IMDb Polls

Poll: Misunderstood Movies

Is there a film that you enjoy, but feel like a lot of other people don't like it, simply because they don't understand it? They are quick to point out how dumb it is, even though you're certain it actually has many layers underneath its facade.

We gathered a panel of IMDb users, and asked them to 'defend' some films which they think are often misunderstood. With whose opinion do you agree?

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    Conan the Barbarian (1982)

    Often thought as just another dumb '80s Schwarzenegger action film.

    However, mihailo.razvigor says that Conan the Barbarian is actually quite deep. It explores many themes such as futility of revenge, the power of persuasion, the importance of inner strength, as well as free will, honor, friendship, freedom, and more. It also has a surprisingly poignant performance by Schwarzenegger, as well as an amazing score by Basil Poledouris.

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    Mother! (2017)

    Often thought as yet another weird and pretentious film, from a weird and pretentious filmmaker.

    However, breumaster says that Mother! is a smart metaphor for the world itself. It shows how the human race gets more intrusive and corrupted with each generation, the futility of God trying to save them through His son, and that, eventually, Mother Nature will strike back on humans with wrathful vengeance.

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    Last Action Hero (1993)

    Often thought as a strange mess of things, and a failure for its star and director, both of whom were highly regarded by action movie fans.

    However, NarniaIsAwesome says that Last Action Hero is now being rediscovered for what it is: a witty, hilarious action-comedy that wouldn't have worked with any other star or young supporting actor. A parody of action movies that has everything: heart touching character development, exciting action and humor that is both silly-fun and subtly genius.

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    Fight Club (1999)

    Often thought as a shallow, style-over-substance movie which glorifies violence (it even lead to the creation of the real-life fight clubs).

    However, JamesMovieGuy_117 says that Fight Club is actually a satire that criticizes toxic masculinity, and depicts the extremes men take to achieve their self entitlement of being a so-called 'man'. This movie also has one of the most surprising and best thought-out twists in film history.

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    Dune (1984)

    Often thought as a mess that doesn't take the appropriate time to develop its concepts, and that it doesn't represent the book in its entirety and complexity, directed by someone who was not a fan of science-fiction movies.

    However, thenolanfan says that Dune is actually a complex and coherent film. Not only does it develop a universe with a lot of possibilities, it also makes a good case of explaining relations between the characters, as well as the political relations between the different regions of the world.

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    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Often thought as being too dark and not entertaining enough for a superhero film, while also having nonsensical plot points.

    However, BonaFideBOSS says it was the producers who messed up the theatrical cut of Batman v Superman, and that the only proper way to understand and enjoy it, is to watch the Ultimate Edition (which adds 31 additional minutes). In the following years, people will understand it and call it a masterpiece. #ReleaseTheSnyderCut

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    Spring Breakers (2012)

    Often thought as a dumb party movie which relies on bare skin to sell itself.

    However, Son_of_albstein says that Spring Breakers lures in the kind of audience that would like to see a superficial movie, but actually aims to alienate them. Director Harmony Korine links images, dialogue, narration and music in a way that exposes the triviality, as well as danger that lies in a mindless party culture and the spring break mentality.

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    Day of the Dead (1985)

    Often thought as being too talky, too gory, with characters acting like cartoons.

    However, Ardan Tüzünsoy says that Day of the Dead shows an extremely accurate representation of how humans would behave, knowing they're the last ones on Earth. And even though the zombie make-up and gore are among the best ever, the film doesn't fill a viewer with disgust, but rather, with a feeling of pessimism and brooding about mankind's futility.

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    The Village (2004)

    Often thought as a horror movie with a meaningless story.

    However, joe siegel says that thinking The Village is a horror movie actually hinders the viewer's imagination. It is a lot more complex than that: a psychological study of characters with small elements of terror, which explores the consequences of living under ignorance and wanting to find knowledge, i.e. the consequences of living in a mental village.

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    Pete's Dragon (1977)

    Often thought as a mediocre and forgettable Disney movie.

    However, Djesika says that Pete's Dragon is a wonderful tale of friendship, family and hope. This movie teaches us about the importance of justice and that kindness always prevails. It also has a great cast and some very beautiful and catchy songs.

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