IMDb Polls

Poll: IMDb Poll Board's Ending Rewrites

The IMDb Poll Board members have re-written some movie endings.

Which of these alternate endings would you want to be released?

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    Dead Ringers (1988)

    NVanKerr's rewrite: It is revealed that there really *is* only one brother; Bev. Elliot is a more extraverted and confident persona he created in his youth; his friends and colleagues tolerate his delusion due to his medical brilliance. In the end, he fully connects with Claire, realizes his delusion, and they live happily ever after.
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    Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

    dan_dassow's rewrite: After the T-800 dissolves into the molten pool the T-1000 reconstitutes itself yet again as Sarah and John walk away oblivious to the new threat.
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    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947)

    mark glass's rewrite: It turns out that Mitty isn't daydreaming. He's accidentally found a tear in the space/time continuum, and keeps inhabiting different versions of himself in parallel worlds. Once he understands this, Mitty can travel among them at will to experience infinite alternatives to his Milquetoast existence on "Earth One".
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    Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

    ElMaruecan82's rewrite: Latika is in a street full of people watching the game, she hears someone say "Answer A". Then she hears the phone ringing on TV, she realizes she left it in the car then we're all like "Faster, Latika!" What a hell of a climax! At the end, not only she makes Jamal rich (following the pattern that everyone that counted in his life made him know the right answer, that it was destiny and not pure luck*) but she also declares her love.
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    The Birds (1963)

    NarniaIsAwesome's rewrite: Melanie, Mitch, Cathy, and Lydia drive away from the house to the next nearest city. Once there, they see that the city has been overrun with giant aliens that emit high pitched frequencies, who have destroyed everything. They then realize what happened: the birds were driven crazy by the sounds, and flocked further and further away from the aliens. As the extra-terrestrials close in, they continue to migrate. The film ends with Mitch turning the car around and heading back home, in silence, with the exception of the frequencies.
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    Pulp Fiction (1994)

    ACT_l's rewrite: Vincent Vega shoots and kills Marsellus Wallace, grabs Mia Wallace and they ride off into the sunset together with the briefcase. Oh, on the way he catches up with Butch Coolidge on his motorcycle and ...
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    Saw (2004)

    goddangwatir's rewrite: A short while after being left in the bathroom by Jigsaw, Adam manages to open the door and sets out for revenge on the killer.
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    Saw (2004)

    Breumaster's rewrite: After Jigsaw leaves the room, it turns out to be the beginning of Judgment Day. Jigsaw is an angel of the lord that was sent to the two sinners to repent their sins openly to save their souls. He informs god, that Adam and Dr. Gordon are lost because they didn't repent. They turned out to be really bad guys over the whole time. So they had to die in darkness. In the end, it shows a few hundred light points over the screen in a view from sky down to the city, to mark where the other angels are. Words of angels accusing the sinners of their sin are flying through the air, as well as thousands of "no I didn't" and a few yes voices, repenting. As the cam zooms away, the audience can see that it happens all over the world, in every house.
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    Into the Wild (2007)

    Brijesh's rewriteAfter writing the farewell note, Chris takes his last chance to go across the stream. He gathers some strength and walks out of the bus. As he reaches half way through, he falls on his knees with hallucinations. He stares at the white Alaskan mountains breathing slowly, looking at the wilderness, thinking about life shared with friends and family as the screen slowly zooms out on him until fades away leaving this an open ending.

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