, and those connections within the family are connected in a complex and very strong way. Other strengths of the series are simple and tangible thefts and crimes in which no exaggeration can be seen, and this makes the viewer believe the story very easily. In general, the series has both good excitement and a strong criminal section that the viewer is satisfied with.
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The film depicts the story of good and evil in a fantasy world and shows how human heritage has an impact on their future.
13 November 2021
The story of the film is a very good and powerful adventure story that has a very good narrative process. The breathtaking start of the film nails the viewer to the foot of the film. The film has the utmost excitement and charm, which at the height of the excitement is balanced with a very funny comedy, and this comedy keeps the viewer happy from the beginning to the end of the film. The atmosphere of the film is narrated in a very lovable fantasy world, which creates a beautiful world for the viewer by using eye-catching images and using the strange creatures that are inside it. In general, the film has a deep story and a lot of excitement and charm, and with its mythical battles and artistic special effects, it gives the viewer the best feelings and ultimate pleasure.
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Sardar Udham (2021)
The film tells the story of revolutionary youth who sacrificed their lives to free themselves from colonialism.
11 November 2021
The story of the film is based on reality and it is a very deep and painful story of British colonialism that breaks the heart of every viewer. The atmosphere of the film and its very good editing have made the character intended by the director very tangible for the viewer and completely stimulates the viewer's curiosity. The film is well able to express the oppression that the colonial countries impose on the weaker countries and awakens the viewer's mind.
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The film depicts the same story of the battle between good and evil in the modern world.
10 November 2021
The story of the film is one of the usual exciting stories of this series, which nails the viewer at the foot of the film with its breathtaking beginning. Of course, this series deals with the life of James Bond a little more, and this has made the film somewhat different. Excellent soundtrack with the same background that separates the soul from the viewer's body takes the film to its peak. In general, the film is full of action and thrilling scenes, and with its attractive and lovable actors and eye-catching images, it gives the viewer the utmost pleasure and entertainment.
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The film tells the story of geniuses who suffer from mental illness due to high intelligence.
9 November 2021
The story of the film is very tangible since it is based on real life and a historical biography, and with the delicate comedy that is mixed with it, it has created a lovely atmosphere for the viewer. What stands out in the film is the very good play of Cumberbatch, who, although he plays a difficult role, plays it well and acquaints the viewer with the spiritual, moral and behavioral characteristics of Louis Wayne. Very good atmosphere from the nineteenth century takes the viewer to that time and with beautiful images and romantic environment along with the difficult moments of life gives the viewer the ultimate pleasure.
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Finch (2021)
In the form of a science fiction story, the film tries to depict the impact of climate change on human life.
8 November 2021
The story of the film is a very interesting science fiction story that has good depth and makes the viewer think in many parts of the story. In addition to its powerful drama, the film also has a very good comedy that the viewer enjoys. What stands out in the movie is the very good Tom Hanks game, which is one of those brilliant movies. The film is also very good technically, and it is the structure of the film robots and their movements that makes the emotions inside them wave and delight the viewer. All in all, the film has both a good story and a good post-apocalyptic atmosphere, showing the viewer with an intimate and entertaining environment that creates a lasting frame for the viewer with its brilliant ending.
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very bad
6 November 2021
The film has a repetitive story that all parts of the film can be guessed from the beginning and with its slow and weak process, the viewer gets bored. Poor script without any charm and excitement is another weakness of the film. Although the film uses good actors, but due to the poor direction of their acting, it is very bad and artificial. In addition, the bad atmosphere of the film has caused the viewer not to establish a good relationship with the western part of the film, and most of the old buildings look completely artificial, and ultimately disappoints the viewer in all aspects of the film.
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The film tells the story of secrets that are revealed after the murder of human beings.
5 November 2021
The series has a very powerful crime story that the different parts and puzzles of it are well matched and the viewer enjoys following it. What is very brilliant in the film is the very good acting of the actors, who are good at both the drama part and the comedy part, and they make the viewer laugh in a big way. The lovely characters of the series, which is due to the powerful script and good characterization of the series, the more the viewer communicates with the characters of the story. In general, the series is both a powerful crime and a happy and funny comedy that completely satisfies the viewer and puts the viewer waiting for the second season with its enigmatic end.
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Lamb (2021)
The film depicts the story of human adaptation to the situation.
4 November 2021
The story of the film is a simple and mysterious story that at the same time has a deep philosophy. The atmosphere of the film is very strange and at the same time unique, which from the very beginning of the film drowns the viewer in the cold and foggy air of the film and the smell of sheep, and tries to make the sadness of the story tangible for the viewer. The film is more mysterious than scary, and the viewer is immersed in this mysterious atmosphere until the end of the film. Finally, with its strange ending, the film shocks the viewer and greatly illuminates the depth of the story and philosophy of the film for the viewer.
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The film depicts the story of people who do not stop fighting until the last moment.
3 November 2021
The film is one of those motivational stories that goes through the constant process of turning a weak human being into a strong-willed human being, but the form of the story is relatively new. The film is full of action and exciting scenes that take place in a closed space and is always attractive to the viewer. In general, the film attracts the viewer with its exciting story and after seeing it, it receives a good feeling from the film in terms of motivation.
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